Member Reviews

A fun bookish mystery! The first thing that drew me in was the cover but I stayed for the story and the writing! Will recommend!

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This book was decent. Madeline’s aunt dies and she is left a house. Which is also connected to a local bookstore. I loved the relationship between Madeline and her aunts two best friends. I also like seeing books about people who grew up together and how much their lives have changed

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this advanced reader's copy. In exchange, I am providing an honest review.

Madeline Brimley is back in Enigma, Georgia, after being gone for several years. She never thought she'd be back for good, but her Aunt Rose has different plans. Madeline is the heir to Aunt Rose's home and shop, The Old Juniper Bookstore—as long as she sticks it out for six months. Madeline's acting career has stalled, so she has nothing better to do. But someone doesn't want Madeline to take up residence in Enigma or keep the bookstore going; on her first night, a fire destroys the historical gazebo in the backyard. And that's followed by a threatening phone call. But Madeline doesn't take any of it real seriously until Tandy, her unexpected houseguest, is murdered in the bookstore while another fire set threatens to burn the whole house down. Now it's serious. Joined by Philomena and Gloria, Madeline starts digging around, trying to help the local police figure out who is setting fires and killing people. As the threesome gets closer to exposing Tandy's killer and the firestarter, Madeline's future as an Enigma and Earth residence might be in danger.

I really enjoyed Nelson's main cast of characters—Madeline, Philomena, Gloria, and Aunt Rose from the beyond. Small-town life is always quirky, so that brings color to any story. But can a small town support a series in which murders happen? It would be a small town that I would avoid for sure!

I enjoyed what is slated to be the first book in a new cozy mystery series. But this series might be just a step up from cozy, which is fine by me. P.J. Nelson is the pen name of someone with quite the professional resume: award-winning actor, dramatist, professor, and novelist, to name a few things. Regardless of who P.J. Nelson is, I have a feeling I will like future titles if this does become a series.

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Booked for Murder is a great start to a new series that had me racing to the conclusion.

The setting is the mid south and we meet Madeline who has reluctantly returned to Georgia to mourn the death of her beloved aunt.

Aunt Rose who is a quirky character that all the town loved or at least talked about has left her bookstore to Madeline with certain conditions.

I would love to visit this book store.

Twists and turns, lies, secrets, threats, murder and fire as the suspense builds

Drama is the middle name of this town.

P.J. Nelson has done a great job of making you feel like you walk amongst the citizens of the town.

I cant wait to see where this series takes us next.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for the privilege of reading and reviewing Booked for Murder.

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This is a good start to a series. The characters have depth and are setup well for more books in this series. I felt it rambled in places but over all I liked it. It was a little dark for a cozy mystery but was deftly handled. Most readers will be surprised as the secrets are revealed.

I am looking forward to book 2. Netgalley provided me an e-copy of an Advance Readers Copy. I am not required to leave a positive review.

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I love a cozy mystery, especially one in a small town, and I loved Booked for Murder enough to really, really hope there's a sequel! P.J. Nelson did an excellent job of bringing her characters to life, and I quickly fell in love with each character in the story. I think many cozy mysteries become rote, but this one had some substantial twists and turns that I loved. I definitely will be looking for more books by this author!

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This is a first in series, or so I assume. Also a new author so I wasn't sure what to expect. As with many series, it take a while to settle in or get a feeling for the main characters and where we're headed.

This book starts with Madeline returning to a small town in Georgia as she has inherited her aunt's bookstore. Things start going wrong very fast and the who, and why is the main gist of the book. The location, and some theater and actor skills come into play. There are lots of details that felt dark to me but most questions do get resolved. By the end, I knew the who and why but still had questions and some uncertainty as to how things would truly move forward.

This is a 3.5 stars for me, rounded to 4, as I did get invested closer to the end.

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This one was a little slow for me, but I liked the small town setting and the way it really reflected an everyone-knows-everyone feel. I felt like it was set in the 1980s in some parts, and others felt more modern day. Overall it was a nice cozy mystery and a wonderful debut!

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This cozy mystery started with a bang but quickly fell off for me. I didn’t care enough about what happened with the love triangle or the murder.

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I was excited for this book but it was mostly a disappointment. The ending came out of nowhere and was not satisfying and it had very little to do with books.

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Booked for Murder by P. J. Nelson is a cozy mystery. It all starts when Madeline Brimley inherits a bookstore that is in an old Victorian house in a small town. The suspense starts as soon as she arrives with a gazebo fire and strange phone call. Who can Madeline really trust and who is behind the threats? The setting was great and once things started happening, there was never a dull moment. The supporting cast was well-written. Overall, a fun, engaging beginning to a new cozy mystery series.

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I don’t remember what made me interested in this ARC when I read the description. Maybe it was simply that it was set mainly in a bookstore, because I will read any novel about bookstore owners. I really wasn’t sure about it after the first two chapters (but it has been at least a year since I’ve read a mystery like this). I kept picking it up a bit at a time, but it didn’t take long after that to feel invested.

What do you get when an actor, a female Anglican priest, and a psych prof try to solve a crime? You get this little picture of humanity. You get insight into people from the three types of person who have made a profession out of understanding people.

I enjoyed the characters, the southern charm of the book - the lilt is written into the voice of the book but not in an exaggerated way at all, I enjoyed how the book centered around these “cultured” people that were outside the norm of the typical/stereotypical southern small-town folk.

I didn’t really think this at all while I was reading it, but as I’m describing it, the book resembles Louise Penny’s Three Pines books in its own way.

It’s a lovely book that goes beyond a simple whodunnit and paints a picture of how a person can make a lovely life in a small country town full of people who don’t seem to be like her at all. As long as you don’t get murdered.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced copy!

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Booked for Murder is a cozy mystery featuring FMC Madeline Brimley, a failing stage actress in her 30’s. She retreats to her small Georgian home town when she inherits her beloved aunt’s bookstore, which is housed in a Victorian home. Madeline turns into an amateur sleuth when she immediately receives threatening phone calls, someone sets 2 fires, and then a murder occurs in the bookstore. The story is so cozy, that I found myself forgetting about the murder and the threat to Madeline at times. I read that this book may be the first in a new series. The author introduces the reader to several eccentric side characters and lays groundwork for a love triangle. I would recommend this to fans of feel good murder mysteries. 3.5/5⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.
Available 12/10/24

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Madelaine Brinkley just inherited her aunt's bookstore/house in Enigma, Georgia. She is at loose ends in Atlanta so she returns to the small town she couldn't wait to leave. She isn't even there for one night before she is putting out fires and getting threatening phone calls. Then there is a murder in the bookstore. Does she flee? Nope, then there would be no story. Also, she has to stay in her aunt's bookstore/house for six months in order to inherit. And she is riled up. She is going to find the villain. Add in some eccentric women and small town characters for a good story.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of "Booked for Murder". I will be honest and say that I did not have high hopes for this book BUT I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definately recommend it!!

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Cozy mystery,
little flat, poor character
development. Meh.

I write haiku reviews but am happy to provide more feedback.

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In this charming southern cozy debut, Madeline Brimley returns to the small town of Enigma, Georgia, to inherit her eccentric aunt's quirky bookstore housed in a Victorian mansion. What starts as a fresh beginning quickly spirals into danger when mysterious fires and a murder put Madeline in the center of a deadly mystery. Determined to protect her aunt’s legacy and clear her own name, Madeline must unravel the town’s dark secrets. Perfect for fans of cozy mysteries with a dash of southern charm and intrigue!

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This was a great fall season read. I was hooked from the beginning and was very invested in the pot. I will be recommending this title to my friends and to my library.

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This was a fun read. The author hit the nail on the head when it came to the small-town aspect. It is more of a cozy mystery, not very much suspense and it was a bit slow in a couple of places, but I still enjoyed it.

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An easy to read book that immerses us in a quite interesting universe! It's a story that resembles many others, but remains quite well written. the ending was quite predictable.

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