Member Reviews

I wasn't sure what I was going to think before going into this short story collection. I definitely loved it and especially where the author talks about the history or inspiration for the short stories. The author has really had an interesting life and shares those experiences openly and creatively. I think my favorite story in this collection would be "The devil's well" and a close second is "The boy in the center of the road". The devil's well has some phobias and also what I consider to be classic horror elements and the boy in the center of the road is IMO real life horror. The first book I read by this author was Ojanox and I loved it so much, I picked up two of his other works (Arcranium and this story) and I can't wait for the remainder of the Ojanox series.

Amazing writing that just sucks you right in to each story, the first story starting off with a bang I couldn’t put it down. This is a short story collection with truth intertwined into each story, based off the author or people the author knew. There is a variety of stories in this, some giving you the creeps while others make you FEEL.

Very interesting concept. I did think I would be more into the book after hearing what others said about it. I hear very good things!

MANX-IETY by Daemon Manx is a solid collection of 16 short horror stories - a heady mix of ghost stories ("5:56 PM", "Devlin's Manse", "The Dead Girl"), possession story (Devlin's Manse"), crime/thriller ("Witness", "The Last Waltz"), architecture horror ("The Overbrook"), revenge story ("Recalculating"), sci-fi ("Something in the Air", "The Party"), creature feature ("The Widower", "The Devil's Well"), cosmic horror ("Scream in the Dark"), slice-of-life ("Manx-iety", "The Boy in the Center of the Road", "The Wheel Turns"), and bizarro ("Ronald Reagan and the Oh Jesus Chord") - all of which are inspired by the author's experiences, with backstories that are insightful and as fun as the stories themselves. I enjoyed the nostalgic feeling while reading all of them, with my favorites being: "The Party" and "The Devil's Well".
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ecopy to read and review.

This collection of short stories I've read recently has left a profound impact on me. Each story is drawn from different facets of life. All these real-life experiences make the book both enthralling and unnerving. The author weave through themes of sorrow, trauma, abuse, addiction and bewilderment. What I particularly value is the author's meticulous effort to provide the origins of each story at the book's conclusion.

“The massive structure was abandoned and left to rot at the top of the mountain for decades afterwards. But the memory of the pain was left behind.
The empty husks of the old hospital buildings were never entirely empty, at least that’s what the rumors would have you believe.”
A collection of thrilling tales inspired by the author’s own life experience and perspectives.
Some of the stories were so good & at the end of the book the author discussed his inspiration for each twisted tale. This really helped to give each story more of its own life and spark, knowing they were inspired by real life events/interpretations.
My favourites of this collection were “Witness”, “The Overbrook”, and “The Party”.