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Love Apptually

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Member Reviews

I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“I’m here in Vegas, placing my bets on you. Even when the odds are a hundred-to-one, I am all in”

Love Apptually is a fun read with great characters! Set in Silicon Valley, this story has many twists and turns. The romance between Casey and EC was a slow burn, grumpy sunshine which drew me right in. I enjoyed the push and pull of their relationship as well as the fact that they were there to support each other.

Casey, a celebrity stylist is dumped by her only client and best friend forcing her to leave her comfort zone and land a new gig as stylist to the new tech start up, Habituall. Habituall founder Evan Chen (EC) is the direct opposite of fashionable but not because he has no sense of style --- let the sparring begin. But when Evan's hold on the company is in jeopardy there is no one better to have in his corner than the one he is falling for.

If you enjoy enemies to lovers and workplace romance then you should check out Love Apptually!

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Thank you so much Netgalley and of course
Alyssa Jarrett for the ARC 💐

I will be honest, when I read the premise of the book I expected a different kind of story.
I still read it but for the last few chapters I have skimmed through. The problem here is that everything seemed so shallow and so superficial, honestly it bothered me a lot.
The importance of fashion in this book is so over the top that the character of a person or the way they are it doesn’t matter anymore, only the clothes do 🫠

The relationship between Evan and Casey is so weird, I don’t know how to explain, I felt like they did not work together. Casey not once but many times she humiliates him for the way he dresses and he is ashamed of this like she is 100% right and she refuses to apologise expecting him to come to her even if he is the one who was hurt 😑
She came across as such a judgmental and shallow person with no substance whatsoever.

Yes, as a CEO you need to keep a certain image but in your personal life the person with whom you are with should love exactly as you are, it doesn’t matter if you wear sports clothes everyday, you fall in love not with the clothes but the way the person is, the character, the heart, the mind, the actions and so many other things but definitely not clothes.

Racism and feminism were also some recurrent subjects here but I don’t know, I felt like it did not work.

The conflict at the end was so random and so over the top. The one star is only for Evan and even then in some situations he could have acted differently.

I will still read other future books of the author 🌷

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This was a super cute and entertaining rom-com! The writing kept me engaged, making it difficult to put down. I believe this is AJ’s debut novel, which is absolutely incredible. I’m looking forward to reading more of the Glam Fam series and seeing what she comes up with next!

Thank you to NetGalley and Geek Chic Press for the ARC!

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Love Apptually by Alyssa Jarrett tells the story of Casey, a smart and savvy stylist whose whole career has been built on styling her famous best friend. When her bestie dumps her out of nowhere, Casey is forced to quickly find another source of employment. She is hired to be the stylist of a rapidly growing startup company called Habituall, but she realizes she has her work cut out for her when she meets the founder and CEO, Evan Chen, in less than appropriate work attire. Their relationship is snarky and strained but has a touch of sexual tension right from the get-go! As their relationship builds, unforseen malice threatens to tear apart Evan's company and his dreams. Casey, refusing to let the man she is starting to care about lose his life's work, devises a clever but risky plan to restore Evan's reputation and his job as Habituall's CEO.

The author, Alyssa Jarret, clearly works in the tech world, and her working knowledge and comfortable writing style allowed her to bring the Habituall world to life. Characters are well thought out, and the plot flows well. It's an entertaining read for sure. Thank you #NetGalley for ARC access!

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This novel combines fashion, humor, makeovers and romance.. I really enjoyed it! Thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read this and share my thoughts.

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As someone who worked in fashion before working in literary I am beyond excited for this new series! Who doesn’t love a good makeover especially with some swooning romance thrown in! Will be sharing much more soon!

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