Member Reviews

Silenced by Dani Pettrey is book four in the Alaskan Courage series. I don't normally read modern day fiction but the murder mystery of this book intrigued me so I thought I'd give it a try. I read Christian based books and this book is listed as a christian book, but I don't feel like I can promote it as that. There were a few words that I felt did not belong in a "christian" book and there were a few things that went against my moral beliefs. It is nothing severe, but I am very particular and have strong convictions so for me it was troublesome. Also, I had not read any books by Dani Pettrey prior to Silenced and if you plan on reading this one I would definitely recommend reading the whole series in order. I enjoyed the story line, but I was a little lost when it came to the characters.

Lots of page turning suspense!

When Kayden is rock climbing things turn deadly when she discovers a body. At first it appears that it was a simple accident from an inexperienced climber, but as the authorities begin to investigate all evidence points to murder. Kayden joins with Jake to help uncover the mystery and the suspect list keeps growing. Kayden begins getting threatening messages and soon becomes the killer's target. Can Jake solve the crime before anyone else gets hurt?

Again I must stress that this series needs to be read in order. The deeper I got in the book the more confused I became at times due to the characters and their story lines. I think it would be a much more fulfilling reading experience if you could enjoy the series from the beginning.

***This book was provided to me by the publisher in exchange for my review.

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