Cover Image: Southern Get-Togethers

Southern Get-Togethers

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I wanted to love this book and gravitated toward it because many in the South have a flair for spreads, tablescapes, and life around food and socializing but this book felt too sororityish. There were the spreads that were good but there were a lot of photos lacking poc with borrowing a lot of cultural dishes. This felt hmmm.

There are a lot of beautiful photos and the recipes sound delicious but it's not a book I would recommend per se because of the things the book lacked but it is gorgeous. Mostly because of what it's lacking. Where is the New Orleans? There is a bignet recipe but again it used some cultural recipes without going there. Mostly a bunch of preppy-looking people dressed like they were going to a yacht party..

My grandmother is from the south and her southern cooking is legendary. It wasn't served with sweaters tied around shoulders but it was a lot of farm cooking. Things raised on their farm, or fished and all homemade. Just absolutely scrumptious.

I would like to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Southern Get-Togethers by Kelsey Barnard Clark. I think it will appeal to the privileged crowd.

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This book makes hosting seem so effortless! I’m seriously inspired to throw a get together asap! I think the beginning section about essentials to have for hosting is especially useful. I can’t wait to try some of these recipes, tips, and tricks at my next gathering!

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This is a rich people's Get-Together. Book. Most Alabamians don't have money for this. We have get-togethers, sure. But this book is not a cultural book reflecting the majority of people in the South.
Looking at the cookbook itself, I love all the pictures. They help me understand what the food, setting, and flowers should look like. The pages are gorgeously colored giving it the festive vibe the author is going for. The majority of the cooking has nothing to do with the South. When it does it's a new twist or fancy version of our classic meals or elements.
I would not recommend this to my friends nor to my review audience. This book isn't for us,

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If a gardening book, cookbook, or home decor book has the word “Southern“ in the title, I’m inclined to buy it. There is something about Southern charm and hospitality that always makes for a satisfying read. Such is the case in Southern Get-Togethers, A Guide to Hosting Unforgettable Gatherings by Kelsey Barnard Clark.

This book is divided into five sections: Getting Started, Daytime Delights, All-Day Bashes, Potlucks & Supper Clubs, and Formal Affairs & Slow Food Socials. The Getting Started section offers up a lot of helpful information on building your pantry, planning your menu , building your bar, setting up your flowers, and setting the table. Each of the remaining sections is divided into individual menus, with recipes carefully chosen to suit each. This makes party planning a breeze. The recipes run the gamut from super simple, to fairly complex, making this cookbook equally suitable to the novice cook as it is to the veteran.

The pictures are beautiful, and quite inviting. There are a lot of ideas for table settings, as well as instructions to make lovely floral centerpieces. The recipes themselves are written in a clear and concise fashion, and feature ingredients that you are likely to have on hand, or that are easily accessible.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Chronicle Books for providing me with a digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Chronicle Books for the opportunity to review this ARC.
I found some great ideas for entertaining as well as some delicious recipes The book is well put together. The photographs bring the recipes and ideas alive.

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When I started reading this, I expected it to be a bit more about entertaining than recipes. There was some good content in this book that met with my expectations, but overall, it was more recipes for entertaining than setting up or finding neat ways to entertain in a Southern space. I wanted to like it much more than I did. In fact, I tried very hard to like it more than I did, which is why I gave it a 3 stars. But it just fell short of expectations. The recipes were fine. Nothing totally earth shattering. And they were paired well with the proposed events. I really wish, though, that there had been more about the things around the get togethers than about the cooking. There are plenty of cookbooks that feature southern cooking and do so with more unique twists and takes.

I gave this a three star, because there were still some good pieces of information that met my wants here and there.

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This is such a delightful cookbook that includes a lot of great recipes for different types of get-togethers. One of my favorite things it included was a chart at the beginning with how much wine and beer to purchase for different size parties. So helpful! The focus of this cookbook was on entertaining, though I am not sure how many people host those style of parties regularly (specifically the formal affairs section). The recipes that stood out to me, that I can’t wait to try, are: the Shortbread Crumble Banana Pudding, Za’atar Wings with Harissa Sauce, and that Cucumber Collins. Each group of recipes is separated by the type of party and includes a whole menu. Overall a great option for those that love to entertain.

Thank you NetGalley and Chronicle Books for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Pros: I really enjoyed the author's first book Southern Grit, so I was excited to read this new book about hosting. The cover is so eye-catching and feels very true to what a southern get-together looks like! The photography throughout this book is fantastic--it is bright and inviting and serves as a guide to how to set a table and present the food. There are great hosting how-tos in this book with helpful checklists, charts, and explanations. I loved that a book about southern get-togethers included a (modern) manners section. I so appreciated that this book provided full menus for different gatherings and that the recipes appear to be accessible to cooks of all levels of experience. As I read I kept a list of the recipes I want to try, and I really wished I had a French ham and cheese baguette or animal house Chex mix to snack on while reading!

Cons: None that I can think of! (Well, except I'm not sure about the jambalaya recipe with shrimp in it because I prefer chicken and sausage jambalaya!)

Thank you to NetGalley and Chronicle Books for the opportunity to read this book!

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This cookbook was what my grandma liked to call “the whole kitchen sink!” It was so well thoughtfully put together to include any type of life event get together whether it be as a host or a guest. Kelsey Barnard Clark, made southern cooking and hosting as easy as pie!

Onto the breakdown of the book though:

The photos were EXCELLENT, they captured the dishes perfectly, the table settings were gorgeous, and the thing I love the most in a good ‘ole cookbook is, honestly the flowers (I know kinda silly), but it’s so simple to fix your table up with a pop of something like flowers that if you mess that up then we have a problem! Barnard Clark, has the answer to that though with a step by step in the front, of all the dos and don’ts of hosting/being a guest and guess what? How to throw together a center piece of flowers is one of them!

Is this cookbook tastefully divided:
YES! The reader could definitely find a recipe for any get together whether it be a casual pop in, a potluck meal, or even a good ‘ole get together to watch the game.
The book was divided into 5 parts, 1 of those parts being how to throw together something for different occasions and all the P’s and Q’s you need to not only be a great host, but a respectful guest! The other 4 sections are food based on, daytime get togethers, all day affairs, potlucks/supper clubs, and formal affairs/ social gatherings.

Things I liked the most:
1. The do’s and don’t’s! - I have grown up in the south my whole life and the biggest rule my mom made us swear to follow were minding our P’s and Q’s (please and thank you’s). Bernard Clark really gained my whole hearted respect when she put this “trash” and “keep” concept for hosts and guests! Nothing like a stressed out snippy host or a wild guest to sour the night and she makes it possible to show people you can follow rules and still have all the fun!

2. The checklists! - I love nothing more than a checklist. Especially ones broken up the way Bernard Clark had hers. Very organized and there is even a shared hosting check list that had my heart swooning!

3. Pictures of all the food! - I think something that makes cookbooks stand out is the way they show off their recipes. It needs to look absolutely delicious to appeal to the reader, but also not so complicating looking that the reader skips over it with doubts in their head that they’d never be able to pull it off. This cookbook not only made my mouth water, but it made everything look like I could accomplish that, no problem!

Things I wish I had seen more of:
1. The time it takes to prepare and make. - As someone who cooks a lot I can kinda gauge how long things will take based on the ingredients and what the dish is. For those that don’t cook often though, this maybe the make or break they face when attempting some of these recipes. Some recipes require careful care to prepare and others not as much, but some readers may find it helpful to know a time if they are cooking something in a pinch.
Do I ever suggest attempting a recipe you have never done before in a rush? ABSOLUTELY NOT! My Mimi always said, “when you are in a hurry, stick with what you know and don’t get too fancy on little time.” I still live by this rule with my whole being, so if you want to attempt a meal from this cookbook, but are running short on time, my best suggestion would be to stick with what you know best and what you know people enjoy!

All in all this book was an easy 5 stars for me and I look forward to reading more from Kelsey Bernard Clark in the future! Now off to try some of these amazing recipes!

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"Southern Get-Togethers" by Kelsey Barnard Clark is a delightful treasure trove of southern hospitality and culinary delights. Clark's expertise shines through in her meticulous guidance for hosting unforgettable gatherings. The NOLA Barbecue Shrimp and Oysters Rockefeller recipes are absolute showstoppers, embodying the essence of southern flavor. (I received an advance reader copy of this book, and all opinions are my own.) This book is a must-have for anyone looking to infuse their gatherings with warmth, flavor, and unforgettable memories.

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A new party focused book full of hosting tips and recipes! The book is divided into different occasions with tips for creating a great get-together! This book was really pretty and well organized. I think it resonated a little less for me than a normal cookbook because I don't really host parties. However, for those that do, this would be an amazing book!

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This is more a manual than cookbook. This KBC recipes includes the perfect gathering manual which includes food. The book takes the guessing out of putting together a successful gathering from the table scape, menu, conversation and cocktails. For those that imagine how to put together a successful gathering this is perfect. The recipes are exciting, elevated as well as chill and able to be put together successfully by most home cooks. The photos of the food, the recipes, as well as tips are perfect to put together a wonderful intimate or group gathering. Definitely recommend.

Thanks to KBC, the publisher and Netgalley.

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lovely photo essay that shone for its photography, styling and emphasis on the host/guest experience. I made the ham baguette it was
beautiful simple and tasty. I would have enjoyed some recipes that reminded me of the amazing food to be had in Savannah and Charleston in the
iconic markets, farmers markets and unexpected low key gourmet type venues. the gulf coast of Alabama delights and I am guessing the recipes are specific to the authors specific Alabama home city.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely love this type of format for a cookbook. I enjoyed watching Kelsey Barnard Clark on Top Chef as well, so I was excited to pick this up. I like a book that will give a menu for a type of event, like a brunch or party. These recipes are accessible and delicious!

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Learn how to throw an incredibly southern back yard party with this book! From flower arrangements, to tables scapes, etiquette, information and elevated classics. The imagery used throughout the book is beautiful and really fits the aesthetic of the book as a whole. There’s no way I’d keep this one on my bookshelf, it would be on display in the kitchen or even used as a coffee table book. I can’t wait to make some of these recipes.

Feel free follow my social media accounts, I will be sharing my review of this book prior to the publishing date as well as images of the recipes I made from it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Chronicle Books for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. My thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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Such a fun book! It is colorful and has some great pictures. She has ideas for all sorts of holidays and how to spruce them up so that you can take you hosting and parties to the next level!

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Loved this!

I vacationed in the Southern US as a kid a ton and these foods are so nostalgic.

Learned a lot of interesting preparations, having always been an eater. Also some more regional dishes I had never heard about.

Pictures were gorgeous!

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This is the perfect new cookbook for anyone who loves to entertain, or aspires to do more entertaining. It's so inspirational, while also very practical -- kind of like shadowing a very creative, experienced hostess. The photographs are beautiful, and the recipes are all curated into themed parties -- like burger night, mezze night, street taco night, and steak night, to name just a few. The accent is on delicious traditional southern favorites, but always updated with a creative twist. The menus range from super simple (boards for a quick drop by drink) to formal and elaborate (fearless French dinner). I have not had a chance to cook anything yet, but the recipes are very clearly and well written, and it is obvious that everything has been tested enough to be tried and true. The author even includes lists of things like how much glassware you need. This would be a wonderful gift for a hostess or avid home cook, or a treat for yourself!

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"Southern Get-Togethers" is like having your own Southern party planner at your fingertips! Packed with delicious recipes, clever tips, and tons of inspiration, this book will help you host gatherings that your friends and family will rave about. Get ready to throw unforgettable parties with a touch of Southern charm!

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