Member Reviews

3.5 stars.

I loved the beginning of this mystery! I was hooked from page 1, but toward the middle, it felt a little like stagnant, then I didn't know how to describe my feeling about the book, until I read another review that put my feeling to words: "it felt unfinished." There were so many things that I would have liked to read, not just left to my imagination. Don't get me wrong, I love when at the end of the book, you review it all from a new perspective, but some conclusions need to be explicit.

It's a great premise with a lot of twist, and you should read it if you like psychological thrillers. But for me, I needed a little bit more.

**Thank you, S.A. Falk, NetGalley, and Storm Publishing for the e-ARC. **

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Review of “The Therapist” by S.A. Falk

4,5 ⭐️

Okay, so this book was really good. I was on the edge of my seat most of the time, and I thought the characters were so intriguing. Our main character works at a psychiatric hospital, and she starts treating serial killer Trent Davis. He was a musician in a band and got convicted because of murdering 6 people and drinking their blood. Very creepy!!

During the treatment, weird things start happening and it seems a copycat is trying to impress Trent. Suddenly, our main character is in danger, because the copycat seems to have it out for her as well.

At a certain point I guessed the plot. Kept on going because I still wanted to know what was going on and if I was right. I was. That being said, I purely guessed it based on another book that I’ve read that had the same kind of storyline and finale (where I in fact completely NOT guessed what was coming). I won’t say which book it was, but if you’ve read it, you’ll know.

Highly recommend! Loved this 🫶🏼

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A very creepy story that has lead me to decide that I'll never see a therapist ever again. After this story, I literally trust no therapist. Good job, S. A. Falk, you've messed me uppp!

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I inhale thrillers like they were a delicious meal and The Therapist by SA Falk did not disappoint. I recommend.

Thank you to Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a dark, disturbing, gory thriller about a therapist who treats a serial killer. While he is locked away, a copycat killer emerges.

This is a darker thriller than most and after reading I felt like I needed to scrub my brain to think happy thoughts again. It involves talk of the devil and demons. This might be hard for some to read.

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This book was dark, perhaps a bit too dark for me. The ending was so disappointing, so much so that I took a star off, Way too predictable.

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A gripping story that I couldn't put down. Unpredictable and an intriguing page turner. I liked the duel POV's because this kept me guessing around what was going to unfold. I recommend this book to any thriller lovers. The pacing is really good and I liked the ending! Thank you for the chance to read this before publication.

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I enjoyed this thriller overall, but I did kind of see the ending before it ended. I didn't like the ending. It was more ambiguous, and I just prefer there to be a real ending. I did like the characters, and found myself absorbed in what was happening. I found it entertaining enough to finish within a couple of hours, so it was definitely riveting.

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I loved the premise of this book. A therapist who treats criminals and in this case a serial killer. But, if he’s locked up then who is doing all the killing the same way he did? It was dark and kept me on my toes as I played detective trying to figure it out. I love thrillers that make me think and this one definitely did. The twist at the end surprised me.
I did feel at times it was a slow read. But overall I enjoyed it and read it quickly. It was a 3 star for me. I do plan on reading this author again.
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC.

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This was such a good book. I could not put it down and read it one sitting. I thought I had it all figured out and bam, another twist. I would definitely recommend this book.

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 3 stars ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

very entertaining and interesting twist!

˗ˋˏ ୨୧ thank you to NetGalley and S. A. Falk for the digital arc in exchange for an honest review! ୨୧ ˎˊ˗

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Great book based on a pshchiatrist caring for a canabalistic murder who is also a famous physician. Her own previous traumas play into the story well and delivers a shocking twist at the end

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Interesting twist on this psychological story, almost horror story with no real resolution of figuring out if the actual patient was guilty, in Pisa,e, possessed.

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Dr. Stephanie Fletcher is grieving the death of her psychiatrist. Being a psychiatrist herself, a new patient is in her charge and she must repress her grief because her new patient is none other than Trent Davis, rockstar and serial killer. The deaths begin almost immediately. A copycat?!? Is Dr. Fletcher the ultimate target? This was a very entertaining and suspenseful psychological thriller.

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I liked the beginning of this book. By the middle I was cringing. The overuse of the word "scoff" made me glad when the book was over.
The book did have a lot of promise, especially as I enjoy dark thrillers.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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Thank you to netgalley for providing me with a copy of this copy in exchange for an honest review!

I found this book gripping and such a fast paced read which is what you want from this kind of book. Wish I could read it again for the first time.

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The Therapist started off strong with it's intriguing gripping premise. Trent Davis gave out an instant unsettling vibe that didn't let go throughout the whole book. He gave me goosebumps to read about and had me on edge throughout.

However, for me, the ending was too abrupt for my liking. I felt very unsatisfied, and it felt the book was unfinished. Alongside a reveal that came out of nowhere, I was definitely disappointed with the second half/ending of this book.
I'll give this author's next book a go, but this one just wasn't for me.

Thank you, Netgalley, for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book centres around a successful psychiatrist Dr Stephanie Fletcher, who works in the prison system trying to rehabilitate the criminally insane. When the serial killer Trent Davis is assigned to her and the emergence of a copycat so Dr. Fletcher throws herself into the investigation.

I struggled with the book, I enjoyed the premise and most of the story, but it was quite repetitive at times, but the ending really let it down, I don't always have a need for the story to rounded off neatly, but an ending would have been good, it felt unfinished.

I loved the story and the building of the Trent Davis character, it felt very intriguing and I felt short changed with that towards the end. I also loved how dark and involved the plot went and the pacing was great. I was so glad it didn't turn into a romance novel.

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Dr Stephanie Fletcher is a psychologist working with the most hardened and criminal insane prisoners. After taking some time off when her own psychologist and confidant passes away, she is greeted back at work with a new patient, Trent Davis. He has been convicted of many gruesome murders all supposedly due to a plethora of mental illnesses. What does he attribute it to? The devil aka Larua....and what makes it even worse, is Trent is a heavy metal rock star with an almost cult following. His songs shed light on to his past, as well as his crimes and future intentions.

As Stephanie is trying to get Trent stable and in a better place mentally, she begins to slowly lose it herself. Trent has triggered her old traumas, and without her trusted confidant, she begins to spiral. And then a copycat murderer hits, targeting Stephanie herself. As she tries to outrun them, she realizes that evil is just a close step beind.

This book was a little bit outside of my normal "comfort" reading zone. While I LOVE psychological thrillers, this one pushed the boundaries for me with it encompassing Satanism (or a form of it). While I am not an overly religious person, this still pushes my literary boundaries for some reason. It was done relatively well and didn't detract from the overall book for me. The twist at the end was semi-obvious, especially as you got deeper into the book, and the ending was open ended. I thought it overall well written and engaging. I would probably think of picking up more books from this author in the future.

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I really am liking psychiatry thrillers right now - they're fascinating! This was a twisted and suspenseful read, and I was pulled in from the beginning. The antagonist was truly unlikeable (in a good way) and drove me crazy trying to figure him out! The middle of the book turned a little repetitive and slow, but things picked back up quickly to a creative twist of an ending.

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