Member Reviews

Another Girl Lost by Mary Burton

My, oh my, OH MY ~ What a twisted tale this was and such a delight to unravel bit by bit!

What I liked:
* Scarlett Crosby: artist, rock climber, scarred, guarded, survivor, PTSD and nightmares, closed off, trust issues, proactive, wants more, intriguing, felt for and with her, want the best for her
* Judge Thompson: judge, children’s advocate, foster parent, took Scarlett in, supportive, role model, admirable, kind, gives back to others
* Luke Kane: lawyer, intelligent, careful, strong, wise, focused, relaxed, intrigued by Scarlett, takes his time, a great book boyfriend and perfect for and with Scarlett
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* That I was grabbed in the beginning and stayed focused till the very end – I cared about the characters and the outcome of their story
* The way the past and present were woven seamlessly together
* The twists and turns that kept me on the edge
* The shades of gray – some of the characters were not 100% good or evil though there were some very VERY evil characters
* That I wasn’t 100% sure how it would all resolve even though I read the end before I reached the end…and when I did read the last word the second time…I wondered how some of the characters would move on into the future.
* That it made me think about what I would be willing to do to survive…and if I would see what some in this book never did

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the evil, pain, and harm that some people are willing to and thoroughly enjoy doing to others

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Scarlett was abducted and held by a serial rapist. In the 10 years since she has tried to move on with her life, but now a body has been found in the walls of the place where she was held. And the detective from the original case is coming back around. Why is it all being stirred up again?

A dark and twisty psychological thriller told in a dual-timeline. I skimmed some, but that was on me and not on the story or the author (who is an excellent writer). Possible trigger warnings.

Many thanks to the author and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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Another Girl Lost is another homerun by Mary Burton. I highly recommend this novel full of twists and suspense. I believe that the author's voice is perfect for this kind of gripping tale. She had me turning pages one after another.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a digital ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Another great Mary Burton novel. This story is told from multiple points of view and timelines. Showing the past as the story unfolds in real time was a great touch and made it hard to put down. I also found it really hard to put it down and was pulled in right away. It has the right amount of suspense and mystery. Highly recommend thriller readers.

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I dislike saying this, but this was just an ok read. Normally I cannot put down a Mary Burton book, but this one just didn't talk to me. I could not get into or connect with the story. The characters are interesting, the plot was interesting, but the rest was not for me. It happens sometimes, not everything your favorite authors write will interest you. If the blurb sounds interesting to you go for it.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Another Lost Girl by Mary Burton in return for my honest review.
I’ve read a few of Mary Burtons’ books and I have to say this is my favourite one so far. This is quite a dark story set in the past and present and full of twist and turns which had me quickly turning the pages. I would definitely recommend reading.

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This book was intense. It did have a lot going on so I needed to lay extra close attention to the details. I was on the edge of my seat in parts and just trying to put the pieces together. Is Della real? Did Scarlett manifest her? Who is actually who they say they are. This book was a bit dark, lots of unexpected twists, and a great ending. Thank you to Netgalley, and Montlake for the arc.

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Another Girl Lost is a fascinating roller coaster ride of a read. I have to say I am not sure if this is part of an unnamed series to be due to the ending.

The book is told in multiple points of view as well and the present and the past. Ten years ago, Scarlett Crosby kidnapped with the help of Della for Tanner Reed. She is held captive in a basement until she is told to lure another girl to the same fate she has suffered. At the last second Scarlett is unable to put Tiffany through the same ordeal. Scarlett escaped and her captor is killed, while Della disappears.

Detective Kevin Dawson who was one of the detectives ten years ago is called when a call comes in about a body being found in a house. It is believed to be one of the victims never found.

Ten years later, Scarlett is a successful artist but struggles to move one form the past. Della has become an obsession for her, since no one believed she was real. She paints her image over and over, never getting it just right.

Dawson begins his investigation again, and calls on Scarlett, who is understandably reluctant to trust and offer information again.

After a one-night stand with Margo, Dawson is assigned a partner, Margo Larsen. Dawson will be drawn into Margo's intense world which oddly includes Scarlett.

The story is well written and holds the reader tightly in its grasp. A surprise ending wraps up the story but is it a cliffhanger to be picked up for future stories or just the end to leave us wondering. Only time will tell.

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Another Girl Lost is a heart-pounding thriller with a lot of twists and turns.
When she was fifteen Scarlett was kidnapped and abused. Ten years later she has rebuilt her life but still struggles with her memories of those eighty-eight days and unanswered questions about her missing co-captive, Della. The author explores the psychological impact of trauma and how the mind creates ways of coping with horror. Scarlett's sanity comes into question in the years after her abduction.
This book kept me on the edge of my seat. Scarlett is a relatable and complex character. The timeline jumps from the present to her time in captivity and the pacing is balanced between intense scenes and quieter moments. The timeline jumps from the present to the time of Scarlett's captivity keeping the momentum of suspense consistent and interwoven with emotionally charged scenes.
Fans of psychological thrillers and suspense will enjoy this book.

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Great book, definitely recommending to those that enjoy a dark twisted story. Hard to put dow, just had to keep reading until the end.

Thanks NetGalley, Mary Burton, and Montake for this ARC.

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(4.5) Another Girl Lost has a lot going on. Twisty, dark, complex, with triggers. The plot goes back and forth between present and past, which is my least favorite, but Mary handles it well. Another Girl Lost took me on an emotional ride. What sticks out in my head, that I cannot let go, and over shadows everything for me is the ending. The last thing that Detective Dawson does. Argghh , what, why? Thank you for the opportunity for an early read. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #AnotherGirlLost #MaryBurton #Montlake #NetGalley

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Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for my copy of Another Girl Lost by Mary Burton.
It's 10 years since Scarlett Crosby was rescued from a car and the man who had kidnapped her and held her captive for 88 days.
But Della wasn't found and rescued, the police could find no trace of her. Was she just a figment of Scarlett's broken mind.
Now another girls body has been found. Is the killer back? Is Della real?
So many twists and turns you will race to the end.

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"How did you scare someone who'd been tortured by the devil?"

Another Girl Lost - Mary Burton
Pub date: Sept 17, 2024

What a wild ride. I couldn't guess the actual villain until the very end because the author succeeded in tossing me to doubt literally everyone. I find it interesting how all the characters are connected through one major young girls abduction case and how it also brought character development to each of them. Another Lost Girl was shelved under romance tag which i doubt why but when you get into it, you will see through it. It's just i can't truly embrace the warm vibe due to the never ending suspense and i just keep suspecting either of them lol. The twist and ending was unexpected but i think it is the best way to conclude this story.

Thank you to Netgalley and Montlake Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Mary Burton, is one of my favorite suspense writers. She has always been a click buy for me. This one got me thinking—a kidnapped girl, Scarlet. And another girl Della, that nobody knew about. When the past comes back to Haunt Scarlet, weird things start to happen. And with possible Della sightings, Scarlet goes to the police, enter Detective Kevin, with things not adding up; he doesn’t know what to think. With some definite twists that will definitely blow your mind and an ending that had me go wow!! This was one of my favorites by Ms. Burton.

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A tension filled, mind twisting novel that had me invested from page one. Scarlett had a terrifying experience being abducted as a young girl who was then kept locked in a basement for 88 days and sexually violated. Told from 2 persons’ perspective (Scarlett and Dawson, the lead detective), it was interesting to see the thoughts and reasonings of each individual. I liked that both were complex characters, with strengths and foibles. I was a little disappointed that Scarlett had a Barbie-like figure. I was picturing more a Linda Hamilton/Terminator physique. Maybe too cliche? But this was a small disappointment that didn’t really affect my enjoyment of this story.

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I loved this well written thriller. I loved Scarlet and was proud to see how far she had come after she went through a horrible experience. I loved all the twists and turns that happen as we see if Scarlet is good or bad. I could not put this book down. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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This gifted storyteller always delivers a compelling, edge-of-the-seat suspense that keeps the reader guessing until the last page. In this story we meet Scarlett Crosby, a childhood survivor of kidnapping and subsequent trauma who now lives a quiet life as an artist in a small town. When a body is found, it reopens the wound of Scarlett's trauma as well as the mystery of the girl held captive with Scarlett who seemed to disappear into thin air.

It also brings Detective Kevin Dawson back into Scarlett’s life. He was the one who dispatched her captor all those years ago, and he's also investigating the current found body, one that seems to be tied to the mysterious Della. As Kevin and Scarlett grow closer, he gets closer to finding the answers he needs to solve his current case and finds answers to questions that have plagued him since Scarlett's abduction.

While I’ve loved everything I’ve read from this talented wordsmith, this one wasn’t the best of hers I’ve read. I loved the twist when it came to Scarlett and Della, but the story seemed to end abruptly and I was puzzled as to why the detective seemed to just let it go. Still, it was a fascinating read that kept me turning the pages and I don’t hesitate to recommend it to romantic suspense fans.

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September 17, 2024
Another Girl Lost is a complex psychological read true to Mary Burton’s style and will not disappoint! Be prepared to dive into a deeply meaningful dark story about Scarlett Crosby and her tragic yet eventful life. It switches from present to past and back again. I was unsure which characters were trustworthy at times which added to the mystery. Mary Burton’s books always give me insight into life as other people live it. Stay tuned for a surprise ending!
I am a true Mary Burton fan and have read and loved every book she has published. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery and story with a deeper, darker meaning you can sink your teeth into.

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Another Girl Lost, like most Mary Burton books, hooked me from page one!
When Scarlett Crosby was 15, she was kidnapped and held as a sex hostage. She managed to escape and her captor was killed, but she bears the scars of her experience, especially when it comes to relationships. The fate of another girl (Della) held at the same time as her has always been a mystery and most people think Scarlett made her up. Now, 10 years later, a girl's body is found, the detectives think Scarlett knows more than she has told (was she a victim or an accomplice?), and Della might be back (but is she friend or foe?). I was sure I had the big twist figured out early on, but it turns out I didn't, so kudos to Burton on surprising me! The story is fast-paced and focuses on the present but has flashbacks to 10 years ago. While mostly told from Scarlett's point of view, some chapters focus on the detective Kevin Dawson, who was also involved in the case 10 years ago. Both are complex characters, damaged but relatable.

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Okay readers buckle up because Another Girl Lost is going to take you on a roller coaster ride that will have you reeling! A decade ago, fifteen year old Scarlett Crosby was taken against her will. She was held captive by a man in his basement dungeon and would have occasional visits from the other captive, Della. As the days turned into weeks then months, Scarlett feared that she would never be free. When opportunity arises, Scarlett seizes it at the last moment and finds freedom at the hands of Detective Dawson. It's now a decade later and from the outside it appears as if Scarlett has healed. She's a successful artist and lives alone by her own choosing. In reality the past is never far from her thoughts. When an entombed body is found near where Scarlett grew up, the past comes knocking at her door once again. There's a new police officer in town who has wormed her way into the detective in charge of the case that has the police asking lots of questions. Was there really a mysterious Della? Was Scarlett more involved with her abductor and the other missing girls? Can she finally get the answers and move forward with her life and leave that basement behind? And what about Detective Dawson, will he get the answers that he wants or will he miss signs again? Another Girl Lost was very good. It's incredibly gritty and based on the subject matter that shouldn't come as a surprise. I loved this book even though I had my suspicions about some of the characters for awhile. It was told from dual POV and there are quite a few explicit scenes so if that's not your cup of tea, then stick to cozy mysteries because there's nothing cozy about Another Girl Lost.

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