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Knot Dead Again

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Betty Hechtman for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Knot Dead Again coming out May 14, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own. My

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I haven’t read the other books in the series, but I felt it was easy to dive in. I love cozy books about sewing, so I thought this would be a good one. Overall, I really enjoyed it. There were a couple parts where it felt a little too much like a therapy session. I’m not sure if that’s the norm with this series. But I thought Casey’s character was fun and I’d read more books in the series.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cozy yarn mysteries!

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An engaging cozy mystery. Interesting look at the resilience of some people. Fun to see how they cope with the various situations that arise. Some surprises along with confirmation of my suspicions. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Knot Dead Again by Betty Hechtman has Casey Feldstein dealing with a beginner’s yarn retreat, a destructive storm, a nervous assistant manager, and boyfriend troubles. We get to catch up with the regular characters (Casey, Lucinda, Tag, Sammy, Madeleine, Dane, Cloris, Kevin, and, of course, Julius) plus we get to meet the guests staying at Vista Del Mar (there are three retreats taking place including Casey’s). The story moves at a languid pace. The pacing needed to be peppier, and action would have helped. There is too much repetition (spaghetti is mentioned ten times) and unnecessary details (discussing meal, preparing meals, cleaning up from cooking, lack of food—I wonder if the author hungry when she wrote this story). When we are told for the second time how Casey wraps Julius’s stinky fish cat food in layers of clear wrap, aluminum foil, and baggies, I wanted to tell her to buy smaller cans (such as single meal cans) and has she never heard of a cat food can cover (put on the cover and stuff it in a baggie or two if needed). Casey’s romantic problems overshadowed the mystery (it dominates her thoughts). The mystery was simple. The killer can be identified before anyone is murdered. The why takes just a little longer to uncover. Casey enjoys having a leading role in solving the crime (thanks to the storm). She recruits her friends to help her unravel the whodunit. Knot Dead Again is the tenth A Yarn Retreat Mystery. It can be read as a standalone as the author provides all the background information a new reader needs. There is a pattern at the end for the heart garland (it would look cute on a Valentine’s tree) and the recipe for the Happy Days Retro Cake. Knot Dead Again takes us to Cadbury by the Sea with a rainy retreat, stinky fish food, romantic troubles, a murdered man, corrupted clues, and an overwhelmed assistant manager.

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Casey was a different type of detective than I have gotten used to in cozies. She seems a time a little flighty because she has had so many starts and stops in her story to become the person she is meant to be. At one time, she thinks again about moving on to another adventure. Fortunately, she decides to stick it out in Cadbury for another yarn retreat and this one leaves her tied in knots trying to unravel the puzzle. We get what is becoming a stable in the genre a trapped with the killer story that further amps up the drama of the guests who are not a happy together bunch. The floodwaters churn as another body drops and it is up to a yarn aficionado and baking gem to untangle the story and find the killer.
Along the way, Casey is also dealing with tangled emotions as the man she finally realizes she loves may be slipping away. I'm not a huge fan of the return of the ex-girlfriend. I think I may be a bit of a romantic and I don't like anyone who interferes in the love that is supposed to be. Saying that I'm sure that is the author's intention to keep us wondering if the ship has sailed for Casey and Dane. He did seem a little too focused on Stacy at least at the beginning when she returned. Loved how the small time gossip vines were working in high gear and everyone knew what was going on and could share that with Casey. Reminds me of so many other small tight knit towns including my own. Can't story the gossip even if it is painful to be on the receiving end of bad news.
Before i wrap this up, Madeline has grown so much as part of this series and found myself with a case of the feels when she felt rejected by Milton. In my opinion, having great side characters who we care about makes the book stronger and feeling bad for Madeline is a good example of that.
This is a nice series to read even though I personally will not be trying any of the yarn projects. I love crafts but an not a knitter.
Thanks to NetGalley and Beyond the Page Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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"Knot Dead Again (A Yarn Retreat Mystery #10)" by Betty Hechtman has a little bit Valentine's Day and a lot of the classic trapped in House/Resort with the Murder mystery. When the retreats get rained in with cars and trees blocking all the roads chaos ensues. The retreat attendees who are there don't all seem to get along. Particularly with one specific person. Then the mystery begins and it's up to Casey to help keep it all together while figuring out who the culprit is.

I had one personal in particular in mind. However, I wasn't quite right. I had the relationship to the deceased correct but not the actual person. In the end, all is revealed and all the relationship dramas too are resolved.

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This is a fun, entertaining read. I enjoyed Casey and her fellow residents of Cadbury along with the various retreat guests. They added to the fabric of the story. The story is easy to get into and read. I really like that Casey played a major role in solving the mystery as apposed to having it land in her lap. The romance subplot is an added bonus.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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#KnotDeadAgain #NetGalley is another page turner that will keep the reader guessing until the end.
Casey is running another yarn retreat, but this time, a raging storm renders them all isolated and a dead body and a murderer add a lot of pressure to her frayed nerves.
This was a good addition to this series, I liked the way the story played out and the mystery was well done.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.

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Casey is hosting her yarn retreat at Vista Del Mar and dealing with Dane’s ex-girlfriend being back in town…and in Dane’s life, apparently. There are other groups at the resort, but before everyone arrives, a heavy storm hits and the resort is cut off from the town. With no staff able to get to work, everyone must help out, especially Casey. First, a guest dies overnight, perhaps of a heart attack. Then, another death occurs and Casey is narrowing down the suspects.
This is a fun series with knitting, crocheting, and baking…a great combination. Casey is becoming part of the community and has made friends and may be putting down roots finally. The mystery is well-plotted and I was kept guessing until the end.
Thanks to Beyond the Page Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC.

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