Member Reviews

I love reading about American history and the Old West is one of my favorite eras to read about. I believe this is my fourth book by Tom Clavin and I have some of his backlist titles on my shelves of books to read.

In Bandit Heaven, Clavin focuses on some of the most well known horse thieves, cattle rustlers, train and bank robbers and all of their favorite places to hide out from the law. Naturally, Buch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are front and center, along with a few other well known names that were roaming around Utah and Wyoming in the mid to late 1890’s.

Clavin left no stone unturned as to what was happening in the area during those years. With the railroad coming through and the telegraph and postal service getting more advanced, the outlaws were finding it more difficult to make a clean getaway from their crimes. Plus, the Pinkerton’s, the Rangers and many area sheriffs were on the lookout for the outlaws.

I learned much information I was not aware of and enjoyed the background given for many of the people named in the book. This was an enjoyable read and really brought back the Old West sense of place.

Many thanks to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advance copy. I am happy to give my honest review and recommend this to other like-minded readers.

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Whoosh, what a book!! Tom Clavin has become my new favorite author and has created an interest in the "wild, wild, west" that I 1. didn't know I wanted, and 2. never expected to totally love [I am currently adding ALLLLLLL his books to my groaning TBR]. I have never loved "westerns", so I never thought that I would love "western books"... I was oh so wrong.

This book mostly focuses on Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and all that ran with them, the places they hid at, their crimes, misdemeanors, and shenanigans, and how they escaped the law until they didn't.

Expertly researched and brilliantly written [ I was never, ever bored, though I was often shaking my head in disbelief at what was happening on the page], this was a spectacular read that I highly recommend, especially if you have any kind of interest in the wild west and all who ran it.

Ahhh, Johnny Heller. One of my absolute favorite narrators; he once again does a superb job here. He brings the men [and women] to life and tells the story in such a way you just don't want to quit listening. Once again sir, very well done.

I was invited to read/review this by St. Martin's Press and I thank them, Tom Clavin, Johnny Heller - Narrator, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for providing the eBook and audiobook ARC's in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an advance reading copy (arc) of this book from and the publisher in exchange for a fair review. Author Tom Clavin has done a fabulous job researching the western frontier. He has been able to separate fact from fiction and bring to life the infamous outlaws that roamed what we now call the Wild West. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the details Clavin provides about Robert LeRoy Parker (aka Butch Cassidy) and Harry Alonzo Longabaugh (aka The Sundance Kid) are entertaining and insightful. But he doesn't stop there as he includes other famous bandits, like Kid Curry. From cattle rustling to bank/train robberies, there is never a dull moment. Clavin's narrative is sprinkled with his humor and provides a unique glimpse into what it must have been like to ride with the Hole-in-the-Wall Gangs during their heyday. Sadly, this is the last installment of his Wild West books. I've read them all and enjoyed each and every one. If you're looking for the skinny on some of America's most notorious bad boys, check them out here. You will not only get an education, but the details are sure to bring on a smile if not a laugh or two.

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I think the topic (cowboys and the very end of the Wild, Wild West) is a super interesting one – and a timely one given the recent resurgence of Western style, fashion, and culture in modern pop culture. I do feel like this era is relatively less-chronicled than other ones, so I really appreciated the chance to learn more. Another strength is you can tell by reading this book that the author takes a lot of personal joy and interest in this history, especially in uncovering side characters and tangential events that history may have forgotten – and that, as a reader, is contagious.

My biggest struggle with this book is figuring out where we were in time. The author talks about the full lives on most of the people he mentions in this book starting with their childhoods – which is enjoyable to nosy readers like myself who want the full picture – but it also makes it very difficult to have a strong sense of time and overall narrative movement while reading. I wish that ultimately there had been an overall more linear narrative structure. Another flag – I would have just loved a little more detail/color on the women of the Wild West as well!

Overall rating: 3.6/5 stars – worth a read!

Link to my review:

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Bandit Heaven The Hole-in-the-Wall Gangs and the Final Chapter of the Wild West by Tom Clavin was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. The "Old West", when portrayed in television and movies seems so, so long ago, while in actuality as I was growing up, I actually knew people who had "lived" the Old West way of life. I had read this authors books before and will continue to search his works out. This book is an exciting read, about characters we have all heard of, and some we haven't. These characters all lead to the true end of the "Wild West." This book focus on three locations where outlaws could hide out and it focuses a lot on Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, told in kind of a history book way of writing. If you, or someone you buy gifts for enjoys Westerns, true US history or even tales of the Wild West, certainly give this book a buy. With the holiday season fast approaching, you probably know someone who would love this book.

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Ride your way through history in this thrilling bandit adventure!

Bandit Heaven takes you through the hideouts, major players, and the build-up of the west. Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Kid Curry, and Black Jack are just a few that are featured. From religious movements moving west, to the train and bank robberies, the American West holds a romantic view. The reality was anything but. Bloodshed, lawmen, and cowboys roamed the open range, looking for work, getting into altercations, and defining our view of the cowboy and rancher in history. However, we are also going to see the rise of the Pinkertons in the west, and the search for the holdouts who were unwilling to give up their criminal ways. From homesteads to hideouts, join the ride into history.

I could not put this book down! I devoured this book in one during one sitting. Tom Clavin has created a work that not only brings the American West into focus, but humanizes the outlaws and those were involved in their daily lives. The creation of the hideouts, known locations that these men could meld into, and wait out some of the heat, was pretty interesting. I knew about one, but had not heard of some of the other locations.

Getting the background on some movements, such as the Mormons and how they fit into the story, was enlightening. It helps to fit some pieces of the puzzle for those who are not familiar with this history.

While we hold a very romantic view of the west, and the cowboy, the true stories and struggles of those who forged, lived, and died are compelling. Add in our bandits, and the west booms to life, leaving death behind them.

Absolutely a great read, and one that is going to be at the top of my list for this year! I cannot recommend this book enough!

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A rather good read, full of facts about Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Ethel and many more. I love westerns and this one also has a lot of back knowledge of bank robbers and killers. My only complaint is Mr. Clavin doesn’t really write a “story”; he writes a history book. Granted we learn a lot, but I wish he would write it as if the characters are telling the story. Otherwise, another enjoyable book with a whole lot of information in it. Comes in with 4 stars.
I thank St. Martin’s Press along with NetGalley for providing this Galley edition for no requirement other than my offering to provide an unbiased review.

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First of all, as a disclaimer, I received a copy of this book from Net Galley. Second disclaimer is that this is my first Tom Calvin Book.

This is a popular history book about the end of the Old Wild West. The author does not cite the majority of his sources, outside in parenthetical references to some biographies.

I really struggled with this book at the very beginning, and almost did not finish it. However, the longer I read it, the more I enjoyed it. My biggest criticism of this book is that the author goes off on so many tangents, it is difficult to follow the central thread of the book. With that being said, I did learn from this book and would read other books by this author.

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I remember hearing my dad's Marty Robbins records as a kid - stories of the Old West, outlaws and gunmen, beautiful Mexican maidens. And it was never hard to find old Western movies and tv shows back then. And one custom that seems extremely antiquated now: my brother and I always got cap guns around the middle of summer. But while Marty sang of Billy the Kid and El Paso, Clavin focuses more on the outlaws who used the hideouts Robbers Roost, Brown's Hole, and Hole in the Wall, which are mostly in the Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado area. They rustled horses and cattle, robbed banks and trains, and sometimes even reformed. Central to the telling of this story is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (and I'll admit to never having seen the Redford movie) and the end of the Old West.

My feelings are kind of all over the place with this book. It started out really good but by the middle I was really struggling to keep going. What made it difficult for me was that there are a LOT of stories here - mostly outlaws but some lawmen, too - and some characters only show up for a couple of paragraphs before moving on. I struggled for a while trying to remember and keep people straight (even after some of them disappear once, they tend to show up again and I couldn't remember why they were significant) until I gave up and just tried to enjoy the stories. And it's an interesting history for the most part, if you're just reading it for fun. Clavin really seems to know his stuff, but it was a bit too breezy and unfocused for me. And thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance copy of this history book that looks back at the dying days of the fabled outlaw west, as time, technology, and a changing country did more to stop rustlers and robbers than badges and detectives ever could have.

America loves to talk about being for law and order, loves to talk about backing the blue but most of the people who live here love their outlaws. I can think of one Bruce Springsteen song about a Highway Patrolman, but I can think of a lot of songs about being the bad guy. Even Billy Joel had a song entitled Billy the Kid. Songs about Pinkertons are mostly about that group being puppets for the powerful and strikebreakers, not about bravely searching for train robbers. Maybe the song Rappin Duke about John Wayne could fit? Paul Newman even named his program for helping seriously ill children the Hole in Wall Gang, a homage to his most famous role, but still a comment on the effect that outlaws have had on our society. However as with much of western history, the tendency is to print the legend and not the facts. Which is why the works of Tom Clavin are so important. Clavin's books are known for their facts, sometimes new facts, the seriousness of his research, Clavin's clear writing, and maybe even a wistfulness for once was. This work might be his best, in a long line of great works. Bandit Heaven: The Hole-in-the-Wall Gangs and the Final Chapter of the Wild West is a look at the rise of rustlers, robbers and rail robbers, and how the changing world caught up to this outlaws, far worse than the law ever did.

The book opens with a thrilling midnight raid on a moving train, full of derring-do, dynamite and dastardly villains. Everything a good Hollywood movie would want. From there we learn about the areas in the states of Wyoming and Utah that offered sanctuary, safety and succor to many men and a few women, who might be running from or to something, usually with property that might not be their own. Clavin describes the ranch system, how small ranches were considered annoyances by larger ranch holders who felt that their wealth meant they could put their cattle anywhere they wanted. This led to clashes with outside forces brought into get rid of small ranch owners, and other neighbors who by day might help put up a fence, but at night rip down that same fence to help themselves to some horses or cattle. Safe areas were needed for people who suddenly found themselves with a lot of animals, or even large amounts of money from bank vaults, which gave rise to the outlaw trail, and places to hide. Readers learn about the rise, and fall of many different gangs, and how the Telegraph and even horseless carriages were starting to make the West a tough place to do crimes. Clavin covers the big names Butch Cassidy and Sundance, along with the lesser known detectives who tried to hunt them down, or in the case of Tom Horn, set out to kill them.

Tom Clavin has a real understanding and feeling for the West and it shows in his writing. There is a mix of real fact, a bit of ennui for a time that has gone past, and a determination to get to the truth. Every page has something interesting, a fact about cattle, land, people, or a story about familiar characters that one has not heard before. Clavin does a lot of research, and works hard at not printing the legend. When he can't be sure, he tells the reader. Clavin as a nice writing style, an almost sitting at a fire way of sharing history that doesn't seem like one is being talked to, but one is part of big conversation. As one reads one finds that while few outlaws end in bad ways, one literally loses their head, many of the read bad guys, land barons, murderers with badges, live long lives, sometimes being still appreciated by the community who either knows what they did, or cares not at all. Very much like life in these United States.

Much of this book deals with the activities of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and if one only knows them from the movies, one will learn a lot. One will learn a lot in general. This book is a good start for new readers of Clavin, and boy do they have a lot of rich reading ahead. Fans like myself will enjoy the almost ending feeling, though I am sure that there is a lot more for Clavin to cover, and I can't wait.

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3.5 stars

An informative and mostly entertaining account of the mythical Hole in the Wall hideouts and gangs. Lots of colorful characters although it seems like Butch and Sundance are the main ones. Well-researched with a multitude of facts, along with debunking of some old legends.

But the author also confirmed some accounts, like some of the elements of the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He interviewed descendants and we find out some of the movie scenes are true, like Butch and Sundance and Etta on vacation in New York City and their time in Bolivia.

There is a certain wistfulness as this deals with the fading of the last days of the Wild West. Some mysteries will never be solved, but this account answers a lot of questions. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Popular history written by one of the current masters. Will definitely be ordering for my library. Our readers will love it.

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This was an interesting story about the Wild Bunch and other gangs of thrives and rustlers that frequented the outlaw trail at the turn of the last century. I have read other books on the topic including some of the books the author used for source material, but there were still stories and details I had not heard before.

I enjoyed the detail about a lot of the less known historical figures that were mentioned in the book. However, some that were just tertiary characters that are just mentioned incidentally really don’t deserve a full the main text. I think these would be more appropriately included in the notes so that the main narrative is not slowed down or confused by going off on long tangents.

There were a lot of omitted word or extra “the”s, misspellings, etc that I assume will be cleaned up in he final edit, but were distracting. There were other things that a spell check may not pick up, such as when a citizen was “perched on the second floor of a flower mill.” I assume “flour” was intended.

Another time, it says, a “holiday turkey shoot was also planned to take place being their saloon.” which makes no sense unless perhaps “being” was meant to be “behind.”

The writing many times is klunky and does not flow, as in “such useful skills as riding, roping, and how to brand cattle.” This violates parallelism where the same form of verb should be used in each of a list of actions, so the sentence would read, “riding, roping, and branding cattle.”

Another passage says”…if this had actually happened, then neither would the Wilcox job.” For this to make any sense, “had” would need to be negative (hadn’t), but from context, that does not seem to be the intent, so the intended meaning is unclear.

Then there are a lot of odd sentences with a sort of backward syntax like “.. not waiting around to be caught had been a jumpy Lonie.” Which only Yoda could fully appreciate.

From my reading, I know that Mormon prophet Joseph Smith and his brother were actually shot by a mob, not hung as reported in this history.

Overall, this is an interesting book in need of a good editor.

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This was a fun book.

I have always been curious about the history of the American West, especially the outlaws. My dad knew a lot about the Old West, so I grew up hearing about the characters and places. I and my husband have spent a lot of time watching The American Experience on PBS and other documentaries on the American West, but this book filled in a lot of the details that I didn't know.

The author wrote about well-known characters such as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Kid Curry, Kit Carson, John Wesley Powell, Jim Bridger, Fred Harvey, and Frank & Jesse James.

I also learned about characters Ive never heard of before like The Big Nose Parrot Gang led by George "Big Nose" Parrott, and the McCarty Brothers.

I discovered that Wyoming had quite the bloody history for range wars between huge cattle barons and smaller herd owners and homesteaders. Much of this book covers the history of Wyoming in the 1800's to 1900; additionally, there is some history of Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.

The author discusses numerous outlaws, the vast majority unknown to the public in 2024. Who he does focus on is Butch Cassidy, and to a lesser extent, the Sundance Kid. As far as lawmen are concerned, the author spends a lot of time following the life of Charlie Siringo, the Pinkerton Detective, who tracked unknowns, and then Butch Cassidy around the West. The author also discusses the hybrids, like Tom Horn, an outlaw-Pinkerton detective-tracker/assassin.

I definitely recommend this book.

Thank you to author Tom Clavin, publisher St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for providing me with a pre-publication galley of this book.

My opinions are my own. I didn't receive anything for my review except the experience of writing it!

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Thanks for an ARC from NetGalley.

This is a very informative book about the Wild West. This book was very well researched and is an easy read. I liked how the author gave us an in-depth view of the development of the larger than life characters that defined the Wild West. I would recommend this book for anyone who loves history.

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I had enjoyed Tom Clavin wrote previously and this was a unique concept for a historical nonfiction book about the Wild West. It had that informative element that I was hoping for and thought the information was well researched. I'm glad I got to read this and am excited for more.

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Tom Clavin's Bandit Heaven brought some history to life that I didn't know before. Robbers Roost, Brown's Hole, and Hole-in-the-Wall were three hideouts that collectively were known to outlaws as "Bandit Heaven." During the 1880s and '90s, these remote locations in Wyoming and Utah harbored hundreds of train and bank robbers and horse and cattle thieves. I learned some details about Butch Cassidy and his sidekick Sundance Kid, the cold-blooded Kid Curry, and "Black Jack" Ketchum, among others. However, even though I enjoyed the history Clavin imparted, I could never connect to these characters enough to care or get into the storylines. There were too many characters to keep track of and disjointed narratives, and I lost interest before finishing the book.

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I read all of Tom Clavin's books and this is just another wonderful entry about the end of the Wild West. I'm not going to complicate this review because whether or not this book is for you is very simple.

When Clavin writes about the Wild West, there is going to be some guaranteed elements. First, sardonic wit. Clavin will not let a good zinger go by. If there is a dark joke to make about a guy's nickname ending up being the way he dies, then Clavin will say it.

Second, there are a lot of characters. Clavin can not and will not let a good story go by. Sure, the character may show up for a few pages and disappear forever but this is about entertainment. Clavin has gathered you around the fire to tell you stories not just a single story. Admittedly, I usually ding books for having too many characters, but when it is done well and brings more color to the book, I not only let it slide but thoroughly enjoy it.

Finally, while it may seem the narrative jumps around, there is always a larger point being made in the narrative. Yes, it seems like the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are the main story, but it is really about the end of the Wild West. This book is another look at the how and why the outlaws couldn't go on forever both literally and figuratively. If you like Clavin's work, this is just another must read.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and St. Martin's Press.)

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Just like all of the other books I’ve read by Tom Clavin, Bandit Heaven is incredibly interesting and a rip-roaring ride through the Wild West from its heyday to its gradually domesticated end. Never is this more poignant than in this book when Wild Bunch members Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid go from being on the lam in primitive places in Bandit Heaven and the Outlaw Trail out west to living it up on the leading edge of modernity in New York City. Like the preceding solo effort from Clavin, The Last Outlaws, Bandit Heaven does suffer some in my opinion of being too comprehensive. A multitude of rustlers, thieves and bandits can be summed up within a paragraph or two in almost every chapter, creating a dizzying list that is impossible to keep up with. While it is interesting, the book would be easier to follow if the majority of it was focused on the Wild Bunch core members and the law enforcement determined to catch them. The last few chapters do have this more narrowed focus, and they’re much easier to follow along with. A complimentary copy of this book was provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I spend my reading/listening time with mysteries, biographies, and historical nonfiction. So Tom Calvin’s “Bandit Heaven” falls under the “historical nonfiction” category. And it’s quite a well-written story about the American Wild West. I learned a whole lot about the real history of the west and many of its famous (infamous!) outlaws…with a smattering about the so-called “good guys.” Most interesting, the good guys were very much like the bad guys, and in many cases the good guys were oftentimes also the bad guys. Very entertaining read for which I am grateful to NetGalley for the opportunity to read Mr. Clavin’s book.

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