Member Reviews

AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME! My science loving kids adore going through this book, exploring, adventuring, and experimenting. We homeschool and this is a valuable resource!

This is a great book for kids (and parents/teachers). I feel like children should have the opportunity to learn and explore the nature and it should be a part of the learning/growing while they are still young.
The activities are not suited for every age, which can be a good thing when you think about the fact that you can use it during different periods of their childhood.
However, I must add that this book is not suited for every region, and you might not find every example of species they gave in this book in your area or somewhere near, so you might have to adapt the book to your area a bit

I'm a big fan of pretty much any kind of nature curriculum/activity book. This one did not disappoint!

I was so excited to be able to get an early edition of “Science in the Wild” and OMG it is such a great book for kids of all ages! The projects and experiments are detailed and thought out but also fun and easily digestible for kids. They are organized into themes which makes it easy to pick something related to a season or a unit study. Full of photos and truly fun facts, this is an unpretentious and exciting book. The best part, other than the substantial educational benefits, is that none of the activities require much effort or a ton of supplies.
It would be an incredible addition to any homeschooling library but would be equally fitting in any outdoorsy family’s bookshelf.

This is a great book for homeschooling families and kids who love science and nature. The experiments are pretty easy and don’t require special materials. Every one is well illustrated with photos. They are broken up into chapters like earth science and biology (with cuter names sometimes). The experiments are best suited for elementary age or younger. The price is a little high (nearly $25 for the kindle version) but it would make a fun outdoor science supplement.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book for review.

This is a perfect companion title for homeschooling families looking to take lab time into the great outdoors. There is no better way to learn about science than through labs. This title brings forth a wonderful collection of thoughtful and age appropriate science labs to explore. Perfect for middle grade students ready to take a hands on approach to learning. Clear lab outlines and helpful pictures to give you an idea of what each project looks like while being completed. Head in to science time with confidence that you will cover a wide variety of topics. There are enough labs to keep you busy throughout the year. I will need to pick a hard copy of this one up! Thank you to netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Quarry | Quarry Books for access to the digital ARC - its a great title !

There are some fun activities included in this book which I may be able to conduct with field trip students and/or camp kids. I like the graphics and photographs included throughout. Unfortunately, there is some misleading and inaccurate information presented, eg. in the "Fascinating and Fluorescent" section, the author states that harvestman are a kind of spider, which is very false. Before publication, this needs to be fixed, because this misconception is one of the things that I have to correct people on almost every single day, and that is not an exaggeration.

Science in the Wild is a perfect non-fiction for parents, teachers and inquisitive little minds. As a teacher and parent I absolutely loved the simple instructions, clean colourful layout and inspiring investigations. I cannot wait to try some of the wonderful ideas in the classroom. At home we have already built bird feeders, hunted for animal footprints and made food for bugs and butterflies. There were squeals of delight from the children when we found footprints in the garden.
Equipment needs are minimal or very inexpensive. (a must on a classroom budget) The science behind each experiment is explained brilliantly for young scientists. For anyone with a love of the outdoors, who likes getting their hands dirty, this book is a goldmine of ideas, a must buy!

Science in the Wild is a non-fiction guide that is packed with 52 science-infused activities and projects in nature.
It is aimed for kids and most of these activities and projects are great classroom or family activities but adults can enjoy this book and learn a lot by reading it.
It is well-presented and engaging.
4.5 stars