Cover Image: A Case for Discretion

A Case for Discretion

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This was an enjoyable novel. I tore through the pages of this one and it had a lot of great moments in it, however overall, I found it lacked impact and won’t be finding a place on my favorites shelf. It was good, but there are enough better novels out there that I don’t think I would recommend it.

I specifically liked the beginning section of this novel. I loved how the characters got to spend a decent chunk of time (and the text) together getting established before they started working together. This made what followed a lot more believable and allowed the reader to take the “relationship” more seriously. I also loved how they were interconnected in other ways (such as through a mutual friend) which was a great set-up for hijinks and great plot elements later in the novel. The nature of their relationship also made it believable that they wouldn’t know that they were going to be working together.

Unfortunately for the great set-up, I found the novel somewhat lacking down the line. Everything that happened was a little bit too easy (or rushed? Convenient? Light on detail?), straightforward, and fell a little flat. For example, I was particularly looking forward to the scene where they discovered that they worked together, however when it happened it was incredibly anticlimactic and underwhelming. The main plotline was supposed to be the conflict the characters experienced regarding their relationship being “forbidden” and how they grapple with the situation, but they barely batted an eye, and it was hardly an issue (until it was). The degree to which the characters were unconcerned with the situation not only seemed unrealistic, but it was a let down and a missed opportunity. Once the conflict happened, the novel began to flow on autopilot and it was rather disappointing.

To anyone who reads a lot and is looking for more books, this novel was perfectly fine, and you can add it to the list. If you’re the type who has limited slots on your reading list, then I don’t think I would recommend this one to make the cut. There wasn’t anything wrong with it, and there were some genuinely great moments, but it didn’t have that “wow factor” that many other novels do.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After a 'anonymous ' one night stand (well, two nights actually) Gwen is shocked to discover the new intern at her firm is her sexy bedmate.

Etta, a poor university student, needs this job to pay everything her scholarship doesn't cover, so she can't bail. Worse, she still finds Gwen very attractive.

Interestingly, they don't find out they're at the same firm until 2/5 through the book. The first third is them tentatively 'dating' though neither wants to call it that.

Then the firm finds out.

Good, solid read. The characters mostly worked for me, tho I feel Grey is a bit two faced. But The romance was good... it does have the dreaded temporary break up for drama, but at least it made sense for the book.

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This has been a story with an age gap between the protagonists, also some power play and quite a bit of the ice queen on Gwen's part. The chances that Gwen, a prestigious attorney and partner at a major Atlanta law firm, will meet, let alone associate with, a woman like Etta, a second-year law student and occasional bartender, are minuscule. But that first time, in which Etta seems to be the salvation of Gwen's stressful day on campus, will be the trigger for a relationship that begins to be casual, sexual and sporadic, but that chance will also transform into a somewhat dangerous adventure for both.

The story does not delve much into the personalities of both women, although it does go deep enough to make their relationship truthful. The events have been expected, but not disappointing, with some pleasant surprises in between. The two of them are honest, they respect each other and they don't play games. I appreciated this.

And I read it in a jiffy, I was hooked and I almost couldn't put it down until I finished it.

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