Member Reviews

I have been an Omar Tyree fan since Flyy Girl. I was extremely excited to see that he had a new work of art coming out, and he did not disappoint. Keep writing bangers Mr. Tyree. You always leave readers wanting more!

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I DNF'd this book after 8 chapters. It was slow and boring and like his previous books. I was excited to see him explore a different genre of writing. I didn't see how this was considered a psychological thriller. This book does a disservice to the mental health profession, with all ethical conflicts, even if a piece of fiction.

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When I learned Omar Tyree had written another novel, I knew I would read it. It didn’t matter what the book would be about, the fact that it was written by Omar Tyree was enough for me. But then I found out it was going to be a psychological thriller, that put the icing on the cake!

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥, a rich in dialogue, character driven novel opens with the protagonist Dr. Victoria Benning, a psychologist from the tough streets of Camden, New Jersey. Dr. Benning has a fascination with concept of control. So much so, that she opens the Prologue discussing Joe and Katherine Jackson, the parents of Michael Jackson. She even recites lyrics from the chart topping song 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 by Janet Jackson.

Now, if you know me, you know I love music. So beginning the novel with lyrics from a Janet Jackson song got me hyped. I was totally here for it😆.

There are a total of six leading characters. Each a patient of Dr. Benning. Each with a different control issue. Each in search of a solution.

The characters are:

Dark & Moody~ a female beat maker in the music industry. She will stop at nothing to become famous, even if it means human sacrifice.

Charles Clay ~ a successful filmmaker with an insatiable appetite for young women.

Mrs. Melody ~ a young, female rapper who named herself 𝐌𝐫𝐬. Melody because she’s married to the game.

Tyrell Hodge ~ a disgruntled ex-film writer turned upscale Uber driver who’s trying to get back into Atlanta’s movie scene.

Joseph Drake ~ A white venture capitalist trying to resolve his white privileged guilt complex.

Destiny Flowers ~ a woman seeking advice from the Dr. although she’s not officially a patient.

In each chapter we learn more about the dilemma each character face. As the novel evolves, the characters start to cross paths with one another causing chaos and confusion.

All I can say is, this was one heck of a journey that left me speechless. Just when I thought I knew the direction the story was heading, it took another unexpected turn.

WOW 🤯!

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I was very excited when I was approved for this ARC since we haven’t heard from Mr. Tyree in a while. I even went to his author talk to meet him and enjoyed hearing about his journey as an author. The concept of the book, that most people make daily decisions to harness and exhibit control, is true and is shown throughout the book, Although the premise is interesting and each individual character is interesting, I didn’t care for the book overall. The concept was that a psychologist was writing her reflections on several of her clients that had issues with control. However, the reflections were not always written from her point of view, didn't always have feedback for the patient, and often contained information that the psychologist was not privy to. A better approach would have been to write from the character’s points of view. There were too many characters with completely different storylines that barely overlapped. Additionally, the decision of the therapist to connect several of her clients through a film project seemed unprofessional and farfetched. Then the ending comes…. I felt like the story wasn’t over yet. It was sudden with lots of loose ends and very little character development. Although the book was listed as a mystery/thriller, it didn’t read that way. I guess that it was placed in those genres because of the ending. I give this book about 2.50 stars.

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I usually like Omar Tyree books.
This one had a little too much going on, and too many different narratives that I was trying to follow. There are six(?) different personalities all working with the same therapist in Atlanta.
It was a slow start for me and unfortunately never really picked up.
The twist at the end doesn't do it for me either. I have seen some others say that the narrated/audio version is slightly better. You have to see for yoursel!

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This book was good. Omar Tyree is a best-selling author who has written many books, but this is his first psychological thriller. I enjoyed it, it had great dialogue and storyline. I did think it was odd the psychologist was so invested in her patients, but to each his own. Also, the ending leaves you guessing, but I believe that’s the author’s intent.

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Reading Between the Wines book review #47/130 for 2024:
Rating: 3 ½ 🍷 🍷 🍷
Book: Control
Author: Omar Tyree
Available now!

Sipping thoughts: Omar Tyree!!??! That was my first thought when I saw this book posted on Netgalley. I Have not read O.T. book since I was in my 20s. I did not know he was still writing but so excited to find out he was. I had high hopes for this book, and I do not think it was entirely met. I can say I enjoyed reading it and being confused by it at the same time. It was pretty fast paced and a domesticated story. I had an inkling about how one of the characters and Dr. Victoria was going to be linked but I had no idea I was on the right track but the wrong train! I have read this trope before and enjoyed reading it again.

Cheers and thank you to @KensingtonPublishing and @Netgalley for an advanced copy of @Control.

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I wanted to love this book because Omar Tyree, duh! However I figured the book out by the description, cover, and title. I was hoping I would be wrong but I was not. The book just lacked something. It didn't keep me very interested, nor did I get the psychological thriller or much thriller in it at all. It was just ok.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book and the opinions expressed are my own. I really did not enjoy Control by Omar Tyree. The book had a lot of back and forth between characters which was confusing and took away from the reading pleasure. I understand the mind is powerful and can play tricks on you but this was really farfetched in my opinion.

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Control started off very strong. I was very entertained by the different characters lifestyles and personalities that are shown throughout the book. I did have an issue with the book switching from third person to first person randomly, in the middle of the chapters which made it difficult to follow at times. The ending also seemed a tad bit rushed, the book was written in a way that eluded to a major build up by the end of the book and that just wasn’t captured for me. I was absolutely happy to see that Omar Tyree has written a new book in a genre he is not normally in, however it missed the mark for me.

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I was excited to see another book by Omar Tyree! I thought the book was entertaining in the beginning as we learned about the 6 patients of Dr. Victoria Benning. I did find myself becoming disinterested as the story went on. Others may enjoy this one though!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for allowing me to read this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was excited to see Omar Tyree back in the writing game. This psychological thriller isn’t his usual style. The book was a bit all over the place and seemed like it was geared towards the younger crowd. Very slow in some areas and I found myself a bit disengaged at times. Dr. Bennington was interesting to say the least, but at times I forgot she was even a doctor with the way she spoke & the lines she crossed.. I wasn’t surprised at the ending.
Overall it’s an okay read, I know the author can do much better since this is a new writing style for him. So i would read another attempt at his thrillers.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher & of course the author for gifting me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Six talented but dangerously toxic personalities in the entertainment hotbed of Atlanta push their psychologist to her own vulnerable limits – and maybe beyond – in this enthralling, knife-edged thriller from NAACP Image Award-winning author Omar Tyree.

Dr. Victoria Benning knows it’s unethical to discuss the therapy sessions of her clients, but the drama of their unpredictable lives tests her professional role like never before.

First, she counsels Mrs. Melody, a brutally honest, gorgeous rap artist who relies on sexual leverage with men to elevate her music career. Then there’s Charles Clay, a hot young film director and master manipulator with a fetish for opportunistic women. Tyrell Hodge is a frustrated screenwriter, part-time driver, and full-time complainer who desperately needs a break. Dark & Moody is a music producer who prays for a blood sacrifice in order to succeed. Joseph Drake, a venture capitalist from a powerful, slave-ownership family, now suffers from a spell of White guilt.

And Destiny Flowers is a hopeless dreamer who struggles to keep her mouth and mind at peace—while harassing the tolerant doctor she hopes will ultimately help her.

Working around the clock, Dr. Benning observes a troubling, treacherous common denominator that plagues all six clients: a desperate impulse to grasp control of everything and everyone in their lives—no matter the cost. It’s a struggle with which she’s all too familiar. Determined to head-off tragedy, she comes up with a brilliant game plan to make their collective talents work in everyone’s favor. . .

But just as she moves into action, inexplicable events quickly turn fatal, as the doctor finds her plan, her career, and her personal life all spiraling into madness—and hopelessly out of control.

My Take:
This summary is exactly what happens in this book. If you are intrigued by the summary, I do recommend this book.

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Omar Tyree, famed author of books Flyy Girl, Just Say No!, and Leslie, has released a new book, Control.

Control follows a psychiatrist and her notes on several of her patients. These patients have the entertainment industry in common but are in different stages of their lives and careers.

Here's where things take a turn: Victoria unethically acts to gain control of her patients.

This book reflects how one attempts to maintain an image of control. For example, Victoria is the psychologist here. We would think she would reflect professionalism; hence, control. We learn she couldn't control her own life.

Overall, the book is a slow burn. I figured out what was happening near the end, before it was all revealed.

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Thank you NetGalley, Omar Tyree and Dafina for my Arc copy. This book had a promising start. Dr. Victoria Benning, a psychologist is treating six patients who are in the entertainment industry. I almost didn’t finish the book because I found some of the writing played into the stereotypes of black rappers, i.e uneducated, being inarticulate. I found some of the language in the book crude and graphic. This didn’t add much to the story. I also felt that the ending was rushed.

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"Control" by Omar Tyree is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of power dynamics and personal relationships. Tyree's writing is both engaging and insightful, capturing the essence of his characters with depth and authenticity. The plot is well-crafted, with twists and turns that keep the reader hooked from beginning to end.

One of the standout elements of the book is the character development. Each character is vividly portrayed, making it easy to empathize with their struggles and triumphs. Tyree skillfully explores themes of ambition, love, and betrayal, all while maintaining a realistic and relatable narrative.

The pacing of the story is well-balanced, allowing for moments of reflection and intense action. However, there are parts where the narrative could benefit from tighter editing, as some scenes feel slightly drawn out. Despite this minor flaw, the overall impact of the story remains strong.

Tyree's ability to address important social issues within the context of an entertaining story is commendable. "Control" is a testament to his talent as a storyteller and his keen understanding of human nature. This book is a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction who appreciate a good blend of drama and introspection.

In summary, "Control" is a powerful novel that offers a rich reading experience. While not without its minor imperfections, it is a testament to Omar Tyree's skill as a writer and his ability to captivate his audience.

Thank you to Omar Tyree, The Publishers, and NetGalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

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I was super excited to read something new from Omar Tyree. A psychotic thriller sign me up lol.

This story started off strong but then it started to derail. I feel like I got more interested when I was 60% in. This book shows how it don’t matter how rich or poor you is we all got problems and if you don’t have control in your life it will sparel out of control. The plot twist of this was so off guard & I didn’t expect it. I do feel like the story was kinda all over the place so at some points I had a hard time staying focused. This was a ok read and I will give it 3 stars.

Thank you Kensington Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with this digital advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love this cover just so unique and pulls you to want to read it.

Each client story grabbed me and it was a page turner for sure. It was something how one Psychologist can have so much going on and so many clients that were trying to gain some type of control from their clients.

Definitely something i would recommend to my other readers and the author i would read more from.

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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I did not enjoy this one like I thought I would. Maybe because I am a psychotherapist and felt some situations were handled poorly. Also, unnecessary cussing too. Others may enjoy this read, especially those outside of the profession.

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I am a huge fan of Omar Tyree & was excited to see him returning with a new book, especially because I have been reading his books since I was a teenager. I seen that this book was a psychological thriller and I became even more excited because that is my favorite genre & he normally writes a different genre. Unfortunately I just thought this book was okay even though it had potential & had a good start. There was a lot going on with Dr. Benning & her six clients so you don’t get bored with each chapter. Yet I figured out the plot twist and it didn’t tie together smoothly in my opinion at the end. Each character is very flawed and has issues with control in their lives and it all comes around full circle. I enjoy Mr. Tyrees’ work and I will continue to read any other future books he puts out. Grateful for this complimentary copy of the book for an exchange of my honest review.

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