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Leave No Trace

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This one was really slow to start, but once it picked up I found myself really getting invested. I’d definitely recommend to slow burn thriller lovers!

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**please note due to low rating I will not be leaving a public review for this book as I have not paid for it.**

Narrated by Gregory Abbey ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Story by A.J. Landau ⭐⭐

The narrator has a fantastic voice

The cover is really good and definitely a book I would click on in the Kindle store or a digital library.

Unfortunately overall I could not get into this book. It was definitely action packed (which I normally love) but I could not get invested in the overall story.

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This was the first book of its kind I’ve ever read. It was action packed and kept me intrigued the entire time! I did not want to shut this audiobook off - the narrator was excellent. I definitely cannot wait for the next book in the National Parks Thriller series for more of Michael and Gina!

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The combination of National Parks and mystery thriller had me hooked from the start. While I'm not typically drawn to detective, military, or terrorist attack narratives, I found myself intrigued by the plot, although it was challenging to keep up with at times.

There were moments where the story lost me, perhaps due to abrupt transitions (like the NP facts), but the audiobook narrator skillfully reeled me back in whenever my interest waned.
Nonetheless, I suspect that reading the physical book would offer a smoother experience.

One aspect I particularly enjoyed was the depth of the character stories, especially Gina Delgado—who was an absolute boss!

Despite my mixed feelings about the book, I'm eager to see where the series goes from here, and for that reason, I give it 3.5 stars bumped to 4. It's easy to envision this story adapted into a compelling series or show.

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Honestly this is a me problem. I thought I would give mystery another shot, but I realized when it focuses solely on the investigators I'm not a huge fan. It took me everything to get through it, I was just not feeling it. It is super well written and the story is intriguing, I think a lot of people will love it !

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I picked this one up because I was totally intrigued with a thriller set with a national parks backdrop. I just discovered that this book is written by an author duo, and I am curious to learn more about their writing process together and the direction this series is headed. Gina Delgado was definitely my favorite character, although Michael is a close second. I appreciate all of the strong female characters that the authors included throughout the book in various positions. I also enjoyed the tidbits about the various national parks that kicked off each chapter. The audio narration was well done, and it definitely upped the tension and suspense. At times I did lose the plot a bit, but I don't think that is a fault of the writing, but more that I am not a huge military-type person and aspects of the book did get a bit military heavy. I will definitely check out the next book in the series.!

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This book jumps right into the action when an apparent act of terrorism fells the Statue of Liberty. National Parks Services Special Agent Michael Walker is sent to NY to lead the investigation. He arrived to find the FBI has named Gina Delgado to lead the Joint Terrorism Task Force and that there have already been more threats against US Landmarks.

Michael doesn’t have the security clearance needed to meet with the task force. While they meet, he finds a young boy among the survivors with a video he took on his phone just before the attack – – a video with potentially critical info.

Together, Michael and Gina work to protect their young witness and stop the assault on America. All evidence points to this being a domestic group with potential ties within the government. Who can they trust?

This fast-paced, high anxiety thriller kept me on the edge of my seat as Michael & Gina race across the US to stop the attacks and uncover the conspiracy.

I also appreciated the history, facts, and trivia about the landmarks that were added in. I’m fortunate enough to have personally visited most of the landmarks mentioned in the book, so I could already visualize these different places. I thought the extra info helped add even more emotion and connection.

I hope this becomes a series. I’d definitely read more!

4 stars!

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I found this to be a great surprise of a book from a first time duo of writers. Who would've thought that a book about a National Park Service investigator would have such great action? I enjoyed Michael and his FBI counterpart, Gina as they try to track down the group setting off explosions at our national monuments and I adored how every chapter started with a different fact about a national park. I very much look forward to Landau's next entry into the National Parks Thriller series and will recommend this title highly. Thank you to Macmillan, Recorded Books, and NetGalley for the early listen in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The first in a new series by author A.J. Landau (Jon Land and Jeff Ayers), Leave No Trace opens with the Statue of Liberty being toppled by a blast. Fifteen-year-old Danny Logan is a visitor that day, one who is fascinated with boats. He takes some video on his phone of a boat that he tells his father is 'wrong' and not actually a park service boat. After the explosion, Michael Walker who is an investigator with the National Parks Service talks with Danny and the boy's video sets Walker off on the hunt for the terrorists.

Michael Walker's wife was killed several years past when they were both working at Mount Rainer National Park. He lost his foot during the incident. His wife's father is determined to make Michael's life hellish and, as a prominent politician, is well-placed to interfere in Michael's job. Gina Delgado is an FBI explosives expert assigned to the Statue of Liberty case. After a rocky start, Gina and Michael work together as more threats to US National Monuments begin to appear. The two of them navigate through nonstop incidents around the country, trying to save monuments while getting to the bottom of who is behind the attacks. Unknown to Walker, he has a significant connection to the leader of that group.

Fascinating facts about the national parks are offered up to readers, creating an engrossing read. Especially when mixed with the non-stop action in the book.

Recommended for fans of Nevada Barr's Anna Pigeon series as well as anyone who enjoys a good fast-paced thriller. Actor Gregory Abbey realistically voices all of the characters. (When does the first sequel come out?)

.Note: I listened to an ARC of the audiobook, courtesy of NetGalley.

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Michael Walker lost his wife and part of his leg and is now a Special Agent in the National Park Service. He will work with Gina Delgado of the FBI after an attack on the Statue of Liberty. But this was only the first act of terrorism which comes from America's own citizens.

Enjoyed this well written and well narrated novel (I listened to the audiobook). Strong characters who must work with others to save America's future. The National Parks are the central locations for this plotline, which is full of twists and turns and plenty of dangerous situations. Enjoy.

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This first in series grabbed my attention from the start. Non-stop action and settings in urban National Parks combined with conspiracies in this thriller. I liked the trivia and historical tidbits about parks, buildings and places, the backstories of Michael and Gina, and the promise of some secondary characters. The narrator reads so well he disappeared and only the story remained, which to me is the best possible outcome. Characters were clear and pacing and intensity added to the tension. This is the first in a series and I look forward to the next. Recommended.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a review audiobook. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I listened to the audio version of this novel. It is a story about a terrorist attack, an explosion at the statue of liberty. This story is packed with action and has many characters that come in and out of the chapters. At times this made it a bit hard to keep straight at times.
I received an audio eARC copy for my honest review.

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I did not love this, but please do not let my opinion deter you. Looking at the other reviews, I am in the minority. And I didn't hate it- it just wasn't for me for a variety of reasons.

For the first half, I enjoyed the plot. I wasn't a fan of the organization/formatting. I was listening to the audiobook, and I have a feeling that it would have been different in print. The chapters starts with some facts about whatever historical site that chapter takes place in. I actually found it a bit distracting. I think with print, it would have transitioned in and out of these facts easier. And I could have skipped them. It also felt like things jumped around a bit at first. Either it got better or I got used to it, because it wasn't an issue later on in the book.

Now for the second half- the plot was not for me. After Michael Walker and Gina Delgado separated, I didn't enjoy it as much. While a few years ago, I may have said the plot got too far fetched, but after January 6th, things are less surprising. However, I read for escapism and that definitely did not help me escape.

I would have enjoyed it more if it were a police procedural solving a crime in a National Park. Because I did find the National Park aspect interesting and different. However, it just got to be too far out there for me.

Gregory Abbey narrates the audiobook and no complaints.

I received an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a copy of the audiobook to provide an honest review.
The narrator, Gregory Abbey, did a fantastic job in keeping the story engaging.
The premise of this books centers around a terrorist explosion taking place at the Statue of Liberty. The story follows Agent Michael Walker and FBI Agent Gina Delgado as they investigate the attack and try to prevent additional attacks.
While the start of this book was very exciting, as the story continued, it felt confusing and messy. Characters came and left. Locations kept changing. It was pretty hard to follow. After 50% I became bored but continued to listen to see if I could reengage myself in the story. That didn’t happen.
Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the arc of this book.

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Who knew the National Park Service could be filled with such intrigue?

I’ve read mystery/thriller stories that focus on the FBI, CIA, local police, PIs, or attorneys solving crimes, but this is the first time I’ve seen the National Park Service involved. And it worked surprisingly well!

Michael Walker is a special agent with the NPS’s Investigative Service Branch who is assigned to oversee the aftermath of an attack on the Statue of Liberty. The investigation is soon taken over by Gina Delgado, assistant Special Agent in charge of the FBI’s NY field office. Together, these two uncover a conspiracy to destroy more national parks by an enemy close to home.

This book was an adventure-packed race across the US, with interesting facts and descriptions of National Parks sprinkled throughout. Both Michael and Gina are pretty likable and work well together despite a rocky start. And I like that the author includes quite a few different people (esp the native environmental activists) to help them along the way instead of having them be super investigators who solve everything on their own.

I would definitely be interested to read or listen to more books in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for sending this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you RB media for an advanced copy of this audio book.
A thriller you will not want to put down.
This book was different from my typical mysteries, but just as thrilling.
As a natural park enthusiast, I enjoyed hearing facts about parks across the United States. I enjoyed that they would consider where the characters were for each chapter as well.
This book is thrilling and reminded me of a January 6th continuum on a larger scale, making it even more indulging.
I recommend this book to history buffs, and those who enjoy thrillers.
I enjoyed the facts of the native Americans throughout the book as well
What made this book even more compelling, was that in this day and age, this could happen. However, I naively beleive that the government would stop somwthing before the first bomb even went off.
As someone who hikes national parks and has been to all the ones mentioned in this book I was able to picture everything happening in a realistic setting.
I enjoyed the different point of views throughout the book, of which the narration changed though. Linking the first crime against micheal to where he lost his foot and wife to avenging both made the ending worth while. Micheal kept getting punished by his ex-father-in-law making it ironic that he ended up unknowingly working with the man who killed his daughter. This book came to full circle. A must read!

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Imagine a domestic terrorist group targeting Americans at National Parks. Enter Michael Walker, Special Agent with the Park Service, who is an able bodied amputee and he's smart and very capable. He is willing to do whatever is needed to save lives. Also enter brilliant and resourceful FBI agent Gina Delgado who will stop at nothing to save VIPs and her country.

This is an exciting thriller. So much befalls these heros, but they give it their all, time and time again. And there are more than these two heros. Great story!

I listened to the audio version of this book. The narrator is wonderful.

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Big thanks to RB for the approval to read Leave No Trace! I loved the preview chapters of this in the last Minotaur Sampler so was super pumped to get to read the whole book!

Pub date: Feb 27th.

I loved this story and I'd recommend to you if you love:
-political aspects (but really only in that we are dealing with federal law enforcement agencies, the military, potus, etc)
-HIGH action throughout
-National Parks <3
-lots of police procedural (as we are following several law enforcement agencies)

This was SO fast paced, packed with action, some thrilling moments and a big ol' mystery for these agents to solve. I didn't know an investigator for the Natl Parks Service was a thing but now I do, and we have one as the main character here. The characters are flawed but completely likable. They're really well fleshed out and we get glimpses of their backgrounds with (very few) flashback chapters included. This was great to get an idea of what brought our main characters to where they are in present day of this story.

In the beginning the multi-story lines were sliiiightly hard to keep track of but I figured they'd all converge and BOY do they come together with a (literal) BANG. I could NOT read this fast enough.

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Thank you RB Media and NetGalley for this ARC audiobook.

Wow! Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy thriller?! And national parks and monuments!

- Given the amount of significant detail that held true to the settings involved, the pace was not slow and the story telling did not dragged.

- Each chapter gives a quick fact fun/true fact about the national park, monument or landmark that was about to be introduced. This was a different feature that what I typically see in writing and I enjoyed it!

- Great character backstories and development

- Loved the narrator Gregory Abbey. Halfway through the story, I was researching what other audiobooks are available with his narration.

- Given that this is listed as “National Park Thriller #1”, I suspect there is more to come for Special Agent Michael Walker!

4 stars! 🙂

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Name of Book: Leave No Trace
Author: AJ Landers
Series: National Parks Thriller Book #1
Narrator: Gregory Abby
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Publisher: RB Media
Pub Date: February 27, 2024
My Rating: 3.8 rounded up
Pages: 352

Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park Service is awakened by his boss with that news that an act of terrorism occurred and there was an explosion at the Statue of Liberty He is sent to New York as the agent-in-charge. However FBI Agent Gina Delgado has been placed in charge of the investigation as the lead of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Additionally there is a threat of another terrorism attack.
Michael finds a young boy Danny, who is looking for his parents. He and his family had been injured by the bomb but Danny also was taking pics on his phone so may have a photo of the bombers.

I was drawn to this story since it is the debut of the series ‘National Parks Thriller’
I liked Agent Walker and FBI Agent Gina Delgado. I look forward to Book #2 in this series.

Want to thank NetGalley and RB Media for this early Audiobook.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for February 27, 2024.

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