Cover Image: Paging Dr. Hart- a medical romance with suspense

Paging Dr. Hart- a medical romance with suspense

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When I originally requested this
book it seemed that the reviews were mixed but my goodness! I loved this one so much. The spice was amazing. I was completely shocked by the suspense factor in the book and it kept me completely intrigued through the storyline. Grab a copy and read it. You won’t be disappointed.

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📚 Paging Dr Hart
✍ Dr. Melissa Dymond
📖 Suspense, Romance
What an incredible story..
Intriguing, fast paced, with some plot twists, you'll be flipping the pages non stop..
Tiffany Hart is a known Radiology Dr. Who's been constantly compared as an ice- queen.. she doesn't want any commitment, nor casual relationships, she's focused on her job and only on her job..
Ethan Clark.. a resident with a lot of swagger, will entry Tiffany's day to day.. stirring everything up..
Past and present will collide and Tiffany will be caught in a battle of what she truly wants..
All the feels:
👩‍⚕️ Enemies to lovers
🥼 forced proximity
💉 workplace romance
🧫 drama/tension
👩‍⚕️ dual timeline
🧬 secret past
🔬 reversed grumpy/sunshine
💊 suspense/spicy
❤ medical romcom
𝐏𝐮𝐛 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞, 𝟏𝟕
Special thanks to Dr Melissa Dymond, Victory Editing, Netgalley Co-Op for this arc. The opinions in here are on my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.
I requested this book for 2 different reasons.
One of them is the donation towards lung cancer research. As a person with mesothelioma,I think this is really reaaally awesome.
And second, because this seemed to be a nice,cute hospital romance. And initially it really was. The recipe seemed perfect: a bit of banter, a bit of them being enemies, a bit of grumpy vs sunshine, a tragic & adventurous past... Until started to become too much, to the point I really had to make sure I'm reading the same book. The last 20% of the book felt unfinished, rushed and I feel like some questions we're left unanswered. Despite all of this I do think the book is a solid 3-3.5*. ^^

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Tiffany Hart is a struggling resident. She has a troubled past that she's desperate to forget. She is just trying to be the best she can be. She meets Ethan while giving a presentation and immediately dislikes him. However, he is good looking and charming and impossible to not like. They grow closer and she's scared. She's scared that her past will scare him away and she'll forever be alone. She learns to let people in slowly, but her past catches up to her. Luckily, Ethan is the perfect guy and saves her from her past. He's hurt than she wouldn't share that part of her, but again, he's pretty perfect and stays with her. I would have liked to see the mystery of her father solved, but nothing is perfect

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest Review.

In this medical rom-com, icy third-year resident Dr. Tiffany Hart meets charming transfer Dr. Ethan Clark. And he immediately ruins everything. He points out a mistake in the presentation she was counting on earning a reward for and she quickly finds out she has to share her office with him. The worst part: he annoyingly INSITS on being her friend. And even worse? She kind of likes it.

I was expecting funny, silly medical drama, rivals-to-lovers, conference drama etc. etc. etc. I was NOT expecting dark histories, borderline mafia (side)plot and literal murder. You're in for a ride y'all!
Actually, I really liked this book. I enjoyed the view into Tiffany's past, especially with the focus on two people with such a huge contrast in backgrounds. Tiffany grew up in a bad neighborhood in Vegas and Ethan is the son of a Legacy of doctors. Watching the expectations and realities both have play out was a lot of fun. The story was also pretty slow-burn, which I really liked.
However, it fell short in two regards: the beginning was so weirdly rushed? Ethan and Tiffany needed a slower plot in the beginning, maybe simply with less "events" and more banter, to really characterise and develop their relationship. Secondly, it's honestly a CRIME to market this as a simple rom-com. The plot about Tiffany's past took up so many pages and was so complex, it didn't deserve to be relegated to not even being mentioned. The book is not the happy-go-lucky rom-com with a twist it's marketed as, and that does a real disservice to the book.
I really recommend this book to people who would enjoy Grey's anatomy but focused on Jo's storyline. I feel like that might be a bit closer to what to expect.

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I liked Tiffany. She is strong and determined. She is button-up, reserved, and keeps people at arm length to avoid getting hurt. Reading her past, we get to know why.I liked her character growth. I loved how she finally started to let people into her life.

I love Ethan too. He gives the golden retriever energy. Although he comes from a doctor family, he wants to make his own name. He wants to be out of his family legacy. He has some family-related issues. He also has some grief pain behind his smiley face. 

I loved reading the banter between them. Their chemistry is enjoyable to read. They talk about their grief with each other. They understand each other. Ethan shares his insecurities and his pain with Tiffany without hesitation. I love how Ethan helped Tiffany to open up. Ethan remembers small things about Tiffany. I loved that. I enjoyed reading about them. 

Reading Tiffany's past was tense. I was scared for her reading those chapters. It was heartbreaking.Tiffany's past adds a mystery element to the story.

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Thank you for choosing me to read an advanced copy of Paging Dr. Hart. It’s not a normal genre for me but this was a cute, cozy, and spicy book version of my favorite shows. If you love medical drama and book spice this is right up your alley!

Thanks again for choosing me! I will be putting a review on my good reads around May 27th when the book is released.

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You’re no ice queen. You’re pure fire.
Guys. It took everything in me mt to put the vanilla creamer scene as the top line, so when you read this and when you get to it, let me know so we can swoon together, okay? Because Ethan Clark is certified in swoon. This book was So. Much. Fun! Not only did we have some of the most fun settings (Disney, Las Vegas), but we had the best banter and the most delicious slow burn mixed in with mystery and tension and I just. I loved it. The dual timelines add so much to the story and to Tiffany’s character and her development. I loved trying to figure out the little hidden clues to connect the past to the present, and the last ten percent had my heart RACING. And I have so many questions! The dynamic between Tiffany and Ethan and the demons they’re both battling is a beautiful thing to see as they begin to battle their way toward each other instead of away, and of course the hospital background just makes me a happy camper. This was everything I could’ve wanted in a book, and I highly recommend it!

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An excellent escape! Perfect for fans of Grey's Anatomy - I really loved the combination of romance and tension!

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As someone who loves to read and watch anything medical romance related, I was so excited to read this book and let me tell you…SHE DELIVERED 🥹👏🏼
And she as in, Dr.Melissa Dymond, the author of Paging Dr.Hart, you are 100% on my auto-buy authors list because thank you for writing this masterpiece 💜

Dr.Tiffany Hart is portrayed as this “ice queen” who has made her job, and her cat, Fred (understandably so) her #1 priority. That means no friends, no personal life and without a doubt, no romantic relationships. But then here comes our golden retriever mmc, Dr.Ethan Clark, who literally comes in swinging and decides to break Tiffany’s walls down piece by piece. What Ethan doesn’t realize is that Tiffany has a mysterious past, one that she doesn’t intend on sharing.

What I loved the most about this story is that it really isn’t your typical romance. It’s in dual timeline, which I’ll admit isn’t something I usually gravitate towards, but the use of it really emphasizes what Tiffany has gone through and her development in the present timeline. And aside from Tiffany, our resident black cat fmc, all the other characters are so well written!! I don’t want to say too much, but just thinking about a certain side character and how they contributed to create a sub trope on found family -bangs a fist on my desk- so so good.

After getting a chance to chat with Melissa as well (literally slid in her DMs a few minutes after finishing her book so I can rave to her about her book) I’M SO EXCITED FOR WHATEVER ELSE MELISSA HAS IN STORE! Again, I don’t want to say too much, but just trust me when I say, read read read this book and when you get that feeling of “damn I NEED more. There has to be MORE,” do yourself a favor by going back and reveling in those specific details 😈

Thank you to Melissa Dymond & Netgalley for this arc 🤍

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I won’t lie, I did not think that I would end up liking this as much as I did.

Paging Dr. Hart follows Dr. Tiffany Hart as her collected life is spun off course by new-hire Dr. Ethan Clark. They both have their own ulterior motives and they settle in a very cautious dance around each other.

Reading the first 20%, I found the story slow and repetitive, but then the second timeline started picking up. This added SO MUCH to the story. Getting glimpses of Tiffany’s past was the perfect addition to the story, it added a level of complexity that was missing initially, and I was hooked.

It took me about twelve days to get to 20% and I read the rest in one night. Devoured. Learning about Tiffany’s childhood and all the events that led to her becoming a doctor was so interesting. Her history with Shelley and Rafe, her job on the strip, her relationship with Mr. Chen, and her interactions with Stewart were heartbreaking and thought-provoking. On the flip side, we got a heartwarming romance with Ethan, which was equally genuine and thorough. The two storylines blended effortlessly and I was very satisfied with the ending.

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I didn’t hate this book but also didn’t love it. I did like reading the past and getting to know Tiffany and what happened to her but I felt like it was dragged out, and honestly the “bad” thing she did wasn’t even that bad or maybe I’m use to reading worse things. I really liked Tiffany and Ethan but felt like their relationship went fast and honestly sometimes that works in a book and sometimes it just doesn’t. All in all I’m glad I read it. It was a fast read and I did like the back story.

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I absolutely loved this book OMG. The characters, the plot, Disney, medicine, the conflict, everything was superb. The Taylor Swift references were adorable as well. I loved that this book was not overly spicy & allowed the characters to really shine. Tiffany is someone I really wanted to get her happy ever after. Ethan is a total heartthrob & I know readers will love him. I cried, laughed, gasped, & made way too many notes. All in all, 5/5 will read again & recommend to friends!

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I am reviewing the spicy version of Paging Dr. Hart, a romance novel with mostly closed-door intimate scenes. There is a sweet version of this novel without foul language that does not go beyond kissing. The story revolves around Dr. Tiffany Hart, the protagonist, who was burnt by love and friendship during her younger years. Due to the traumatic events, she has been unable to build and maintain healthy relationships throughout her adult life. Moreover, her past might even jeopardize her career as a doctor.   

-Touch her & Die 
-Reverse grumpy sunshine 
-Forced Proximity 
-Secret past 
-Slow burn 
-Medical romance 
-Enemies to lovers 

When Dr. Ethan Clark, a new transfer, enters Tiffany's life, she is on the hook to train and supervise him. Initially, Tiffany finds Ethan an annoying hindrance to her and her goals, but over time and despite her best efforts, he grows on her.  

As Tiffany gets to know Ethan, she realizes there is more to him than what meets the eye. However, after she takes a chance and opens up to him, a new obstacle arises. Her past comes back to haunt her, and she fears her past might drive Ethan away and leave her heartbroken despite the walls she has scaled to reach him.  

I found the protagonist's emotions and mindset very relatable throughout the story. Despite life's disappointments and hardships, she was able to grow and find happiness. We have all gone through experiences we wish we could forget or change. What is important is how we learn from them and move forward. Tiffany had every reason to remain emotionally stunted, but with the help of those around her, she embraced change.   

While I enjoyed the story, I felt a few areas might improve with a minor tweak. For instance, there were so many scenes from the past that it sometimes felt more prominent than the primary storyline. As a result, I found myself rooting for young Rafe instead of Ethan. Additionally, a few more intimate and meaningful dialogue scenes would have helped to develop the connection between the characters. While their attraction and interest in one another were evident, it was not as strong as it could have been.  

Overall, Paging Dr. Hart is a delightful romance novel written by a kind and generous author who donates 10% of sales to cancer research. I look forward to reading more of her work in the future.

Review will be posted on Amazon once the book is released.

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this book was soooo adorable and hilariously, laugh out loud funny. i love a great romantic comedy, and being a nurse I found this super relatable and entertaining!!

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When I started this ARC I was expecting a lovey, easy going romance about some sexy doctors. Well, I got the sexy doctors but nothing about this book was easy going!
Tiffany’s POV jumping back and forth between the present and her child self was perfectly done and the story came together brilliantly when these two time lines collide. I’ve never read anything quite like this. On one hand it’s a romance, you have Ethan who’s sweet, smart, caring and just the best, and when your reading this POV it’s all butterflies and swinging your legs giggling like a school girl. THEN you jump back to Tiffany’s past and it’s tense, dramatic, heartbreaking and feels at times like you’ve been thrown into a thriller or crime novel! It really was the best of both worlds.
I felt like some of the character developments were maybe a bit far fetched, especially right at the end, however this was minor and didn’t really take away anything from the actual story. This book was totally gripping and had me finishing it in one day! I’d recommend it to anyone who loves a cheesy romance AND a bit of excitement and drama!

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I loved this book. It had bits of all my favorite genres and it came together beautifully. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I read this book in one sitting. I love the dual timelines and how everything connects in the end. The character development is done well and the ending was thought provoking. I wish there was a sequel!

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I think some parts, especially about her past, were very well done. I liked Tiffany, but Ethan was my favourite character. Still, the development of their relationship felt a little unrealistic and too fast to me. I also would have liked Tiffany to meet Shelly one last time to get closure with her. Unfortunately, some questions remain unanswered at the end.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Paging Dr. Hart, by Dr. Meilssa Dymond, is a fun, sexy, medical field romance with characters you'll love and a few you'll love to hate. When Tiffany is young, she is infatuated with a very bad boy.  Later in life she meets a good man (and good-looking) who adores her and she loves him, but, her past haunts her. Will she work through it and live happily ever after?
Also, who's her father?  Will there be a sequel so we can find out?  Love these characters and would definitely be interested in more of their story...Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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