Member Reviews

"My Favourite Mistake" follows the angsty life of Anna, a PR rep in the beauty industry who leaves her high-pressure job to return home to Ireland and recover from burn-out.

When a friend needs some PR help on a part-time basis, it gives Anna something to do while she figures out her next steps. But the fly in the ointment is, she'll be working with Joey Armstrong, someone who has been in and out of her life (if not her bed) for many, many years.

As Anna and Joey are forced to work together, the past presents itself as an elephant in the room. But it seems like whenever Anna is in a position where she can consider something more with Joey, he's unavailable. And the same is true when he's ready for her. So, will this time be any different? And when Anna's life has imploded, is this really the best time to be thinking about a relationship with Joey?

While this story is positioned as being a "hilarious, heartwarming new novel," I didn't find it all that funny. Some of the characters were quirky, yes. But there are plenty of broken relationships, a child with cancer, death, sabotage and more in this story. So the moments that stood out as "funny" had more to do with crazy (and insensitive) family dynamics than anything else.

Overall, this wasn't the pick-me-up I thought it would be. But I thank Marian Keyes, Penguin Random House Canada, and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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I had high hopes when I read the description of this book, but it just did not work out for me. It seemed to go on too long and had too many characters. I could not maintain my interest in this one.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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Anna finds herself living an enviable life that doesn't fulfill her, so she upends everything and moves back to Ireland to the tiny town of Maumtully to help some friends with their PR problems. What awaits her is a blast from her past that will have her rethinking the mistakes and events that brought her to where she is today.

It's an emotional story that jumps around from modern Anna to her younger days and everything that led her to being who she is today. We get to see the typical mistakes of youth and the encounters that formed the character whose story we're following along. Anna is a character that you can easily relate to and it makes her interactions and insights enjoyable. You kind of know where everything is going to end up, but the journey is so enjoyable that the predictability is part of what makes it charming.

I loved the fact that Keyes does not shy away from letting the fact that Anna is 'older' come through on the pages with everything that comes along with aging as a woman. And the fact that Anna is so open about it and doesn't care if it makes others uncomfortable for her to talk about it. It normalizes aging in a way that is desperately needed while keeping it fun.

Very happy thanks to NetGalley and Doubleday Canada for the great read!

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This was my first read of any books by Marian Keyes. I was excited to jump in, but realized pretty quickly this wasn't a book for me. I enjoyed the setting of the book, but felt they story was quite long. It could have been 100 pages or so shorter. I had a hard time keeping characters straight. This book definitely missed the mark for me.

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This is another book in the Walsh sisters series but can definitely be read as a standalone. Anna is the central sister in this book and she has turned her life upside down. She has left her high profile job in beauty PR, left NYC, and moved back to Ireland. Once Anna gets back home she definitely wonders what she has done and what she will do next. She gets a temporary job at a resort that brings with it a great cast of characters, intrigue, and community. Next she has to contend with her feelings for a man she has a complicated history with. Making matters worse they have to learn to work together. The author writes characters that are so interesting and with so much depth. The setting is perfect and all of the secondary characters bring so much to the story. If you like a heartwarming character driven plot be sure to give this one a try.

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I'm a long time fan of Marian Keyes, so I was delighted to be chosen to review her new book My Favourite Mistake. My favorite was the dialogue between our mc and her mother and sisters. They are the absolute best! As for this book, well, it dragged. I think lots of editing will make this a much more enjoyable read.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC for an honest review.

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I absolutely ADORE Marian Keyes so I was really looking forward to this new novel. A very enjoyable read about Anna, who has a high stress job in New York and has her relationship end. So she packs up and heads back home to Ireland. Her huge family made me chuckle. How she connects with old acquaintances and friends made my heart happy. All in all it was a fabulous read!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Enjoyable chick lit. Anna Walsh has had enough of her high-stress New York job and her relationship has ended as well, so she heads back home to Ireland. There we meet her large and noisy family, Anna gets involved in some small town drama, and she reconnects with old friends and flames. Warm and humorous. I have not read any of the others in this series, but I plan to!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free e-ARC of this book.

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I found MY FAVOURITE MISTAKE to be both fun (I laughed out loud a couple of time), and heartwarming. I really enjoyed getting to know Anna and the cast of characters who are part of her adventure. I haven't read in this series before, so I appreciated the backstory that was woven in and the reconciliations between Anna and some of the people who played an important role in her past.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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I really liked this book! I thought it was super a super fun and easy read. The story was a so unique and it was so easy to connect with and root for the characters. I'm excited to read more books by Marian Keyes!

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I read a couple of Walsh Family books long ago (Watermelon and Angels, 2005 and 2006 respectively) and have always wanted to read another, but they're not available on Libby for the most part (though I see now they are on Hoopla), and they're long. But I saw My Favourite Mistake on NetGalley and thought I'd give it a go. The Walsh family is crazy, loving, and hilarious. This one focuses on Anna, the quietest of the sisters. There's a lot of dialog. A lot. And at times I can't tell who's talking. There's a lot of backstory too, of Anna's time in NYC and what led to her falling out with her best friend, and her long history with Joey Armstrong, the love interest in the novel. There are also a lot of side characters. A lot. Maybe if I'd read more of the other books and more recently I'd be able to keep track of the sisters and their families but I often was lost with the who's who and Keyes seems to assume you know who these people are. Anyway I did like the book, and maybe I'll read the rest of the series now that I know they are on Hoopla.

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I started this book and was a bit lost, soon released it was part of a series, which wasn’t clear based on the synopsis. Unfortunately, because of this I had to pass on continuing to read it.
Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada/Doubleday Canada for this ARC!

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"My Favourite Mistake" is an interesting entry in the Walsh Family series. Marian Keyes delves deep into human relationships and choices with this one. The book is a bit long, but there was much to unpack. I did enjoy this and will look for other books by Keyes..

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I've been a long time Marian Keyes fan and have spent time with many of the Walsh family through her books. In this one, Anna Walsh is experiencing a bit of a life crisis: she moves back home to Ireland from New York, after leaving her job and relationship. She begins to find herself in a (very) small town and is reunited with a could-have-been-lover from her past. I liked the setting and the varied characters of Maumtully but I did find the pacing a bit slow for me in this one. I'll still look forward to more from Marian Keyes.

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In My Favourite Mistake, Marian Keyes returns with another captivating story, this time revisiting Anna Walsh from Anybody Out There?. Now older, Anna is at a crossroads, leaving her glamorous New York life behind and heading back to Ireland in search of something more fulfilling. However, with a complicated past involving a best friend and a former love interest, she finds that starting over is easier said than done.

Marian Keyes has a unique ability to balance humor and heart, and My Favourite Mistake delivers both in abundance. Anna's journey is relatable and filled with Keyes' trademark wit, making readers root for her as she navigates a new job, small-town life, and the challenges of midlife. The supporting characters add richness to the story, especially the quirky locals of Maumtully, who bring humor and charm to Anna’s world.

Though the pacing feels slow at times, particularly in the middle, the novel offers a thoughtful exploration of personal growth, love, and second chances. Fans of Keyes and the Walsh family saga will enjoy this next installment, even if it doesn't quite hit the highs of earlier books in the series.

Overall: 4 stars. A heartwarming, funny read that showcases Keyes’ talent for storytelling, even if it could have been a bit shorter.

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Marian Keyes returning to the Walsh Family? SIgn me up! I loved this book and catching up with all of the members of this boisterous, loud, and lovable Irish family. I began the series back in the 90s and have loved each installment since then. You can definitely read this book as a first introduction to the Walsh series and not feel lost. I enjoyed the new characters as well. It was a great read!! Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for the ARC!!

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4,5 rounded up to five. I love Marian Keyes’ books. They’re charming, emotional, sometimes heartbreaking, and ultimately so enjoyable. The relationship between Joey and Anna in this book is hot. There is a tension throughout the whole book of will they or won’t they? But also, is this ever going to happen? Is this meant to happen? I love Anna’s large, insane, and completely loving family. I adored the village of Maumtully. This is a great read that will leave you with a fond smile on your face. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this as an ARC.

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This book was so long and draggy and unfun. I used to love reading Marian Keyes books, but this one was just a huge miss for me. Too many characters to keep track of and just too much non-stop dialogue (half of which didn't make sense). I almost DNF because it was that bad.

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A couple of random quotes:

He took a big breath. "Anna, you might not get this because people tend to like you. Me, I just make them uncomfortable. First I was Narky Joey, now I'm that flash fuck from Dublin, the go-boy." He looked pained.

This was a dirty little secret which was rarely spoken about: intense friendships end.
For as long as I could remember, I'd been told that men will come and men will go but your girlfriends will be there forever. It took me several more years before I understood that the bond with your best friend is like every other relationship - sometimes it goes weird and you can't stop it.

I liked this, but not loved it as much as I did part 1 about Anna, Anybody Out There? Hard to say why, the book and I just didn't click. Still, it was a pleasure reading about a Walsh sister. They've long become sort of family for me.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my free ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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