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The Silverblood Promise

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Lukan has been running from his past ever since a dual went sideways and his family’s reputation was ruined. Upon hearing of his father’s murder and dying words, Lukan is pulled back into his past life and to the fabled city of Saphrona. Does Saphrona hold the answers or just danger, secrets and myth? Are the fables he was told as a youth really true?

This audiobook was perfect. The narration was spot on with great delivery and pacing. Very easy to listen to and easy to get sucked into the story — I listened for hours at a time while doing spring yard work and was bummed when I needed to stop!

The novel was also perfect. Lukan is a great protagonist with just the right motivation to tow the line between a calculated risk and danger. Flea is a perfect side kick and adds just the right amount of lightness and innocence to the story. She accents Lukan’s muted heroic personality well. I really enjoyed this novel in it’s entirety and am excited to get into book two (which is set up quite nicely at the end of this one). 5 stars.

Review based on a Advanced Audiobook provided by Macmillan Audio and NetGalley. Thank you!

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A big thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan audio for this arc. This started out so promising with death by giant worm. You never really get to know Lukan, the main character which is a bummer because he seems like he probably is an interesting fellow. The main issue with this story is it’s one giant epic tale. It starts as a quest to find information from one woman and leads to about 13 spinoffs such that you even forget what started the series of events. The story does end with a bang by getting “the band back together”. The series has promise, I would just say the next book really needs more focus and less subplots.

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What a promising debut! This tale is packed full of things that I love about this genre—heists, a mysterious inheritance, gladiator-style fights against alarming mythical beasts, a hidden criminal underworld, remnants of a dead civilization whose magic is far more advanced than anything contemporary, a very reluctant hero (total opposite of a chosen one trope), and, of course, found family. While there's nothing particularly groundbreaking, I was thoroughly entertained the entire time and grew to love this cast of characters.

Brenock O’Connor does a great job differentiating voices between the many different characters. I enjoyed his accents and cadence.

Lukan is the disgraced heir to a noble family whose life is turned upside down when his father is murdered and leaves him with a strange clue, written in his own blood. Untangling the mystery behind his murder leads Lukan on a wild string of adventures, full of unlikely enemies and allies. The end sets things up nicely for an exciting sequel that I am definitely anticipating! I have a feeling it could be ever better than book one!

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Fantastic!!! I was gifted free copies of both the audio and physical book by the respective publishers. Thank you so much for the free copies Tor and Macmillan Audio.

I absolutely loved this novel. The pacing of the novel was absolutely spot on. I was never bored I was never in a dull spot. When you were coming down from one, epic reveal another one was building, which kept you extremely interested in the storyline and the plot. The world building and character development was definitely flowing throughout the entirety of the book. I never felt like I was having an info dump or being explained something by the characters too plainly. Everything was definitely show and not tell.

One of the things I like the most about this novel was while we had a current conflict surrounding the larger storyline you got us somewhat satisfying conclusion to the current conflict, but it also ended up further along the longer plot line that drew you into wanting the next book. I don't find that a lot of new authors do that well but James Logan did.

The side characters were interesting and definitely kept you ingrained into the novel. The magic was very, very interesting although I wish there had been more explanation of how that worked. But since this is a series, I assume that will be coming in later as well.

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The Silverblood Promise is going to be such a hit, I can feel it!!

Lukan finds himself on a hunt to find his father’s killer after living years as a disgraced noble son. His travels take him to Sephrona, a city run by merchant princes and where any secret can be bought for the right price. He teams up with a scruffy young pickpocket named Flea and they get entangled in a world of magic and myths trying to find their way to the truth.

This is such an interesting adventure fantasy with a world that is extremely rich in characters and magic. It’s absolutely immersive and hard to put down! I think I would classify it as a little grim dark, but isn’t quite as depressing as some other entries in the genre. There’s an air of hope that follows Lukan and Flea along their journey, even when the future is looking quite bleak.

Sometimes there was a little bit too much of deus ex machina where Lukan miraculously gets saved but the adventure was so fun that it hardly mattered. It kind of became part of the charm. I will say though, that the set up was great for book 2 and I am absolutely hooked! Can’t wait to see what comes next.

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This is a fun fantasy story where a ragtag bunch form some friendship and help resolve a great conflict. I loved the friendship between MMC and his little sidekick! Fun banter, a bit of a mystery to uncover and some interesting magic. I’d say you can safely read this as a standalone but you’ll be eager to continue on to see what kind of trouble this group gets into next!

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First, I would like to thank Macmillan audio for this audiobook advanced copy.
This is a classic fantasy story, nothing really original about it, but this is a great interpretation of the classic revenge / mystery tale.
The world is fully developed without being too descriptive, the characters are fun too follow and work well together, the main mystery kept my interest going and the narrator is great.
The ending opens the possibility of a next book but this easily reads as a standalone.
I had a great time and would definitely recommend.

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I like to start my books completely blind and that’s what I did with this book. I am glad to discover that it met expectations of an epic fantasy, and I really enjoyed it. While it follows a fairly traditional fantasy framework, reminiscent of some classic favorites, it was engaging and well-executed. The fantasy elements are not as huge as I like, but still everything is explained perfectly and it all connects.

The characters were compelling, and the glimpses into the world-building were intriguing. I am looking forward to read the next book in the series when it comes out!

I listen to the narrator, and it was fantastic! Job well done.

Thanks netgalley for providing me this audiobook for my honest feedback.

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So I have so much to say about this audiobook but if I say a lot I will give up the book itself I love this book it reminds me a lot of the Gentleman Bastards series the tone the World building this is one of the best fantasies I've read this year so far can't wait to buy the official book and reread it again you have a gem on your hands with this author can't wait to read more also the narrator for the book was great a wonderful performance from a great actor Thank you to Macmillan audio and Netgalley for the ARC for an unbiased and Honest review

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced listening copy in exchange for an honest review!


I was enticed by the promise of thieves, a protagonist that seems like a little bit of a loser, and the Lies of Locke Lamora comp and I was not disappointed. (and, also, that cover rules.)

Lukan is a bit of a loser, since he’s introduced as a disgraced heir and a drunkard who is also a little rude. Still, he decides to uncover the mystery behind his father’s death. This leads him to Saphrona, where he employs an eleven year old street urchin and finds himself in danger at every turn.

Honestly this was such a fun read, and I really liked the way Logan wrote humor into this. I liked his prose and I thought that he did a good job at managing to write a consistently engaging story—I love 500+ page novels, but sometimes my mind wanders a little bit, but I didn’t really have that problem here. There are times where I thought The Silverblood Promise felt familiar, but I thought it was well done and, also, Lukan is funny and Flea is great. The world feels lived in and I liked how strong Lukan’s voice was. While I do think the Lies of Locke Lamora comp worked for me, it’s definitely more in vibes/feel of the world and writing than plot. There are also perhaps some parts that suffer from plot armor or resolutions that are too easy, but I was entertained enough that I didn’t mind these things.

Brenock O’Connor did a wonderful job narrating the audiobook and listening was a great experience.

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When was the last time you read a book that was a "you" book? Just hits all the beats and themes to hook you from the jump. We'll James Logan's "The Silverblood Promise" ticks all my boxes.

Lukan Gardova isn't doing so hot. Estranged from his father after a duel went sideways, financially not in the best place, and with no real prospects besides finding another bottle. At least until his father's house steward shows up with his father's final message, 3 words written in blood. Sobering to say the least. His only lead is a name in a city he has never been, full of merchant princes, and wouldn't you know it there is a complication in Saphrona the second he gets there.

Narrated by Brenock O'Connor, serious when you needed to be, flippant when the characters wanted to stab Lukan. Great work.

Reasons to read:
-The story has layers and complications that just make sense
-A guy who really is decent trying to not care, but ending up helping most people
-A child character who I grew fond of. The fact that she has excellent timing with stabbing people in the thigh helps
-Comeuppance to my least favorite type of people
-Hit a lot of notes on a personal level that I appreciated
-Honestly people run into swords way more than you'd expect in fencing, can't really blame yourself for that one
-Great banter
-Some foreshadowing at the end to get me even more excited

-Book one in a new series that I'm going to be following

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I loved everything about this. I loved the world, the characters, and the plot. I enjoyed the grumpy hero and plucky sidekick trope at full display here. It was really sweet to see how flea endured herself. The whole “found family” aspect was done well, very natural. I was never bored. I can’t wait to read the next book. The audiobook is also really well done.

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I sat at the edge of my seat experiencing Lucan’s journey in 'The Silverblood Promise.' It felt so real as the vivid descriptions and heart-pounding action drew me into a world filled with magic, mystery, and romance. This captivating tale promises an unforgettable adventure that leaves you eagerly anticipating the next installment.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an advanced copy of the audiobook for an honest review.

5 star debut! I loved loved loved this book. Our main character Lucan sets out on a journey to investigate his father’s last words left to him before his death. Lucan travels across sea to Saphrona. Lucan must navigate the throat cut political merchant princes of Saphrona using his skill, smarts, and wit to achieve his goal. But along the way he meets quirky and smart witted side kicks to aid him on his journey.
But what posed to be a simple task of discovering what his father meant turns into something far greater than he could have ever imagined.

The narrator Brenock O’Connor did an excellent job of brining the characters of Silverblood Promise to life. I felt so immersed in this world. I devoured this book. The twists and turns never stoped coming.
I cannot wait for book 2.

For a debut fantasy this was really well written. There could be things added or taken out of course but as a whole I loved every minute of this book.

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Go buy this!!!! Man oh man!!! By far the best book I have read this year where to start? This book is what happens when you drop a pulp detective novel, a copy of Lies of Locke Lamora and a dash of political intrigue in a blender. The outcome was incredible l. I went into this totally blind and I am so grateful for giving this novel a shot. James Logan Is now an auto buy author. And the narration fit perfectly no time was it ever faked or forced and I was here for every word of this story. The only downside is that I can't binge read this series now I need to practice patience. Go get this!!!

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Five stars for the audiobook.

Please for the love of books may Brenock O’Connor narrate all the stories **ever**. The Silverblood Promise popped up on my radar as soon as it made its way onto galley sites, which was MONTHS ago, and I finally got my hands on a copy (thank you, Tor and NetGalley). When I sat down to read the book, which falls in my favorite genre (fantasy) and comes from one of my favorite publishers of my favorite genres (TOR), I expected butterflies, rainbows, and unicorns. I got slog. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve been in a dang reading slump all stupid year, so I’m absolutely certain it’s not the book’s fault. Some weird books have been catching my attention lately. It took me a couple of weeks to get through 10% of The Silverblood Promise. something had to give—then NetGalley put the audio copy up. When I tell you that I could not stop listening, I mean it. I even slowed the book down from my normal 2X to 1.5X to absolutely savor it. If you find yourself not meshing with the story, get the audiobook. It will enhance the experience tenfold at least.

Logan’s debut really teetered about the middle for me. A detective novel lies underneath the general fantasy overture, and upon significant reflection, I feel that may be why I struggled through the plot so much. I don’t like detective/mystery novels much. I’m more of an adventure/quest fan. Additionally, the world obviously parallels Renaissance Italy, and while I love fantasy, I’m not keen on the kind of fantasy that too closely resembles our world. There’s no magic to speak of, and the magic that exists weaves into the world negligibly, and its use and incorporation into the plot felt like an afterthought. The bad folks are Roman Catholic coded, which I see too often—I’ve read two fantasies in the past week and too many in the fantasy genre in general with similarly resembled antagonists, and this indicates to me a lack of imagination.

The secret sauce to The Silverblood Promise ultimately lies in its characters, though Lukan Gardova is the most stock main character I’ve read just about all year in a fantasy. Any remarkable trait (such as the ability to slink around in the shadows) given to him at the outset seems to completely vanish by the end of the book when all of his abilities could have had great use. It’s definitely a buddy story, except Lukan has many, and one of them is a child who completely steals the show. Flea really shines—outshines—Lukan in her secondary role. Once these two team up, I found myself craving the interactions between them. The comedic value of the book cannot be undersold here. These two drive the plot and will endear readers for sure. I don’t usually find stories with grown men hanging around little girls sat, but this one didn’t seem to creep me out. Logan handled the relationship well, and Lukan really gave off big brother vibes I felt jealous of. Another character Lukan teams up with really rounds the permacrew out, but I won’t give any more deets because that’s a SPOILER.

Though Lukan and Flea carry a load of narrative weight on their shoulders, I still struggled with much effort to get through the plot. I couldn’t get into the world and found it incredibly lackluster and dull. It was not until I got the audio copy on NetGalley that I was able to finish it. I cannot say enough that this book must be experienced in audio format. I have listened to hundreds if not thousands of hours of audiobooks. Brenock O’Connor hands down delivers one of the most fantastic narrations I’ve ever heard. I can count on one hand the number of narrators who could make a dictionary entrancing. O’Connor is one of them. Just listen to a freebie sample on an audiobook platform and see for yourself.

Overall, 3.5 stars for the story and 30 million gajillion stars for the narration. It was a great, multifaceted and complicated plot, but it didn’t stand out from the rest for me. Had O’Connor not narrated, I may have had a hard time even getting through the audio also. The basic premise of the book lies in a universal-chassis, cookie-cutter plot: parent(s) get murdered, child(ren) seek the murderer, meet people along the way, build a team, find themselves in a deeper plot than bargained for, defeat the bad guys, etc. The storytelling describes quite a bit to the reader, interpreting looks and body language with myriads of adverbs that lead the reader instead of allow self-exploration and discovery. I just didn’t mesh with it. I bought a special edition anyway. Figures. I do plan to read the rest of the series.

My profuse thanks to Tor and NetGalley for the ARC and ALC, for which I willingly give my own, honest opinion.

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This epic fantasy novel had some early good buzz and so I was pleased to find that it lived up to the hype.

This is a fairly traditional fantasy novel reminding me loosely of other favourites. Normally I prefer more unconventional or unique stories but I can also appreciate when a more traditional story is simply told very well.

I enjoyed the characters. I found the bits of worldbuilding to be enticing. This is the first book in a new fantasy series and I will definitely read the next installment.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher

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If you love an adult fantasy novel with heists, a bit of espionage, magical artifacts and a funny little sidekick then you will love this book. Lukan, our MMC has been ousted from his academy after dueling a classmate, he is estranged from his scholarly father and generally down on his luck. Lukan learns that his father has died and left him a message scrawled in blood. Lukan makes a Silverblood promise to find out how his father died and vows to bring him justice and find out what the message means.

Along the way he meets a thief named Flea and his adventure begins. Flea is easily one of the best parts about this book. I do feel that the first half of the book was more engaging than the second and easier to follow along. I listened to this in audiobook format and that did make it a bit hard to keep all of the names straight.

I did really like the faceless and all that went along with that and I think it was very well done. I am definitely interested in learning more about that world.

Considering this appears to be the author's debut novel, I have to give a round of applause as it is very well done. I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series when released.

The audiobook narrator, Brenock O’Connor did a great job.

Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio and James Logan for access to the ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book combines my two favorite genres, murder mystery and fantasy. I wouldn’t say it does it well though.

The world building that does happen is often done in the form of side characters info dumping. The main character is so lucky that after every stupid decision he makes there is someone to bail him out.

Best part of this book is Flea. I needed more of her POV.

I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a fantastic job.

Even though I could list numerous things I didn’t like about the book, I am still intrigued with where the series is going.

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Read Complete 4/19/24 | 3.25 stars
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the audiobook review copy of this book. This did not affect my review in anyway.
I was really excited for this book and all it promised, and reviews really got my hopes up comparing it to THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA. The beginning started out well and I was really into it at first, but unfortunately, it really didn't develop enough for me.

Mostly my issue was with the main character, Lukan. He was fine but that's the problem. He was just... fine. I wasn't excited for his story, we barely got any backstory, and he didn't have enough personality to really carry this book. I wanted more fire or more humor or more grumpiness but he was just kind of middle of the road on literally everything. It really dragged down the vibe and it made it hard for me to get excited about everything that was going on.

The world-building was interesting, but also kind of lacking. There's a mythical society that died out 1000 years ago which you know will be connected somehow, but we didn't get enough info about them. There are all these beautiful and new places, but I didn't feel connected to them. There were some really interesting scenes and some good action in parts that got me engaged again, but then we fell back into a lull immediately after.

The secondary characters had potential and really, Flea was the most appealing character of the book. Nothing about it really quite got me there and it almost felt like a set up for the series rather than kicking the story off for itself. I probably won't pick up the rest of the series because I got rather bored with this one at times. I'm so disappointed because I really wanted this to be a new favorite! The audiobook narrator was kind of a drag too. I guess he was in Game of Thrones? I forgot to look him up. But his narration was a little dull and that could have really helped the main character, but instead it had the opposite effect. Maybe if there was a new narrator for the second book, I'd consider it.

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