Member Reviews

This book was very scientific and a bit over my head for that reason, but the concepts were extremely interesting.

This was an interesting topic but I struggled with the ethics of the studies shared in this book.
Resuscitating pig brains after the animal had been slaughtered seems….. wrong, and honestly, the descriptions of the animal experiments performed to study how the brain functions and can be kept alive after death were a bit too gruesome for me at times. Usually this type of book would be at the top of my list for interest's sake, but I struggled with this one. *Advance copy provided by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

What an incredible scientific feat. As a therapist who does grief counseling, I found this book really informational and helpful in my practice. If you are a doctor, counselor, nurse or anyone in a helping field you don't want to miss this. Sam Parnia uses groundbreaking science and breaks it down in a way that is understandable and interesting to the reader. Make sure you have a highlighter because you're going to want to go back and use this for reference. Thanks for doing such incredible and important research.

My thanks to Hachette Books, Sam Parnia and Netgalley.
I'll confess right here and now that I like "occasionally" books like this.
Most of my life I've been a lucid dreamer, and I have always believed that there was a reason for that. Turns out that I was wrong.
I guess I finally got so freaking sick that I couldn't dream anymore. I quit dreaming 3 years ago. I think that my body was tired of cannibalizing itself, that it finally decided to take my dreams too.
This was a book that I thought might help. Nope.
It's still a good book. I just hate the thought of dying without a dream.

Lucid Dying by Sam Parnia is a thought provoking book for sure. I as many others I’m sure wonder what happens when we die? Especially after we lose a loved one. My Mom passed away 10 years ago this year and a friend of mine just passed suddenly. When this happens, it makes us more cognizant of time and our life. This book helped me to see another perspective and it brought hope back to me that my loved ones are okay. This book can be controversial due to what everyone believes, but there are scientific facts weaved in that make it hard to dismiss. I’m so glad I read it. Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

Such an important topic and presented in a way that provokes questions within yourself. Thank you netgalley and the publisher for access to this title. I find dying to be a hard subject for people to discuss in spoken word, this title will be a nice stepping stone for anyone someday, as we are all human and there is only one way out of this life. I appreciate the work this title is bringing to the space of death and grief.

The book is a fascinating exploration of death and existence. The author investigates Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and their implications. Delving into the realities of death and our subsequent experiences, it comes highly recommended for those intrigued by the subject of mortality.

I expected this book to be more a presentation of facts and data and less a persuasive piece of writing trying to convince me of the author's viewpoint. That may be my bias when I read science texts. Much as the research is intriguing, the author tried too hard, for my taste, to convince me of his viewpoint. I felt he was making leaps, not based on scientific evidence but on what he wanted to be true.
It didn't convince me although the research is very interesting.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!