Member Reviews

With its step-by-step instructions, the book helped me to become a little calmer when I think about the upcoming exams. It helps to make a plan on how best to move forward. I like the structure and language of the book because it is written in an entertaining way. The illustrations are also very cool. I now feel a little better prepared with the book and see the topics more clearly.

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Some really great tips both for preparing for and actually sitting exams. The testimonials from other students may encourage those who are more likely to believe their peers than adults. A useful guide for those who find revision daunting or who have not had as much guidance as they need.

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📱E-Book Review📱

The Exam Slayer
Paul Flint


This is the perfect book to have around at this time of year for all those with upcoming exams.... although I definitely wish that I'd had it sooner for my kids.

This is jam-packed with brilliant hints and tips on how to maximise your learning and revision techniques as well as smashing those exams at the end of it all.

Having been though it all a few times with my 3, I feel this is geared slightly more towards those getting ready for GCSEs rather than A-Levels - but lots of the techniques are useful for both ....and beyond!

Lots of the examples are science based - purely because this was the field that the author came from - but this absolutely works and can transfer to any subject really.

I liked that there were lots of real quotes included from pupils who had read this book or used these techniques themselves and seen the difference they made.
And I love that there are lots of places for interaction too.....not all purely reading.
There's even a website to get more help if needed later on.

This would be a brilliant read for those worrying about taking exams or for parents to get some tips on how to help their kids too. Some great advice for those in the home ed community who are wanting to explore taking exams.

A great read and something to have around to dip in and out of too for years to come, or to pass on once the kids head off to pastures new.

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