Member Reviews

This mystery is wrapped up in a major storm, a pack of dogs and the Greek classics. If you are a fan of mystery solving dogs and "The Odyssey" you should just love it. I am more than a little in love with Mercy's cousin, 15-year-old Tandie. She is just like my granddaughter: so smart she is in continual trouble, but fiercely loyal and protective. Mercy and Troy are having a baby, but that hasn't slowed Mercy down at all, even as she enters the home stretch. This is a wonderful cast of characters and even if she tries, Mercy just can't seem to stay out of the murder solving game.
It's mud season in Vermont that period from late winter to early spring. Rain, snow or sleet at any time, and likely to change hour to hour. In other words - nasty weather. Mercy is feeling closed in so a hike to visit her new friend, reclusive classics scholar Homer, for their weekly Scrabble game is in order, even if it means trudging through ankle deep mud. When she gets to Homer's cabin, she doesn't find Homer, but she finds a dead body. Elvis finds an unconscious Homer and they get him to the hospital. Mercy's mother, Grace is beside herself and orders cousin Tandie, who was recently expelled from yet another boarding school, to stick to Mercy and keep her out of trouble. Tall order for a 15-year-old.
When Mercy returns home her security expert Uncle and Daniel Feinberg, Vermont's only billionaire, are waiting for her. A friend of Daniel's, billionaire Alister Chisholm III, has gone missing from the very exclusive hunting club, Artemis Park. Also missing are wild boar. Working theory is that Alister was following the boar, and no one knows what has happened to him, but they don't think it is anything good.
Like a puzzle, Mercy keeps working the pieces of the two murders and finds herself in danger, not just from the storms, but from a murderer too.
My thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart
Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
I enjoyed continuing in the Mercy & Elvis Mysteries series. I know the world and the characters now. In The Night Woods, Mercy is very pregnant and goes walking around the property and its woods. She is skilled, mostly fit, and has Elvis with her but I felt it was a bit ridiculous. She finds a dead body and an injured man. Troy finds a dead body on his hunt for feral pigs.
Mercy takes on the investigations and is not always making good choices in running around without preparations and in the worst weather conditions. She does put things together and figure out what happened but she faces some real danger. I didn't feel like there was as much story relating to the dogs and using their skills or it was skimmed over and I enjoy those parts.
The character developments, home renovation and family storyline was well-written. I enjoyed the addition of Tandie. She fit well with Mercy and hopefully she will be around again. Brodie was more present in the case and had some great special knowledge.
Troy and Mercy are renovating a lovely old home with their new child on the way. Their relationship is solid, based on the wildlife and dogs and family, with less fuss over decorating or party themes. But they manage to navigate the family well even though it can be exhausting. I thought Mercy should get more rest at the end of her pregnancy, too.
I enjoyed everything about reading with the cases and character happenings. I didn't find Mercy's choices as believable and wanted more dog time. I look forward to more in the series!

The Night Woods is another great installment in the Mercy Car series.
The story is fast-paced, Mercy is a great main character along with her service dog Elvis, and the mystery will keep you engaged from beginning to end. We have two different mysteries going on, one is Mercy's friend Homer wakes up with a dead man in his house, Homer is injured, but also possibly the only suspect in the death. Mercy won't let him go down for something he didn't do, so off investigating she will go. There is another murder being investigated by Troy and his partner, and while it was interesting I am always eager to get back to Mercy. She is a very compelling character and I love reading from her POV. She is constantly in motion, and constantly in danger and I just can't put her story down once I start.
We also get introduced to a new side character Tandy, the 16-year-old daughter of Mercy's cousin, I enjoyed her character and hope she appears in future books. As always Elvis and Susie Bear steal whatever scenes they are in,

Not knowing this was part of a series, I read this missing a lot of background not only on the story but the characters as well. That said, I still really liked this one with its fast-pace and very likable protagonist. There was a lot going on here with several subplots that eventually flowed together seamlessly, and the author still managed to write it in a way where the reader won't feel lost or confused. This was a fun murder mystery with family dynamics and a great conclusion. Although I started well into this series, this made me want to go back and catch up on each and every book before this. Four Stars.
Thank you, Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.

The gangs all back: expectant parents, Mercy and Troy, and their adorable K9’s, Elvis and Susie Bear. Grandma Patience, the local veterinarian, is also back along with Mercy’s mom, Grace, who is still bugging the crap out of Mercy so much that she can barely stand being around her for very long. Amy and little Helena are back too, along with Brodie, who becomes a welcome addition to one of the storylines.
There’s a new addition to the cast, Tandie, the 16yr old daughter of Mercy’s cousin. Ed. Tandie has been expelled from school for the rest of the year and her mother has sent her to her father because she has decided it’s his turn to deal with their daughter. Single, working dad, Ed has convinced Mercy that if Tandie can stay with her and Troy, she can help when the baby comes, which is any day now. No worries, a very pregnant Mercy has no intention of letting this stop her from stumbling through the forest, with Elvis, where killer boars are loose, just so she can go play scrabble with a hermit. Good grief!!!
The book summary pretty much lays out all the different storylines of Mercy’s impending delivery date, Troy’s tracking of wild killer boars along with a missing hunter, Tandie’s arrival as well as Homer’s convalescing in Mercy and Troy’s home, along with his trusted companion, Argos, a bloodhound. Homer, a former Dartmouth literature professor, has spent 15yrs off-grid in the wilds of Vermont grieving the deaths of his wife and daughter. He was attacked and unconscious when Mercy and Elvis show up (to play scrabble), and his good friend, a Dartmouth professor and former colleague, lays dead.
There is a lot going on here, which keeps the story moving along at a really steady pace. The chapters transition well among all the different storylines and keep the flow of information coming at a pretty steady pace. Deep into the second half, the storylines begin to merge and there are some really intense scenes that had me up reading late because I could not go to sleep until I knew how it ended.
"Of all the soldiers, who came home to a place they could no longer recognize and could no longer navigate. A place they could no longer call home, no matter how hard they tried."
Mercy Carr
I mostly flipped back and forth between the book and the audiobook; I really like the narrator, Kathleen McInerney. She narrates another one of my fave series, so I enjoy her work. While I enjoyed the audiobook, I’m so glad I had the ebook too, for those nights that I needed a break from the other book I was reading, that was kind of boring me. The continuing character developed on the story’s MC’s as well as some of the ensemble characters was well done. The pacing was steady and the storyline very interesting. The writing was classic Munier, and I love the addition of doggies Argos and Monroe, making this installment a great addition to the series. I’m looking at an overall rating of 4.2 that I’ll be rounding down to a 4star review. I want to thank NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.
#NetGalley #StMartinsPress #MacmillanAudio #TheNightWoods

In The Night Woods, the latest in the Mercy Carr series by Paula Munier, Mercy is staying close to home during her final month of pregnancy. Hiking to a nearby cabin in the woods to play chess with an elderly friend she discovers him unconscious and bloody on the ground with a dead body nearby. And the mystery begins for Mercy and her K-9 Elvis! Fast paced mystery with great characters - definitely looking forward to more.

I have truly enjoyed this series. I find myself frustrated with the protagonist, Mercy Carr, for putting herself repeatedly in danger but I keep reading the books. I enjoy the location, the family bonds, pretty much everything about the books. So I'll keep reading them and hoping Mercy just keeps escaping near death by the skin of her teeth. : )
My thanks to Ms. Munier, her publisher and Netgalley.

I'm a complete sucker for this series, with it's mix of cozy, adventure, nature, and suspense elements, grounded by wonderful characters. In this outing our heroine Mercy Carr is very pregnant, refusing to heed advice about taking it easy, staying out of danger, etc. She's stressed about the baby shower her mother is planning for her and would far rather be out investigating crime with her excellent dog, Elvis.
Of course the pregnancy is the narrative driver, amping up suspense when suspense is needed, and becoming the obvious climactic ending to the story Munier is telling here. Mercy is drawn into an investigation when she finds a friend of hers out in his remote cabin gravely injured, another man dead nearby. The injured man an odd duck, obsessed with (and translating) The Odyssey, so this book is also narratively driven by the bones of the story of the Odyssey, which is about a lost soldier returning home and finding it's not all he expected.
There's also the fancy, exclusive game park nearby, Artemis, which gets some attention when a few of their wild hogs escape their property, and when the owner disappears, there's an investigation aimed in that direction as well. Munier does a great job of folding in the Vermont landscape as well as the storms hitting Vermont as the story is taking place. They are another complicating factor.
As Mercy nears her due date she ends up lugging a man through the woods, riding in a helicopter, and of course going off on her own into the dark of night. (It almost wasn't her fault but it really was.) However, Munier beautifully draws together the threads of the story for a gloriously satisfactory ending. I can't wait for another visit with Mercy Carr.

The sixth in the Mercy Carr series and it might be my favorite one yet. The characters, as always are written with flaws and all making them seem so real. The descriptions of the weather, landscape, and of course Grackle Tree Farm are superb and every time I read about them I immediately want to be transported to that cozy living room with a roaring fire.
This time around Mercy is about ready to give birth to her and Troy’s first child. The worry and hesitation that comes with first time motherhood on her mind constantly. Murders and mystery to help her focus on something other than what she will do if she has a girl.
We are introduced to a hermit and he joins the brood of amazing characters perfectly. I loved the use of The Odyssey throughout the story and was moved to pick it back up and refresh my memory a bit.
All in all this series is becoming a go to for me when I want that educated cozy mystery.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Mystery Thriller featuring a pregnant former Army MP and her retired bomb-sniffing dog and her game warden husband and his SAR dog search for a murderer after a friend.
5/5 stars: This is the sixth entry in Munier's Mercy & Elvis Mysteries series which is a Mystery Thriller that takes place in Vermont and features a very pregnant former Army MP and her retired bomb-sniffing dog and her game warden husband and his search-and-rescue dog as they investigate the murder of a classics professor during an attack on a hermit friend, who are working on a The Odyssey translation, and search for a missing billionaire hunting wild boar at an exclusive New Hampshire private game reserve. After another corpse is found, she's determined to investigate but her efforts soon becomes complicated by worsening weather and a murderer who's ready to strike again, this time much closer to home. With plenty of twists and turns, the Munier's write a gripping fast-paced investigative tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the final reveal. I really like how the Munier's plot unfolds and the deft way everything weaves together so effortlessly. Written in dual POV, Munier's writing and character work are stellar; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining incredibly likable. It's a joy to catch back up with Mercy, Troy and her friends and family. It's great to see how far Mercy's come and her and Troy's excitement for the birth of their first child's heartwarming. Additionally, the animals are as important character's as the humans, especially Mercy's Belgian Malinois Elvis and Troy's Newfoundland retriever mix Susie Bear. And of course one can't forget Muse, Mercy's cat. Munier's touch on some serious topics; so take care and check the CWs. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading the series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, A Borrowing of Bones. This is a long-time favorite series, highly recommend!
I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

I loved this fifth entry in the Mercy and Elvis series. From the humor of Mercy viewing pregnancy as a mission to the tension of searching for a murderer this mystery is pitch-perfect. Munier conveys a strong sense of place in the flora, fauna, terrain and the weather of the Green Mountains. I enjoyed learning issues surrounding feral pigs as invasive species, and had fun working out how the beginning literary quotes applied to each chapter. Dogs, multi-generational strong women with distinct strengths, and a good, hard to guess mystery make this a standout in an already great series. Highly recommended.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

Good book, as are the rest in this series. Author does a nice job with twisty plots and keeping you guessing. With each book in the series, the characters have developed more. The Odyssey references got to be a bit much. With that being the theme of the book it was appropriate just over done. Too much of it. But, it didn't ruin the book. The other thing I found odd was the baby name choice after all the murder and mayhem. I don't want to say too much and give anything away!
All in all, it's a nice addition to this series and I definitely recommend reading it and the rest of the series if you haven't already!

pregnancy, Vermont, rural, Malinois, Newfoundland-dog, law-enforcement, family, family-drama, family-dynamics, friends, friendship, small-town, murder-investigation, veterans, search-and-rescue, wealthy, murders, multiple-quotations, snow-season, missing-persons, PTSD, action, thriller, suspense, suspicion*****
Catch up a bit on the series: Elvis the Belgian Malinois is a retired US army MP with two tours in Afghanistan behind him, just like his human partner, Mercy. Susie Bear, the beautiful Newfoundland dog is a search and rescue specialist who works with her Fish and Wildlife warden, Troy. Mercy is very pregnant, her OCD mother is underfoot (inside only), has acquired a teen cousin (expelled) as companion, and has discovered a friend/local hermit beaten and next to a dead body. Then there's the billionaire hunting club with one member gone missing, feral pigs, and (ye gods!) the addition to the household of Argos, the neighbor's bloodhound, and Monroe, the victim’s Vizsla.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

The Night Woods is book six in the Mercy Carr Mystery series by Paula Munier.
I was immediately engaged with the story and the suspense is ratcheted up at each turn of events.
This is a compelling, well written story, and the characters of both Mercy and Elvis are engaging.
The characters were engaging, complex, and acted in realistic ways.
This is a gripping, intriguing, and compelling novel from cover to cover and I was reluctant to put it down!

Mercy Carr is eight months pregnant and both bored and restless. She has no desire to help decorate the nursery or plan the baby shower. She decides to hike into the woods with her dog Elvis to visit her friend and scrabble-playing partner Homer. When she arrives, she finds a dead man on Homer's bed and Homer missing.
She tracks down an injured Homer but then has to travois him to the place where he has built a cell tower to get help. With Homer the chief suspect, Mercy has a murder to investigate. She's also called in to help her Uncle Homer and friend billionaire Daniel track down another missing billionaire who disappeared from his exclusive hunting camp.
It's mud time in Vermont and the weather is stormy. But bad weather and feral pigs aren't going to keep Mercy from investigating the two deaths which, at first, don't look to be connected. Nor is attempted close supervision by her female relatives going to stop her.
This was an excellent story. Wrapped in the story of Odysseus, it talks about warriors coming home from war, PTSD, and throws in some game theory. I found the whole thing fascinating and engaging. I love Mercy and her close connections with her husband, family and friends. I also really enjoy the many canine companions that are part of the characters' lives.

Mercy Carr is out walking with her retired military K-9 partner, Elvis. She is hugely pregnant and likes walking to keep up her strength. Mercy passes her friend, Homer's, cabin and discovers a dead body and a missing Homer. She sends Elvis out to search for Homer, and he finds him, close to death. Mercy is able to rig a travois and with the help of Elvis and Homer's dog, is able to drag him to the top of the mountain in order to get cell service. Mercy's husband, Troy, arrives with the helicopter and he takes Mercy back to their old Victorian farmhouse at Grackle Farm. Winter is not done with Vermont yet. Another body is found, a member of a local, very elite, hunting club. How are these two murders connected and is Homer involved in any way? I like this series because I love reading about smart dogs and the humans who listen to them.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.
Another winner in the Mercy Carr series. The setting becomes a character when heavy rains and storms come to Vermont during mud season. The author writes so descriptively that you can picture the house, the woods, etc. This time we find eight months pregnant Mercy trying to solve two seemingly unrelated murders. I was happy to see Brodie get a little more to do in the story. And I really liked the introduction of cousin Ed's daughter, Tandie, who I hope we'll see again in future books. The inclusion of Homer's Odyssey was very interesting without feeling like you were sitting in a classroom. I just love this series and always look forward to the next.

Number 6 in the Mercy Carr series gets 4 brilliant stars from me. A fast paced whodunnit with an interesting cast of characters. I especially liked the addition of whip smart teenagers Tandie and Brodie. And all the dogs!!!! Elvis and Susie Bear get two new friends in this book and I love all of them!
This whole series is fantastic and you don’t necessarily need to read them in order to enjoy the books, but I’m fairly certain if this is your first one, you’ll go back and read them all. And you should.
Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a fast paced mystery with no sex scenes or graphic gore.
Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martins Press Minotaur Books and author Paula Munier for this excellent ARC in exchange for my honest review. Release date is 10/2/2024.

Being eight months pregnant isn’t going to stop Merci trying to prove a friend’s innocence. But massive flooding and the killer have other plans for Merci. Commercially figure out what happened before the murderer can silence her once and for all?.
I love the setting in Vermont, they’re just some thing about the area that is perfect or just about any story. But I also enjoy the protagonist, Merci, and the mystery that comes along with each and every and true.

The Night Woods is a great addition to the Mercy Carr series.
Mercy is now in her 8th month of pregnancy and due to be taking it easy. She heads out to play scrabble with her new friend, the aptly named Homer Grant, a retired classics professor who lives almost like a hermit in the woods. What she finds instead is a dead body in Homer’s cabin. She later finds Homer, alive but with no memory, and both determine to figure out what happened. Homer has just finished a new translation of The Odyssey, and that story factors heavily into this one. In fact, kydos to Munier for the multiple references and parallels she manages to draw between the two.
Munier’s main character is the perfect blend of action character and realistic worrywart. Her fears about impending motherhood rang true, especially her fear that her child will find trouble as easily as she always has.
The best addition is young Tandie, Mercy’s first cousin once removed. Tandie has been tasked by the relatives of staying with Mercy and helping her. She’s whip smart and manages to worm herself into the investigation.
There are several subplots, including rampaging wild boars, a missing multi-millionaire from a private reserve, a drawing filled with symbolism that shows up on Mercy’s front door and violent storms that draw Troy and Susie Bear away. And, of course, planning for the baby’s upcoming arrival.
This series is perfect for dog loving mystery readers. In addition to Elvis and Susie Bear, there’s Argos, Homer’s bloodhound and Monroe, the victim’s Vizsla. As Mercy thinks at one point, how many dogs can one bed hold?
This can be easily read as a stand-alone. But if you enjoy this, you’ll definitely want to read the first five in the series.
My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advance copy of this book.