Member Reviews

From the very first video I saw of his “How to Piss Off Men” video series, I knew I was hooked on Kyle Prue’s specific brand of humor. Ridiculous & practical - just my vibe. So having some of his best advice compiled into a book (of the same name, How to Piss Off Men) is truly just *chef’s kiss* perfection.

This book is a quick & fun read & should be required reading for everyone. Within its humor (which had me laughing on a plane, out loud…I am so sorry) is a true challenge to changing patriarchal cultural standards (you’re welcome). These are the kind of questions/comments that your therapist says you should use to challenge your own narratives & beliefs, they’re just wrapped up in incredibly smart wit & delivered by a self-proclaimed “gender traitor” (a man).

Share this book with everyone. But especially share this book with someone who asks you what your favorite book is, but clearly only asked with the intention of judging you & then talking for 30 minutes about all the classic, “high-brow” books that they love.

Thank you NetGalley & SOURCEBOOKS for providing a digital advanced copy of this book for review. All thoughts & opinions expressed are my own.

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I was hoping for a bit more insight and discussion. The title caught my attention, but the material in the book did not. It all seems very basic and a bit juvenile.

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This was awesome.

Kyle Prue is a comedic genius, but he also knows how to cut right to the bone. This is clearly satire, but he also does a great job of pointing out how ridiculous men sound when they talk to women, simply through turning all of those ridiculous things around to make men the subject.

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This was a quick and entertaining read. So quick that I wish there were more! Will definitely be highlighting and saving some for future use.

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Very funny, especially when you remember the delivery the author has on his TikTok account. Ultimately a fun little book to give to your friends for any occasion.

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If you’ve ever found yourself caught in a never-ending mansplanation or dealing with an unsolicited pickup line at a bar, Kyle Prue’s "How to Piss Off Men" is your new best friend. This pocket-sized field guide arms you with 109 hilariously sharp phrases designed to deflate even the most inflated egos. Whether you’re trying to subtly (or not-so-subtly) roast a guy who’s gotten a little too comfortable or just need a good laugh, this book has you covered.

Prue, known for his viral videos, brings the same biting humor to print. The book leans into its self-awareness, with Prue himself acknowledging the irony of a straight white guy creating a handbook on how to rattle the male species. He pulls it off, though, blending sarcasm with just the right touch of self-deprecation.

The one-liners range from clever to downright savage, from calling a sports jersey “cosplay” to delivering the ultimate shutdown: "No." The fun isn't just in the phrases themselves, but in how Prue explains the impact behind each insult, tying it back to toxic masculinity and societal expectations of men. It’s both funny and thought-provoking, especially in the final chapter where he dives into why these remarks hit so hard.

The book is short and punchy—perfect for a quick read or as a gift for a friend. The only downside? At 144 pages, you’ll wish it was longer. But its brevity makes it ideal for sharing, and I can already imagine friends quoting lines from it for years to come.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Short book = Short review.

Hilarious. Meme-able. I LOL'd.

I read most of this out loud to my husband (a self-proclaimed 'beta') who also LOL'd.
I shared many of the one-liners to friends... who also LOL'd.

It's funny. You'll LOL. You'll share with your friends. They'll LOL.
You'll use these lines on someone... one day.

10/10 would gift it at Christmas.

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This was everything I expected going into this book. Go figure but my brain hadn't registered Kyle was a dude's name because Americans tend to name their kids crazy names so you know. Anyway, it was extremely self-aware and I also appreciated the last chapter in which he dissected why those sentences "shatter the male ego" (spoiler alert it's toxic masculinity). I'm always sad reading these books because I know they won't end up being read by the people who would need them most (✨alpha males✨). Overall a quick read that had me cracking up at times and yeah, I have to admit, I found this guy funny, who knew men could actually be funny (this is SARCASM, for the idiots in the back).

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Read on September 21st, 2024. Written on September 24th, 2024.

This was by far the funniest book I have read this summer, if not this year. And the fact that it was written by a straight white man just amplifies my love for it.

I mean it's funny, quirky, it's got laugh-out-loud moments and it's genuinely just a great book to read by yourself or with friends.

Am I obsessed? Yes. Do I want to try all 106 quotes on the first man I see in the street? Yes. Will I? Nope.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this before it came out (even though I completely blacked out on it and thought it came out today), it was a great book to help clear my mind from a long day of work.

(Free ARC from NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS (non-fiction) | Sourcebooks that I chose to review after reading - Cross-posted on Goodreads on September 24th, 2024)

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Love this book it was such a fun, quick read. I can't wait to share this with my girlfriends! My only complaint was that I wish it was longer!

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Read in one sitting, this is def something I wil be gifting to my girls upon release, Very clever, funny comebacks!

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Genuinely a perfect book, I only wish it was longer. This pocket sized field guide to knock men down a peg is something we've been missing. Kyle Prue brings his signature sass and humor into this quick read that I was so thankful to receive a galley of.

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Incredibly entertaining and has certainly given me a few ideas to use. Including on my boyfriend, but thankfully, he'll know I'm only joking. The only critique about this book is how short it is. 144 pages (kindle) and I finished it in 20 minutes.

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Overall a fun book, very quick read/listen. I enjoyed it, but wish it had been longer/there was more to it. I’ve seen his videos in the past and found them funny. This sort of pulled those all together with some additional observations and reflections. Thanks for NetGalley for the book & audiobook - I especially enjoyed the author reading it and loved the bonus interview/convo with his mother at the end which helps readers dive a little deeper and get to know more about who Kyle is and what was some of the motivation behind his videos/this book. Worth a listen or read if you’re a fan of dry humor and want a good laugh.

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These aren't just hilarious. They're also pretty handy.

So glad this beloved series of TikTok videos can graduate from my bookmarks folder in the app to a handy referencable pocketbook.

(Yes, I will be using "I like your blouse," "How did Anakin get Rey's lightsaber again?" and the classic, total banger, "No," religiously in the future.)

May we all be freed from our goose-ridden boxes someday.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Honestly, first coming into this book, I was suspicious seeing a man was writing how to piss men off. But getting into and finishing it, it was pretty good, and I am glad that a man did write it. Or at least this man, with his unafraid approach to insulting men, including himself. But getting his input to why these insults hurt worst than most and the way you say it makes it special in its own way.

What makes this book unique, is how some of these insults have been used on the author himself. He gives his own real life instances and how/why it hurt him. This book was funny, a one day read, and worth the time, if you want to piss off some men, subtly and not so subtly.

I gave 4 stars because I already heard/read some of these before. Which makes sense considering the author is the one that started the “how to piss off men” tweets and some are probably in here from there.

But oh god, I really want to use these.

Thank you Sourcebooks for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I love Kyle. He’s hilarious and I think it translates well into this book. Just the funniest ways to make men upset.

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With 106 phrases, questions, and comebacks, How to Piss Off Men is your guide to comebacks for every type of situation involving a man. Whether it’s referring to his jersey as “cosplay”, telling him you’ll “just Google it” when he begins to mansplain, or

I saw this in a book preview event and immediately asked for it. I work with the public a lot and some of these I would love to give as clap back answers, but would never (but maybe) use.

I actually hadn’t heard of Kyle Prue before this book, but I did go and follow him on TikTok after reading this. I do appreciate the fact that at the beginning of the book, he explains that he is a Cis, white male, and that some of these sayings may not be okay to say in certain settings, and to overall make sure you are in a safe space before saying them - if you actually do.

I was able to find a physical ARC of this, which is now going around my workplace as coworkers enjoy it, so this is a funny read and many have/will enjoy it, especially if you’ve been in a situation with anyone male.

*Thank you Sourcebooks and NetGalley for an advance digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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How to Piss Off Men by Kyle Prue is a quick, easy to read, delightfully humorous guide in the art of irritating men.

If you have followed Kyle Prue’s entertaining TikTok before, his voice will come through very clearly. If you are new to this author, I think you will easily & quickly find his sarcastic humor & quick wit mixed with a dash of self-deprecation in this non-fiction debut.

How to Piss Off Men is great for fans of…
📕 How-To Books
📕 Humor
📕 Fulfilling This Book’s Titular Promise

This book offers a blueprint for fantastic comeback-like moments in certain terribly awkward situations many people, especially women, have faced on the regular. Enter the clever & diabolical mind of Kyle Prue with pages & pages of examples & explanations. I dream of having the recall of some of these spectacular ideas to employ said quick wit in situations of mundane ridiculousness. This was a fun & entertaining read!

Massive thanks to NetGalley & Sourcebooks for the gifted copy, which I voluntarily read & reviewed.

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This was a Funny book to read. I This was a really funny book to read because Get home with me.. This book was span on it's So fun. You hit all the right spots. How women pissed off men.

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