Member Reviews

I struggled with the first 40% of this book, as it’s book 3 I was expecting action from the get go but it does have a slower lead up focusing on Morgan catching up on what’s happened since she left, and figuring out the next steps as she’s no longer on Arthur’s defence. From that point onwards though I was invested in the story a ,of more and the pace picked up.

What I liked: chapters are split into different POVs in this book which was good for me. I had been finding Draven and Morgan a struggle together as there is so much miscommunication but they’re separated in this book and it really gave them a chance to reflect and finally get on the same page. I enjoyed the secrecy focus in this book and how Morgan has definitely grown since book 1 in her bravery and confidence. The story starts to come a bit more together in this book. The action scenes are a bit more extended in book 3 so they’re also a little more exciting and I really enjoyed the Fenyx twist.

What I didn’t like so much: the magic focus was much lesser than in the last book which was something I really enjoyed in Court of Claws, the reveal of Draven’s hidden power was also underwhelming for me. I found the plot a little slow and the action was lacking - the focus was much more on sneaking around. I liked the tournament scenes but aside from those I had hopes for some epic battles. Draven’s journey to Morgan was also rather… short. That had potential for excitement. There are also some annoying gaps for some characters for me - the Javer thing felt a little pointless as he was just missing the entire book.

Overall I still want a bit more from this series, it feels like it’s been a really slow build up but we end book 3 on the verge of the biggest plot. I’m hoping book 4 delivers on the epic action and magic I’m desperately seeking. Another respectable 3.5⭐️ rounded up to 4 for NetGalley and Goodreads scores.

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The beginning was super slow and did not entertain me at all. I got a bit bored of Lancelot but once the tension started ramping up around the 40% mark I was more intrigued - however it does take a while to get to the juicy stuff in this one.

It's definitely the darkest of the series so far, and I understand that it's building for the final book but honestly, I didn't gel with it. Draven's POV was a little more tolerable than Morgan's. Though the pet name gave me the ick. I'll still read book four because I'm curious enough to want to know how it ends. Book one had been my fav so far in the series.

That being said, the writing has definitely improved and it had a lot of the tropes I love: betrayal, surprising friendships, and a dash of magic and found family. It's a mixed bag some parts weren't great and others were... Hard to pin point my thoughts on it.

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Empress of Fae is a captivating read for fans of fantasy, especially those who enjoy stories of political intrigue, magical realms, and strong, multifaceted characters. Briar Boleyn has crafted a tale that is both timeless and innovative, making it a must-read for anyone looking to be swept away into a fantastical adventure.

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I truly have devoured this series so far, and made myself take a break to read a different genre. I picked this one up to continue and ugh it was so good. I would say this is my favorite one so far but they have all been absolutely bingeable

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🌹🌹Book Review🌹🌹
Book 3 #empressoffae by @briarboleynauthor

BOOK 3 in the “Blood of a Fae” series and follows Morgan Pendragon, also known as Morgan Le Fay, as she navigates her true heritage and her bond with Kairos Draven ♥️♥️

FAVORITE SO FAR!! Spice when from 0 to MY HERO 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 So many ups and downs and OMG NO WAY’s that I instantly jumped into book 4!! You need this series in ur life!!!
The story follows Morgan as she leaves her possible future as the ruler of the fierce Siabra fae and the wife of the Prince of Claws to return to Camelot and the Rose Court, where her friends and younger brother are in ‼️ The book explores themes of identity, power, and self-discovery, set against a richly imagined fantasy 🌎

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This third book in the Blood of the Fae series had me hooked from the start! It kicks off right where the last one left off, with Morgan back in Camelot and Draven crossing oceans to reunite with her.

The characters keep growing and the story weaves in some Arthurian legends, but with a fresh, unique twist.

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This was a great continuation of the series. It picked up right where we left off at the end of book 2 and whilst it felt like this book was a little slower than the previous, it was still a gripping story throughout.
The slowness at the start of the book for me did make it a little harder to get into but still a great book.

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There's always a book within a romantasy series when the two main love interests get separated (it's usually the third book). I know it's meant to be a way for the FMC to grow on her own. And while I do love when the girlies learn to stand and defend for themselves, I love when they grasp how powerful they are on their own, becoming a force in their own right - and Morgan certainly does that here - I always end up looking ahead to see how long it'll take for them to be reunited again. In this book, specifically, I appreciate how Morgan fled, destroyed the arch, and then immediately regretted her actions. She acted on impulse because she was rightfully angry, but she also knew that Draven was her true ally and she felt comfort in his company.

Morgan returns to find the home she's always known has fallen. Arthur has turned his back on his people and his allies. His general is, to keep this relatively PG, the freaking worst, honestly. Merlin is doing what she can, forming the rebellion, and eventually her move puts Morgan back into the castle and in a position where Morgan can get information on Arthur's movements. All of these are big, important things happening to and around Morgan. She has no one to lean on for strength - not even Lancelet, whose grudge against Morgan I didn't really care about? - or support and has to find her own grit to push through all the trials she faces.

I really loved watching Draven try to get to Moran and, eventually, how Morgan pulls him to her when she needs him most. I liked seeing her take out her vengeance against the one trying to hurt her. I also liked how the relationship with her sister developed and, by the end, how Arthur took responsibility for his actions, even if there was much more going on beneath the surface.

This book felt like a good continuation for the series. And even though I was antsy for Morgan and Draven to find their way back to each other, I could appreciate all that happened when they were apart. And how they reunited, strong than ever.

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Briar you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly.

I’ve said this once and I will say it again, I love Morgan as the female main character. I think she her character development throughout the series is unmatched. She’s grown confident in herself, her background and her abilities. She’s comfortable with who she is and she doesn’t care what anyone else has to say. I’m obsessed with her truly.

Going into the story, I loved that we were able to go back and forth between Morgan and Draven. I think that getting to see both of them complete their own separate missions (even though Draven’s mission was mainly just getting his wife back lol) provided such a well rounded view of the entire plot and what exactly is going on in the war. I loved the political scheming and spying that was happening with Morgan and her allies.

Spoiler alert*** On the romance side I absolutely adored that Morgan and Draven could communicate via their dreams. That was really cute.

I also love that the side characters are not forgotten and they also get to have full and complex character development and emotions.

All in all the the series gets better with each installment. The twists and turns have me clinging to every word and I cannot wait to complete the series.

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I seriously adore this series!

I have grown so attached to the characters and the world they're living in. I think this is my favorite book of the series so far. I've loved watching this story expand and getting completely lost in the pages.

Books like these are exactly why I love giving indie authors and their books a try. I'll be forever recommending this series to romantasy fans! I can't wait to read book #4 although I'll be so sad to reach the end.

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I’m glad I kept reading, because this book definitely picked up the pace. In this book we find more of the fmc’s past, which spells danger! This book definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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"Empress of Fae" is the third book in the "Blood of a Fae" series by Briar Boleyn. An ideal narrative to move the series to it's upcoming conclusion in the fourth and final book, I recommend this for those YA readers who enjoy Romantasy series. The bond between Morgan and Kairos is strengthen although they are apart for most of the novel. Readers learn more about the dark forces that have taken over King Arthur driving him to destroy Camelot. Of the three books, this is my personal favorite and I look forward to the conclusion.

Thank you to Starwater Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this arc in return for an honest review.

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I world like to thank Netgalley and Author for this book, and all opinion are my own.
Third book of a saga, and looking forward to the fourth!
I must say that this book was kinda of a surprise, in a good way. The second book wasn’t the best for me, but this third one is a different story. Finally I get to read about Camelot again! Morgan is still a strong MFC, but I think there is a very nice growth of her in this book and I really learned how to appreciate more Draven, in which I didn’t really liked in book 2.
And the plot in the second half of the book is something I could not put down. I did not expected some of the things that were coming!

And I really like the covers as well 😁😁

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Being the third book in the series, it was not my favorite. I think a lot could have been changed. However, it was a good read.

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Well this wasn't the best book in the series, it was still a very good read. The plot moved quickly, the characters were enjoyable, and the story was mostly understandable. Overall the storyline isn't as consistent as I would have liked, it feels like the author read other series and decided to switch up some things in her own book.

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Continuing to read this series was the perfect choice.

So I didn't love the second book as much as the initial book, but I decided to continue this series anyway. Luckily this was the correct choice, because my god does this series get even better!

Empress of the Fae by Briar Boleyn is the third installment in the Blood of the Fae Series, and it's a captivating and enchanting tale. This book truly does such a great job of drawing readers into a world of intense magic and intrigue. This series is filled with fantastical realms, complex characters, adorable magical animals, and political intrigue and together these make a vivid page-turner from start to finish.

Brair Boleyn's writing style is elegant, endearing, and eye-catching. Truly I was won over again on the very first page. Plus Morgans's tale is an empowering and strong story that has the readers cheering her on. Additionally, there is so much depth to this book that is relatable to every reader, and the supporting characters add to this with their complex storylines.

Overall, Empress of the Fae is a must-read for any fan of fantasy literature, and I eagerly anticipate the next installment in the series.

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These is definitely something intriguing in these books that keeps me reading to the end. Unfortunately I didn't love book 3 as much as I loved book 2, however felt compelled to finish it and see where it ended.

Whilst I love the basis in Arthurian legend and the characters - particularly the female characters - I felt in this book, that too many loose ends were tied up without sufficient exploration or explanation. Often times through dialogue that was too convenient, and was more in the style of directly telling, rather than showing more subtly to the reader.

Whilst I also love the fantasy genre, I have noticed quite a few names / places / references that seem too close to names / places from other books within the genre, and would have preferred if there weren't these terms that are present in other books. (eg. her nickname being 'silver one', like in Fourth Wing, the Illyrian mountains (ACOTAR), even Morgan and Draven being mates communicating down a bond (also ACOTAR), among other examples. Of course it is often the case in literature that inspiration is drawn from other sources, and perhaps I have read too many books within the genre recently, that these feel too closely linked.

I will certainly read book 4 to discover what becomes of this tale, and hope that it captivates me like book 2 did!

A special thank you to Starwater Press, Briar Boleyn and Netgalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for my review.

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I’m glad I continued this series because this book redeemed the last one. In this book we find new aspects of the fmc’s past which show more danger that they are up against. This book is fast paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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I never thought romantasy would be a genre I would enjoy so much, but I tried this series by Briar Boleyn and I loved it even more than ACOTAR! The FMC development is remarkable and a “shining” example of what a strong and feminine female can be. This series is currently my favorite recommendation to share with friends and acquaintances! It does have a couple of spicy scenes in each book, but I would say they are easily skippable if that isn’t your vibe. The books are smart and sassy, and skipping the spicy parts doesn’t detract from the story in any way.

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This one was much more emotional. I went on a roller coaster of emotions. Morgan goes through so much. The big reveal has me wondering what is going to happen next

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