Member Reviews


I absolutely. LOVE. TEDDY. what a gal!
Her and Gus are total perfection! And Riley too.
Rebel blue is just a perfect small town setting.
These two are the definition of a fine line between love and hate and I’m here for it!
I can’t wait for Cam and Dusty! I love some second chance.

-Second chance - ish
-Forced proximity
-Enemies to lovers

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I've been a fan of this series since book one, and ever since book one I've been begging for this ship to become a thing and IT FINALLY DID!
Teddy and Gus have the most perfect dynamic ever. Add in little Riley and this book becomes a book you don't want to ever put down.
I loved every second of this and already can't wait for the next book in the series: Wild and Wrangled

⭐️ 5 stars all around ⭐️

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i loved this so so much, definitely my favorite from the series so far! august and teddy definitely delivered on all fronts, i loved their banter, how they found each other and shared their feelings, how they related to each other’s struggles, their story was just so beautiful!! it reminded me of heartless by elsie in the best way possible!!! and riley was such an adorable addition to the story, i loved that kid and gus is actually the best dad, their relationship was so special

i feel like i need to mention the other relationships throughout this book as well, teddy’s relationship with her dad made me tear up, because it was such a realistic family representation, especially seeing how much they took care of each other and felt responsible for each other

and of course emmy and teddy’s relationship, i loved that it wasn’t your standard friendship that never goes through any arguments or troubles, i absolutely loved seeing them talk out their problems and actually voice them

thanks to netgalley, quercus and lyla sage for sending me this arc in exchange for my honest review

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Lyla Sage hasn’t let me down and this book was a joy to read! She’s kept the charm running through the series and I adored how Teddy & Gus worked as a couple.

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I absolutely love this book! It's my favorite in the series so far.
I loved how they showed the journey from hate to love in this book.
We'd been watching them bicker for ages, but then we understood where the hatred had come from.
I totally got caught up in this story and I'm so glad they found happiness together in the end.

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Having read the series so far, I was definitely waiting for this one and it did not disappoint. This is enemies-to-lovers done in style: Gus and Teddy genuinely dislike each other, not least because they are outwardly so different in how they tackle life. Yet it turns out that those differences may actually be complementary, and it just takes a summer of proximity for them to realise that. The way they go from outright conflict to unwilling attraction to so much more is beautifully and realistically done. I also really liked how Teddy’s state of mind is depicted, the feeling of being at a standstill while others progress through life, and how it can be hard when friendships change. And I can’t write this review without mentioning Riley, who is an absolute delight and will doubtless feature just as much in the next book - which is surely going to be worth the wait.

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If you have been waiting for Teddy’s and Gus’ book, let me tell you: It’s SO worth the wait.

Teddy and Gus can’t stand each other. But when Gus is in desperate need of help with juggling his work, his life and his daughter, Teddy is the only option. Teddy’s life recently turned upside down and she is trying to figure out what to do when her best friend and Gus’ sister Emmy asked her to help Gus and nanny his six-year old daughter Riley over the summer. Teddy loves Riley, so saying yes comes easy, however, Gus is less than happy about suddenly having Teddy stay at his house for the better part of the week all summer long.

I’ve been looking forward to finally reading Teddy’s and Gus’ book since Done and Dusted. I love Lyla Sages’ writing, it flows so easy and her books are the perfect length. The way she describes the ranch and Wyoming makes me want to live there! If you are a fan of writing that gets to the point but is still beautiful, this entire series is for you.

I highly recommend reading the books in order, although you don’t have to, to get the full experience and to really be able to appreciate the character development and the found family aspect of the books.

My favourite part was definitely the growth both of the main characters went through in this book. If you like grumpy x sunshine, this one is for you.

Queen Lyla Sage has done it again, I cannot wait for Wild and Wrangled.

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Teddy Andersen has always been a "go with the flow" type. But, when she loses her job, her best friend gets engaged and she rips her favourite jacket, it's hard to not feel like she's being left behind. Meanwhile, Gus Ryder juggles single parenting and his family's 8,000 acre ranch, and he begins to be overwhelmed. He needs help - and the woman he can't stand is his only option for help.

I think that this is my favourite in this series. Disclaimer: I haven't read book one, but I don't know if anything will top my love for this book.

Gus Ryder is the epitome of a grumpy man and Teddy is his kryptonite. I loved seeing Gus warming up to Teddy as she becomes a perfect companion for little Riley. From hate to lovers, the growth of these two is palpable, both together and apart.

Another really heartbreaking element is the relationship between Teddy and her father, Hank, while he's dealing with health issues. I love their bond and the love they have for one another.

Thank you so much to Quercus Books for an earc of Lost and Lassoed! All opinions are my own.

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I loved Done and Dusted and Swift and Saddled, so is it any surprise that I loved Lost and Lassoed?

Of course not! Finally, we get to see our favourite 'enemies' to lovers who have been stealing the show for two books! Teddy and Gus have been interesting characters from the get-go, and while it took me a while to get used to their tone of voices, their story was wonderful.

I loved the setting of this book, with Teddy reluctantly babysitting, creating one of my favourite romance tropes: forced proximity! And adding a cute kid to the mix just makes it so much better. Riley was adorable, and I hope we see more of her in Wild and Wrangled.

Anyway, for all my cowboy romance lovers who enjoy a good forced proximity, living together, I actually care for you more than I want to admit type of setting. This one is for you!

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Lost and lassoed give us the so wanted story between Teddy and Gus. And she delivered!
They really have that chemistry we loved at the first book. We get to know better both characters and a little bit more about Cam. I loved every bit about Riley, she’s an adorable little girl.
This is definitely my favourite books from the Rebel Blue Ranch series.

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Lost and Lassoed
This is my favourite out of the Rebel Blue books by far! I was so looking forward to reading Teddy and Gus’ story as if you’ve read the first two you know it’s coming! I love and enemy to lovers trope and this did not disappoint, I loved the added aspect of forced proximity thrown in too! The ending though had me feeling like I need book 4 in my life!
Thank you to @authorlylasage and @netgalley for this ARC😍

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In 'Lost and Lassoed' two opposites attract. Beginning with a true clash. Lyla and Gus are placed in close proximity as Lyla becomes a nanny for Gus' daughter. Within these confines the pair slowly become more than just individuals forced together. This book is evidence opposites do attract, you just sometimes need a nudge.

The moment this book began I was unsure if they would end up together the hate felt that real. It slowly developed into a snarky relationship before booming into being a true love romance that felt authentic and spicy. The ability to create such well rounded characters within the romance is truly impressive. The tenderness that the couple shared towards one another and their ability to confide really enhanced their characterisation.

Loved the cameos of the previous characters and thought it was impressively done. I cannot wait to read the next instalment.


Thank you to #netgalley for the ARC of #lostandlassoed

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I think this is my new favourite in the Rebel Blue Ranch series! 🤭

Teddy and Gus make my heart swell - I’ve loved them since I first saw them in Done & Dusted and this delivered everything I wanted and more! I realllly enjoyed this read. It made me laugh out loud so many times and even cry at some parts too! I truly love Teddy and Gus’ dynamic. I really enjoyed watching Gus and Teddy’s relationship bloom as they learnt that outside of their quips against each other, they actually had a lot in common! And I cannot forget to mention that the tension and banter between the two was *chefs kiss*.

This was a breath of fresh air and I loved each and every one of the characters. I don’t think there was a single character in this book who didn’t get a chance to shine. Riley is the sweetest kid, and the cast of characters at Rebel Blue, including Gus’s family, Cam, Dusty, Hank, the whole crew - add so much to the story and I adored them all. I loved the co-parenting dynamic between Gus & Cam - truly showcasing healthy communication at its finest and a great parenting dynamic! Their relationship in general was wonderful and I loved that we got to see more of Cam’s personality (I seriously cannot wait to see her in Book 4, some of her one liners were fantastic!).

The parent/child relationships in this book really got a spotlight and it was done incredibly well on all fronts. The relationship Teddy has with Hank had my heart full! They are so sweet and have such a great father/daughter dynamic that it made me emotional at some parts (IYKYK).

The way Sage writes Emmy and Teddy’s friendship felt so realistic and I loved that we got to see two grown women maintaining a long-term friendship and still communicating so well with each other.

TLDR: I really enjoyed it. There’s an excerpt at the end written by Layla that sums up the vibe of the story very well - “[this story is] a testament to fathers and daughters and sons. What it means to love the people in our lives deeply and truly—even when it’s difficult and scary and heartbreaking.” And I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the complimentary e-arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this review are my own.

Bring on Wild & Wrangled (especially after that ending OMG)! I cannot wait to see Cam and Dusty’s story! ♡

♡ Cowboy romance
♡ Small Town
♡ Single dad x Nanny
♡ Enemies to Lovers
♡ Forced Proximity
♡ Best Friend’s Brother
♡ Grumpy x Sunshine

Final rating: 4.5☆

Release Date: November 5, 2024

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4.5 stars

Lost and lassoed has taken the top spot as my favourite rebel blue ranch book. I could read another 50 books about Teddy and Gus.

It hits all the tropes, small town, enemies to lovers, single dad x nanny, best friends brother, and no third act breakup which is always a win.

Everything about this was just *chefs kiss*

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Teddy and Gus have quickly become my favourite couple ever! Having two characters who care deeply for others, often more than themselves, and who start to develop feelings while learning to loosen up and work on their own insecurities, is just beautiful. I recommend this book to anyone that loves a confident woman and a grumpy cowboy. The combo is perfection and the spice is giving!

Rebel Blue Ranch Series:

1. Done and Dusted: 4.75⭐️
2. Swift and Saddled: 4.5⭐️
3. Lost and Lassoed: 5⭐️ (November 5, 2024)
4. Wild and Wrangled (2025)

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I always love returning to Meadowlark and this was definitely the cowboy romance I needed. I loved the dynamic between Gus and Teddy and I couldn’t put this book down. The ending of the book does leave on a cliffhanger but it does well to introduce book 4 coming out early next year.

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I liked the other two Rebel Blue books but I really loved this one.. I thought that Teddy and Gus were so perfect. I always love a nanny x single dad. And the setup for book four… COME ON!

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I ate this book up! I devoured it in two sessions. As soon as I started reading, I was so invested in the story, that I did not want to stop... like ever! The world of Rebel Blue Ranch is so well built that I immediately felt part of it and I completely felt connected to its beautiful, ordinary and yet unique characters!
I absolutely loved Gus and Teddy's dislike to love romance! Their banter, their chemistry, the want and tension between them... it was all soooo intense! Whether they were arguing or falling in love, they got me hooked to the page and hanging on the edge of my seat. I mean, I just couldn’t wait for them to finally surrender to their undeniable feelings! And what a sweet and spicy surrender it was!
Plus, I am a sucker for a babysitter x single parent romance, and this one was divinely written!

Thank you so much Netgalley and Quercus Books for this ARC! I looooooved it!

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Another grumpy single dad cowboy, another piece of my heart belongs to him.

Teddy and Gus have never gotten along, she's too loud and everywhere and he's the complete opposite. The one thing they share in common? The need to take care of everyone they love, especially Riley Gus's daughter. So what happens when Riley's mom, Cam, has to leave for two months so Gus finds himself looking after Riley and his ranch on his own? He gets tired really quickly, but when he forgets to pick up Riley from soccer practice, that's the final straw. Enters Teddy (he's the only one who calls her Theodora) Gus's little sister's best friend and the bane of his existence. She doesn't want to babysit Riley, as much as she loves her, it's her dad she's got a problem with.
As they spend more time together, with and without Riley, they seem to see some changes, things they never noticed about each other before. But it can never happen, they hate each other and everyone knows it, he's her best friend's older brother and she needs to take care of her dad, it can never happen, right?

I'll admit, I was a little bit confused by the dynamic with Riley's parents, I didn't really know what to expect with Cam and Gus being in each other's lives but nothing going on except the love they share for their daughter. But then it was so much clearer, I love Riley so much, she's the most angelic, understanding, stubborn, intelligent kid ever. She loves Teddy so much and I love the whole family they have. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, especially with both of the MC's having the world on their shoulders all the time, it was nice to see how they changed for the better thanks to the other person.
I will definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a cowboy romance with complicated but not toxic characters!

Thank you to netgalley for sending me an advance copy in exchange of an honest review!

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Lost and lassoed by Lyla Sage

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars

Lost and Lassoed is one of my favourite reads of the year so far! It starts off slow and following the best friend’s brother their hate and how it evolves into something more.

All revolves around Teddy and Gus and I live for the tell tell signs in the previous books. The inclusion of single dad and how his daughter helps bring them together just honestly melts my heart.

The storyline followed Teddy mainly and how she has a passion and love for being hands on and creative with everything she does. But I loved her natural instincts with Riley and how she has brightened Riley’s summer by creating such an amazing memory which Gus also loves the fact Teddy has done.

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