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Here for the Wrong Reasons

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The Bachelor type dating show but what happens when two of the contestants fall in love with each other and not the bachelor? Absolutely loved this queer spin on heteronormative television. It was fun to listen to and the pacing was absolutely perfect.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a fun listen set in a world similar to The Bachelor and Rock of Love (a personal favourite) which follows Krysten and Lauren as they attempt to win the heart of Josh on a national television show. Unfortunately for them - and Josh - the girls' hearts have other plans.

The story is easy to listen to and the narrators Mara and Lyndsey do a good job of using tone and pitch to really separate the characters to avoid them sounding too similar.

Truthfully, the pacing is a little chaotic and things go from nought to one hundred really quickly. This combined with the third act breakup/miscommunication trope really should have put me off but there's something so easy and enjoyable about the title that I wasn't.

One issue I did have with the ALC, however, was the fact that most of the characters were given a biography at the very beginning which, in a physical title, you could cross reference, though you can't do this with the ALC.

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I am such a fan of reality shows where people are there for love. I know there are many reasons that people go on these shows and just like this book. It is not always for the right reasons. I love when people on the show actually find love. This book was exactly how I wish some of the reality shows would end up. It is good to read about characters that have emotional intelligence because not everyone has that. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes those kinds of shows and loves a happy ending.

Thanks Netgalley for the advance listening copy.

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I don’t even watch the bachelor but I sure do love the queer women find love on heteronormative dating shows troupe! I have to say, this is the BEST iteration of this I have seen yet.

Lauren is a social media influencer from NJ, on the show for clout, and hiding her sexuality when she meets Kristyn, a gorgeous, if inexperienced rodeo queen from Montana. After initially butting heads, sparks fly between the girls as Kristin begins to realize maybe her interest doesn’t lie with this season’s most eligible bachelor, Josh. Kristyn's journey to coming to terms with her sexually is handled beautifully - I do think seeing a novel with two lesbians struggling with the outward expression of their sexuality under the lens of a public TV show was fascinating. It plays a little bit with the fact that we make assumptions about both characters based on their outward appearances, but the reality of who they are is quite different.

I could have done with 50% less Josh but I do think he was in it for the bare minimum amount of time.

I love that Lauren is in it only for exposure - that is the realest thing I have ever seen portrayed in one of these books. Also poor sweet Kristyn - so many signs including her "friendship" with Delilah. As Taylor Swift said, I don’t want you like a best friend….

Thank you to Netgalley and Alcove Press for the ARC!

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There's just something about a book featuring reality TV that gets me to request it every time. I don't even watch that much reality TV, so I don't know what it is! I enjoy it all the more when the contestants fall for each other instead of for the lead. The Charm Offensive is one of my all-time favorites!

What I didn't love about this one was how long the lying went on. I get going on a show to further your career or because you feel like dating a man is the "right" thing to do, but I couldn't believe how long these girls strung Josh along for! I felt so bad for Josh the whole time that it was hard to focus on the romance.

Lauren and Kristin's romance also felt quite abrupt. It seemed like they went from not interacting at all to sharing a room and hooking up. I wanted more buildup and tension to make their relationship sweeter when it happened.

While the romance was fun and there was chemistry once Lauren and Kristin got together, the lying and second-hand embarrassment on Josh's behalf took me out of the story, even though he was supportive in the end.

I liked the audio production and was so glad I had this as an ALC, because I likely would have DNF'd if not for the narrators' performance.

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Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for providing me with early access to this audiobook in exchange for my honest feedback.

This was a wonderful book! I listened to it at 2x speed and finished it in a day! If you enjoy messy reality tv shows, this is the book for you. It was the perfect escape from real life and I fell in love with the characters. At times, it was like a train wreck and other times it was pulling at your emotions - but at no time was it boring or uninteresting.

I hope there is a follow up novella!

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Thank you Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for providing me with an audio arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love me a reality tv romance, especially when it’s queer, so I was super keen for this.

I felt it started really strong. I enjoyed getting to know these characters and what makes them tick and I absolutely loved the budding tension between Lauren and Krystin.

However the longer the book went, the less I enjoyed it. While the drama between our two MC’s felt believable given they were both in the closet and were both on the show looking to get very different things out of it, I hated that they strung Josh along for so long. Making it to the final two made me incredibly uncomfortable, not gonna lie.

This is still a fun, easy read, though, which I enjoyed.

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Love love loved this! Sooooo much fun! I really enjoyed it and I will definitely recommend it to my friends.

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I'm not a fan of Bachelor or such TV dating shows, but I did enjoy The Charm Offensive. That said, this one was just as full of toxic and manipulative characters and dynamics that I always expect from these situations. The narrators did as good a job as they could, but the narrative itself was inane to the max.

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This forbidden romance set in a reality dating show was such a fun and sweet read! It was basically a perfect mixture of The Bachelor and a cosy romance read, and I devoured this steamy audiobook in just a couple of days.

The story revolves around Krystin and Lauren who both are contestants on the reality show Hopelessly Devoted - but for very different reasons. Krystin is really there to find a husband, whereas Lauren just wants more attention and followers on social media. As the show progresses the dreamy main guy Josh falls for both of them, but they fall for each other instead.

I really enjoyed this read! I liked that none of the characters were perfect and that the relationship between Krystin and Lauren felt very realistic. The miscommunication was kept to a reasonable level and the chemistry between them was spot on! The reality show setting was also very fun and captivating.

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In addition to reading an ARC of this story I was fortunate enough to get an audiobook as well. I enjoyed the book the second time around and the narrator's, Mara Wilson and Linsey Dorcus, did a great job with the story. I gladly recommend either version of the story depending on your preference and my original review for the book is below.

Very fun and clever romance set on a dating reality tv show called Hopelessly Devoted. The book is almost as much about the tv show as it is the romance and I found that fun. The fakeness of the situations, the competition between potential fiancees, and the smarmy lines of the bachelor had me laughing out loud. Lauren is a super fan of the show and knows that she isn’t there to win. She has a growing career as an influencer and wants to get far enough into the competition to increase her number of followers and improve her brand. She is masterful at saying and doing the right things to get further.

Krystin on the other hand is looking for love. She is a rodeo queen from Montana and has always wanted that marriage and family that her parents have. She initially clashes with Krystin but then finds they click and she can talk to her. Lauren knows she is a lesbian but she isn’t out to her family or fan base. Krystin’s story arc is more interesting as she finds her sexuality. She has lived in a heteronormative world. I did think the ending was drawn out too long but I love how things worked out.

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As such a big Bachelor fan, this take on a *similar* show was so fun to read. The writing and storyline of the most dramatic reality TV season of all time was incredible. It was not groundbreaking or life altering, but it was a quick and exciting read.

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Here for the Wrong Reasons had me hooked from the first chapter. Told through alternating lead perspectives and talking head interviews with other contestants, the book follows two women on a Bachelor-style reality dating show who unintentionally fall for each other during their journey on the show. I could not put this book down, and I'm already recommending it to friends.

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STOP this was so cute. Honestly this is the story we head-canon every season of the Bachelor-- "wow those girls are so cute they should just date each other instead of that smelly man." It was obviously written by a big fan of the bachelor, with a lot of random bachelor nation trivia (no eating on camera, up all night, hosing down the driveway, etc) and I loved all the references to things like Bachelor in Paradise, Nick's podcast, etc but under other names.

I wish the narration of the characters was a little more distinct: sometimes I got them mixed up since they didn't seem super differentiated. But probably in book form it would be different. Overall, it left me smiling BIG and was a really nice "refresher" from the sad twisty books I usually read.

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With kicking feet, chuckles, and shoulders-to-ears cringe moments, "Here for the Wrong Reasons" will make a reality-show lover of any curmudgeon.

Kristen is a rodeo horse girl, Lauren is a closeted social media icon, can that make it anymore obvious? Kristen has never had a serious boyfriend and has decided that she will compete on this knock-off bachelor to finally find love. Lauren on the other hand, has only been in a serious relationship with her phone for years and knows she can score a lot more lucrative deals by rising to D-list reality stardom. She won't get her heartbroken, there is literally nothing to lose, right? It gets a little more complicated when they start falling for one another.

This is a sweet book and features absolutely terribly moraled characters. It stars all the worst kinds of personalities you would find in any love-based reality show which makes it an easy novel to enjoy. It's funny, cringey, and definitely steamy. I think it won't be a romance for everyone but I had a great time with this one.

I read it via audiobook and my issue with the narration falls primarily in one of the voice actors rendition of Josh. It was comically bad and definitely felt super cheesy. It doesn't ruin the book but just be ready for the goofy male imitation.

For lovers of trash tv, morally deplorable characters, and sapphic love stories = 3.5/5!

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Content warnings: alcohol consumption, comphet, sexually explicit content.

Rep: Krystin (MC) is cis, white, and lesbian. Lauren is cis and lesbian (please correct me if I am wrong - I read this via audio, but there weren't any physical descriptors for Lauren other than she had dark hair). Josh (SC) is Jewish. Side POC. Side queer characters.

This was such a wild ride of a book.

I admit, I didn't expect the reality TV part to go as long as it did, but I guess it was fitting.

Lauren and Krystin are contestants on a reality TV show (similar to the Bachelor? IDK, I don't watch reality TV, but that's the vibe?) where a bunch of women are vying for the attention of one <s>mediocre white</s> guy.

Lauren, a closeted lesbian is only in it for the instagram followers and sponsorships she's sure to get by being on the show. She isn't there for love, she's lesbian, so of course she isn't going to fall for the guy.

Krystin is looking for love - she has tried all of the guys in her town and hasn't found a spark with any of them, so why not try a TV show aimed at falling for the <i>right guy</i>. Someone she can take home to her parents.

As the story progresses, Lauren and Krystin's friendship develops into something more. Their chemistry is palpable from their first interaction and it's so great to see.

Krystin doesn't know she's lesbian, she's so deep in compulsive heterosexuality that it doesn't even occur to her that she may not be straight until she's up close and personal with Lauren.

Anyway, I adored them together. They were fun, hot, and had great scenes together.

I would've loved a little less of the reality TV show part, and a little more of Krystin and Lauren's relationship outside of that environment, but that is a me thing.

Otherwise this was fantastic.

The narrators were also superb, and favourites of mine - Mara Wilson and Lindsay Dorcus are narrators I can listen to for hours on end and not get tired. Bless these two for bringing these characters to life!

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This book was a quick read and the premise was so much fun to me. The story existing within within a Bachelor style reality show made the book engaging and fast paced. It felt like getting a humorous behind the scenes look at how these shows play out.

I loved the main characters and their personalities. Although I think they were all corny in their own ways, I live life on the cob, so it made them more relatable and funny to me.

I enjoyed the way the book followed the progression of the show and after. It make the pacing quick and never felt drawn out. I also appreciated that the author was still able to give each important character a decent backstory, to ensure the reader could connect and understand the characters and their motivations.

Overall I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for a lighthearted novel. If solely looking for a sapphic novel,this may not be sufficient since the main focus is a heterosexual reality show.

Thank you #NetGalley for this awesome ARC!

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Rodeo queen Krystin hopes to find her soulmate in bachelor Josh on a reality TV show. Fellow contestant Lauren, by contrast, is there to boost her social media presence. As the two women develop feelings for each other, their initial goals fade, leading them to question their true desires.

This novel left me with a smile on my face. It’s one of my favorite books so far this year. I loved the characters—they’re well-developed and relatable. The story was emotional and engaging, keeping me guessing until the end. The audiobook narration was well done and added to the enjoyment of the novel.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Here for the Wrong Reasons follows two dating show contestants, Lauren and Krystin, competing to win Josh Rosen's heart on "Hopelessly Devoted". While Krystin is there to find a husband after not ever seriously dating anyone, Lauren is there to further her career - she knows she doesn't want Josh but she's determined to stay on the show as long as possible without actually getting chosen in the end. However, Lauren finds her plans might be changing because of the pull that she feels towards Krystin.

And really...almost nothing about this book worked for me. I thought both main characters were naiive, immature, manipulative and frankly unlikeable. I disliked Lauren the most since she entered the show purposely to further her career. I don't know guys I just...don't love a character who is purposely lying to everyone. I know, really a hot take there. If I could somehow forgive her lying and manipulating, the lying went on wayyyy too long! Like she literally was the final contestant left and he was about to propose to her!!! I would feel bad for Josh but I don't know that I particularly liked him either? And Lauren basically never feels remorse for lying the whole time.

And honestly I thought that the dating show in this book was SO boring. It's literally the Bachelor exactly - sometimes even word for word like "hometown dates". I suppose they did cut "strings" instead of give out, if you were looking for a creative take on a dating show, maybe look elsewhere.

The romance between Lauren and Krystin (as an aside, I just had to look up how to spell her name because I listened to the audio and YIKES that spelling is a choice) came totally out of left field. Like genuinely I had to rewind the audiobook because it was just so unexpected and out of nowhere after them spending very little time together. I don't know that they interacted at all in the first 30% of the book. I also hated the third act conflict with such a passion - basically Lauren assumes something about Krystin and just doesn't ask her what actually happened and then they're no longer together!

I liked...that there were lesbian characters? and that Josh was supportive at the end I guess? and I guess the title isn't wrong, Lauren in particular sure was there for the wrong reasons.

I thought the narration by Mara Wilson and Lindsey Dorcus was fine, but I ended up speeding up to 3x to just get through this book and spite finish.

In the past few years, there was a YA book with a similar/near identical premise - two dating show contestants falling in love. I read and mostly enjoyed that one but said I would have liked it better if it was aged up to an adult book. Well, I sure got what I was asking for. I truly have liked some dating show romance books before (Charm Offensive!!!!) but this was a huge miss for me.

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What if 2 contestants on The Bachelor fall in love….with each other?

Krystin is a 23 year old rodeo queen from Montana - a devoted fan of the dating show and looking to recreate the loving relationship her parents have. She is truly hoping to find love on this show and while she likes Josh, he doesn’t make her heart pound the way Lauren does, which is…confusing. Lauren is an extremely closed off influencer who is deep in the closet out of fear and wants to make it close to the end (not to the end, mind you) to bolster her influencer status. She doesn’t count on falling for another contestant.

This is definitely a slow burn - in fact it feels entirely hereto until we’re 40% into the book and then, bam, Lauren and Kristyn figure some things out. Honestly, the attraction between the MCs was not particularly clear - attraction is sometimes just there, but it was definitely a tell, not show kind of relationship. Although, to be fair, making 2 pretty contained characters fall in love in an environment where they are supposed to be straight and vying for the same man is not a simple task. Ultimately I believed that they were truly falling, even as they were unable to get out of their own ways and have a real conversation about what was going on between them.

I have read a few queer books that take place in a reality TV dating game format, and frankly this was my least favorite so far. I should admit that I am not a devotee of The Bachelor and other shows like it - the idea that one will find love in that environment doesn’t make any sense to me and they are SO heteronormative. In some ways, this book went out of its way to validate my pre-existing opinions - the women were mostly just scheming conniving women who were ridiculously vapid and just there to make themselves better influencers. Maybe that was meant to bring people like me along. But there were just so many contestants and I didn’t really care about most of them, and the descriptions of the dates and show format were unnecessarily detailed.

I specifically reviewed the audio version and I gotta say, the narrators don’t sound very different. They were both good, but I didn’t notice a real difference when they switched between chapters or in the dialog, which on one hand was good because it was never jarring, but on the other, made me wonder why they bothered to use 2 narrators.

Thanks to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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