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Did I Kill My Husband?

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The story is about Catherine who learns her husband is in the hospital. Where there might be more to the story on his hospitalization and their relationship. The perfect couple soon learns the many embedded lies built into their lives and relationship.

I really enjoyed this book and the twists and turns. The beginning of the book keeps you hooked to the storyline and characters. A very fast past and great read.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Imagine this: you're driving home, and the weather is against you. You hit something, presumably a deer, get out and check, but there's nothing there. You get home to your family sound asleep. So, a little shaken up, you head to bed as well. The next thing you know, you're waking up to the police at the door, telling you that your husband is in hospital following a hit a run..
Now you have 2 options, confess and face prison, or maintain your story of innocence and hope for the best.

That sounds like a whole story itself, right? WRONG. There is so much more to this story that is cleverly revealed throughout the book. More lies, more confusion, more revelations.

There's something about Amanda's writing that is completely addictive. Like, you know you have to sleep for a 13-hour shift, but getting answers is more important. Every chapter makes it impossible to stop there, and before you know it, you've devoured 300 pages in 24 hours, and you're left exhausted from the rollercoaster you were on.

This is probably one of Amanda's most twisty thrillers so far. I suspected everyone and was trying to put together my own investigation from every minute detail I had. I didn't, however, guess correctly where the story was going until it got there. I can easily say I had my suspicions, but I did about everything and everyone.

As always, I'd hugely recommend this novel (and this author in general) to psychological thriller fans that have a love/hate relationship with second guessing their ability to solve the case before they read it.

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I have no idea how @ajcampbellauthor does it but she just keeps getting better and better. I don’t even need to know what the book is about - they’re automatic reads for me. I would read a shampoo bottle if AJ Campbell wrote it.

Christina is driving home late one night, it’s dark, it’s hideous weather and out of no where - BANG. She hits something. But what was it? It’s no where to be seen….? She gets home and not long after the police are knocking down her door.. her husband has been in a hit and run and is critical in hospital… (squeaky bum moment right there…) Did she run him over…?!

Lads!!! This book was twisting all over the place. I was sucked right in and I was giving EVERYONE the side eye. Campbell weaves a story of dark lies, deceit and suspense. As always, her characters are the core of this book. You can feel aaaall the emotions and there is never a duffer character - each one is totally necessary.

The reveal was a total head spin. Just perfect. Campbell is a genius. End of.

Thank you massively to AJ Campbell, @bookouture and @netgalley for getting the chance to read and review #DidIKillMyHusband I am honoured each and every time I get to read an arc of hers.

Thriller fans - read her books now.

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Christina is on the way home from a night out with her brother. The weather is horrible and she can barely see through the rain. As she is driving she hears a loud thud that makes her stop. She gets out of the car but cannot see anything, she must have hit an animal that ran off. When she gets home her daughter tells her that her husband left shortly after her but hasn't come home yet, at 3am there is a pounding on the door and the police are standing on the other side. What has Christina done? Did she really hit an animal or was it a person?

I wasn't able to put this one down; it is definitely a page turned and had twists throughout. I definitely recommend it!

Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for my ARC!

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I am yet to read a book by this wonderful author that I didn’t love completely and this one was fantastic too. The writing led me to believe everyone was completely guilty and innocent at the same time. The main character was likeable but within the plot was cleverly written. Without spoilers I didn’t guess what was coming but couldn’t put the book down to see if I was right. Cannot wait for the next gem from AJ Campbell!

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OM0G. What a read.
I'm becoming a huge AJ Campbell fan, and I've only read two books of hers!
This was brilliant. Read in one sitting worthy, twisty and will keep you guessing with every turn of the page.
I was so addicted to reading this, the pages just disappeared. Every time I thought I'd worked something out, something else would be thrown in and I'd be off-kilter.
Fans of Freida Mcfadden will love this author, she has a very similar style.
Loved it.

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'Did I Kill My Husband?' is another fantastic read from one of my favorite authors AJ Campbell that I finished in one sitting & kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

I absolutely loved the plot line that kicked straight off with a bang, Christina is driving home at night in really bad wet & windy weather when she feels her car hit something, when she gets out & can't find or see anything she writes it off to debris or an animal & continues on home. Hours later Christina is awoken by the police informing her that her husband was the victim of a hit and run.

Did she run over her own husband and leave him for dead?

What follows is a fast paced suspense filled read as Christina tries to piece together & come to terms with what happened that night, but as she does more questions emerge than answers, guilt, secrets, suspicion & uncertainty consume her life and she doesn't know what or who to believe or trust.

Campbell is truly gifted at writing relatable and believable characters with so much emotion bouncing off the pages, you can feel every bit of guilt, anger, love & fear seeping from the characters. Despite her mistakes I really liked the character of Christina, feeling for her with everything she was going through, wanting it all to turn okay for her, I also really enjoyed her relationship with her twin brother Ted, the sibling dynamic was written really well & you know they would always go to bat for each other.

I was fully convinced I had this all figured out but I could not have been more wrong and the final huge twist literally left me with my mouth open. I loved it & personally think this was the authors best twist yet.

Another must read from a brilliant author that I would highly recommend.

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Thank you to netgalley and AJ Campbell for giving me an early copy for my honest feedback!
I really enjoyed this one and can't wait to see mote from this talented author!
May has been full of amazing releases, and to end the month right, I bring you this amazing recommendation! This book was so addicting I could not put it down! It had me from the very first page! The characters are relatable, and the twist will make your head spin! I thought I knew what was going on the whole time, but I was definitely wrong! I highly recommend this book if you love thrillers that are past paced and you can't put down! This is a read in one sitting kind of book for sure! Five stars from me!!

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I honestly think this one is my new favourite by AJ, I was instantly hooked by it and I didn’t want to put it down! I flew through it!

I loved the whole whodunit / did I do it? these it was absolutely brilliant. Christina wouldn’t have really killed her husband would she?? The other characters all seemed shady and had things to hide too so it made it difficult to figure out who was trustworthy. I really liked Christina’s twin brother Ted and the relationship she had with him.

This was a fast paced thriller. I kept thinking I had everything all figured out then something would happen and flip everything around. The twists at the end completely shocked me. Definitely a must read for thriller fans.

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Twists, turns, secrets and lies!!!! This book has it all and more. I was engrossed from beginning to end and couldn't put it down. Huge 5 stars.

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Did I Kill My Husband? By A.J. Campbell

Published: May 29, 2024
Genre: Domestic Thriller
KKECReads Rating: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free and leave my review voluntarily.

WOWZA. This was wild. The story starts with a bang and does not slow down. I loved how A.J. used emotion throughout this novel. She captured the essence of guilt, love, and rage perfectly.

The characters in this book kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved the dynamic between Chrissy and Ted. They have the sibling relationship we all dream about.

I tried figuring out the twist the entire time I was devouring this book and was wrong every single time. The twists kept coming fast and furious.

I love Campbell’s writing style. She brings the story to life so the reader feels like they are in the room with the characters. This was a fairly heavy read, but it was intense and fast-paced.

I was hooked from the first paragraph. I could not stop reading. There was no way I could hit pause once I started this one. The plot thickened on every page.

If you want to lose sleep but be kept on your toes, look no further. This is the book for you!

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The reason I like to read books like this is because they usually keep me guessing and I enjoy trying to solve the plot twists before they’re revealed.
This one hit me from the side because I certainly had no idea there would be such a huge reveal toward the end.
I felt the tension of Christine as she worried about the consequences of one action that has a profound impact on her life.
She worries about so much and zeroes in on one person while others were flitting in the background I thought she needed to pay more attention but I never saw the one that truly betrayed her.
One character got what was coming and in fact I cheered when it occurred.
My one question that wasn’t answered was what happened to the money???

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Holy crap! This was a fast paced, exciting and completely gripping thriller that had me on the edge of my seat from the first page to the last page! AJ Campbell is a master of mystery and suspense. The suspense built up until we got to the mind blowing ending! I neglected everything until I finished this one. This book had everything I loved - short chapters, lots of twists and turns, well developed characters, and a plot that was delivered beautifully! There were multiple times that I thought I had it solved. There were multiple times that I thought the story was wrapped up. I was wrong on every occasion! Campbell does a clever job pulling us in at the very beginning and keeping up captivated right up until the end. She masterfully weaves in relevant twists and jaw dropping turns that kept me furiously turning the pages. I highly recommend this one!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a fast paced thriller from start to finish. It begins with Christina driving home on a very wet and windy night. In the darkness she feels the car hit something. Braking she gets out but can’t find anything. She drives home. Shaken she goes to bed but is woken up in the night by police knocking on her door. Really well written and constructed this is a deeply satisfyingly twisty story with some great characters.

Briefly, to Christina’s horror she discovers her husband Michael has been knocked down in a hit and run and is seriously ill in hospital! Did she in fact run her own husband down? We follow Christina as she tries to work her way out of the mess she believes she has caused. On the way she finds out an awful lot more about her family and friends than she would have wished but can she survive it?

There are so many secrets, so many twists and turns, and so many times I thought I had this sussed, but I hadn’t. I read this is one sitting, I was so completely hooked. An exciting psychological thriller, full of suspense and brilliantly plotted. Very entertaining.

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Did I Kill my Husband? was a gripping domestic thriller that had me hooked from the start and never let me go till I finished reading it. So engrossed was I in the tangle of lies, secrets, deceit and blackmail. There were little twists sprinkled throughout until the final one that I did not expect at all. It was mind blowing and fit the puzzle pieces perfectly. Well-developed and relatable characters added extra depth to the mystery.

Fast paced and twisty, I really enjoyed reading the book, my first by A J Campbell. I will definitely be checking out more of her books. Highly recommend this one.

Thank you @netgalley @bookouture and @ajcampbellauthor for an opportunity to read this ARC.

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Did I Kill My Husband? by AJ Campbell is a thrilling rollercoaster of a read. Packed full of twists you don't see coming.
The pace was spot on, with bucket loads of suspense - had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. This was a very quick read, it kept me engaged from start to finish.
This psychological thriller by AJ Campbell was truly engrossing. It was impossible to put down.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Absolutely got me hooked from the first page. I kept thinking I knew was was happening next and then AJ Campbell would throw me for a loop. Lots of lies and secrets in this story and made it very hard to put it down!

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Absolutely loved this book!! Had some great plot twist. This is the first but certainly not the last of this author that I will read!

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This book was such an amazing thriller it had me second guessing to the very end. I would highly recommend this book.

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Publication Date - 29th May 2024
Publisher - Bookouture

Christina & Michael seem to have the perfect marriage … but is there such a thing?! Seems not!!

Christina drives home in the pouring rain on country roads, after a drink with her brother. So when she feels her car hit something, she gets out the car, to see what animal it was. There is no animal, in fact she can’t see anything at all, on the dark roads, She panics, she has had a drink, and drives home. The next day, the police are at the door … her Husband has been involved in a hit and run … what?!
This is a prime example of how a little White Lie can snowball and it’s too late to correct what you have said.

AJ Campbell has literally done it again BUT even better with each book. THAT ending though whaaaat??!!

If you haven’t read any books by this author … then it should be law that you do! 😜 😂❤️

Thanks #netgalley #bookouture #ajcampbell #didikillmyhusband #bookstagram #bookstagramshaz #thriller

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