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Keeper of the Scarlet Petals

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I received this book in exchange for my honest review.

I'm not sure how this book got to this point but it is full of errors. That aside, the writing is unfortunately atrocious. Interesting premise but needs serious work.

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Keeper of the Scarlet Petals is about a girl whose main goal in life is to become a Keeper so she can avoid the streets she came from. In the beginning of the book, she spars with and seems friendly with a boy who is also training to be a Keeper. But then he stops showing up to class, and all of a sudden our FMC, Jasmine, is plucked from class and told she's to go be a keeper for a person whose family was all killed. You can guess who she ends up having to protect as his Keeper...

I want to start out by saying I hate that I didn't like this book. There were a lot of grammatical errors and even typos that I'm sure will be fixed come publication, and at first I thought that the author's writing style was going to have me DNFing this book a lot faster than I did. However, the story gripped me and I was interested. Until about 60% of the way through. Let me explain my thoughts up until that point.

I really liked how the FMC was given the flaw of "she's really good at fighting but crap at everything else", but that's about all she had going for her. I felt the characters were really flat, but the plot kept me going, maybe thinking that I'd find something endearing about either of them. To be quite honest, there is nothing memorable about Asher or Jasmine. I was interested to know why assassins were coming for Asher and I REALLY liked the fact that they figured out they were being used as fodder for a greater cause. I wanted to know what that greater cause was! I wanted to understand why they were told to keep it a secret and I wanted to know more about the world.

But, then I started getting confused. Maybe it's the fact that I read really fast and don't take in everything the first time, but from what I'd gathered, Xolani magic = bad. But then Jasmine kept being called a Xolani, and I didn't understand the difference between Xolani magic and Starevin magic. I kind of got a good explanation from Asher when he called them "really shitty channelers" so that made a little more sense and I really wanted to know why he couldn't use magic unless she was touching him, and what that stab wound was and why it was causing these weird tendrils to come from him... but then I hit a point in the book and I wanted to throw it.

Then Jasmine asked if she could kiss him. And then she said the one word that made me DNF the book right then and there. "Mine."

No. Uh-uh. Absolutely not. You do not have her kiss him and then instantly claim him? WHAT? First of all I'm already not a fan of the lady being the dominant one, but if done right I can handle it. But after one kiss and very fast and unnecessary bonk in the sheets and she's metaphorically peeing all over him. Gross. I tried to tough it out and read past that, but it got worse and I couldn't take it anymore.

I wanted to like this book a lot. I really love romance books but honestly I could have done with 0 romance and all plot and I think it would have been a lot better book. I hope this doesn't discourage the writer because the idea is there, and the foundation is there, but the romance was way WAY too quick and just... kinda icky, tbh.

DNF'd at 60%

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I tried but I could not finish! The FMC is very immature and selfish and the banter between her and the MMC is really bad. All the FMC cares about is being the best at fighting and doesn't want to listen to anyone about learning other parts of being a keeper. When she gets constructive feedback, she goes on the attack and when a noble that she's meant to be a keeper for loses his whole family, she whines about how her life has ended because she no longer gets free time. I can't get through the immaturity of the FMC to see how she changes in the book.

This book might interest someone else, but unfortunately it's not for me.

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“Keeper of the Scarlet Petals,” by A. N. Skye

To be a Keeper is to dedicate your entire life to protecting the wealthy you are charged with. Jasmine is in training to be a Keeper after a life of being a thief on the streets. She is assigned early to protect a young nobleman whose family was murdered. The nobleman is drives her mad with annoyance and she struggles with keeping him alive with assassins out to end him.

I really liked this book. It has a lot of bickering and rivals to lover’s trope. I liked that the warriors aren’t just warriors but also caretakers doing tasks like cooking food for their assigned charges, it made the story stand out in uniqueness. The book was on the slow side because not a lot actually happens, it’s a lot of daily things with some action once in a while but I like the world that was built, and the characters were heartwarming and sweet. 4 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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This was a fair read for me.

I enjoyed the characters and their banter but felt the characters ultimately lacked chemistry so their relationship felt somewhat lacking. The magic system was definitely unique and interesting. The post started off strong but ended up slowing down as the book moved forward instead of picking up.

I do feel like this was a fun read and will be enjoyed by others but it wasn't fantastic for me.

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I'm rounding up to 4 stars because I found myself thoroughly enjoying this book and its unique concept. It's a departure from my usual reads, and while it does give off some Fourth Wings vibes, it stands out on its own. My only wish is that there had been a bit more world-building; I'm intrigued by the world and its political structure, and I feel there's so much more to explore.
I enjoyed the two main characters, and I can't wait to see how Skye develops them further, along with the side characters who, while present, could use a bit more depth.
Overall, this book was a joy to read. The pacing kept me turning pages, and I became truly invested in the story and its characters. I'm eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series, especially after that shocking betrayal!

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I was really excited to read this book early thanks to NetGalley.

This is a great book for fans of Fourth Wing though it’s more of a YA audience. If you love the idea of a school or training program from Fourth Wing, that is what appealed to me most. Jasmine is going through the training to become a Keeper, but things quickly change and she suddenly finds herself in a role as a first year trainee that she wasn’t expecting to be in for a couple years.

The romance is definitely more YA, but I definitely enjoyed it. The banter between characters was a lot of fun. It falls in the realm of bodyguard trope, but the girl is the one in the bodyguard role and who doesn’t love a badass female. They also learn to work together and help each other along.

While it didn’t draw me in quite like Fourth Wing, it was still an enjoyable read and I would recommend. The author has created such an interesting world and I can’t wait to see where they go with the series.

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A. N. Skye’s Keeper of Scarlet Petals is a captivating and thrilling fantasy novel that tells the story of Jasmine, a Keeper-in-training who is assigned to protect a young nobleman whose family was murdered. Jasmine had a rough life before she came to Sanctuary, a college for Keepers and mages, and all she wants is to master the sword arts and avoid any other responsibilities.

The author has created a richly imagined world where magic, danger, and political intrigue abound. The character of Jasmine is well-developed, and her journey from a street fighter to a protector is inspiring. The chemistry between Jasmine and her charge is palpable, and their relationship is a highlight of the book.

Skye’s writing style is engaging and fast-paced, and the plot is filled with twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end. The action scenes are well-written and exciting, and the magic system is original and intriguing.

Overall, Keeper of Scarlet Petals is a fantastic debut novel that will appeal to fans of fantasy, romance, and adventure. It is a story about love, loyalty, and self-discovery that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well-crafted and thrilling fantasy novel.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Aethon Books for this ARC.

« Forget if it’s the right thing or it’s the safe thing. For once, I want to do something because I want to do it. » Although she only comes to this on the verge of kissing someone she is not supposed to kiss, and hasn’t even admitted to herself that she likes, this aptly sums up the key lesson Jasmine learns as she trains to be a Keeper. It will not only take her through her duties but will inform her life’s path.

The teenaged Jasmine, abandoned by her struggling parents, was born in the gutters of Rodridge in the kingdom of Whitewater, now threatened by an alliance determined to use magic to conquer and subjugate. When the King suddenly offered her a way out of the slums by training as a Keeper—a rare opportunity for a lowborn—her only thought was the escape promised. But being a Keeper is not altogether a prize. The training, mostly in sword fighting, is dangerous. Once it is complete, they are assigned to a Starvein, a noble with magical powers, whom they must protect with their lives. The survival rate is low, especially since the enemy has increased its attacks and is finding new ways to use magic for murder.

When one of her especially competitive fellow students, Asher, suddenly disappears, the others are told that he has dropped out. Just as suddenly, Jasmine is removed from class and sent to serve as Keeper for a noble, completing her fight training on the job. Even more surprising, the noble is Asher. As a Starvein, his choice of training is highly unusual too. His family has been obliterated and he is in danger. The highly promising Jasmine, who seems to contain a low level of magic herself, must give her all to save a young man far above her station whom she thought she despised. Asher isn’t any happier to be protected by her. Of necessity, that soon breaks down for both of them.

As YA novels go, this one contains all the required elements to entice its readership. There is magic, the fight of good vs evil, the promise and frequent failure of the entrenched older generation. There is adolescent cliquishness and backbiting, but also loyalty and genuine friendship. And there is young love against the odds: very different backgrounds and families, different expectations, a world in danger of disintegration. There is the mystery of who is behind the attacks on Asher, and why, as well as the question of Jasmine’s heritage. At times, the story takes too long to move towards resolution, and I got bogged down in the true nature of the Keeper role, just as Jasmine does. But this is, on the whole, a great start to a new series. And not just for young readers.

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Thank you NetGalley and Aethon books for this ARC! I’m delighted to read this story. Here is my honest review:

After reading the description, I was very intrigued by this book. The premise and world are interesting and draw you in right away. However, I had trouble connecting to the characters and the story. The writing was rudimentary at times. The dialogue sometimes felt stilted. The stakes and plot were just not there for me. And I was a little confused for too long about the motivations of the characters, and why the story mattered to us readers.

I also had trouble rooting for Jasmine initially. She was always annoyed or bored, and that made it hard to stay invested, I wanted her to care so that I could care. The idea of the Keeper and Starveins is still not delineated enough to me, they felt too similar and it made it difficult to stay invested in the story. I would have loved to see a more character choice driven plot drive the story as well.

I did love Asher - he didn't feel very cocky or smug to me. He was actually really sweet and funny and put up with Jasmine, if anything Jasmine was the cocky prick haha.

I think comparing it to Fourth Wing is misleading as the romance is more YA. The romance and world do not fulfill the brief that the description sets it up to be, in my opinion.

Ultimately I think this story has a lot of potential. With some clearer choices up front, specificity in the world, and character emotionally-focused development it could be good.

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Im really sorry but the book wasnt i tought was gonna be
I hard real bad time to read coulsdnt get myself going
It was a hard DNF

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I absolutely LOVED this book! I did notice a few mistakes but they didn’t stop me from enjoying this book. I can’t wait to see where this goes!

The characters are so love able and fun. The plot is also incredibly enjoyable. I am a huge sucker for a forced proximity trope so I adored this book.

-(pg. 6) “You can’t read my mind. You aren’t a starvein…”
A bit awkward for dialogue. Maybe have it be just plain text.
“He wasn’t a starvein, he didn’t have magic and couldn’t actually read her mind.”
Or something like that.
-(pg. 13) “Todays” should be Today’s
-(pg. 13) Ether instead of Esther
-(pg. 101) “We will continue where we picked off” i believe this is supposed to be “where we left off.”
-(pg. 200) “so he could keep leaving in ease.” supposed to be “living in ease.”
-(pg. 202) “Hullo” should be “Hello”
-(pg. 259) “It’s a reason for to win.” supposed to be “It’s a reason for us to win.”

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Jasmine is training to become a keeper when she is thrown headfirst into being a keeper of a young nobleman whose family was killed. She works with her first charge to keep him safe but to also unravel a plot against them. They have to rely on each other for survival!

This book picked up right on page one! And it did not slow down. I finished it in less than a day and enjoyed the read.

I loved that FMC and you can tell she had to work her butt off to be where she is but she is not underestimated. She is a strong female lead.

I enjoyed the MMC very much. I liked his attitude but I really enjoyed the softer sides of him too.

I distrusted far too many characters while going through the book and that prepared me for certain parts but made me laugh at myself during others.

I can usually guess what’s coming with books like this one but it kept me pleasantly surprised.

It was a really quick and fun read!

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This book definitely has potential. I gave it a 3 star because I did enjoy the unique world this author created. However there were so many typos. As soon as I would get into my groove of reading I was stumbling over another mistake. If the mistake were corrected I would have easily given this book a 4 star. It was very engaging and interesting. I loved the look on magic and how it wasn’t just a free for all. I also really like the character build ups throughout and watching them grow. I would recommend this if the errors are fixed for sure.

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Thank you NetGalley and author A.N. Skye for the copy of the book in exchange of my honest review.

To be a Keeper was to dedicate one’s life – and heart – to protecting another.

Jasmine wasn’t ready for it. Less than a year into her training at Sanctuary, a college for Keepers and mages alike, and with a fresh start from a brutal life of thievery in the slums, all she wanted to do was continue mastering the sword arts and avoid her other responsibilities. Those plans are ruined when she's assigned to be the protector of a young nobleman whose family was murdered. Her new charge is cocky, smug, and drives her up a wall at every opportunity.

Forced to protect a man she can’t stand with her life, Jasmine needs to find time that isn’t there to continue her training and keep assassins from killing both of them, all the while learning magic and discovering that there’s more to life than survival. And yet, Jasmine starts to find herself inexplicably drawn to him. In the slums, Jasmine never had room to care about anything other than putting food on the table. But she’s not in the slums anymore, and she can’t keep her feelings tied down forever. Unfortunately, burgeoning love is the least of Jasmine’s problems.

As pieces of a malevolent plot start to unfold around them, she and her charge realize that there might be only one thing left that they can rely on. Each other."

I love the characters and I enjoy the story. I love the banter and the plot twist.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

I enjoyed the start of this but after the first third it slowed down for me. May in part be due to the little world building. I enjoyed the friendships and banter between the characters but the romance felt rushed and lacked chemistry to me. The spice was pretty mild and didn't add anything imo.

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This was a strong start to this series, it had everything that I was hoping for and enjoyed the overall feel of this book. It had that romance fantasy element that I was looking for and enjoyed that it worked with the fantasy element. The characters were everything that I was hoping for and glad it was done well. I enjoyed the way A.N. Skye wrote this and it left me wanting to read more in this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this book has a lot of potential and with editing could be great. Unfortunately, this book fell flat for me -- I would love to see world building added throughout the story, especially in the beginning, and more context provided throughout in order to give the book a better, and smoother, flow while reading. It just feels as though we're missing a lot of details while reading and it makes it hard to feel invested in the storyline or the characters.

I felt like the beginning of the book had zero build up and Asher's character was mysteriously missing within the first 5% of the book with no real character development. The writing also felt choppy to me, switching between different point of views and inner monologue. I would love to see the story refined because it does have the makings of a good book.

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Loved this book and cannot wait for the next one! The twists, turns, and suspense made for an exciting reading experience. I couldn't put this down and read it in one sitting. The way the relationship developed between the two main characters had me rooting for their romance from the beginning. I loved that they both were strong fighters and worked so well together. Eagerly awaiting more now!

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To be a Keeper was to dedicate one’s life – and heart – to protecting another. Jasmine wasn’t ready for it. Less than a year into her training at Sanctuary, a college for Keepers and mages alike, and with a fresh start from a brutal life of thievery in the slums, all she wanted to do was continue mastering the sword arts and avoid her other responsibilities. Those plans are ruined when she's assigned to be the protector of a young nobleman whose family was murdered. Her new charge is cocky, smug, and drives her up a wall at every opportunity. Forced to protect a man she can’t stand with her life, Jasmine needs to find time that isn’t there to continue her training and keep assassins from killing both of them, all the while learning magic and discovering that there’s more to life than survival. And yet, Jasmine starts to find herself inexplicably drawn to him. In the slums, Jasmine never had room to care about anything other than putting food on the table. But she’s not in the slums anymore, and she can’t keep her feelings tied down forever. Unfortunately, burgeoning love is the least of Jasmine’s problems. As pieces of a malevolent plot start to unfold around them, she and her charge realize that there might be only one thing left that they can rely on.

There are some things I really liked about this book. I enjoyed the magic system it was interesting and strange. I've never read a magic system quite like this one. I really liked the banter and friendships in this. The characters did seem a little underdeveloped especially the 2 main characters but I did enjoy them.

The thing I had a hard time with is plot. I was bored through a good portion of the middle of this book. Stuff was happening but it didn't grip me so it didn't feel like the plot was going anywhere. There is a lot of slow places in the pace of this book. The urgent things didn't feel urgent. The characters strength kinda felt like it was thrown in there to give cool fight scenes.

This a supposed to be a enemies to lovers......ya no they liked each other the entire time they were never mean to each other they had crushes on each other from the very beginning. Don't say its an enemy to lovers if it's not. Also Jasmine's character is supposed to be a scary criminal from the slums who clawed her way up to be a Keeper but I forgot she was even from the slums only other characters reminding me at random times did I really remember. There was no depth put into this part of the character and I believe it would have made her a more compelling character.

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