Cover Image: Cloak of the Vampire

Cloak of the Vampire

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"I'm a vampire," he said, voice neutral as he delivered the blows. "I gave you the Imprint, meaning you're now a vampire too. With me so far?"

"Next time you need to resort to violence," he said softly,
"come to me."

This book was so unexpectedly good!! I was not expecting this to hook me this much!!! Like I would have never !!!! A dark and twisted fantasy romance with vampires and an Auction. Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, hot and spicy scenes between the main characters, morally grey characters. Ragnor is unacceptably hot and Aileen is unapologetically traumatised. And I don’t think I can add more to this since it would be a spoiler.
What I can tell you is that this book will get you in the story right from the beginning. The action starts fast and it is a continuous of plot twists, frustration, hotness, painful moments, crazy dynamics, fast pace narrative and addictive relationships. It is really good and it is the perfect book to get you out of a reading slump. If you feel like you’ve lost the energy, this book will get you right back on track !! There is only one thing I have to admit … I NEED THE NEXT ONE !! After the big reveals and cliffhanger at the end of the story … I needed the sequel yesterday !!!

“Because he wasn't my Lord. I hadn't seen him acting like he did with me with his other subjects, too, so he couldn't possibly be my Lord.
He was simply the asshole I couldn't get out of my head.”

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As a beginner to Fantasy, this was great! The world-building wasn't too confusing and the pace of the plot was easy to keep up with! I loved the premise of this and would definitely read more by this author. Thanks Netgalley!

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Based on the blurb I really wanted to like this book but it unfortunately was not for me. We see some action in the first five chapters which is okay but this book felt like it was rushed and I couldn’t truly enjoy it. The FMC’s background had little explanation and a confusing because there was a lot of mention about a type of god but they were barely talked about. Also the word “noob” was used way too often, it got kind of annoying after the 5th use.

It wasn’t a terrible book but it just was not right for me. I think others could enjoy it.
This is a series so I am debating if I will continue on with it. I might just because I want to see where the story takes us.

Thank you so much to Sapir A. Englard, Montlake and Netgalley for the gifted copy in exchange for my honest review!

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What a good read. I was intrigued because I remember reading Millennium Wolves a while ago, so when I saw this was by the same author, it was a fast download. It was well written and kept me engaged the entire time. I really enjoyed Ragnor and Aileen's story and can't wait to read more.

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I hate to say it because the synopsis really interested me but I couldn’t connect to the characters. I am sad to say I had to DNF. I am going to give the author’s other series a chance because I’ve heard that one is different and really entertaining!

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4.25 🌟 2 🌶️

Urban Fantasy. Vampires. Romance. Mystery. Spice.

Aileen Henderson has a mysterious past she is running from and ends up being turned by a vampire against her will. It follows her journey after that and how to navigate a new world and to get revenge on this vampire. That is pretty hard when she is trying not to fall in love with him. ❤️

I received an arc of this book from Netgalley and thank goodness I did. I really enjoyed it from the first page to the last! The spice was excellent. 👌It left me wondering what was next and I immediately was ready for the next book!
When this comes out GO PICK IT UP! Such a good read! 😳

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I received this eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Aileen appears to be a normal girl with few friends and a mundane job, until she finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time and is involuntarily turned into a vampire through an imprint. This sets her on a path of vengeance and chaos, especially after encountering Ragnor Rayne. Aileen is now a vampire burdened with secrets.

At first, I struggled with this book due to my dislike for Aileen's friends, particularly Cassidy, who views her as lacking ambition for choosing a comfortable life, and Sky, who was never truly a friend. I nearly DNFed the book, but at around 22%, it began to improve significantly, reminding me of the vibes I got from Vampire Academy. The focus on Aileen and her secrets, along with the suspense, romance, and supernatural elements, kept me engaged throughout.

🚩Here's what the book offers:
Enemies to lovers
Lovers to enemies (possibly in the next book)
Spicy scenes 🌶
Different houses/leagues
I anticipate elements of ancient Egypt and gods in the next book, and I'm eagerly looking forward to it.

Physical abuse, blood play, kidnapping, bullying, cutting, servitude, nonconsensual sex, parental sexual abuse.

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Just as addictively devourable as the millennium wolves series. When our main character Aileen is accidentally turned into a vampire, she must negotiate this new world, full of secrets and rules. As well as the attentions of the brooding vampire, Lord that turned her. The mysteries of Aileen’s past were drawn out and made this book un-putdownable. Very excited for the next instalment to find out what happens with these characters.

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Cloak of the Vampire was a quick read, surrounding the FMC, Aileen, being pulled into the vampire world unknowingly.
For someone who didn't even know vampires existed prior to her encounter, she adjusted surprisingly quickly. I did find the storyline in this book quite hard to follow- some parts were brushed over with not enough information on it, where other areas were overly expanded. Her 'bad past' was constantly mentioned throughout the book, but no proper information was provided to make any connections, or even to keep me hanging.
The romance was good, but I remained very unsure of what was going on with the ex-boyfriend and the friend that was mentioned throughout the book.
I found the writing of this book quite juvenile, and occasionally hard to read.

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This was a good read. There didn’t really seem to be a whole lot happening, but that’s what I liked about the book. It was an easy vampire read with a bit of a twist at the end. Can’t wait for the next in the series.

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When Aileen Henderson is unexpectedly turned into a vampire she is introduced into a whole new world of vampire politics. The leader of her faction is dark and mysterious, but she hides some secrets of her own.

This is a pretty fun vampire romance. From the warnings I imagined it would be a dark one but there honestly isn't much dark in the actual romance although there are some darker themes present in the story. There are a few things about the vampire world that seem a little bit cringey. For instance, each vampire lord has many underlings which they trade off to each other in "auctions" which are apparently glorified talent shows. But if you can get past those the intrigue of the rest of the vampire world makes this worth reading.

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This book while an interesting concept, lacked a consistent tone throughout the story. Our MC Aileen did not fully develop her character. At one point she is adamant about never getting close to Ragnor, yet in her moment of weakness, she decides that she is going to throw all caution to the wind and get with him??? For a girl who grew up and learned to guard herself so well, he seems to have found a way underneath her skin. I understand this is fictitious, but this is a little too far-fetched. I will say the use of the Egyptian gods and mythologies does add a unique twist. There have been a lot of Greek and Roman-infused vampire stories, but I've never read an Egyptian one.

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First off, I just want to say thank you to the publisher and the author for providing me with an eARC!

Rating - 4.5/5 (rounded up for Netgalley)
Spice - 🌶🌶.5

I didn't know much going into this book besides what the blurb said. But I was throughly surprised and enjoyed this book! The whole story was just easy to read and had me swiping to read more. There is a lot of mystery in this book and it leaves it wide open and with even more mystery. I love the whole premise of the vampire society and the things behind it. The spice was written very well and it was tasteful.

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Vampires. Secrets. Smut. Vampire school with a new set of rules. All of these elements made this a great little read for me. I’m loving vampires at the moment so this was perfect! A little cheesy at times and not the most well written book I’ve ever read, but thoroughly enjoyable!

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I liked the premise, but God, I hated the execution. It felt like it was a Wattpad fanfic. The “friends” were so mean to each other, and no character felt realistic or even likable. I had a hard DNF of this book by the 15% mark.

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I was really in the mood for an easy vampire book that I didn't really need to think about and this gave me that so I really enjoyed it.

Had I not have been in that mood I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this quite as much as I did, but then I don't know why you'd pick this up if it wasn't what you were looking for anyway.

I skipped all the smutty scenes as generally smut gives me the ick, but that's easily done without missing any of the plot.

I don't really think I saw the real appeal for romance between the characters other than vampire, but to be fair I think that's pretty much every vampire book ever so I wasn't exactly looking for that when I picked it up.

Thanks for the ARC for my honest review, it gave me exactly what was said on the tin and I'm even intrigued by the next book next time I'm in a Vampire mood.

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Thank you to Sapir A. Englard, Montlake and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

I am a sucker (get it) for vampire novels and have read so many in some very different styles. So I'm heavily biased and will tend to forgive some things that I might not do so for other books. As soon as I saw 'Vampire' on the cover, I knew I would love it.

I am going to have to stop being such a snob and just admit I like romance novels as I read this book in one sitting. The chapters are a good length and it moves pretty quickly, with the whole story taking place over the space of three months.

It has everything that will allow it to do well on places like Bookstagram or Booktok. It's an enemies to lovers plotline with a dash of spice in a fantasy supernatural setting. It's following trends of the time but I know that if I read it at any other time, I wouldn't think it was dated.

There are some trigger warnings at the beginning of the book which I found a little intimidating, but grateful that they were there. I like to know what I'm getting into so I'm not so surprised when the sex does happen.

However, if you're reading a vampire book, I feel like it's a given that there will be some sexual content and some level of sexual 'deviance' so even without the trigger warnings, it wasn't so much of a surprise to me that there's a lot of graphic sex in this book.

There's always been something sexual about vampires, but we're in an age of literature where it's more overt. Spice in books isn't something I would seek out, but I'm okay with finding it there as long as it's done well. My boyfriend and I were laughing though at all the funny names for genitals - we especially like 'entrance'.

Lots of modern vampire fiction with eschew the old folktales especially when it comes to their vulnerabilities. This allows for authors to create vampires in a new image and I'm always happy to find a new twist on them. For example, the vampires of this world still have to eat like humans, but they just drink blood in the same way we drink water. Englard builds a world for the vampires that is interesting and refreshing, but with all the darkness and seduction we come to expect from vampires.

The main character has a mysterious past that is alluded to several times and we get a little bit of background, but I was left with a lot of questions that I hope will be answered in the next book. I would also like more of Ragnor's POV please.

I love getting to read books before they come out, but now I'm left with a new problem of loving a book and having to wait even longer to find out what's next.

I give Cloak of the Vampire by Sapir A. Englard 5 stars!

This review will be posted on my blog clearly reads on May 17th 2024.

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A society of vampires that few people know about, and those that do want to become a vampire.
I loved the idea of this story and how it started out, but as we got farther into the story it just seemed to drag on for me. I didn’t really connect to any of the characters and other than being told that Aileen had a dark past we didn’t learn anything about it until the seventy percent mark. The reasons for why Ragnor imprinted her were never really clear nor was it clear why he continued to reject her while still wanting her.
This book is a first in a series, and because of that we are left with a bit of a cliffhanger. At the end of the book there are more questions than answers and even though this is a series I would have like to have at least a few answers to help better connect to the characters.
However, if you like vampires and vampire society this might be a book you’ll enjoy.

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This was a strong start to the Cloak of the Vampire series, it had everything that I was looking for from this type of book. It had that romance element that I was looking for and enjoyed the characters in this world. I enjoyed the use of vampires and glad it was a different type of vampire feel. It left me wanting to read more in this series and can't wait for more. I enjoyed how good Sapir A. Englard wrote this and can't wait for more.

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This is one of those times I really wish NetGalley, Publishers, and authors would give the content warning somewhere on the internet before requesting or even purchasing the book! The book sounded great...I still think there is potential in the series, and I'll read the next to find out what happens next!
Tropes listed on IG: Steamy Romance, Dark Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers, Vampires

In case you are interested, here are the Trigger Warnings:
physical abuse, blood play, kidnapping, bullying, cutting, servitude, noncon, parental sexual abuse!

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