Member Reviews

Wow did this one turn up the heat! I loved seeing Lor and Nadir grow together as they worked to reclaim Lor's magic. This might be my favorite in the series so far! NJT delivers on the spice and the emotion throughout this book, while also really expanding on the worldbuilding for Ouranos. At first, I was unsure how to feel about the chapters which flashed back thousands of years, but I ultimately think that it adds a lot of context that will likely be important in Book 4. The ending was so wild and such a cliffhanger--Tale of the Heart Queen cannot come fast enough!

Possibly spoiler-y quotes I loved:

"He makes me feel things I never expected to feel. Safe. Wanted. Beautiful. Like my flaws aren't a series of mistakes but rather the essential pieces that make me who I am."

"If anything happens to her, it will destory me. Nothing will put the pieces back together if my father gets his hands on her. I'll be a shattered crystal statue, ground to nothing but razor-sharp dust."

"I've been tending a patch of weeds while he's been growing me a garden."

"Never underestimate the enduring fragility of a man who suffers from a lack of confidence."

"I need you to understand that someday I am going to make a choice when it comes to my father. One that might show you I'm not a good person, and I hope that you'll be able to forgive me for it."

**I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Five emojis to sum up the reading over here. I may not have a heart any more, but I can't wait for the final book. Nisha has once again made my heart happy and then ripped it out all at once.

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Fate of the Sun King is a book I had been itching to get my hands on after reading the first two in the Artefacts of Ouranos series. I was a little worried though because usually when a book is expected to be longer than a trilogy, book 3 is usually where things start to flatline for me. Thankfully this was not the case.

We dive right back into the world and start to get more pieces of Lor's story. This series is definitely a beautifully painful slow burn but things start to pick up steam in this one and I am here for it! We get multiple POVs which I always enjoy since it always helps the story feel faster paced and I am less likely to lag and lose steam. Nisha's writing is so enjoyable and easy to get caught in and not stop. I could not put this down and was screaming by the end, because warning! Crazy cliffhanger in sight. But, thankfully book 4 is set to release not long after this one so we won't be heartbroken for too long.

Thank you so much to Nisha, NetGalley, and Forever Publishing for this ARC! Fingers crossed I'll get book 4 because I will not be able to wait for that one's publication date.

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I REALLY enjoyed this installment of the Ouranos! The ending quite literally ripped my heart out, so get ready for that… but the growth, the love, the burn🥵🥵
So well done that you’re left begging for the next one!!

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This series is everything! Fate of the Sun King makes it so much more! It’s full of intrigue, adventure, secrets and history revealed, magic, and such good spice. They finally get over themselves and get together in this one as Nisha promised!

I was on the edge of my seat and couldn’t put it down. I almost threw my kindle at times! It was an emotional roller coaster in all the good ways until my heart was ripped from my chest! Which I loved and can’t wait for the next book!

If you wanted more Gabriel from book one, then you will get more of him in this one! We get more about his relationship with the Sun King, more about the Sun King and of course his fate!

Lor continues on her mission of self discovery and vengeance! I love how bad@ss she is and her banter with Nadir the Aurora King! Their story and adventure is so good! Must read! And check out some of my favorite quotes.

“The blood of your enemies, Lor. Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire.”

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✓ Intricate world building
✓ Royalty
✓ Enemies-to-lovers
✓ Fated mates vibes
✓ Slow burn picking up steam
✓ Magic
✓ Found Family
✓ Political Intrigue
✓ Multiple POV
✓ Past & Present
✓Mind the cliff

Book 3 in the series 'Artefacts of Ouranos' gives us another piece to the puzzle, further building on the first two books. The multi-book slow burn picks up steam, we learn more bits to the story with multiple povs, and there are still definitely some characters I'd ove to see unalive. The character glossary at the beginning of the book was helpful in reminding us who was who and what their role in the series is. I loved this helpful guide. I still love Nisha's writing, her author voice is one of my favorites. There was no surprise, I couldn't put the book down. I can not wait to see how she will end this series.

“The blood of your enemies, Lor. Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire.” -Nadir 🥵🔥
"If anyone dares lay a hand on you, I will make them bleed. I once broke a woman's arm for stealing my soap, imagine what I'd do if someone hurt my mate." - Lor 👏🏻

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I really enjoyed the book, the series as a whole is well written and the story is compelling. I had previously purchased the first two books in this series for our library and the response has been great! Our clients have been requesting this series. I have also now purchased this book for our library and with the cliffhanger it ended on I’m eager to purchase the 4th book as well for our readers once it becomes available.

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I am absolutely in love with this series and was very excited to see what happened next.. already preordered the last book so I’m ready to jump into that when it’s time. I love the characters and the world and just everything. Definitely one of my favorite authors!

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The book had me hooked from the dedication page! I find that many book series start to lose me around book 3 because they often are "filler" but this book was the opposite. It was still very plot-heavy as well as romance-heavy. Nisha has done a wonderful job with a slow-burn enemies to lovers romance and I am so excited for book four. I also loved the side characters - they really added dimension and a whole lote of feelings throughout the book. Nisha truly knows how to make it so each character is unique and adds something special to the page. Also the ending cliffhanger - waiting until November is going to be tough!

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What to expect from this book? (Review in English first | Reseña en Español debajo)

✓ Royal faes
✓ Political affairs
✓ Enemies-to-lovers
✓ Fated mates vibes
✓ Slow burn starts burning
✓ Magic
= All a book girlie wants ❤️‍🔥

My rating: 4.5 ⭐

This is book 3 in the series 'Artefacts of Ouranos', where Lor is navigating her family history to try and unlock her inner magic and be able to face her enemies before they hunt her down. It's told alternating between the past -origins of Ouranos- and the present, and in multiple POVs. I like this very much as it gives us different perspectives of everything that's happening and slowly leads us to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I enjoyed the scenes from the past very much, as well as the ones from the present, and found myself wanting more at the end of every chapter. I also liked the characters' glossary at the beginning of the book to remind us of each of them and their role in the series -it was a magnificent detail-.

I loved the revelations of the political affairs tying the strings behind it all.

As well as I relished -and squeaked- watching Lor and Nadir give into their love and transition from enemies to lovers. The level of devotion of that man!

Fave quote:
“The blood of your enemies, Lor. Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire.”, Nadir

Also, watching how the secondary characters added to the plot, how their lives intertwined, and how many of them became found family was a high point of the book.

I also think Gabriel's POV added a much-needed morally grey side to the story and I suffered alongside him knowing his truth.

Regarding the author's writing, many parts of it were poetical and beautifully descriptive, whereas others felt more contemporary and sort of a big contrast -I preferred the first style better-. And there were a few times where I found myself thinking that some things could have been left for the reader to imagine instead of being explained to us, as of my liking, of course. I did flow through the book, it hooked me completely; the more I read the harder was to put the book down.

Finally, let's address the elephant in the room: THAT EFFING ENDING! How dared you, Nisha? I couldn't form straight thoughts afterward and can't wait for the next installment. I'm highly in love with this story!


Reseña en Español:

¿Qué esperar de este libro?

✓ Faes reales
✓ Asuntos políticos
✓ De enemigos a amantes
✓ Vibes de almas destinadas
✓ Una lenta combustión que empieza a arder
✓ Magia
= Todo lo que una chica lectora quiere ❤️‍🔥

Mi calificación: 4.5 ⭐

Este es el libro 3 de la serie 'Artefactos de Ouranos', donde Lor está navegando la historia de su familia para intentar desbloquear su magia interior y poder enfrentar a sus enemigos antes de que la cacen. La historia se cuenta alternando entre el pasado -los orígenes de Ouranos- y el presente, y en múltiples puntos de vista. Me gusta mucho esto ya que nos da diferentes perspectivas de todo lo que está sucediendo y lentamente nos lleva a armar las piezas del rompecabezas. Disfruté mucho de las escenas del pasado, así como de las del presente, y me encontré queriendo más al final de cada capítulo. También me gustó el glosario de personajes al principio del libro para recordarnos a cada uno de ellos y su papel en la serie -fue un detalle magnífico-.

Me encantaron las revelaciones de los asuntos políticos que atan los hilos detrás de todo.

Y también disfruté -y fangirleé- viendo a Lor y Nadir ceder a su amor y pasar de ser enemigos a amantes. ¡El nivel de devoción de ese hombre!

Cita favorita:
“La sangre de tus enemigos, Lor. Pídemelo, y mataré a cualquiera por ti. Quemaré el mundo hasta las cenizas si lo deseas.”, Nadir

Además, ver cómo los personajes secundarios aportaban a la trama, cómo sus vidas se entrelazaban y cómo muchos de ellos se convertían en una familia encontrada fue un punto alto del libro.

También creo que el punto de vista de Gabriel agregó un lado moralmente gris muy necesario a la historia y sufrí junto a él conociendo su verdad.

Con respecto a la escritura de la autora, muchas partes eran poéticas y bellamente descriptivas, mientras que otras se sentían más contemporáneas y como un gran contraste -preferí el primer estilo-. Y hubo algunas veces en las que me encontré pensando que algunas cosas podrían haberse dejado a la imaginación del lector en lugar de explicárnoslas, según mi gusto, por supuesto. Volé a través del libro, me enganchó por completo; cuanto más leía, más difícil era dejarlo.

Finalmente, hablemos del elefante en la habitación: ¡ESE MALDITO FINAL! ¿Cómo te atreviste, Nisha? No pude formar pensamientos coherentes después y no puedo esperar al próximo libro. ¡Estoy profundamente enamorada de esta historia!

Initial thoughts:
Did I just finish this book or did this book just finish me? (Full review to come)
Pensamientos iniciales:
¿Terminé este libro o este libro me terminó a mí? (Pronto la reseña completa)

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I took a while to finish this because I didn't want it to end. I have enjoyed the series very much up to this point. The writing was much like the previous books, however the plot of the series didn't seem to advance very much. I am happy the characters finally got together but the union didn't give the same energy as the previous books. This ended on a huge cliffhanger but I didn't feel like it was as dire as the author would have you believe. Excited for the next book.

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I started reading this the moment I downloaded it, but I'm behind on my reviews Such is life with toddlers. But don't let my tardiness fool you, I DEVOURED this book.

I'll stay away from spoilers because this book has only been out for one month, but I will say that the cliffhanger has me in absolute shambles. Thankfully, I only have to wait until November for the final book in the series. 🫶

If you haven't given the Trial of the Sun Queen (book 1) a read, what are you waiting for?!? It's the perfect blend of ACOTAR and Fourth Wing. The Artefacts of Ouranos is one of my favorite series. You should read it.

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I was so lucky, I received and ARC for the third tome of this amazing serie.
Even if I waited a long time for this one hahaha as soon as I started it, I got right into it. We find again all our amazing characters: Willow, Gabriel, Nadir, L
or, Atlas (just kidding for this one), Tristan. The amount of time, I wanted to hit his head in a wall, dannnnm he pissed me off.
Lor is stronger than ever, but we also have access to this more vulnerable side that I loved. That showed us even when you show that side you still strong and Nadir definitely helped her with that.
While we at it NADIR dannnnm that man, he is fearless, cute, hooooooot, sexy, sensual, adorable okay i'll top HAHAHAHAH. But seriously no matter what territorial bullshit (Lor knows what I mean HAHAHAHAH) he always stood besides her and let her make her own decisions.
Gabriel grew a lot also in this tome. I mean so many of them I could describe here, Willow, Tristan my little grumpy. I loved them all.
In this tome a lot of questions was answered but i'm left with so many more.
Let me just say, I was on my way to school when I finished the book, OHHHH MY that cliffhanger, I gasped in the bus and people was giving me side eye HAHAHAHHA. Don'y finish this book in a public place (moral of the story)

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First of all, thank you for the ARC!!!
Second, HOW DARE YOU WITH THAT ENDING?! This book was fantastic and I’m so excited to read the 4th book when it comes out! This is such a great series and I’m begging you Nisha not to break our hearts with the last book😩

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I love this book! The whole series! This book will have you crying happy and sad tears. Then leave you wanting more. I can not wait for the next book to come out. Honestly anything by Nisha J. Tuli is amazing, you can never go wrong picking one of her books.

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I really enjoyed the book! This was a fantastic continuation of the series. There are some plot twists, scenes from Gabriel's POV, and more detail on the past. 5 stars all around! Apologies for the review being late, this was my first NetGalley and I didn't realize there was a review option. My goodreads review was submitted in May.

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This book was outstanding and I was so excited to pick up where we left off with Lor's journey to become the Heart Queen. The plot twists and action were super engaging and I couldn't put the book down! The flashbacks throughout the story are perfectly placed and help build up the suspense of the story. I love watching Lor and Nadirs relationship grow as Nadir tries to help her unlock her magic. The cliffhanger ending to this book had me sobbing and wanting the next book ASAP!

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Fate of the Sun King was an amazing read! Finally got many answers but also have so many more questions now on how the Ouranos universe works! I loved seeing the growth of Nadir and Lor, along with her siblings and getting to see them immerse themselves with the crew from the Aurora. I can’t wait to keep reading this series to see how it ends.

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I took my time reading this book because it was sooo good and I didn’t want it to end. But I got to the end and WTF?!!! I can’t believe it ends the way it did. Now we have to wait months before getting the next book. I’m off to go just be in silence for a while so I can process what I just read.

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The rage I feel with the way this book ending and knowing I have to WAIT FOR THE LAST BOOK has me tearing my physical hair out. Everyone raise their hand after finishing the book and constantly your significant has become a victim of your rage ✋✋

I loved this book so much I feel like everything that happened was just great the revenge the betrayal the twists and the turns and the background story to everything that happened is crazy!!

Thank you for the arc opportunity! Nisha does it again!

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