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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

This was so fun! Had a nice blend of horror and fantasy, with some goood spice.

The FMC mostly had a brain, which is very refreshing. And she’s not squeamish, which I appreciate even more.

Also - how do I sign up for the ghost cat distribution system??

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I absolutely loved this book!

Had me gripped from the very beginning all the way to the end. Thank you for giving me the chance to read this!

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This is not a bad book but it is not a book for me. While things happen all the time, I didn't find myself entertained by any of them. I was also not a fan of the FMC's interactions with Blackwell, the fact that she has barely had any contact with men prior to Phantasma (which I just think is such a tired concept and not something I like reading about), and him being a get out of jail free card for her troubles felt too convenient. These are all "me" problems; the book itself isn't bad and I think it'll find its audience among Romantasy readers.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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Phantasm is tension fueled story. Ophelia and the rest of the chapters are incredibly unique and feel like real people, when reading. Even with the more sexual scenes in the book, majority of the tension comes from the action and mystery aspects of the story. Even with the story being in third person point of view, I still believe this story is relatively easy to follow along. This story is great for someone looking for something fuel by the supernatural, tons of acting and mystery. Along with flustering sex scenes, and a beautiful show of sisterhood. I will highly recommend Kaylie Smith's book.

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Rating: 4.5🌟
Spice: 3🌶️

- Dark Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
- Standalone!
- Gothic, fantasy, historical New Orleans
- Phantom MMC
- Necromancer FMC
- She makes him beg on his knees
- Haunted mansion
- Deals with the Devil
- Deadly trials
- Mental illness rep (OCD/Anxiety)
- Forced proximity
- Forbidden romance
- “Good girl”

I downloaded this book solely based on the cover (which is gorgeous BTW), and I’m so glad I did!

Phantasma follows Ophelia, a necromancer living in an alternate-version of New Orleans. The book begins with the death of her mother, and as the eldest daughter, Ophelia now must take over the family necromancy business. However, Ophelia soon discovers her mother’s debts, something her younger sister, Genevieve, has been hiding from her as well. The two sisters get into an argument, and Genevieve disappears soon afterwards. Ophelia discovers that Genevieve may have entered into a deadly competition, known as Phantasma, with each level mimicking a stage of Hell. The winner is granted the ultimate prize - a Devil’s favor. In order to rescue her sister, and save her family from debt, Ophelia enters the competition as well.

Upon entering Phantasma, the handsome phantom Blackwell offers Ophelia a deal - Find his heart and key, and he’ll help Ophelia through each deadly trial while helping to find her sister. However, if Ophelia fails to find the heart and key, then Blackwell will take 10 years of Ophelia’s life (that’s IF she doesn’t die during the competition).

I have had a ‘love/hate’ relationship with standalone fantasy books lately because I find that most have too many things going on (in terms of the plot and romance) to be all tidied up in just one book. It was NOT the case with this book at all!

The plot for ‘Phantasma’ was simple and concise, without too much world-building (and I mean this in the BEST way possible). It didn’t focus on too many different storylines or characters all at one time, and this made for a complete, and satisfying ending without too many questions being left unanswered. There is still more to explore in this world, but the author wrote this book in a way that left readers curious and excited for what may be coming next with some of the side-characters that were introduced.

I loved Ophelia as our FMC, and the depiction of her OCD/anxiety was done with care. Ophelia starts off as a bit meek and reserved, but she quickly becomes a strong, outspoken woman that stands up for herself. The romance between Ophelia and Blackwell happens quickly. I classify their romance as medium-burn, but would not disagree if someone said it was insta-love…. Personally, I feel like given the circumstances of how they met, and the fact that Ophelia realizes she could die at any moment during the trials AND that she’s never fully lived her life the way SHE wanted to (she’s been trained by her mother to be/act a certain way), it fit with her overall character development of her “taking charge” of her life. She really had a “You only live once” mentality while in Phantasma. However, there is still SO MUCH TENSION between Ophelia and Blackwell, and their relationship was far from being superficial or purely physical… they really did start to care about one another. Blackwell even starts having conflicting feelings about the deal he offered, and Ophelia wants Blackwell to be free of Phantasma.

The plot was a perfect blend of action and romance, though I did think some of the plot/story was predictable, I DID NOT see the twist or reveal at the end (but had suspicion that one of the characters was more than meets the eye). The way Genevieve was “found” or re-introduced was a bit anti-climatic, and though it was the main reason Ophelia entered the competition, I was more invested with Ophelia’s quest in finding Blackwell’s heart and key than the two sisters reunion.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! It has definitely become one of my favorite reads so far this year, and I’ll be recommending it to anyone who will listen 😅🤩.


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I really loved the story line, it was exciting and intriguing with just enough romance. However, I I thought how she ended up in phantasma was a little cliche and you could tell from the start that Blackwell was obviously the prince of devils. The games in phantasma were interesting but not as scary or horrifying as I thought they’d be. I also didn’t like how she barely helped him look for the heart and key. Their romance just took off and the rest of the book was about their love story. Overall I thought it was an exciting read and I’d definitely read more books in the series.

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loved loved LOVED this book! the romance was top notch and the plot was so dark and gripping. i am so excited for the next one!

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Ophelia a necromancer from new Orleans gets sucked into a dangerous game, Phantasma, when her sister goes missing. She finds herself competing in a dangerous competition where the winner can have any desire met.
There were many things that I found enjoyable. Amongst them the author created a lush world of intrigue where nothing is as it appears. The imagery was gruesome which matched the gothic setting. Ophelia was at times nieve, but was never a pushover. Her relationship with her sister was very relatable as someone with their own sister.
This story was definitely a romantasy. What I mean by this is that it was romance heavy with plenty of spice as well. It was hot 🔥🔥🔥. Kaylie knows how to write a good sex scene.
If you like any of the things I've mentioned this is the book for you. It's a fun adventure with plenty of romance

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Phantasm per Merriam-Webster dictionary is a word first used in the 13th century and is defined as 'a product of fantasy: such as a delusive appearance: illusion; ghost, specter; a figment of the imagination.'

So what does that definition mean for a story like Phantasma? Phantasma is an elaborate show, a circus containing creatures of the supernatural, a high-stakes carnival where every game asks the player to gamble with one's life. Phantasma is an edge of your seat, can't put down, up all night binge read that left me wondering who to trust and who to believe.

Ophelia Grimm is descended from a long line of necromancers. One woman per generation in the family hold this mantle; utilizing features from witchcraft to act as the 'bridge between the corporeal plane and the other side, to bring life and energy to that which is dead and undead'. When Ophelia's mother dies un-expectantly, the role of necromancer passed to her. At the same time, she learned that her mother was seriously in debt and that she and her sister are close to losing their family home if they cannot pay off the outstanding loan.

As luck would have it, Phantasma has recently come to town and with it the opportunity to win Ophelia's hearts desire; but at what cost? Phantasma's levels mimic the nine levels of hell. The challenges influenced by the seven deadly sins. Phantasma is figuratively and literally a page out of 'Dante's Inferno', a race through the underworld with all the hellish type creatures you could imagine. Of course no trial would be complete without a love interest to reek havoc on Ophelia's mind and bring severe damage to her heart. With Blackwell, Ophelia learns more about herself and her strengths. She crosses into realms she never imagined herself capable. Blackwell has his own agenda and his own sordid history, one that is tightly woven with the Grimm family line. Blackwell and Ophelia have a love that transcends time, through countless generations, an undeniable destiny with a tragic beginning and potentially a tragic end. Once upon a time a heart was so freely given only to be violently torn out. The ultimate question is, can Blackwell mend the damage or will he finally destroy the one thing he has every desired?

I am a new reader of Kaylie Smith's and to say I was absolutely blown away would be a grave understatement. There are so many intricate and fascinating elements to this story. The levels of history, mythos, elements of fantasy, and character development are stunning and impressive. I am overwhelmed with all that I read. Very excited for the next installment.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Netgalley I got an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I loved this book! And there’s a small (okay huge) chance that I’m in love with a phantom.

It has some serious parallels with Caraval. That is the only reason I docked a star, since some of the ideas most definitely came from that storyline. There’s a deadly competition that involves deal making, life exchanges, and following a headstrong, wild little sister into a game. But I loved the twist she put on it with theming it after Hell’s circles.

Blackwell is a major swoon. Some of my favorite quotes of his:

“In a different life, in a fair one, I would’ve kept you until my eternal soul withered away to dust”

“Every single second I’ve spent with you has reminded me what it’s like to be alive. And I would trade every other soul in the world if it meant I would get to keep you forever.”

It’s got a the perfect level of spice. A good amount of descriptive scenes, but it’s not outrageous or overdone.

The world building outside of the Phantasma manor was next to nothing. We know it takes place in New Orleans, but that’s about it. There’s a glossary at the beginning that mentions a bunch of different paranormals that we don’t really interact with at all in the story. But maybe there’s a sequel coming? We can hope!

Overall I highly recommend this book!!

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Nothing against the author or the book, especially since I am clearly in the minority here, but I think this is the final nail in the coffin for why romantasy as it is being pitched today is not for me. You tell me it is a romance with fantasy elements. Okay, perfect. Give me that fantasy with a big sweeping romance at its core. I want build-up, tension, swoons, doubt, all while a dangerous game goes on around them and feeds into how they feel for each other before they finally collide in what became an inevitability. This was just ... sex. Slipped into a boring cycle of game, argue, explore a little, fuck, sleep, repeat. I wanted to love this, and in the beginning I was absolutely hooked with the mystery of the mother's death, the necromancy, the sisters' strained relationship, and the great writing. But it just didn't click for me once the romance took over so early and I was left with so many questions I felt did not get answered.

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I thought that this was a really good book. There is a very seductive and tension filled balance between desire and doubt in this book that gives not only your heart but also your mind a workout as you read it. Once I got a taste of the steamy/sweetness that this couple generated I was addicted.

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Thank you Netgalley for sending me a free copy of this book

After Ophelia’s mother passes, the necromancy power that’s been in her family for generations is transferred to her and she must deal with seeing the apparitions (ghosts) and other things she wishes she didn’t see. It only makes it worse when the bank tells her about her mother’s debt, and how she only has a month to come up with the money or her manor will become the bank’s property.

Her sister Genevieve makes things even harder when she enters the deadly competition, Phantasma. Ophelia follows her and there she meets Blackwell, a handsome phantom who irks her in ways she’d never been irked. He proposes a deal and eventually she accepts. He’s been stuck in Phantasma as long as he could remember and doesn’t remember anything from before and requires a heart and a key to set him free.

Throughout the levels of phantasma, Blackwell assists Ophelia in exchange for her help searching for the key to his freedom. The levels are run by devils, who Ophelia had been taught to stay away from at all costs by her mother. Being at Phantasma goes against everything she’d ever been taught, but she will do anything to find her sister.

Throughout the time there, Ophelia and Blackwell grow closer than just business partners. As their relationship turns romantic, the cardinal rule of Phantasma becomes a risk- never fall in love.

It was inevitable though, especially when Ophelia finds her sister and is able to send her home. The last level is the deadliest, and somehow, Ophelia, with the help of Blackwell, manages. It’s then she meets the creator of Phantasma- Salemaestrus, or better known as Blackwell.

As Prince of the devils, Salem’s father had expectations that he broke. He fell in love with a mortal and chose her over his father, which ended up in Salem’s punishment. Now free, and with Ophelia’s declaration of love, Salem ties her life force to him and they’re able to live together, happily and curse free.

Phantasma was full of horror filled, grotesque scenes. With Opehlia already struggling with her mother’s passing and the new burden of necromancy, her sister runs to the deadly competition to learn more about their father, who she had suspected was a contestant from Phantasma.

Ophelia’s character development was probably one of the best depictions I’d seen. Still struggling at the beginning of the book, throughout the span of her stay in the deadly manor, we see her grow into her powers and discover more about herself and her lineage. It’s with the help of her phantom she’s able to pass each individual level.

I didn’t think I would enjoy this book as much as I did, but I flipped through it within three days. It kept me on my toes, and I thoroughly enjoyed that.

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Never having read a dark fantasy romance or really many books with spice, I had no expectations going into this book.
What a ride it was! It's like a spicy Caraval

A necromancer (Ophelia) and a powerful phantom (Blackwell) team up to play a dangerous game known as Phantasma in a mansion in New Orleans. The rules of the game are simple... try to stay alive and do not fall in love...
Nothing is ever actually simple, is it? For starters, Ophelia lives with obsessive compulsive disorder and Blackwell is trapped inside this game with a single clue to help free him that resets after each game. These two have quick tongues and fight their feelings only to come back together in some fiery scenes. But what hit me the most was the intensity of the emotions and the way they impacted one another.

"You don't need to fix yourself. You're not broken. But it's okay to get outside help if it gets too loud"


Did I predict the ending? Yes BUT not entirely. I genuinely have a great appreciation for some of the smaller details Kaylie was clever enough to come up with.
I ate this book up and highly recommend it even if you have no expectations ;)

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Ophelia is a necromancer who enters into a dangerous competition in order to save her sister. Ophelia also deals with OCD - which the author includes such a heartwarming note on. The representation of OCD here was definitely eye opening and added such a unique twist to the book.

I loved the gothic atmosphere and the intensely scary games. The author did not shy away from the gory details. People die here, be ready for that. But you will be on the edge of your seat

The author also wrote some incredible spice 🥵. I loved watching Ophelia become more confident in herself during the duration of these games inside and outside the bedroom. Excellent banter as well!

I didn’t love how Ophelia was rude to some people, but I also understood it. She’s not perfect, she’s here to win, and she can’t have a soft heart.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I absolutely LOVED this book!! Romantasy at it's finest.

Ophelia inherits her family's legacy of becoming a necromancy after her mother's death. Secrets of her family's past cause her to enter Phantasma, a deadly competition put on by devils where the winner receives one wish.

I loved that this book was a standalone. I enjoy a really good book series, but I feel so many Romantasy books these days are a series where the second book always ends up being a filler book until you get to the third book with a resolution. A lot of times I won't finish the series, I'm looking at you Fourth Wing and Sparks of the Everflame. So I appreciated a GREAT story contained to one book.

I did guess some details early on, but the different trials and the way it was written made me want to continue reading to get to the conclusion.

The spice level in this book is 🥵 I definitely enjoyed it!!

There was OCD representation with compulsions, obsessive thoughts, and someone darker in your head voicing all your worst fears which I appreciated because I too suffer from OCD.

The only teeny tiny problem I had were some inconsistencies in scenes. In one scene she was in the tub (so you'd assume someone would be unclothed haha) and then it said she was out of the tub and he reached around to unclasp something and I was confused. That happened two or three times in the book where there were contradictions to what was just said, so maybe that can be looked into before the final copy is released to the public.

Like I said before I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will look forward to reading any other books Kaylie Smith comes out with.

Huge thank you to NetGalley, Second Sky, and Kaylie Smith for an eArc copy of this book in return of my honest review.

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Kaylie Smith's adult debut, "Phantasma," is a tantalizing blend of gothic romance and high-stakes adventure. Set in a haunted mansion where danger lurks behind every shadow, "Phantasma" is a mesmerizing tale of survival, love, and the lengths one will go to save a loved one.

The story follows Ophelia Grimm, a determined young woman on a mission to rescue her missing sister. The only way to achieve this is by entering Phantasma, a deadly contest where the prize is a single wish. The rules are simple yet brutal: stay alive and don't fall in love. As Ophelia faces nine increasingly perilous challenges, the tension is palpable, and the stakes are higher than ever. Especially with Blackwell, a charming, arrogant, and irresistibly attractive stranger enters the picture offering Ophelia a bargain.

Smith's world-building is exceptional, drawing inspiration from the nine circles of hell to create a series of challenges that are as imaginative as they are deadly. The gothic atmosphere is rich and immersive, pulling readers into a world where every corner hides a new danger or temptation. The blend of romance and horror is balanced, with many steamy moments and heart-pounding suspense.

One of the standout aspects of "Phantasma" is its representation of OCD, which is woven into the narrative with sensitivity and depth. Ophelia's struggles with OCD add an authentic and relatable dimension to her character, making her journey all the more compelling.

In conclusion, "Phantasma" is a bloody, gothic feast that will trap you inside its twisted walls and leave you craving more. Kaylie Smith has delivered a formidable debut that combines romance, horror, and fantasy in a way that feels both fresh and timeless. This very well may be the next big thing on booktok.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for providing an eARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

this book reminded me a lot of caraval, just a little darker. and like with caraval, unfortunely i felt pretty indifferent about it. the romance didn’t really work for me—it was too focused on the physical side, so the characters got together way too quickly, which made it hard for me to stay engaged with the rest of the book. i needed more emotional connection between the characters. additionally, there’s some things that were interesting in the worldbuilding (the devils, necromancers, ghosts and etc) and it was easy to get me to immerse in it but the plot was quite predictable, and i was able to guess the ending way ahead. still, if you’re looking for the typical YA/NA romantasy vibe, this book does the job well enough.

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Let me start by saying in full transparency I didn’t read the full description and that’s my fault. I saw Acotar meets Caraval and was sold. I don’t normally read/watch stuff involving devils or demons due to my own faith. Despite my own negligence I went in with the best of intentions to be unbiased. Although it was a little slow at the beginning I actually ended up enjoying it!! Personally I think it’s more Caraval meets Serpent and the Wings of Night than Acotar. There’s magic, romance, touch her and die vibes, Necromancer meets Phantom, and I really appreciated the touches of mental health aspects Kaylie put into the story.

Two sisters with a Necromancer lineage lose their mom tragically. They find themselves in a financial bind. To try to regain ownership of their family home the youngest sister runs off to join Phatasma, a game that will give you any wish you want if you pass the 9 levels of Hell. The only catch is once the level begins “the only way out is winning, bargaining, or death”. When the oldest sister And our FMC Ophelia finds out she tries to catch up to her sister to save her from the fate of the game but to find and save her sister she’ll have to play herself.

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a romantasy with thriller to experience and a bit of spice, reading chapter after chapter and you get into an addiction

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