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The Book Swap

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Tessa Bickers has accomplished something truly remarkable with her debut novel, THE BOOK SWAP. Not only does she tell a compelling story that made me keep turning the pages, dying to know what happens next -- I lost SO MUCH SLEEP because I refused to put the book down --she taught me something about reading and writing that made me nostalgic for the books of my youth. At one point, Bickers writes, "That's the great thing about books. They're there to teach you whatever you want to learn. They're for all of us." I truly hope this quote is used in promotional materials for THE BOOK SWAP, because even though some may claim the message is cliche, it's a vital lesson that readers and would be readers need reminding of now and then.

This novel is a romance, and that is not a bad word. Bickers appears to know that genre is not a bad label. Yet, the novel transcends many of the tropes associated with the 21st century romance, making it something more. And I have been yearning for something more, so thank you, Ms. Bickers. This novel is about love . . . for a potential partner, for a sibling, for a friend, for a parent, for a mentor. And it is a book about wanting the most out of life without sacrificing those things that are most important to live. This is a book about women, and this is a book about men; it is a reflection about the past in order to better appreciate the present; it is a book about home and whether or not it truly is possible to escape from it; finally, it is a book about the distinction between being healthy for oneself versus growing healthy for others.

The story opens with some serious THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA vibes as Erin Connolly, one of Bickers' protagonists, quits her job rather than endure any more of her boss' emotional torment, returns to her flat, and then proceeds to Kondo her living space, determined to restart her life. It's clear within the first 3 chapters that Erin is suffering from serious depression. She sees and speaks with her best friend, Bonnie who died three years prior to the story due to cancer. She also has a lot of anger inside of her and refuses to deal with it.

The reader meets James when he has returned to the town where he grew up, Frome, to visit with his parents and to attend a 'B' party, a memorial to a school friend -- yup, you guessed it, Bonnie! We learn that James is thriving in his career, but when it comes to his personal life . . . his mother has bipolar disorder, his dad is a former rockstar who is a one-hit wonder, and his brother Elliot lives in the US with his husband and son. We also learn that while the family is devoted to each other, none of them really talk about issues that need to be discussed. This will be a prominent theme throughout the book. James is also angry and dealing with mild depression. He is angry at his mom for being bipolar and how she makes him feel when she has her episodes. He is angry at his brother for not helping out with the family more. He is angry at his dad for just giving up on his dream of being a rockstar. James is also angry with himself — he gave up his dream of being a writer.

Returning to Erin, when she cleaned out her apartment, she took a suitcase filled with books to donate to a community library. But what she didn't realize until much later was that one of the books was her treasured copy of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD - the last thing Bonnie ever gave her. After wallowing in despair for a few days, she ventures out of her flat, has a coffee, and decides to live her life the way Bonnie lived. She asks for a job application at a shop, walks by the community library, and her book has been returned. And she finds new red annotations under her own. These new notes bring a smile to her face. And when she sees the mystery person has suggested they read GREAT EXPECTATIONS together - he left his copy in the community library - Erin decides to do it. Next thing you know, they are annotating and exchanging information about each other in WUTHERING HEIGHTS, MANSFIELD PARK, THE GREAT GATSBY, and MIDDLEMARCH, to name a few titles.
When you read the book, you can just sense that Tessa Bickers had everything meticulously outlined. She knew what was going to happen and when and where and why and how. This book has so many moving parts, plot wise and when it comes to character development. But then, halfway through the book, there is "the bus scene." And the prose alters, ever so slightly. This scene, this moment, happened organically. And you get the sense that just like you are reading to see what happens, the author was writing just to see what would happen. This is one scene that had to happen naturally and not feel contrived. And the book is all the better for it. 

Bickers’ novel is a revelation. I enjoyed every page, and I am going to take pride in promoting this book to every customer who comes through the door, because this book is for everyone who reads. But it is especially for fans of FLEABAG and TOMORROW AND TOMORROW AND TOMORROW and BEACH READ and MEET ME IN THE MARGINS and YOU'VE GOT MAIL.

Brava, Ms. Bickers.

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I was not expecting such a heavy book. I was expecting more of a rom com vibes from the cover and the descriptions. It wasn’t a bad book at all and it was quite interesting. It of course had the romance elements in it but it isn’t a book I necessarily would have gone for if I knew how deep it would have been.

This is for someone looking for the deeper emotional romance and trauma. Going beyond the standard romances or rom com stories.

I loved the overall premise of this and the characters interactions. It’s very well written and worth a read. Just be prepared that it is a darker and deeper book compared to other romances. I think if I knew thag ahead of this I wouldn’t have been so taken back with some surprise.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade for the ARC!

The Book Swap surprised me in a good way! I expected a cutesy Rom-Com and what I got was a deeper look into grief, mental illness, and forgiveness. Tessa Bickers weaves classic literature in a way that is not imposing, but necessary to the plot and the main characters growth as the novel progresses. I fell in love with both Erin and James, but also got SO frustrated at each of them at different times throughout the book as they navigated their family issues and attempted to be functioning adults. I felt like the resolution was not too wrapped up and was perfect for each of the characters. I'm excited to see more out of Bickers and hope they are all as surprising as this gem.

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this book was just so much fun to read! thank you so very much to netgalley for letting me read it before release date. what an actual treat!! the author is amazing and so so fun!!!!

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I was not expecting such a heavy book going in. Based on the synopsis I thought this was going to be more of a fun, romcom sort of read. I still enjoyed it overall, even though it was not exactly what I thought I was getting going in. Not my favorite book in this genre, but I felt it was worth sticking with it to the end.

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I actually read this in one sitting, but I finished after midnight, so I’ll leave the dates read as is. 🤪

I loved this book. I didn’t expect to when I started it. I really didn’t think it would grab me, as they kept choosing books I’ve not read (yep, I’m that librarian who hasn’t read most of the classics). But, as it turns out, just as it became for the book’s main characters, the comments/questions were more life-focused than book-focused. So, I just dug it. Like, so much. And it was great for reasons that had so little/nothing to do with books. Grief and bullying and parent-child relationships and sibling dynamics and small town vs city and all of the joy of this book. Sigh. So lovely. 💜💜📚

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This book took me by surprise and didn't let up! As Erin's world is turned upside down by grief, she finds a new start in the most unexpected of ways, by accidentally falling into a book swap with a Mystery Man at a free little library. But when Mystery Man turns out to be a heartbreak from her past, she has to choose whether or not forgiveness is worth a shot at happily ever after.
This is NOT a cozy rom com, but instead a journey of grief, purpose, friendship, and reconciliation. Lovers of literary classics and You've Got Mail will love this read.
As a regular romance reader, this book was a slower start for me, but there is a lot of backstory building in it.
The story puts a lot of effort in revealing the characters' heartaches and struggles, and in doing so it makes the redemption in the end so much more powerful. I was boo-hooing all throughout this read.

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I really tried to stay engaged with this book, but I just couldnt. It was a bit confusing jumping between the characters and I am sure it will all make sense eventually, but it just did not work for me. The work environment context was very relable, but that is where the train stopped for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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I went into this book thinking it’d be a cute lil romcom between two people who love books; it was much more than that. It was very much so Lighthearted fun flirtation trope, but still cute.

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This title was disappointing. I"m almost mad that the execution of the concept was done so poorly. Now, someone can't even do a similar story better. The characters were pretty one-dimensional. The female protagonist doesn't experience any growth. You have to wonder why the male protagonist is so in love with her. This was billed as a romance, but there was precious little of it. It was more of a drama/friendship story. I also think the integration of other stories was clunky. It didn't even seem like the author had read any of the books she referenced.

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I liked the book overall. It was slow at first and took a while for me to be engaged in the book. I felt the two main characters were immature. James grew quicker while Erin took longer. That said the ending drew me in and it made me like the book. Was not a fan of how descriptive James’s bullying was in the book.

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I wish I had realized this wasn't a fully light-hearted rom-com. There was a lot of grief discussion and heavier stuff covered than what I was anticipating so I hadn't gone into it in the right frame of mind for that. It was good, but just not what I was expecting.

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I received an arc of 'The Book Swap," by Tessa Bickers and was ecstatic as the plot looked promising. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I thought. It was a very slow beginning and didn't seem to have any wow elements. It was on the shorter side, so I could finish in two sittings. It referenced literacy books and that part made me smile. It referenced a lot of grief/illness which I just wasn't in the mood to read. All in all, glad I read it, but wouldn't read again. However; I would read other books by this author. This just wasn't my cup of tea.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

It definitely started a bit slow & I 100% thought this was going to be a rom-com, but it’s certainly not that. It’s giving You’ve Got Mail except swap out the AOL part with physical books. Very slow burn second chance romance that also covers mental health, toxic work environments, grief and loss. It did sneak up on me a little & I found myself tearing up at the end, I just wish I knew it wasn't going to be just a cutesy little romance book.

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The Book Swap by Tessa Bickers was a perfect rom-com! This did have its predictability, but it was creative, fun, and had me turning page after page. I would definitely recommend this to any book lover and any lover of romantic comedies!

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Wow. This is one of those books that hit you in the feels. This isn't a fluffy romance - but definitely an emotional drama romance. Erin & James endure a lot - first at school then further on in their lives. Lots of heavy themes like mental illness, cancer, death, grieving processes etc. but both of them worked so hard to follow their passions and eventually make their way to each other.
Erin, finding a free little library in her neighborhood begins a book swap with "Mystery Man". In it they share thoughts on favorite lines from the books & ask questions to each other - things they have never told anyone. As time progresses they are thrust together in real life only in real life - they are not friends.
They have a history and it's not the best.
Erin had the tendency to act like a brat - but I go back to the her grieving that she never really came to terms with. And so I was rooting for her to find herself. To make her dreams come true.
And James - James overcame so much from school. He had his struggles too especially with his family life. But he also found his way and chose a life for himself that he was proud of.
I liked how while they were each inspired by the other - they found their passion and purpose and went after it on their own.
I loved this book! And for a debut author - I think it was great!

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I was expecting a light-hearted rom com with a sweet meet cute. I WAS WRONG. this was HEAVY- as in I was in full tears every other chapter. Had I known that, I would have given this a 5 star. So if you go in expecting complete heartbreak, you will LOVE this. My biggest gripe is I felt a bit cheated in the epilogue.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book, but I just couldn’t get into it. I found the main character too whiny and could not connect with her. I DNF’d the book about 10% in.

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This book started out a little heavy, with the emotional roller coaster of grief taking center stage, but it turned into a story of communication, trust, and the sweetness of love. Themes of romance, personal growth, and forgiveness are sprinkled throughout, and emotions run high. This is a light and easy bookish read to enjoy on the beach this summer.

Thank you to NetGalley, author Tessa Bickers, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC and give my honest opinion. Four stars!

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The book had a lot of promise - friends from high school re-kindling, growing old, dealing with heavy life stuff…but the plot lacked and took a while to get there. Loved the literary references and idea of the book! I just reviewed The Book Swap by Tessa Bickers. #TheBookSwap #NetGalley

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