Member Reviews

This was super interesting. I think everyone went through an Egyptology phase at some point in their lives, but this took a different spin. Talking about all the different ways that mummies have been viewed, used and abused throughout history was enlightening. There were the obvious things like using them as circus pieces or for med student studies, but grinding them up for beauty products? Selling limbs for luxury? Gross. I really appreciated the way the author highlighted all these things as a way to show how we as a society have grown and changed from this and now (for the most part) respect them.

My only qualm with this is that the audiobook obviously didn't have any pictures. I'd try to find them as they were referenced but I think I'm going to have to go to a print copy once it's published to flick through.

3.5/4ish stars!! Thank you for this ARC!

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I am not a typical reader of all things ancient Egypt but I found this to be an interesting read. Where there was an interesting read that I did enjoy and I realize that this is a factual read it was rather dry to start and then as the book progresses it then 'loosened' up. Overall, this was an interesting read that shed a lot of light onto the treatment of the ancient mummies as well as some of the spectacular things that occurred throughout time.

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As a 90s kid, I grew up loving mummies and wanting to be an Egyptologist. I read all the National Geographic books I could find about the Ancient Egyptians and finding this book made me so nostalgic and excited!

A Mystery from the Mummy-Pits is a very interesting tale of Ankh-Hap at the University of Houston. This segues into the history of mummies outside of their original resting places. I had no idea that mummy trafficking and subsequent putting together of makeshift body parts was a thing! I loved the revisiting of the lore surrounding mummies and artifacts, like curses and how they are vengeful in Hollywood movies.

This book was the perfect blend of educational and fun. I really enjoyed it and it was a quick listen. I finished it in a day! Nigel Patterson did a beautiful job narrating this book. I also appreciated an accent (as an American) when listening to a worldly topic.

Thank you to Tantor Audio and NetGalley for an ALC of this very enjoyable audiobook!

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