Member Reviews

I was excited for this book as I’ve really been enjoying the Luminaries series, but it disappointed me a little bit. I still enjoyed it enough, but it didn’t have quite the same feel as the others. There wasn’t quite enough of the humour that I loved from those books, so I didn’t fall into it in the same way.

Other than that, it was a really good conclusion. I was a little confused towards the end. It was hard to work out exactly what everything meant, though, I think it was supposed to be that way. I enjoyed how all the plot points came together to reveal the conclusion.

I also just really enjoy the lore in these books. It’s obvious that the author really sat down and thought about all the different creatures and what she wants them to be.

I would happily read more of these books even about different characters!

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As someone who has just binged the previous books in the Luminaries trilogy, the final book truly didn't disappoint! In fact, I feel like each book has got better in terms of both the writing and plot, which is a real treat for someone used to a bit of a downgrade in quality with multiple books series I've read.

Winnie was a great MC to follow and as other reviewers have mentioned, the story wraps up nicely but also leaves the door open for future stories to come from this world - which is very exciting!

Thank you so much to Daphne Press and NetGalley for this e-arc.

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4.5 ⭐️

What a way to end this series! My heart has not stopped racing from reading the last couple of chapters.

What I've enjoyed most about this series is that, for me, the books have just gotten better in both writing and plot. For me, the unravelling of the mysteries that has been building in the previous two books was intense. It felt like the inevitable end was coming closer, but even so, the mysteries were still not as easy to solve at all. Like Winnie, they just seem to come to you right before something terrible or drastic happens.

I've enjoyed watching Winnie grow across the three books, I feel like in this final book, she was at her full potential. My favourite thing about Winnie is that you don't have to be the bravest or the toughest. You just need to have a lot of hope and trust.

The last couple of action-packed scenes played out in my mind like a movie scene. Especially the grand finale moment (no spoilers here 👀🤭).

I feel so proud of Winnie after reading this book. I just can't explain the feeling. I think that after how turbulent everything was and how Winnie still kept pushing forward and never sort of wavered was like really fulfilling. I just thought she had such a perfect way to end her character and story arc (if this really is the last book with her in it).

Thank you, Daphne Press and Netgalley, for an e-arc!

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An enjoyable end to a good series! Winnie has been an endearing MC throughout, and whilst the pacing did ebb and flow a little in the third book, the plot resolution was well written and answered all the questions I'd had from the previous books

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Thanks to Daphne Press and NetGalley for providing with an ARC in exchange for a review.

I loved this whole series and the final instalment did not disappoint. I read the entire trilogy in less than a week and I don’t think I can pay a higher compliment than that.

The Whispering Night was such a fitting and satisfying conclusion. It tied the loose ends up nicely but also left the door open for more visits to Hemlock Falls which I would be straight onto if they ever come. I loved how the final book expanded the world and gave us more insight into the history and the luminaries and Diana’s society. It also caught me by surprise a few times and I always love when a story does that.

Definitely a series I’ll go back to again which is why it got a 4.5 (rounded to 5) star rating.

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✨4 stars✨

This was a solid conclusion. I found it really easy to follow which meant I flew through this.

I really enjoyed how the answers from throughout the trilogy were finally revealed which led to a satisfying ending. As a result, I would recommend this book to anyone that has read the first two and are looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up!

I received an ARC from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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I'm not sure who enjoyed this series more, me of my teenage grandaughter. She was so excited to read the final (?) book in the trilogy. Apparently it is all she and her friends talk about so I anticipate lots of sales when the book is released. Perhaps there could be more books set in the same world, a spin off series would be well recieved.

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The Whispering Night is the conclusion to The Luminaries. A mostly worthy ending but one I also feel has left too much open at the very end.

Things seem to be going rather well for Winnie. Well, for as far as can be when your boyfriend is a werewolf and you are still trying to figure out what actually happened to your father. But then the Diana's come into your town for the masquerade and everything just gets a little darker.

We find out what actually happened with Winnie's father, Erica's sister and her boyfriend. How it all fits back into each other. It reveals some of the Diana. We get answers. But it doesn't quite wrap up. This conclusion leaves open a very wide door at the end. Nobody is actually getting punished and we don't know how Winnie's grandma exactly fits in. It feels like the author is planning on writing more in this world. I would certainly read that, but I just wish it hadn't left this conclusion feeling quite so open.

Other than that I thought this was a good ending to the trilogy. And can I say, what a bloody cowards some of these adults are. Lets just put some kids through the ringer, shall we?

The little bits between Winnie and Jay, and Winnie and Erica were great to read. Though I was sad to see that the twins and Jasmine felt a bit neglected. I think if Winnie had told them, they would be loyal to her. I also enjoyed learning some more about her father, and about some other members of the Luminaries community.

I am curious to see if we will get a sequel series. If so, I will read it for sure.

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A fitting finale for a luminous trilogy, Susan Dennard has given us the best of the three.

Thankyou to NetGalley and Daphne Press for the chance to read a book I’ve been itching to read(!).

A Whispering Night wrapped up the plot carefully, answering mysteries from the previous books, and giving all of Hemlock Falls closure, while keeping the reader wandering and wondering (and worried) in the mists until the last climatic chapters.

Fantastic YA series, which walks a carefully balanced line between dark and funny, spooky and swoony, mysterious and chilling while celebrating love and life and hope.

I adored the fantastic fantasy elements, the compendium of creatures (please, please release a full illustrated companion compendium at some point!) the focus on importance of relationships, to each other and the world around us, being a running theme throughout. The underlying messages of inclusion and balance and the world (and all beings within) functioning at best when connected.

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I had really really high expectations for this final book, it was one of my most anticipated sequels for 2024! I’m still not sure how to feel about it; I enjoyed it but it didn’t reach my expectations. I felt that the plot pace was very different from the first two books and it felt a bit dragging - I wonder if it would have been better to divide it in two and add it to the other 2 books and make this a duology? I did, however, enjoyed the 2nd half of the book more! I think in general it was a good wrap up of a trilogy.

Susan’s writing is, again, very good and I still enjoyed following Winnie around and discoing more about the Dianas! The Whispering Night is definitely about the Dianas, to discover more about her dad and her rekindled friendship with Jay and Erica.

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Thank you for NetGally and Daphne Press for providing me with an ARC for an honest review.

I loved this book! I have already read the first two installments and am expecting the wonderful special edition from Illumicrate on my doorstep any day now. When i got the chance to read it early though i could not resist.

This book continues the storyline of the previous two books and although i still think this entire series could benefit from a little more spice. As in any at all, for there is hardly more than kissing. This is a plot driven book and not romance so in the end it is not needed but would have been nice and for me would have made a lot of sense for the Luminaries live a live that is dangerous and they could die young so they should totally live for the moment.

I love how Winnie finds her feet and het friends and doesn't feel like an outcast anymore however, typical case of be careful what you wish for. With all the luminaries coming in from different country's she is paraded across town to do the rounds as the midnight crown.

Because of the visiting Luminary, i had hoped to hear a little more about there towns and forests because that is a missed opportunity. For there was told that this forest is relatively young and Winny is defiantly nerdy enough to want to know about possible other monsters she could draw ;).

There are some twists and turns in the book but a lot of the questions Winnie and het WTF crew are looking for will be answered. I also love how the book ends with rounding of any open questions in the last chapters. Or does it...............................

This is a perfect book to read in the fall season around Halloween. If you like monsters young adult romance and nerdy bad ass, smart ass, kick ass main characters Winnie (Winona) Wednesday is your gal!

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We finally return to Hemlock Falls in this final novel of the Luminaries trilogy!

Winnie's future is looking bright, but with the threats of the Dianas still present and an upcoming Nightmare Masquerade to celebrate the Luminaries, there is still plenty of danger to deal with.

In my past reviews, I have always said that I wanted more about the Dianas and learn more about Winnie's dad, and finally, I can say that I am pleased with this aspect of the story! Finally learning about what happened to Winnie's father was the most satisfying moment ever! I admittedly still have some questions about the Dianas but happy with how the novel dealt with them.

The storyline was relatively fast-paced and we had plenty of development and action throughout. However, I think the downside to having a fast-paced novel was that at times too much was going on and it confused me.

Winnie and Jay's teenage romance was absolutely adorable! I appreciate that they were able to just be teenagers for brief moments and enjoy their relationship.

It was wonderful reading and seeing Winnie's character grow and develop these past few years so, I'm so happy that I was able to read this final novel!

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This is the third in a trilogy so spoilers for prior books as it follow on story wise, but not this one.

Things are looking up for Winnie, she is mending bridges with Erica and her and Jay are also navigating the early stages of what they mean to each other. Jay and Erica though... rocky ground...

However, of course this doesn't last when there is a Luminaries celebration taking place, and some of the guests aren't who they seem

Winnie must dig up the past to even have a chance at fixing the present, and can her old new friends help with this...

However, Winnie cannot predict what secrets will be uncovered and what things once hidden will end up in the light... and can they all make it though whole....??

Great conclusion to the trilogy, thanks to NetGalley and Daphne Press for the review copy, all opinions my own. Out 17 November

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Holy hell. Susan Dennard strikes again. I could not put this book down. The details, the foreshadowing, Susan you're a queen. This book kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I am so sad this story is over, but also really satisfied with how it ended. A beautiful haunting tale of nightmares, witches and hunters. Well, Sooz, you've done it again, I just simply don't have the words to describe your magic.

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This was a great ending to a fantastic triology! Obviously, we finally get answers to the many many MANY questions from book 1 & 2. The third and final book in the series is filled to the brim with action and especially the second part of the book is very fast paced. A lot has to happen still in this book so it's definitely a bit chaotic and 'much' at times, but I still found myself enjoying the story that was unfolding. I also liked that romance took a backseat and we got to see more of Winnie and Erica interacting.

We did see less of her other friends (Emma, Fatima, Bretta) as a lot of other characters had roles to play, so that was a pity but understandable.

While I did love this book (and entire trilogy), I feel might have to reread it sometime because of all the things and explaining that happened. It's a lot to handle so be prepared! 😂

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I was excited to read the final book in this series as the second book had felt more like filler than a book that progresses the story.

This book was a little slow to start but the action definitely ramped up in the second half. The ending wrapped up Winnie's story well enough to be satisfactory however some items seemed to be shoehorned into the prologue as if they were forgotten about and then thrown in at the end. The story was left open enough that the author could continue with another series that is an offshoot of this one.

My only gripe was that (without trying to spoil the story) Winnie's epiphany in the forest that maybe the nightmares and Dianna's are not the enemy seems to be overlooked by the fact that the luminaries continue to hunt them at the end of the book.

Overall though a satisfactory ending to the series..

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I loved the first two books in this series and couldn't wait for the third and final one. I even have two special editions on the way so I'm incredibly grateful for this review copy.

So I had really high expectations for this... It was a very good ending to this trilogy . Lots of great points, I'll mention below. But I will say, I did prefer the first two books to this one. This had a very fast pace...sometimes too fast and I felt a little lost, especially at a certain lake scene . Id almost describe it as chaotic and left me with some confused/unanswered questions. Also the author put in too much interesting ideas and characters so she set herself an impossible task to throughly explore all them to leave me satisfied.

I still love this world, the weekday clans, their differences and quirks. It felt like a YA buffy the vampire slayer and it was awesome.

I loved what we got of Winnie and Jay in this. Very cute, squeal worthy moments. Perfection.

I really liked getting more of Erica, and the author keeping her slightly prickly, ice queen facade but also showing her awesome side.

I'm sad we didnt get much of Fatima, Bretta and Emma. They were definitely relegated to background characters in this.

We also had some characters , who are very interesting but I didn't feel we got them fully fleshed out (Jeremiah, Lenora, Caterina, funday etc) I wanted to know more about them. Similarly it felt like a few parts were input and then may have been forgotton. Too many ideas in one book perhaps?

I loved we finally learnt what happened to Jenna, Grayson and Winnies Dad.

Although I was a little confused by the Diana's motivations/the spirit /the nightmares at the end. It may be I'll understand it a bit more when I come to reread it. So much was happening and things being repeated that I got a bit lost at certain parts.

The ending was great, I liked it was kind of left open for some characters but now dying for a spin off series...PLEASE

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I really liked this world when I read the first in the series and although I felt that the second book was a little too much filler and not enough story, I still enjoyed it. I'm glad I stuck with the series. I still really enjoy the world and think that it has a lot of potential, despite some plot holes and a rushed ending,
The kindest thing I can say about the characters and their development is that they are pretty shallow. A lot is just skimmed over that could be made so much more of. Winnie's entire family are ostracised but the second they are allowed back into the clan it doesn't seem like her mum or brother look back or take any issue with it. Winnie does reflect on it more but barely does or say anything about it to anyone. That could be explained away in a variety of ways that would make a lot of sense and really add to the characters but the opportunities just never seem to be taken. But maybe that's just because I found that a very frustrating part of the culture.
There were a lot of things I found frustrating about the culture because I found them realistic, I was just never sure if it was done knowingly or not.
I did enjoy the third book and series as a whole but not enough to rave about it. I hesitate to say last book because there will blatantly be at least one more and that irritates me too.

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I’m glad I got to finally read the last book of this series! My favourite part of the first two books were the mist, nightmares and forest so I’m a bit disappointed we didn’t get much of it through this book until the end. I feel like the explaining of events was a bit convoluted and the whole feeling of Winnie thinking ‘nightmares shouldn’t be killed and they have feelings’ wasn’t really explored further or had a resolution with the final book.
Overall I did enjoy this series, thank you to NetGalley and Daphne press for this arc!!!

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LOVED THIS, I'm sad that this is the final book in this trilogy but I don't see it being finished yet with the final letter at the end!

I really enjoyed this book and series as a whole, it's a fantastic trilogy, it had me hooked to keep going, I never wanted to put it down!

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