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The Godchild

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“The Godchild” is another fast paced psychological thriller. I recently discovered Miranda Rijks and she has quickly become an auto-read author for me. If the book has her name on it, I'll read it. The story grabs your attention and refuses to let go until the final twist. Some parts of the plot are predictable for a seasoned thriller reader. Even if you sleuth out some of the story elements, Rijks injects enough surprises and twists to keep readers thoroughly engaged. The narrative unfolds through a dual timeline, weaving together past and present, adding layers of complexity to the storyline. "The Godchild" is a gripping, page-turning thriller that will satisfy thriller fans. If you love red herrings, secrets, lies, deception, drama, and twists, you’ll want to add this 4 star book to your list.

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The Godchild is a fast-paced, twisty, rollercoaster of a book.
Carina opens the front door one day to a surprise - her seventeen year old goddaughter Alicia. Alicia's mother has died, and when she asks if she can stay with Carina and her family, she can't say no despite not having seen her for at least ten years and feels she owes it to her deceased friend. Alicia is the daughter Carina wishes she'd had with her brains and determination to succeed. But her husband, Don, and children Arthur and Tegan feel something is off about Alicia they just can't put their finger on what...
When Tegan gets accused of a crime, the family starts splitting at the seams, and Carina finds herself facing her dark past. Is Alicia set out to destroy her family, and if so, what will she have to do to stop her?
This was a mindblowing twisty read that flows between past and present-day. I did piece together some of the twists and ending, but it still contained a few shocks and red-herrings I didn't expect.

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📱E-Book Review📱

The Godchild
Miranda Rijks


I have to say that I'm building up quite a good collection of books by this author now and I've really enjoyed every one.
This is my favourite genre and although I do like to check out new authors' works - it's great to come back to those that you know you'll love!
When I spotted the name now, I know that it will be a great read and I'm on auto-buy...

I think in general, the writing style is consistent and so I went into this knowing what format to expect - this grabs you right from the start with an interesting mix of characters.

Alicia seems lovely and it's no wonder she's welcomed by her godmother after there mother had gone missing.
Given the title (and blurb) I obviously wasn't buying this and neither was Tegan (Carina's daughter)

Things then start to go wrong for the family, when Tegan is accused of a nasty crime and I was on high alert waiting to see Alicia slip from her perfect facade and reveal her real motives. I really felt for Tegan and hoped that she'd be able to clear her name before it was too late.

I love how the authoreaves is clues throughout the book as to where the plot will go, but then confuses theories with twists and turns and ultimately shocks us with an ending that we didn't see coming.
I knew roughly where this would end, but didn't put all the pieces together before the reveal.

This was another tense and fast-paced read which I raced through over the weekend. I'm already looking forward to my next one....

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This is a new author to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed her book, The Godchild. When Carina's 17-year-old goddaughter, Alicia, shows up saying she has nowhere to go, Carina lets her stay "for a few days". A few days turn in to weeks and the family begins to spiral out of control. Is Alicia really who she says she is? Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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17-year old Alicia shows up on her godmother, Carina's, doorstep. Carina hasn't seen Alicia in well over a decade, but cannot turn her down. Carina invites Alicia to stay with her family - her husband, her 16-year old daughter, 14-year old son, a young baby. Alicia quickly fits in with the family. She is funny, outgoing, smart, and likeable. Carina is the head of an elite prep school, so she is able to help Alicia fit in and get a great education, Carina's daughter, Tegan, isn't so sure about Alicia, however. Something must be off...Alicia can't be that amazing, can she? And then, the unthinkable happens. Tegan is accused of a heinous crime. The "perfect" family shatters.

Before Carina can figure out what is going on in the present, she has to encounter her past - her college days with Alicia's mom. Does Carina's past have anything to do with what is going on now?

This book was just so predictable. It is still an okay read, but the predicability really took away from the suspense level. This book actually reminded me of a couple other books I have read in the past - one of which "The Family Guest" by Nelle Lamarr. I think this storyline is really overdone - a long last family member (or something similar) shows up to the door and the family lets she or he live with them. Fast forward, this person isn't who they said they are.- surprise! Strange things start happening - oh, surprise, it's the random person you let into your home!

Normally a big fan of Miranda's novels, but this one was just way too predictable for me. Still enjoyed it as I like her writing style and it was a quick read. I look forward to her next novel!

Thank you Inkubator Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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This book kept me awake until the wee hours of the morning. I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to miss anything so I finally gave up and went to sleep, but picked it up first thing when I woke up.
Carina had not spoken to her college roommate, Gina in years. However, when this young woman shows up at her house claiming to be Gina's daughter, and her godchild, she could not turn her back on her. Alicia tells Carina and her family about the horrible life she has had with her mother growing up. Carina tells her husband Don they cannot turn Alicia away, she has no one and no where to go. So they bring her into their home. Carina helps her to get into the school where she is head teacher. Alicia seems to do well in school and settles into Carina's home. However, Teagan., Carina's daughter is not happy about sharing her room with Alicia. She doesn't trust her. Things start happening that will turn Carina's world upside down.
There are so many twists and turns to this story, I absolutely couldn't stop reading. Miranda Rijks does it again. Her books are always page turners and this one is no different. It will keep you reading until the shocking conclusion.

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First, I want to thank MirandaRijks, Inkubator Books, and Zooloo Book Tours for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. OMG Miranda Rijks’ s storylines keep getting better and better with each book she writes! In Fact, The Godchild is one of her best written and most creative writing pieces to date! The Godchild is unpredictable, intense, and totally shocking! Miranda jam packed so many powerful storylines with so many messages in The Godchild. It literally felt like I was reading three books into one. Infact, there are a few storylines that could possibly be turned into a sequel! There were so many aspects to the story that I questioned. Like who would show up unannounced saying they were your long lost Godchild and you have no idea where your Mom is? Carina is way more trusting than I would be welcoming a stranger in the home and letting them stay. I liked that Miranda jumps back to the past where we get to learn more about Carina and Gina when they were younger. Those two were total opposites in their way of thinking and mannerisms. Miranda out of nowhere throws us off the path and in come’s Teagan’s storyline. Even though I loved Teagan’s storyline I wondered how it intertwined with Alica’s storyline-if it did. The Godchild is an addicting, fast paced, intense read that is packed with a lot of good life messages.

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★★★★★ 4.5 stars (rounded up)

Be careful who you let into your home...

Wowsers! This is so not what I was expecting. With a title such as this, I'm thinking something to do with a new baby (especially with that cover) and all that follows in such domestic thrillers. But no. The godchild is not a baby at all. Not even a child. But boy, she is something else!

Carina and her husband Don have been together since their university days and have three children - Tegan (16), Arthur (14) and baby Ethan (9 months). Carina is the head teacher at their local selective school at which her two children attend whilst hubby is a stay at home dad to Ethan working on his novel.

Then one day a knock at the door reveals Alicia, Carina's long lost godchild and daughter of her old uni friend Gina. After the scene she created at their wedding nearly two decades before, Carina has not set eyes on Gina since. And the news Alicia brings tells a familiar tale of woe that seems to follow Gina. Drugs, alcohol and who knows what or where Gina is now.

But Alicia arrives with her bags in tow and nowhere else to go so Carina begrudgingly invites her to stay, if not as a nod to her old friend. Don is not best pleased and neither is Carina's teenage daughter who finds herself having to share her room with Alicia.

And from there, everything seems to go downhill...especially for Tegan, who finds herself the subject of bullying. But it's not just that...mysterious things begin happening...and while the Ruff family's world begins to implode, Alicia is the only one who seems to be sitting pretty. But their bad luck just continues with the death of a student, bullying, drugs and secrets and lies in abundance.

Unfolding through the THEN and NOW format, this is another stellar read by Miranda that is indeed easily devoured in one sitting. Plenty of twists, plenty of red herrings and oh so many secrets, lies and deception. Despite some of its predictability, this is one compelling read that will still manage to shock you even if you can easily figure out much of what it going on.

I would like to thank #MirandaRijks, #Netgalley and #InkubatorBooks for an ARC of #TheGodchild in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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Miranda Rijks has quickly become an author whose work I actively seek out at book stores and libraries. She is so creative and has a great ability to keep you glued to her stories. The Godchild was no different!

The Godchild is unhinged in the best, most entertaining way! When Carina’s estranged godchild comes to visit after years and years, her family begins to unravel. But, whose fault is it? Her godchild, her children, her husband, school students, co workers?! It’s a roller coaster of a ride getting to the finish line.

I gave this 4 instead of 5 stars because, although the plot was great and the story was fast-paced, I did feel that the twists were a little obvious and that can get frustrating at times for me.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend! Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator books for the opportunity to enjoy this ARC novel before its intended released date of March 31.

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It's hard to review this book without giving too much away, so I will touch upon the themes in the book.

If you accept the responsibility of being a godparent, are you still responsible morally if you've lost ties with the child's parent? Carina definitely feels a moral responsibility, while her husband, Don, is not sure the family can support another mouth to feed with their one wage earner family. Her daughter Tegan would rather not have to share her bedroom with a stranger, Alicia, while Arthur is infatuated with her and baby Arthur loves the attention.

If you are responsible for an entire school, where do you draw the line between work and family? Carina must face that question when everything converges at once, creating emergencies both at school, at home, and in her personal life.

Is there ever a time when you should believe a stranger over your own family? Carina is torn between Alicia, who appears to be good, smart and mature, and her own daughter and son whose behavior is less than exemplary.

Once again, Miranda Rijks has written a fast paced, engaging, and suspenseful novel!

Thank you to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Booksprout for an advance reader's copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of The Godchild by Miranda Rijks. This story has a dual timeline, the past and the present. It is a very suspenseful read. It was fast paced and kept me engaged. It is a drama thriller with some surprising twists and turns. This is my second book by this author and she did not disappoint. I would recommend this book to others. A 4 star rating from me.

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I love this Author's books so much. Miranda has a unique ability to tell a story . This had some likeable characters and as always, a couple of misfits. The book flew by and I was shocked by how quickly it was done. I wanted more.

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This book pulled me out of my reading slump!! It is so brilliantly written!! I love the story and the plot twist at the end was chef’s kiss!! 💗💗 I enjoyed reading this book very much

Thank you netgalley for this arc! 💌

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The Godchild was a fabulously twisty book. It keeps you on edge with knots in your stomach almost from the start. I picked the book up and didn’t stop reading until I had finished it a few hours later. I thought I had the biggest twist figured out but I wasn’t even close. The very ending also manages to leave you unsettled, which I love.

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Had I started this earlier in the day, this would have been a one day read. In this suspense novel, a woman who works at a posh private school and lives with her family nearby have a young woman arrive on their doorstep who say she is the daughter of the mother's friend. The woman had been made the girl's godparent. The girl is not what she seems and the family is also not what it seems, with secrets of its own. The story is full of twists and kept me guessing, however, as is typical for the genre, there are moments when you are saying, "Really?" or "Why." For both of those reasons, I am giving it 4.5 stars. Had this book avoided the pitfalls of going to unrealistic plot points, it would have gotten 5 stars, for its ability to have me turning pages late into last night and first thing this morning. In addition, I like the different perspectives afforded by switching narrators every chapter, telling the reader who was thinking and when (then or now). It drives me crazy when authors do not do that because having to figure out who is speaking and when is just more work than I want to do. Kudos to this author for not doing that.
I will definitely be checking out more of this author's work.
Thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for providing me with a copy of this book in return for my honest review.

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Miranda Rijks books are always fun reads for me, because her villains/antagonists have interesting and complex motives!
I really enjoyed this one and Miranda Rijks is definitely one of my new autobuy authors, and I'm working my way through the list of Miranda's titles.
When a stranger arrives on Carina’s doorstep, she feels obligated to let her in. To welcome her. Because Alicia shouldn’t be a stranger at all. As Carina’s godchild, Carina feels guilty for not being a part of her life, and obligated let her stay in her home.
Carina’s husband Don, and her daughter, Tegan, don’t agree, but against her better judgement, Alicia is invited to stay for a few days, which sets Carina's life spiraling drastically in a direction she could never have imagined. I love how the twists were woven into the story, delivering a shocking punch.
Thank you so much for this ARC!

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Carina and her family have the perfect life, she has a well paid job as a head teacher at a private school, her husband Don stays at home to look after their youngest whilst the other 2 attend the school where Carina works, things couldn’t be better. Or so it would seem.

Then one evening Alicia knocks or Carinas door claiming to be her God daughter, she’s had a troubled past and is looking to settle down and get a good education which she cannot get whilst living with her mum who she claims is living the high life in Spain and runs on illegal drugs.

Alicia seems to settle in well, Carina, Don and Arthur love her and she has bonded well with baby Ethan, however Tegan isn’t convinced by Alicia and sees something darker in her that no one else seems to see. Things start to go drastically wrong for Carina and her family and their lives are all turned upside down.

Poor Tegan is put through absolute hell in this book, and things seem to get worse when Alicia arrives. The. When Tegan is arrested for a murder she didn’t commit her family are determined to get to the bottom of who is actually behind this. Tegan suspects Alicia but everyone else is still head over heel la in love with her.

Soon the truth starts to come out when Carina loses her job and has more time on her hands she digs into Alicia and her past and the truth is more shocking than you could ever imagine. Carina begins to question who the hell she has let into her home and who is really living under her roof.

I have to say the godchild is another incredible read from Miranda Rijks I’ve read many of her books and am a huge fan of her work, and this book certainly didn’t disappoint. Fast paced, plenty going on and had the reader on the edge of their seat from start to finish, definitely a book I’d recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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Miranda Rijks kept me riveted throughout this entertaining read. Loved the long ago friendship of the Eena’s - Carina and Gina. Alicia made my skin crawl from the moment she arrived. She was truly diabolical. The family’s reactions to her were so predictable - lust, jealousy, pity, appreciation, with only Tegan seemingly seeing through Alicia’s story. Many of the twists were anticipated and were not shockers until the parentage of Alicia was revealed. All in all a very fast paced chilling read.
Many thanks to Mirnda Rijks, Inkubator books, and NetGalley for providing me with an arc of this engaging read, publishing on March 31st.

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WOW - what a fantastic story. Keeps you guessing until the very last page. It's about a mother doing whatever she can to protect her daughter and her daughter's reputation. When her godchild shows up at the family's home, she invites her in. She last saw her many years ago. As she has no place to go, she is welcomed to stay for a short time. There is a suspicious murder and the mother finally starts asking questions and seeking answers about her godchild. What she finds out is chilling and will keep you guessing until the final page. I highly recommend this book. Miranda Rijks has a way of keeping you invested in the story and staying up all night to see how it ends.

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