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Knight of the Goddess

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Member Reviews

What a dramatic conclusion to an amazing series! I loved every minute of it. I knew there was more to Morgan but that was unexpected. Lots of action, sorrow and sadness, but pretty much a HEA for Morgan & Draven. Seemed to be a couple loose ends, but with the teaser for the new series maybe it will answer those questions. I look forward to more from the brilliant mind of this author.

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Knight of the Goddess was such a great ending to this series of books! I love a good fantasy quest with a fellowship of found family, and although some characters were lost along the way I loved seeing this trope utilised. Morgan learning more about her identity, which had been building up since book one, really brought this story together and the introduction of Medra’s POV also really engaged me in the story. Overall, this was a great way to tie the story up and I’m so glad that Morgan and Draven got a happy ending, especially after the losses they experienced.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a good book! I really love this author so I was so excited to get to read this book. The plot was so good I could not put it down until I finished! The characters were unique and I loved the journey and turmoil they went through. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the arc of this book. This book was amazing. I could not wait to dive in after read the first three books in this series.This book did not disappoint. I did not want to put it down once I started it. I am sad this series is over but cannot wait to read the next book by this author. There were definitely so sad moments in this book but overall I was very happy with the ending. I would highly recommend this series to any fantasy reader.

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And here we are welcoming back our girl, and our morally grey fae bae, for the final installment.
I was so torn about jumping into this book, because I NEEDED to know what happened, but also didn’t want the journey to be over!
So we revisit most of the team, we see relationships evolving and healing. We learn more and more about our characters, and some I had started to suspect, while the rest was a total surprise.
Everything made sense at the end, and it was an awesome read.
I can’t say much more without loading this full of spoilers honestly, because once I start I wont stop.
BUT I will say that our ‘lovely’ author…….. *aggressive side eye*…… has a tendency to tear your beating heart from your chest and stomp on it cheerfully with toddler level energy.
Series is amazing, but it wasn’t my fave of the series so I’m going in with a 4 (would do 4.5 if I could).

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Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you for the opportunity to leave an honest review in exchange for an ARC copy of Knight of the Goddess. I devoured the first 3 books and was able to Arc review book 3 & now 4 of this series! I personally was begging Briar for book 4 after I finished book 3 probably to the point of annoyance 😅. She has a way with captivating you from the beginning all the way to the end. There are twists and turns throughout. There is character building of the MMC and FMC separately but also they are even better together! I was skeptical picking up this series because of the time period it takes place in, but she has sold me on King Arthur retellings. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see what you do next!

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So the final battle is upon us with the last book in the series Blood of a Fae. Our FMC Morgan, her mate Draven and the rest of the gang set out to destroy all three relics; chalice, spear and sword, in order to keep Gorlois from rising again.

We see the unusual group of friends (consisting of fae, humans, bearkin etc) take on this journey and lots of characters sadly meet their demise. We see baby Medra growing up ridiculously fast and get to see more of her in a new pov storyline. We see Kaye being sorta Bran 2.0 (three eyed raven abilities) who forseen what needed to be done during his comatose state.

Dravens golden retriever energy is still there, he's just completely in awe with Morgan and follows wherever she leads. For him being the warrior that he is, I would've loved to see him lead a little more (would make more sense to me, experience wise). A nice touch I thought was the chalice, that looked different for everyone else and the objects not necessarily being what you thought they were. I liked the secret gate that opened with her blood and the palace within, aswell as her finding out how all the pieces fit together towards the end. The intrigue with her and Guinevere helping Morgan with her dreams, was a feature I also liked. Not just a priestess, but fighting their demons in a different way. And lastly, the unique group of friends by itself.

There is plenty of action (also spice wise) but I thought many of the scenes ended a bit abruptly to really connect with it or unable to really envision the setting of it. The throne scene being the more remarkable one when it comes to spicy scenes, but some were a bit odd in terms of timing in their journey. And it happens with conversations too, they either end abruptly or change the topic.

I feel like the formatting is not helpful either (sentence, enter, sentence, enter) for it takes the speed of reading away and it looks a bit chaotic to me. But I know the author likes it this way.. However, for me it was a bit of an annoyance and probably didnt help in my connecting to the story.

I'd like to once again thank Briar for being such a sweet and grateful author and for all the work she's put into this book and the never ending love towards her arc team!

The review will be posted on my Goodreads next week 🧡

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What can I say? I loved this book! Loved the characters. I really think this author's writing flows well. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a great intriguing and heartfelt romance story.

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BOOK 4?! How did I get here? Once again, I urge anyone starting their fantasy journey to read this series. It's easy to read, and you fall in love with Morgan and Draven from the beginning. The best part? No breakup; they just fight through ups and downs, and the way this book ties everything together AND ITS END...

THIS BOOK. Let's talk about only this book. It made me emotional since page 1 because the end of the 3rd book leaves you shooketh. Morgan has become such an amazing badass character that reading about her made me root for her even more with each chapter in her POV. Meanwhile, we have Draven, who would die for Morgan, and let's just say that it shows.

The character development, the story, the ending—all of it ties perfectly into a series conclusion, and I am so happy to know that I was here since the first book.

Thank you Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for giving me this opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Briar Boleyn's Knight of The Goddess is the fourth and final installment in the author's Blood of a Fae series. Key Characters: Morgan le Fay, Kairos Draven Venater, Medra, daughter of Morgan's fallen sister Orcades and former King Arthur, Guinevere (New High Priestess), Lancelot, and Gorlois le Fay, Morgan's father. In the wake of the war that once ravaged Pendrath and its neighboring realms, a fragile peace settles over Camelot.

Yet, tranquility proves fleeting for Morgan Le Fay and her companions as a sinister force, dormant for centuries, stirs anew, threatening to engulf the land in darkness. Draven is also fighting his own demons, not knowing if his sister Rychel is alive or not. As the tempest gathers strength, Morgan and Draven must hasten to aid their allies, entrusting their youngest and most vulnerable family member to the care of steadfast friends.

A family member who could be the prophesied destroyer of a powerful God. A family member who will grow so quickly, that it will take the deaths of some major players to make her understand that she was actually loved, and not abandoned to fight a powerful God. Amidst the chaos, the ancient artifacts of power-the grail, the sword, and the spear-loom ominously, their mysteries shrouded in legend.

To stem the tide of war and confront the encroaching peril, Morgan, Draven, Hawl, Lancelot, & Guinevere embark on a perilous quest to vanquish these relics of untold potency. Along the way, they unearth long-buried truths, delving into the depths of history to confront horrors they never dared imagine! Morgan will also encounter brothers and sisters who she either never met before, or her mother wiped all memories of the family that she was taken from before she could be used in her father's ultimate plans to conquer the world.

*Thoughts* So, this is a pretty entertaining story and a good way to wrap up the series. I do, however, still have questions as to how Medra was able to grow so quickly from a baby who was left behind by Morgan and Draven who fell in love with her, but to end up as a young teenaged girl with remarkable powers to challenge a God. Was it because of who her mother was, and possibly the same reason why Gorlois wanted Morgan so badly? There are quite a few characters who make the ultimate sacrifice in this story. In that way, it makes the story a bit more realistic than to have everyone survive against tremendous challenges.

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Knight of the Goddess- Briar Boleyn
Well here we are, the end of an amazing series. Was this my favourite book of the series? No, partly because it means the story is over, and partly because I wanted more action! However that is just personal preference. Briar is an amazing writer and I always love her world building, I have been so invested in Morgans story that it feels like a part of me is now gone. That is how you can tell the difference between a good book and an amazing book. Very well I guess this is goodbye, here is what the last book will get you,
🥀Bonded mates
🥀Arthurian legend
This book is now available on amazon!
Thank you Briar and NetGalley for this e-book. I am leaving this review voluntarily💕

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A great book to conclude the series, loved all the little plot twists and turns. My only issue was were a couple plot holes where information jumped or was left out. But the ending of the story brought it all to light. I really enjoyed Draven and Morgan’s relationship on this and how they blossomed. There were definitely some tears for sure and a point where I wanted to chuck my kindle across the room but subsided to screaming constant profanities. Thank you for the opportunity to read through net galley.

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Wow wow wow
Briar, you’ve outdone yourself again. This was such a beautiful last installment of Blood of the Fae Series! Thank you Briar, NetGalley and Briar’s team for this eARC!

“Be everything you truly are. That’s all I’ll ever ask of you, my silver one”-Draven

SIR! No truer words ever spoken and to sum up this book. 🤫

Synopsis: Knight of the Goddess follows the aftermath of Rose Court’s costs of war. What seems like peace is short lived for Morgan and those around her. A storm is coming and that storm’s name is Gorlois Le Fey. To save everyone and keep the peace, Morgan must figure out to destroy the dread three: the grail, the sword and the spear. Morgan and her friends set out to go straight to her father. Along the way, they are met with many trials and battles. This is a story of what love is, loss is and what is the price to pay for power or peace. All that is hidden will come to the light. “Without love, life was a starved and empty thing, for there was no hope, no joy without it…But with love, there was strength…Love was the greatest adventure.” - Morgan

Additional Quotes:
“Every twisted part of me is yours. And every twisted part of you is mine. The good and the bad. All of it. Forever. You’re fucking mine, Draven Venator. Don’t you ever forget it.” Morgan

“Oh Morgan, why do you do these things?…Act as if you’re alone in this when you’re not. I’m here my silver one. I’m always here” Draven

Likes: found family, Morgan’s and Draven’s relationship, how everything ties together, the repeating themes in quotes, the friendships. I’m hoping we see more of these characters in her new series.

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5 ⭐️
Briar Boleyn has only gone and done it again.... how does every book in this series seem to be so great but then the next seems to surpass it?!?!?!
This series has wrecked me... I can't even put into words... and the last 40% of this book, please don't talk to me, so much has happened I don't even know where to begin.

The Knight Of The Godess is the 4th and final installment of the Blood Of A Fae series. This book has made me laugh, it has made me cry. The amount of twists in this series, most of the time you never see them coming and when they do they don't pull any punches. The characters go through so much its hard to find a good place to put the books down you just want to devour them all in one.

We start this book with Morgan and Draven in a somewhat peace as there family has grown and things for the moment have settled down. With this being the final book the characters go on one final quest to rid the world of the Chalice,Spear and Sword and we finally learn the truth of Morgans family and past.
The amount the Characters go through in this book is heartbreaking as they have all grown so much throughout the series you just want them all to end up Happy but that's not the case. 😭💔 The urge to drop a massive spoiler to explain is unreal but I won't, all I'm going to say is WHHYYY what did that character do to deserve all that 😭😭 it's always the loveable side characters.

The world building is so well done in this series there's just the right amount without unnecessary repetition or long winded explanations which usually happens in stories that get told over multiple books with more than one POV.

I absolutely loved this series and wasn't ready for it to end and say goodbye to this world and its characters, they have my heart. It will definitely be a series I will come back to and reread multiple times ❤️

I want to say a huge thankyou to NetGalley for introducing me to this series and letting me share my honest opinions in exchange for free e-arc copies of this book/series. I'm beyond grateful for Netgalley for this opportunity because without them I don't think I would have know this beautiful series existed and that would have been a great shame, these books and Briar deserve all the Love ❤️

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Soo refreshing when an author isn’t scared to kill off their own characters and still keep the same premise of the story. I really enjoyed this series and the ending was perfect, kinda sad that it had to end though. Thank you Briar Boleyn, NetGalley and publishers.

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What an incredible ending to this series! Everything wrapped up nicely and I love a nice happy ending.

It was honestly refreshing to read a book where the author was not afraid of killing off a lot of characters... It was upsetting but it made the stakes even higher.

The twist with Rychel was devastating, and I found the sections with Medra very interesting. And can we talk about the final reveals of both Morgan and Draven's identities? So good.

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

PS I am really looking forward to Briar's new series... I LOVED that preview.

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My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice level: 🌶️🌶️

Read if you like:
▫️gender swapped King Arthur retelling
▫️multiple POV
▫️fae, gods, and magic
▫️fight against evil to save the world

This is the fourth and final book in the Blood of a Fae series, and it was the perfect ending to a great series!

If you want a spicy romantasy with dark overtones, a strong and sassy heroine, a possessive and protective hero, fated mates, and excellent found family, I highly recommend this one! It’s got plot twists, jaw-dropping reveals, and heartbreaking moments.

Draven and Morgan are excellent main characters in their own right, but they are even better together. I love their relationship and how obsessed with each other they are! Their dynamic and chemistry is perfect.
The cast of supporting characters are also well-rounded and interesting. I especially enjoyed the addition of Medra!

Overall, I highly recommend this series. this It’s full of action, adventure, romance, and danger. I loved all of the books and will miss these characters now that it’s over!

Thank you to Briar Boleyn for the copy. I received it for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Knight of the Goddess by Briar Boleyn

4 stars

Wordsmith Briar has done it again. I honestly didn’t think she could match the previous three books, but she took up the challenge and delivered with style.

This book had all the tension and atmosphere of Game of Thrones but with a HEA thrown in.

Why only 4 stars? Well, because it felt a little bit rushed, so much so that I’m not sure I completely understand what Perun and Vela were doing, what happened to Rychel, what happened to the girl – how she rescued the girl. Why Orcades was banished to the lake, why Nedola was deemed unworthy. Why Nightclaw?

So many of the characters I’d grown to love didn’t make it to the end of the book. Then again, neither did those that I despised.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for sending this digital book for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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An immersive and magical Arthurian retelling - 3.5 stars! As this was the final instalment of the Blood of a Fae series I knew there was going to be some tragedy and emotional damage. The book centres around an epic quest that our beloved Morgan and Draven embark on. This was full of action and adventure. Throughout the book there are various reveals and this kept the pace steady.
As always what I loved most was the animal companions, of which there are plenty!
If you are looking for a fantasy romance with a strong FMC, found family, bonded mates and mythological creatures then this is the series for you.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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