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A Single Act of Kindness

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A single act of kindness can change lives....

Tilda Wright is a very tidy and organized individual. Which comes in handy when you own your own cleaning company. Everything in her life is planned and there are no surprises. Things were not always this way. Tilda was pushed away by her family, had a less than enjoyable relationship, and has hit rock bottom. She has suffered loss and pain in her life. She has created a way to protect herself, by keeping others at a distance and having a highly organized life.

Milo has fallen on rough times and is sleeping rough on the streets. He had plans and goals for his life, but he too has hit rock bottom. He could use a break.

When they have a chance encounter, things change for them both….

I enjoyed this warm-hearted book which also touches on real issues such as homelessness, estrangement from family, addiction, friendship, trust, being vulnerable, trauma, and starting over. I enjoyed both Tilda, Milo and of course, Tilda's adopted cat Dettel.

I enjoyed how both characters slowly began to open up to each other and how their growing friendships led to both of them making positive changes in their lives. I adored them both, Tilda with her rules, her organization, and her kind nature that she keeps hidden away. Milo has his own issues, but is caring, funny, hardworking, and adept at nudging Tilda into opening up.

I found this book to be adorable, warm, well written, and captivating. If you are looking for a book that leaves you with a smile on your face, look no further! I look forward to reading more books by Samantha Tonge in the future.

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From being pushed away by her family
To being the independent business owner that others see
Tilda Wright won't let anyone get close again
Rejection and hurt cause too much pain.

A chance meeting with a homeless man on the street -
Who isn't someone she would normally greet -
She's shocked to see her cat with him there.
He needs a break to get away from despair...

He helps her without expectation of anything in return
Maybe she can help him return to the life for which he yearns?
A few days won't hurt either of them now
An act of kindness could help him somehow?

What an emotive read this proved to be
With a dramatic revelation at the end you'll see.
Helping someone else can help you, too,
Changing the future for the better for both of you!

I really can't recommend this book highly enough
It shares hope when things are looking too tough.
A single act of kindness can have such a positive impact
Not just on the recipient and that's a fact!

For my copy of this book, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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What an amazing feel good read, just what we need when life starts to get tough, Tilda has her life in order, if she has everything set out planned exactly as it should be. Then she meets Milo, Milo needs some help and Tilda is the woman for the job!

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Tilda’s routines are how she keeps her life under control – the same breakfast every day (cereal flakes with fruit, five walnut halves, a small handful of raisins and two tablespoons of probiotic yoghurt on top), the same lunch (the sandwich cut in four triangles, a sliced apple, a pack of low-fat crisps and a glass of iced water), the same seven evening meals on specified days (fish and chips on Fridays…).

While she keeps her demons at bay, she runs a really successful cleaning business: she’s even (rather aptly) called her cat Dettol, but she likes to keep him at arm’s length, and she’s not sure they really like each other. In fact, she’d really prefer to keep the whole world at arm’s length – she’s shut herself off from her family (her mother treated her atrociously, and as for her last boyfriend…), and if she doesn’t let anyone get close there’s no chance of them hurting her.

But Milo gets under her defences – a homeless rough sleeper, he helps her out when there’s a problem with her washing machine. And when he needs her help – he’s attacked on the streets, and injured – she finds herself inviting him in, feeding him (yesterday’s leftover beef stew), and allowing him to sleep on the sofa (but only after she’s moved everything valuable). He’s hurt more badly than it looked, and he ends up staying rather longer – but she can put some work his way too, and she rather enjoys his company.

And although Tilda keeps some parts of her life (like her “special project”…) secret, it turns out that they have far more in common than it first appears – they share the same demons, although they choose to manage them differently. In fact, it turns out they rather need each other – the cat approves too – until he tries to bring about some well-meant changes in her life. But, as they grow closer, Tilda becomes more willing to consider alternative options – including a possible reconciliation with her famous footballer brother, helped along by his precocious (and entirely delightful) daughter Riley. But it really was the relationship between Tilda and Milo that entirely won my heart – both of them damaged, both slowly revealing their deeply hidden secrets and finding, in each other, their own paths to healing.

This is a book that deals with some pretty heavy issues – with a few real edge-of-the-seat moments, and not for the usual reasons – but balances them with a warmth, lightness, and humour that was totally enchanting. It’s a book that made me sob at times, sometimes in frustration – but there were so many other times when I found myself laughing out loud. It’s powerful and emotional, really broke my heart before slowly putting it together again, is filled with love, and I adored every single moment – and I really don’t think the author has ever written better. Without question, this will be one of my books of the year – quite wonderful!

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This heart-warming romance follows Tilda a woman who has built her own cleaning business but likes to keep herself away from others after experiencing difficult times.

One day she comes across Milo, who is sleeping rough on the streets. Tilda decides to break away from her comfort zone and offer him a place to stay.

Both have had their struggles in life and soon they work together to try to work out the future of Tilda’s cleaning business.

Will Tilda and Milo work through their troubles? Will a Single Act of Kindness lead to more than a friendship?

This romance is very heart-warming, although for the most part it is about friendship growing after Tilda offers Milo a place to stay.

Both Tilda and Milo’s stories broke my heart, but how they help each other turns the storyline to be uplifting and shows how strong they can become.

It is lovely to see how the two characters change and be the people they always wanted to be.

Overall, a heart-warming romance where a single act of kindness changes two lives forever.

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A Single Act of Kindness by Samantha Tonge

Thank you @netgalley, @boldwoodbooks and author Samantha Tonge for the advanced copy of A Single Act of Kindness. A Single Act of Kindness addresses challenging subjects such as childhood trauma, addiction, and housing instability, this book skillfully balances a reader-friendly and engaging approach. It centers on the value of compassion, the power of optimism, and the journey toward triumphing over adversities. The characters are endearing, and the plot combines expected outcomes with unexpected twists and turns.

Release date for A Single Act of Kindness is April 23

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Yet another great book by Samantha. Beautifully written book with lovely, friendly characters and setting. This one ticks all the boxes for me and didn't disappoint.

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Ah Tilda, a woman who you think you know but she throws you little curve balls throughout this book. Through Dettol her cat ( a fantastic name for a cat) she officially meets Milo and through her act of kindness something lovely develops that helps both her and Milo.
Reading this made me smile, laugh and pulled on my emotions too. A fantastic novel, which leaves you with a smile on your face.


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Although this book includes difficult topics including childhood trauma, addiction and housing insecurity, it is an easy read. Ultimately it is a story about kindness, hope, and recovery. The characters are likable. The story line includes some things that are predictable and some surprises.

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This marvellous book introduces us to two souls unaware that they may be about to arrive at a crossroads in their lives. Neat freak and strict follower of routine, Tilda is moved to help the rough-sleeping Milo after she sees him hit his own personal rock bottom. Nothing about her decision makes sense to either Tilda or me as a reader, but stick with it, as all will eventually be revealed.
I understood Tilda’s need for routine, as it is an easy mechanism to adopt in order to regain control. Naturally, she tries to share the methods that have helped her; he’d be daft not to want the peace and routine she enjoys. Well, experiences rather than enjoys.
Milo, on the other hand, is more relaxed. He subscribes to a different approach to controlling his demons and hopes that Tilda will open her mind to alternative options. However, he is grateful to have been rescued from living rough and to be able to rely on regular meals.
There is a limited cast of characters, from shy neighbour Anushka to Tilda’s team of cleaners, who all contribute to the success of her business. For me, though, it was her footballer brother Logan with his daughter Riley who truly captured my imagination.
I knew that this book would be a powerful read because I’ve seen Sam’s writing evolve with each book. She shares an unusually candid honesty that allows us to glimpse deeper into her personal life with each book. I didn’t anticipate this book would rip off the proverbial band-aid and offer a front-row seat into her personal struggles. Social media has provided a recent platform where this author has spoken about self-care and the restorative power of mindfulness. There’s also been some baked goodies to admire.
I urge you to read and enjoy this book. It absolutely resonated with me, and I genuinely benefited from reading it. It is created with depth, understanding, and a considerable volume of honesty. Sam, I salute you.

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This book follows Matilda, a disciplined woman who owns a cleaning business. When she unexpectedly takes in Milo, a homeless man, and offers him a job and a place to stay, she finds herself drawn to his kindness and charm. Despite her initial reservations, Matilda grows fond of Milo, but struggles with her own rules and habits. As their relationship deepens, Matilda must confront her fears of loneliness and learn to embrace change. Despite some initial awkwardness, Matilda's character becomes more likable as she opens up to Milo and forms new connections. The interactions with Riley, her cat, provide humor and warmth to the story. Overall, the book is a delightful read with a heartwarming storyline.

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Tilda has overcome earlier difficulties and has her own house and cleaning business. She acts out of character when a rough sleeper is attacked outside of her house, inviting him in to recover. This is the start of a tentative friendship.
This is not an easy book to read, but well worth it. It made me thankful that although there might have been a few tough times in my life that there are those who have not as been as fortunate. Both Tilda and Milo have been through very hard times, but are gradually getting themselves together again. There are some hiccups along the way and nothing can be taken for granted, you are kept guessing what is going to happen right to the end.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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Tilda being brave (for want of a better word) to invite a homeless man (a physically large one!) into her home as a single, young woman. And I appreciate books about being good enough for which I have a special shelf on Goodreads, so one to add to that.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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In the book A Single Act Of Kindness by Samantha Tonge we meet Matilda right she owns her own cleaning business she’s disciplined has lots of rules and sticks to them to keep her sanity. So when she finds herself leaning over Milo a new local homeless guy she has no idea why she has brought him to her home after she tends to his bruises and sees what a kind gregarious guy he is she’s further bewildered to hear herself say she can give him a job at her cleaning service and he can continue to stay with her as long as he follows the house rules of course. I mean buying someone toiletries and helping them get over the flu doesn’t mean you know them right? So why is it ~feels so comfortable with Milo and despite her “French Romeo“ E they’re just friends anyway. Except for a couple of times when ~jump to conclusions and totally miss read situation she’s liking Milo there more and more but when her rules and taciturn nature start the fall by the wayside and old habits rear their ugly head Matilda thinks twice about having him there after all. Can Tildad use the new her to make the right decision or will she wants again cause her self to be alone and pretend she likes it? At first I found Matilda‘s personality to be awkward but once Milo moved in she became more and more likable with the exceptions of jumping to conclusions also I really found it hard to believe that someone as smart as Matilda could be swayed by the “French“ E but in all honesty smarter women have fell for less. Having said that I truly enjoyed this book I loved Matilda‘s new relationship with Riley and I especially love when she started talking to the cat and not wanting Milo to know that was so funny to me I DK why I couldn’t stop laughing. Especially when the first time she said you’re such a pretty girl and it said Dittle turned and looked at her cautiously, I liked that… So much! I do love cats however in this book so good! I want to thank boldwood books for my free art copy via NetGalley please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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A novel about second chances, not giving up and how kindness can change lives. Tilda Wright owns a cleaning business and has a very regimented life. She eats the same breakfast every day, rotates the same seven meals for dinner and outside of taking care of a cat, she lives a lonely existence. One day she meets a homeless man named Milo who helps her out when her house becomes flooded. A few days later she sees Milo bleeding and injured after being mugged. Tilda takes a chance and invites Milo to stay on her sofa while he is recovering. Sometimes one little change leads to another and Tilda finds herself thinking in new ways about her business, reaching out to her estranged brother and revealing the things in her past that made her live such a closed off life.

This book can be heavy in parts as it deals with alcoholism, bullying, childhood trauma and depression. As Milo and Tilda get to know each other they have to let down their guards and look at what life has to offer to those who take a chance. I did think the author hid a couple of things from the reader such as Tilda's finding out about Yves and her secret regarding Milo and thought there would be a way to reveal that information more organically. I did enjoy this story and was rooting for Tilda and Milo to move forward with their hearts and their lives. Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a ARC of this novel in exchange for a review.

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Such a heartwarming story, that really sticks with you. I really enjoyed this book. And would 10/10 recommend.

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I was utterly absorbed reading “A Single Act of Kindness”. Samantha Tonge is very skilled at weaving tales, creating characters that matter to the reader and touching on personal and societal issues but wrapped up in a heartwarming story. She has a depth of understanding that shines through in her storytelling and makes for compelling reading. This is a well written, thought provoking book that demonstrates kindness really can make ripples in lives changing things for the better.

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Tilda has put up so many walls around her emotions that she finds it difficult to even alter her meal schedules, because she finds security in order. Her young life was defined by a mother who made it clear that Tilda was not her priority, choosing instead to make sure her son would be successful. Escaping three years of alcoholism only when she had a near-death experience, she has built a successful cleaning business. Then her whole world is upended when she meets homeless Milo, who is also a recovering alcoholic. Slowly Tilda discovers that her world doesn’t need to be so alone and lonely, and that making peace with her past will open a whole new world for her. This was a totally heartwarming read.

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A Single Act of Kindness by Samantha Tonge was a very enjoyable read. Where it might have teetered over into sentimentality, it hovered for just the right amount of time on the edge. Tilda was a strong lead character, faceted and interesting, beaten by life but not quite broken. I enjoyed watching her relax and rediscover and accept her real self. Milo, with whom she shares the single act of kindness, is also a well-realised character and is not allowed to be either the cause of her change or the machinery of it. The only issue I had with the book was Tilda's mother who seems unbelievable to me. But that might be a reflection of my own stable family life.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a charming, heartwarming story. I enjoyed it a lot!

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