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Member Reviews

This book was such an easy read! It was heartwarming, emotional and romantic! I loved it all and am so grateful to be given an advanced copy of it by the publisher and author!! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me!!

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Unfortunately, this story just did not work with me. The plot had a lot of promise but the dialogue did not deliver.
Thank you for allowing me to read this ARC.

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This was a very fast read. Unfortunately, this book just wasn’t my cup of tea. There wasn’t really any substance to the plot. I was also not a fan of the writing. When the characters conversed, it didnt really feel as though there was any emotions behind what they were saying. Overall, I would rate this a 3/5 stars.

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I really just couldn’t get into this story. I liked the synopsis but actually reading the story didn’t capture my attention.

Thank you for the eARC for my honest review

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Rating: ⭐⭐.5

I've spent a good hour figuring out how I wanted to rate this book! A quick and easy read. It had a good plot line but fell short with the character development I liked Sophie and Samson but didn't love them some of their interactions felt a bit robotic but there were some wholesome moments.

Thank you Joffe Books for the eARC copy of The baby plan via netgalley

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I wanted to like this book more than I did, the premise really hooked me but I found there to be a lot of boring inner monologue and the writing in general was repetitive. The characters have as much personality as a piece of cardboard..

This is a clean, closed door romance.

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The Baby Plan adds a unique flair to the romance genre by throwing a baby into the mix within the falling in love during a tragedy. I really liked the main characters and the story arc however, I felt like the end was too abrupt. I wish this book was a little longer so that the author can maintain the flow of the story while leaving readers engaged. I still find this book a great read.

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2.75 ⭐️

As an aunt myself, this book made me inexplicably angry. The sheer selfishness of Sophie to the point where she considered kidnapping, even for a brief moment, is insane. The overall timing of the book was also off to me. Days and weeks went by where all we heard was “this happened” and then “this happened.” I needed so much more dialog and banter in order to feel the chemistry that was lacking for me. Also, the epilogue…after what? 4 months? Oye.

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Der kürzere Liebesroman, in dem die Sorge für ein Baby Heldin und Held zusammenbringt, ließ sich insgesamt gut lesen und ich bin ohne Probleme in die Geschichte reingekommen.

Alles an dem Liebesroman war ganz nett, tief berühren konnte mich allerdings nichts. Das liegt primär daran, dass die Hauptcharaktere auf mich etwas flach angelegt wirkten. Aus beiden hätte man viel mehr rausholen können.

Als nettes, sehr kurzweiliges Leseerlebnis für zwischendurch hat die contemporary romance für mich funktioniert, mehr würde ich von dem Buch nicht erwarten.


Für wen?

Wer Liebesromane mag, in denen ein tragischer Unfall die Hauptcharaktere zusammenbringt, für den lohnt sich vielleicht ein näherer Blick auf das romance Buch.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook.
I have read from this author before, so I was happy to receive this book.
It was just okay. It is a very short story and I think this type of book needs to be longer with character development. Because it felt very fake and unrealistic.
For an aunt to never ever know about her niece is very sad but when the father comes forward you cannot threaten to take the baby away after any kind of disagreement. He is the father and honestly the baby should be with him. I think they being complete strangers and then all of a sudden she moves in with him is just completely weird. They don't know each other. There again we need character development.
I think if the story was longer and more development of the characters I was honestly hooked at the very beginning but as the the story went on I just didn't really believe the story. But it was okay if you want a fast read.

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Cutesy story. Quite short and lacking much in terms of character development and plot but it still made me feel good reading.

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Quick read about Sophia who's sister suddenly passes away and she is put in charge of a niece she didn't even know about Alana. The father of the child, Samson found out the night before that he was the father of this baby. So two strangers try to figure out parenting together.

It was a quite, quick read, but I didn't feel like it was enough to get me invested in the characters.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance copy!

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Thank you to @netgalley & the publishing company for accepting me for this arc.

This book felt so comfy & cozy. It was one of those reads that I could imagine myself just reading this on the beach & just mindfully reading to escape. I got attached to the characters very quickly & I immediately fell in love with Sophie & Alana. Samson was harder to manage but once he showed up for Alana he was like your typical “golden retriever.” This book is a good ‘short’ book that will honestly let you finish it in a day.

Blurb: Sophie hasn’t seen her sister in years, but once her sister gets into an accident Sophie is now a guardian of her sister’s daughter Alana. Sophie has to deal with the accident, & suddenly being a full time guardian for Alana. One day a guy comes knocking on Sophie’s door & says that he is Alana’s father. Sophie was convinced that Alana’s father wasn’t in the picture, but now he is. Sophie & Samson have to manage co-parenting together, while also being bombarded by social services, moving in together, & some feelings rising.

I highly recommend this book for an “easy night in reading” with a comforting & happy ending.

Thank you again to @netgalley, the publishing company, & the author for choosing me to read this book for a honest review.

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This book was really sweet. I think this concept is hard to execute well, but I think it was done okay. I think the relationship was a little rushed towards the end of the book, but I did think that it made sense. Overall, I had a good time reading.

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This book is billed as a feel-good rom-com and it explores deeper themes than I would characterize as feel-good.

The Baby Plan is about Sophie, a woman who discovers she has a niece when she is charged with caring for said niece. Soon after meeting her niece, Alana, she meets the baby's father Samson. Sophie is a career woman thrown into motherhood and she's a well developed character. I felt like Samson was underdeveloped. There was also a lot of build-up to a pretty swift finale.

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Listen, single-parent romance is a no brainer for me. That’s really the only reason why I read this. And apparently, “The Baby Plan” is a re-release and revised edition of Emma Bennet’s “Her Sister’s Baby.” Which makes one question if this was a completely revised edition of a book… why was it so underwhelming? Truthfully, I haven’t read the other version but I don’t think I want to if I rated this new version two stars. The pacing was slow for a very short book. It’s also in third-person but that never prevented me from enjoying a book, but I did think it was a factor in this one. I felt like I was being told what was happening instead of being shown. I don’t really like books written like that. This was so straightforward. I didn’t expect smut, a (romance) book doesn’t need smut for it to be good (I know a lot of good clean ones). But yeah, this is a clean book. Just as well. I wasn’t seeing a lot of chemistry between Sophie and Samson. At least the baby, Alana, was cute. It was cute in the end but I didn’t enjoy myself that much.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a palate cleanser for me, it was sweet, and understanding in the matters of how fast can life change. How grieve can affect us but how we can turn a bad situation into something beautiful. The characters had a good development and it felt organic, like the story was a smooth movie in my head. This book is an amazing close door romance with some ang, force proximity, co-parenting, a lovely dog side kick, and a bubbly baby. Suddenly all I need in my life is a Samson.
I feel like it could of have use a few more scenes to elongate the story but maybe that is just me wanting the book not to end.

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Positives first: The opening chapter- I was hooked right away. The fact that the novel is based in England, which is why I gave this 2 stars.
The negatives: everything else. After the first chapter the book went wildly downhill. I have more depth in my pinky toe than these characters. There was minimal character development throughout the book and given the premise of the book, there should have been a lot of psychological trauma and overcoming hardships discussed. The monologue between the two main characters read as flat and forced.

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*ARC review thanks to Netgalley and the publisher*

Sophie’s life is uprooted when her estranged sister dies, and Sophie discovers she has a young niece, Alana. Just as Sophie promises she’ll look after her, Alana’s father, Samson, shows up at her door to be in his daughter’s life. In order to manage their new lives with a child to take care of, and to give Alana stability and a family, Sophie and Samson move in together.

I didn’t love the writing style which isn’t really my type, I’m not quite sure maybe too descriptive? However there was some sort of softness to the story that I enjoyed. It was all very sweet and lovely, like a quiet read that takes you on a slow journey to a happy ending. The story unravelled well and made this book really good.

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This was a light and fluffy, fast paced short story.
The premise intrigues me going in, however I didn’t feel a super strong connection to the characters and would have liked to see more depth to this story. I still enjoyed this read and liked that I could read it in one sitting! The romance felt a bit rushed in the end, but this was still a feel good story!

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