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The Night Side

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To be honest: For me it was a bit of a slow start so it took some time to get into the story of Ruby, who returns home to her small town in Montana when she hears that her estranged mother, Ida, is missing.
Their relationship was not the best or rather: Ida made Ruby’s life hell. So no wonder she ran away as a teen.

The story introduces us to a younger as well as a now-adays Ruby and if you like dual timelines this is what you are looking for!

A psychological thrillers combined with a mysteriey narrated by Helen Laser

Thanks #Netgalley #Dreamscape Media for this audiobook

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Entertaining romp through a woman's memories. Creepy at times, but it was a slow to get into book. When the story starts moving it doesn't stop til you breathlessly reach the end. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced audiobook listen!

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I received the audio version of this book and I loved it!! The narrator did a fantastic job and her voice is just so enjoyable to listen to.
As for the story.... SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! It was so good. A lot of thrillers have the flash backs to the past to reveal their secrets to us, the readers. However, the family dynamics and secrets in this story were so unique. Once I reached 25%, I couldn't put it down. The twists at the end were perfect for this story. I would recommend this to people who normally guess the ending of thrillers and people who like Stacy Willingham books. There is the perfect amount of mystery, perfect pacing, and having a plot.

Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for a copy of this audio-arc! It is out now.

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Overall, this book is a pretty good psychological thriller with enough twists to keep one invested long enough to see it through.

When Ruby was eighteen, she left her small hometown of Stonybrook, Montana and relocated England in hopes of finally escaping her manipulative, narcissistic mother, Ida. Ida was a liar, a scammer, and everything in between. She coached Ruby from a very young age and used her to do part of her evil bidding with her. Because of this, Ruby has lived with quite a bit of guilt (and trauma) and has sworn to never ever return back home..
Up until her mother is presumed to be dead.
Twenty years later and Ruby decides to bravely return home in search of answers. Was Ida really dead? Did this narcissistic, selfish woman not go out with a bang but instead quietly offed herself? Was this "suicide" staged and all another one of a scammer's scam?

Ruby leaves Somerset and returns back to Stonybrook wanting an answer to that one question: What happened to Ida? But instead, she receives A LOT of answers. Way more than she was in for!

This book is pretty good, but there are a few things I didn't like. As small of a detail as it may be, Ruby is an archeologist, and I didnt care for it much because now she is "digging up dirt", both figuratively and literally (digging in Ida's backyard). I didn't care for the whole psychic powers thing. I felt like this would have been a better read if Ida had just made out to be a scammer, scamming. But incorporating her daughter actually having a gift just made it come off as a try hard. Unfortunately, as entertaining as it was meant to be, I didn't care for the family drama towards the end. One revelation would have sufficed, but the multiple lies and revelations just ended up being overkill. The ending was also expected and a bit cliché.
3 stars, however I'd definitely still recommend it!

Thank you NetGalley for another wonderful read!

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I I found myself wrapped up in mystery and suspense that didn't loosen its grip until the very last page. I loved this book. The author does an amazing job of spinning these characters and pulling you into the dysfunction of the family.

Ruby Carlson grew up in a dysfunctional family in Stoneybrook, Montana. Her mother, Ida, grew up as a carnie also in a dysfunctional and abusive environment.
Ida, Ruby's mother, is a life-long scam artist and will do anything for money. When Ruby was young Ida forced her to go along with her psychic scam or else she wouldn't give her food or buy her clothes. This book is good from beginning to the end! So many surprises!

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This was a very unique story and I devoured this audiobook. It kept my attention and had me guessing throughout. I was a bit confused and had lingering questions at the conclusion… despite this, it had everything I look for in a good psychological thriller: mysteries, drama, twists, suspense, and even a little romance. Still a little confused where the title fits in? But a solid 3 stars nonetheless.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This book was very fast faced and interesting. The different points in history being shown in alternating chapters was amazing and very well done. I was in awe of Ruby’s life and was terrified of Ida. This book was a great read.

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M.M. DeLuca's "The Night Side" offers a promising premise: a woman named Ruby returns to her estranged hometown to deal with her manipulative mother's disappearance, uncovering long-buried family secrets along the way. The story unfolds through dual timelines, exploring the strained relationship between Ruby and her mother Ida in the past and the present-day mystery surrounding Ida's fate.

The novel has some strong points:

Dual Timeline Intrigue: Jumping between past and present keeps the story engaging and allows for a deeper understanding of the characters' motivations.
Family Drama: The exploration of a toxic mother-daughter relationship adds emotional weight to the narrative.
Atmospheric Setting: The small-town backdrop with its hidden secrets creates a sense of unease and mystery.
However, there are also some areas where the story falls short:

Unlikeable Characters: Many of the characters, particularly Ida, are difficult to connect with, making it hard to invest in their fates.
Slow Pacing: At times, the plot feels sluggish, and some plot points could have been tightened for a more impactful experience.
Predictable Twists: Some of the reveals lack originality and might be anticipated by seasoned readers of the genre.
Overall, "The Night Side" is a decent mystery with a dark family history at its core. While it offers some suspense and a satisfying conclusion, the pacing and character development could have been stronger. This might be a good choice for readers who enjoy slow-burn mysteries with a focus on family dynamics, but those seeking a fast-paced thriller with surprising twists might want to look elsewhere.

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This is a dark, twisted tale that is well narrated and engaging. Though slow at the beginning (the alternating present day/past chapters took me a while to get into for each story), the plot-driven tale is a slow burn with layered, intriguing characters.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

The story of Ruby, and her single mother, who is abusive and solely out for herself, as she fraudulently tricks neighbors and friends (forcing Ruby to play her part in the deception).

Ruby, who after leaving as a teenager, vows never to return, breaks this promise to herself when her mother goes missing, and is presumed dead.

Exciting truths are revealed as Ruby searches for the truth.

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A disturbing tale of families colliding in the most frightening way. The story unfolds at a superb pace, tracing the family with all their idiosyncrasies leading to alarming revelations. Take the time to absorb yourself in to this!

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The narrator was entertaining. She read well and with great emotion. The story itself I was not too fond of. It had a lot to do with childhood trauma, and that line of story got old for me. Ruby has a gift that her mother took advantage of her. Ida grew up in a circus family and wanted the gift for herself, but since she didn't have it she did the next best thing, take advantage of her daughter. Ruby had a childhood friend, Aiden and I found him tiresome, he kept secrets from her about her past and a lot of the mystery could have been avoided had he just talked to her.

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I absolutely love this book! I would say the best book of 2024 so far. All of the characters were interesting and held my attention. I would consider it a mystery, romance and action story.

Ida lives in a small town with her daughter. She concocts a scheme to bilk the locals by pretending to be a fortune teller , and Ruby is forced to help.

The book delves into how this affects Ruby and I found this very interesting as far as how she was treated by her peers. She makes a good friend in Aidan. His friendship helps her through hard times . She feels very torn when it is his family being taken advantage .

The book jumps ahead 20 years.. Ida is missing and presumably dead. Ruby has returned to seek answers.
Great story. Thank you NetGalley for opportunity to listen. Perfect narrator also.

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The Night Side
By M.M. DeLuca
Read by Helen Laser
First of all, I just have to state that I have ranted in the past about books that are supernatural in any way with no mention at all in the blurb.
I'm not a fan of ghosties, psychics, vampires, zombies, succubi, take my point.
Now I love a good Harry Potter-esque book, and don't spurn an occasional (very occasional) sci-fi, BUT (and this is a very big one) I do NOT care for starting a book then finding out it's supernatural.
Do NOT kill the kid.
Do NOT kill the dog (or cat, or chicken, or naked mole rat, etc)
And please, PLEASE do not spring a psychic on me.
Now then, it will come as no surprise that this particular book did, unfortunately, do just that. However, out of respect for Netgalley and a very nice publisher, I endeavored to persevere.
That said, Ruby has been living in England since she ran away from home 20 years ago at the age of 18. Her mother, Ida, is/was (not spoiling any more) a con woman who began giving seances and palm readings and the like for her neighbors (although, oddly, they live in a small town so if she should be rumbled, she would pretty much have to move, but I'm digressing) and makes Ruby get involved.
Many things happen, to be explained, and Ruby gets a call saying that Ida is dead. She goes home to wrap up the estate, such as it was, and is told by a rather snarky detective that her mother is actually missing presumed but, until they find proof or a body, Ruby is left in limbo waiting, for no real legit reason IMO. I mean, she's not under arrest and I, personally, would've bidden a firm goodbye and hopped a plane home. What is a small town police department going to do, extradite her?
The only reason I can see is that she has been told all Ida's assets were in Ruby's name all this time, and that she will likely inherit a load of debt. But, as far as I know, England is across the pond, not on the moon. No reason she can't pay bills online like the rest of the world.
Well, to be fair, she also seems to be staying for a "boy" she has upon whom she has been crushing for twenty years, despite having had no word in all that time. When she reaches town, she learns he is now a police detective as well and apparently on the case, and still seems to have no interest in reconnecting with Ruby.
Whatever. The heart wants what it wants and all that.
Other things happen.
Suffice to say, at one foot into the book, I was already shaking my head and rolling my eyes.
It didn't bode well, but still I continued.
The story is told in two timelines, today and "the 90s/2000s". That kept it a bit more interesting in the beginning, as present day Ruby is the one refusing to leave town and, therefore, annoying to me. Eventually, both present and past Ruby got sincerely on my nerves.
Although Ms. DeLuca resides in Canada and studied in England, some elementary Googling to fact check laws and practices in the US would have been prudent. For instance, alcohol is most definitely not available in a go cup or a mug or a bottle from a bar here. You may not order a drink, then stroll out the door. Other facts that could easily have been corrected by at least an editor, if not the author, were wrong. But nothing influential to the plot.
I found Ruby entirely unlikable. Easily influenced, melodramatic, and lacking basic common sense. Ida was pretty predictable in that she performs pretty much stereotypically as a psychic would. Frankly, I'm a bit confused as to why so many people in a small town fall for it. But that's only one thing in this book that is inexplicable.
None of the other characters are compelling in any way. Aiden (the love interest) is the only one who seems to possess any intelligence whatsoever.
At 52% of the book, there was a slight surprise.
At 60% I sped the book up to x1.75 and still found myself skipping ahead. At 66% I sped up to x2. And skipped. I didn't seem to miss anything important.
The reveal wasn't overly shocking or very interesting since I never became overly attached to any of the characters anyway.
As far as the narrator, she reads Ida's dialogue in a quasi-southern accent which grates, as I AM from the southern US and, therefore, HAVE a Southern accent and it's a pet peeve, I guess. I have heard much worse, however, so it wasn't torture. She has a cadence, but not a too obvious one. This is another peeve, as I tend to start listening to the rhythm of the words instead of the meaning during books which have readers who possess that particular foible.
After a complete suspension of disbelief, logic, quite a few contradictions, misused words, and ridiculous coincidences, The Night Side (not super sure what the title means) was a disappointment.
Hopefully others have a better experience than I did.
Thank you, Netgalley, for the opportunity to listen in exchange for an honest review

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Wow, what a piece of work for a “mother”. I would hate to have a mother like her. It was a slow start so it took me a bit to get into it but once I did it was great. Interesting story line and worth the read/listen. Narration was good.

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I just couldn't get into this one, I tried but it wasn't for me. I thought I would enjoy the psychic storyline but it didn't do it for me. I had to DNF.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Really great thriller! A lot of surprises and twists and turns. Good job by the narrator. And a great surprising ending.
I finished this in one day!

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Book Title: The Night Side
Format: 🎧
Author: M.M .DeLuca
Narrator: Helen Laser
Publisher: Dreamscape Media
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Audiobook Pub Date: April 11, 2024
Original Pub Date was: December 5, 2023
My Rating: 3.4 Stars
Pages: 396

When Ruby Carlson was eighteen she ran away from her abusive con artist mother Ida in Stonybrook, Montana and vowed she would never return.
That was twenty years ago! Now she has been asked to return to find her mother who has gone missing under suspicious circumstances and presumed dead.
When Rudy left she also left the love of her life, who still lives in Stonybrook and is now a police officer investigating Ida’s disappearance.
Story follows two timelines- the first back in 1990 during Ruby's teen years and the other, Present Day twenty years later.
Story got my interest as I am okay with dark, creepy and paranormal- but found the foul-mouth characters unlikeable. I typically don’t like the story if I don’t like the characters. However, this group grew on me – story did keep me interest.

Plus narrator Helen Laser did a great job performing these good, bad and ugly characters!

I want to thank NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this early audiobook.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for April 11, 2024

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I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was great! The storyline was interesting and there were lots of twists and turns. I liked how well we got to know the characters but I found myself getting bored from time to time. It was pretty good, just not one of my favorites and probably won’t be memorable for me. I will definitely read more by this author though.

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I enjoyed "The Night Side" by M. M. Deluca. This is an interesting mystery thriller. Ruby is called back to her hometown in Montana from her home in England because her mother is missing and thought to be dead. As Ruby remembers her childhood, the reader is taken back in time to experience it. Chapters alternate between past and present, with most ending in a cliffhanger.

Ruby's mother, Ida, was a psychic trickster. She preyed on the psyches of the townspeople and used Ruby to help her, so they have a lot of enemies. There is a sweet love story that is rekindled. Exciting ending and nice epilogue, though not called that.

This is a Standalone book, I believe.
Target Age - adult
Cliffhanger? Not at the end, but all the way through
Will I read again? Maybe
Recommended for? Thriller fans

Characters - 4/5.. main ones are great..a few others needed more
Writing - 5/5
Plot - 5/5
Pacing - 5/5
Unputdownability - 5/5
Enjoyment - 5/5
Narration - 5/5 - Helen Laser did excellent narration. Very easy to listen to.
Cover - 5/5

Thank you to Netgalley, Dreamscape Media, and author, M.M. Deluca, for providing this audiobook so I could give you my honest review.

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