Member Reviews

Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars

Overall, I thought this to be a really solid, well written sequel. I just wished there was more to the characters. I felt very apathetic towards them, like I was lacking any sort of connection. Whish is rough, as a very character based reader. Despite that, the plot was still enough to keep me engaged and interested for the most part, and the writing style helped flow the story along gracefully.

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Thank you for letting me read this ARC, I'm sorry I have not been able to input my review until now.

I overall enjoyed this book, and having not read book 1 I really appreciated the recap of what happened in that one as it gave me a good base knowledge for what was to come - having said that - a bit of a heads up on some of the stronger themes in the book (rape/torture) would have been appreciated as I found this very uncomfortable to read at times.

I liked the multiple POV's and found this helped to move the plot on quickly, keeping the story interesting and keeping it going, so that there were not long lapses in something interesting happening that I would get bored with, and potentially make me DNF a book, that did not happen here.
The rich world-building with history and magic kept me captivated and my imagination engaged.

I would have given this 5 stars if it had not been for the stronger themes making me uncomfortable.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book.

The Judas Blossom was a fantastic historical fantasy novel, so I was excited when the publisher invited me to read the sequel.
The Blood Dimmed Tide certainly lives up to book 1 and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Stephen Aryan's style reminds me a lot of GRRM, as he has many POVs with strong characters, yet the book is more plot-driven and feels just a bit detached from the characters. Personally, this is not my favorite writing style and it is also the reason why this isn't a 5 star read, but I do think that objectively, it is very well done.

I truly value the level of detail and the amount of research that must have gone into writing this. The world is so rich and there are so many interwoven story parts and political powers at play, yet the author manages to make it all flow together into one cohesive story. I never felt lost or confused, and I also really appreciated the recap of book 1 at the start.

The plot was great, it got quite heavy at times, but it was all done well and I was invested from start to finish.

If you enjoy historical fantasy, I highly recommend giving this series a try!

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This book seemed very well written, with a thoroughly developed plot. The magic plotline seemed well constructed. overall, it was a good book, I just wasn't a fan of some of the stronger themes - rape and torture. The characters needed more thought to them I would say. But overall, It's a good sequel to the first book

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What a fantastic sequel! This is what a sequel should be like. It builds on the previous book and really intensifies the threat and allows the characters to grow. Very intriguing and mind boggling. Highly recommend!!!

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This was a great sequel in the Nightingale and the Falcon series, it had everything that I enjoyed from the first book. I was hooked from the first page and it continued to feel like the world perfectly. The characters had that element that I wanted and enjoyed from the writing and this series. Stephen Aryan has a great writing style and can’t wait for more.

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A great sequel to one of my favourite books of 2023

I would say the book has moved more into fantasy, set in a historical setting, but its still ticking so many boxes for me

The writing is brilliantly crafted, it flows and it pulls you along. The imagery is wonderfully laid out and encompassing

My minor issue is that there potentiality are too many PoV. Whilst multi PoV normally works well for me, I think there is one maybe two, too many

Saying that, the character work is brilliant and I can't not wait to see how this finishes

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Kokochin, one of Hulagu's many wives, is forced to track down Temujin, the Emperor’s son who has gone rogue, the Empress holding her lover Layla captive.
Temujin has vowed to destroy his father knowing that his power as a Kozan can’t fall into his hands and joins other Kozan who agree to teach him and influence fate.
Persian General Kaivon is trusted to be the on the Khan's council allowing him to feed information back to Esme, a Persian doctor and member of the House of Grace seeking freedom for Persia from the Mongols.

Thankfully, Aryan provides a recap for you at the start of the book! All authors please do this!!!

This book was just as incredible and heart-pounding as book one!
If you have been following my reviews, you may be aware battles and action sequences quickly lose my interest. However, Aryan kept me gripped with each and every scene! His descriptions, manoeuvrings… Awe-astounding!

It still amazed Zoran that there were so many different bits stuffed inside a body. It was so pink, and some parts were purple. He even saw a beating heart for a few seconds before it stopped. The killing went on and on, but eventually it ended.

The amount of research and Aryan’s dedication is impressive and stunningly displayed. Never boring, he gives up a sprawling look at the movements of different key players. Not to mention, the fantasy element lets him reflect on events even further back such as Jesus’s birth and the Wise Men and who these men of influence and wisdom might have been in the context of this story.

Finally, I have to comment on the characters. There are a lot of POV characters and each chapter tends to be a new perspective. However, I was gripped by each story and when the focus changed, I would get annoyed and then get annoyed again when I had to move on from that character! That is extremely rare to find in a multi-POV story!

”Great men and women can create wonders in their lifetime that last for generations, even centuries. Is that not how humans can become immortal? Extending their reach through history, beyond even our limits?"

Thank you to Angry Robot for providing an arc in exchange for a review!

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The follow-up was fantastic, featuring great characters, world-building, and a surprising, engaging plot. I enjoyed the writing and can't wait to get a physical copy when it comes out. I appreciate the opportunity to read it early and am eagerly looking forward to next book In this saga. Was interesting read and if you enjoy the first book definitely will enjoy this one

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While I definitely enjoyed this, it is absolutely not more normal go to for themes. Action packed, well though out world and character building, STRESSFUL at times lol Looking for an escape from life, pick this bad boy up.

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This book picks up where the first book (The Judas Blossom) ended, and I strongly suggest reading the first book in the series before diving into this one. Exploring the Mongolian empire in the days after Genghis Khan’s death with his heirs — Kublai, Hulagu, Berke Khan — and Timur, who would go on to be Tamerlane through the eyes of spies, mages, diplomats and warriors, this book has a great deal of violence, strategy and politics as they try to live their lives and maneuver around the ongoing violence. There are also mentions of rape and torture which may not be for more sensitive readers.

The characters are not always well distinguished, and I found the writing style to be a little simplistic with a reliance on exposition, with adverbs aplenty to let me know what characters meant by this smile, that frown, or this sigh. Even so, the plot is well constructed and the world and magic system felt fully developed and engaging. I am very much looking forward to book 3!

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This historical fictional story follows the internal strife in the Mongol kingdom between the Khanates (tribes) at the time of Kublai Khan.
Rebels fighting for subjugated Persia try to exploit this to gain their freedom. Central to this is the House of Grace that seeks to encourage and support the rebels through influence and providing finances.
Another group the Kozan, six individuals, with special powers, three for chaos, three for order seek to influence the outcome.

Hard to describe some aspects but try to imagine a novel that combines aspects from novels by Conn Iggulden and those of David Gemel (Game of Thrones) set in an historical context.
A good read.

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A brilliant sequel to a historical fiction series that focuses on groups other than the Greeks and Roman's. Plenty of intrigue and politics, action and uncertainty, this book sets things up well for the next entry.

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It was a fantastic follow up, great characters, world building and a surpring and engaging plot. I truly enjoyed writing as well, as soon as it comes out I will need a physical copy.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to read it early and I cannot wait for the third!

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An amazing and thrilling historical fantasy you won’t want to put down, even when it’s done! I want more!

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Having read The Judas Blossom, I was beyond happy to see the second in the series! And it did not disappoint. It continues the story of war, rebellion and magic. Keeping you engaged throughout. And an interesting twist to the Mongolian Empire. Thank you the the publisher and NetGallery for the advanced copy in return for an honest review! I will patiently wait for #3, cause there better be one!

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I’ve been longing for this book. After reading The Judas Blossom and wallowing in delight with every page I read I had high expectations of The Blood dimmed Tide. And I wasn’t wrong. Stunning. Brilliant. A fabulously crafted story. Sit down and prepare to be transported.

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