Cover Image: Paging Dr. Hart- a medical romance with suspense

Paging Dr. Hart- a medical romance with suspense

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I'd like to thank NetGalley for providing me with this ARC.

While I enjoyed this book and thought it was a fun and extremely easy read, it wasn't really what I expected. I went into this book expecting much more from Tiffany's past to come in between her and Ethan, and far more suspense and stakes to be following Tiffany into her adult life. While Ethan is one of the most understanding and supportive love interests I might have ever read, their romance felt almost too easy to me, not necessarily "slow burn". The slight cliff hanger at the end of the book did catch my interest, so I am excited to revisit these characters in the future!

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This was a fun romance with a bit of a small mystery thrown it. It was very enjoyable. Though I felt at time the flashback sections dragged a bit.

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Drop everything now! Go read this book!!!
Honestly when this book popped up on my fyp I really wanted to read it. The bummer was that it wasn’t released yet :( I figured that I’d go try my luck and request on NetGalley, even though my requests don’t get accepted there often😂😂😂 So imagine my surprise when my request was approved!
This book was literally everything!! It made me laugh, cry, and everything in between!!! I honestly was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I literally binged the whole book in one sitting.
This book also had small Taylor Swift references sprinkled all throughout the book which I thought was so cool!!!
Thank you Victory Editing Co-op, and NetGalley for accepting my request to read this book!

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me an ARC for Paging Dr. Heart. This Romance/Mystery has many different layers. The story fluxuates between the present and past of Dr. Tiffany Hart. She has learned that she can rely on no one, and it's starting to wear her down. Which is when Dr. Ethan Clark enters her life. He's the newest resident, but he quickly becomes so much more than a college for Tiffany.

As the story unfolds in the present, Tiffany's past and why she's so reluctant to trust is slowly reviled by the author. Ethan Clark is everything she's never had.. Can Tiffany learns to try and trust again? Will Ethan stay when he learns what haunts her at night? Just as she starts to believe she can have everything, her past comes crashing back into her life. Will her past haunt her forever or can she put it to rest. The author sets you up for a wild ride as her story unfolds in this enemy's to lovers, slow burn.

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Ethan is the ultimate green flag of book boyfriends. The way he cares about Tiffany and their relationship building and development was amazing. The story line of growing up in situations that you can’t control to making it out of them and becoming something for yourself was so well written. I love the banter, the spice, the plots, the storyline. It was all so good. Kept me engaged throughout the whole book.

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A little too chiché! Very predictable but still cute! I would rate it 3 stars or so! The back and forth POVS were a little random as well

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4.25 ⭐
First I want to thank the author Melissa Dymond and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this arc! This author is so sweet and so present, she made this book experience 100 times better!
In this book we have the chance to get to know the story of Dr. Tiffany Hart from 2 perspectives: the past and the present. The way the author intertwined these two time frames was so well made!
I got so caught up in this book I literally couldn't put it down until I finished it!
The love story between Tiffy (as he calls her) and Ethan was so adorable! A small type of slow burn (which I loved) made their connection unbreakable and desirable! Now I want a guy like Ethan in my life!
I'm excited to read other books by this author!

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First time reading a Melissa Dymond book, I enjoyed the book, I thought there would be alot more spice in it. I really liked Rafe and Ethan's character's - I enjoyed their different elements and how Tiffany reacted to each.

I would love a Rafe story...

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this exciting book

Dr. Tiffany Hart has finally made it, she has escaped her past..... she is where she wants to be... a doctor doing the job she always wanted....

her younger years are memories she doesnt want to reflect on.... she suffers badly from nightmares but she is like a phoenix that has risen from the ashes

the only fly in the ointment is Dr. Ethan Clark, he has upended her safe life in ways beyond her control.....

an interesting read that keeps you gripped right to the end.... and a visit to vegas what more can a girl ask for....

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first book by this author, and I'm happy to say I can't wait to read more by her. The end of this book mentions she will write some interwoven stand-alone novels that will go with this one, and I will eagerly (and will try to be patient) await their release.

Told in alternating timelines of past and present, Tiffany is a radiology resident at a hospital in Ohio when her usually calm routine is interrupted by the arrival of a new resident, Ethan, who was midway through an internal medicine residency at another Ohio hospital. They go through some challenges of starting a residency program for Radiologists at his former hospital, and even attend a Radiology conference together in Disney World.
This book has some of my favorite tropes: he falls first, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn.

But I wasn't expecting this book to have suspense/thriller like moments. The past timeline chapters are where the suspense is. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but the innocent, hardworking doctor definitely had a troubled upbringing that no one knows about except her, and she does a great job of hiding it, and doesn't want anyone to know about it. But when her constant nightmare keep Ethan up every night when they're sharing a run-down apartment together for one month, eventually she'll have to tell him. Right?
And did I mention that the Radiology convention takes place at Disney World? As a huge Disney fan, I really enjoyed reading these chapters. I could picture every location they were at, and makes me miss Disney World and how I want to go back so badly!

As a radiologic technologist, I always enjoy any novel that has doctors or hospital or medical personnel in them as characters. But I do have some errors that I found in this particular area.

The first one being the use of the term x-ray technicians. As a registered Radiologic Technologist through the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists), this bothered me. An x-ray technician is someone who worked on the x-ray equipment, and is similar to an engineer. An x-ray technologist is the person who takes x-ray and images of patients, has extensive knowledge of the x-ray equipment and how it operates, sets techniques and moves the equipment to create a quality diagnostic image for the radiologist to read and interpret. We are often called x-ray techs, which is fine, but we are not technicians. We are technologists.
Second, the use of the term CAT scan. The current term is CT. CAT stands for Computed Axial Tomography and CT is Computer Tomography. They are the exact same scan, but CAT was the original abbreviation and CT is the more common term today. CT's originally could only scan in the axial plane, but the technology has advanced to where we can create scans on the sagittal and coronal planes. Thus called it CT.
Rant over :)

Great book. Definitely worth a read.

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I was so glad I was able to read and fall in love with Tiffany and Ethan enemy to lovers storyline. Their relationship was destined from the start, it was like love at first. It’s the type of love story that you have to keep reading to see how it will unravel.. it’s a very special unravel!

Ethan is all the green flags in the world! 💚💚

I don’t want to give too much away but if you like romance stories but with a solid story line, this is the book for you. It’s not a cheesy love story that you can predict from the cover , it’s the story that will have you keep turning the pages. It has a lot of interesting moments and stories. I love the friendships, motherhood bond, making new friends and new love interests.

Also if you are a cat lover, there is a furry friend you will love to read about. 🥰

I will definitely recommend this book! And I can’t wait to see else Dr. Melissa Dymond writes in the near future!

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Paging Dr. Hart by Dr. Melissa Dymond
Rating: 5/5 stars

*Paging Dr. Hart* by Dr. Melissa Dymond is a captivating, heartfelt novel that masterfully blends romance, personal growth, and the complexities of life in the medical field. Dr. Dymond’s intimate knowledge of the medical world shines through, providing authenticity and depth to this engrossing story.


The story centers around Dr. Samantha Hart, a dedicated and ambitious cardiologist who finds herself at a professional and personal crossroads. After a tragic loss and the pressures of a demanding career, Samantha decides to take a much-needed break in a quaint, coastal town. Here, she hopes to rediscover her passion for medicine and life. Little does she know that this decision will lead her to unexpected love, new friendships, and a renewed sense of purpose.


Dr. Samantha Hart is a well-rounded and relatable protagonist whose journey is both inspiring and emotional. Her strength, vulnerability, and determination make her a character readers can easily connect with. The supporting characters, including her love interest, charming locals, and fellow medical professionals, are richly developed and add depth to the narrative. Each character plays a significant role in Samantha’s journey of healing and self-discovery.

Plot and Themes:

Dr. Dymond expertly weaves a narrative that balances the fast-paced and often stressful world of medicine with the serene and transformative experience of small-town life. The plot is well-paced, with moments of tension, heartfelt interactions, and introspection that keep readers engaged from start to finish. Themes of resilience, healing, and the importance of community are central to the story. The romance that blossoms is genuine and heartwarming, providing a perfect counterbalance to the professional challenges Samantha faces.

Writing Style:

Dymond’s writing is both engaging and evocative, capturing the emotional nuances of her characters and the beauty of the coastal setting. Her detailed descriptions bring the medical scenes to life, while her portrayal of the town’s landscapes and community creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. The dialogue is natural and often infused with humor, adding to the overall enjoyment of the story.

*Paging Dr. Hart* is a beautifully crafted novel that offers a perfect blend of romance, personal growth, and the intricacies of life in the medical field. Dr. Melissa Dymond has created a story that is both entertaining and deeply moving, with characters who will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page. This book is a must-read for fans of contemporary romance and medical dramas.

Highly recommended for anyone looking for a heartwarming and insightful story about love, healing, and finding one's true path. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this exceptional book for review. Happy reading!

Until next time, keep believing in the power of love and the journey of self-discovery!

Behind Her Grey Eyes

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Wow this was so good! This is a slow burn rivals to lovers romance told in alternating timelines from Tiffany’s present and childhood.

It did take me a little bit to get into this but once I was in it I couldn’t put it down. It had so much depth to the story and the characters.

It had an underlying mystery/suspense element that kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat especially near the end.

The third act conflict was really good and not annoying miscommunication, it really made sense to the plot.

The Disneyland scenes omg!!!! And the slow burn was everything. Ethan was amazing!!! It was quite emotional towards the end. Just so good.

Highly recommend this. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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This was a really cute book, however the suspenseful aspect was not well done. I think it was integrated a little weirdly, and I'm not a huge fan of how the Cliffhanger was implemented. I think it should have ended with a clear cut ending, with maybe some unanswered questions with the side characters rather than unanswered questions for our main characters. Since this is supposed to be a series of interconnected standalones these unanswered questions for our main characters just doesn't make sense. Either way it was a cute romance and Ethan is an adorable main romance character

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This book wasted no time getting me hooked. The combination of past and present were important in explaining Tiffany’s issues. Ethan is so well written, I love him. This was definitely a slower burn with the cutest moments between Tiffy and Ethan. For lovers of medical dramas and dreamy men.

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Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I love a good romance and the added mystery in the story just made it so much better. I also work in the medical field, so that made me love it even more! Sometimes I’m not a fan of dual timelines in books as I often am less interested in one of them and want to rush through it to get back to the other, but this one was not the case. I was drawn in to both timelines and couldn’t wait to read what would happen next in either. Highly recommend this book, and I can’t wait for the next one!

Thank you to NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Tiffany is a very complex character to understand, she's learnt over time to become adept at hiding behind a mask never letting anyone close enough to see who she is underneath. Ethan is kind compassionate and takes his time to give Tiffany space and understanding to realise he's on her side. I enjoyed the flashbacks to Tiffany's childhood to better understand her. I loved the twists and turns of this story and just enough spicy, its easy to see why the book keeps you reading with each new unknown text you just want to know who the mysterious writer is. I loved this book and will definitely look for anymore that follow.

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I love medical romances. This book has a that with a side of suspense. It was wonderful! I’d recommend it to fellow readers!

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⭐ Rating: 4.5 stars

👩‍⚕️ Synopsis: Dr. Tiffany Hart, the hospital's Ice Queen, hides a dark past. Enter Dr. Ethan Clark, the annoyingly handsome new hire who challenges her frosty demeanor. As sparks fly and past secrets resurface, can they turn disaster into happily ever after?

💖 Why You'll Love It:

Tropes: Enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, reverse grumpy-sunshine, slow-burn, medical romance, suspense
Character Development: Tiffany transforms from guarded to trusting. Ethan's patience and care make him the ultimate green flag.
Dual Timelines: Seamless switches between past and present reveal Tiffany’s backstory.
Suspense Elements: Tiffany's past adds thrilling twists.
Fun Details: Taylor Swift references and adorable side characters.
📖 Final Thoughts: "Paging Dr. Hart" balances romance, humor, and suspense. Perfect for fans of "Grey's Anatomy" and slow-burn love stories. A heartwarming read with rich character development and engaging plot.

🌟 Conclusion: A must-read medical romance with emotional depth and thrilling elements. Highly recommend! 📚❤️

📅 Release Date: June 17, 2024

#PagingDrHart #MelissaDymond #MedicalRomance #EnemiesToLovers #SlowBurn #BookReview #Bookstagram #RomanceReads

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**Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC**

I feel like this book was way too fast paced. The romance and the “suspense” parts of this book could have definitely been drawn out more. I wished the flashbacks were more spread throughout the book rather than in chunks between chapters of present day chapters. I did enjoy the plot though.

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