Cover Image: Silver Wolf Clan

Silver Wolf Clan

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After recently reading and loving a book with werewolves as the main characters I really felt like I needed to read another shapeshifter genre book and I've had this one on my list and my kindle for a while so decided it was about time I read it.

The cover is quite dark suggesting night time, there is moonlight and in the background there is a silver wolf. In the foreground is a woman who upon reading the book you realise is Morgan who has long dark hair and blue, almost purple eyes. The cover featuring the wold definitely makes you want to know more so to me does its job well.

The genre's I have seen listed in various places for this book are Paranormal, fantasy, romance, shapeshifter and werewolves. They all fit the book well and I love a great shapeshifter/werewolf book so I am definitely looking forward to reading this one.

The very start of the book felt a little slow but I think it was building a little suspense because then the action begins with the main character Greyson Crawford gets into a fight with a mad wolf that is in the process of attacking Morgan, Lana and Marianne. In the fight Grey manages to protect Morgan and the small toddler Lana, but whilst doing this he is bitten by the mad wolf.
Then Grey has to go through the madness and craziness of learning that the bit he received has made him a werewolf himself. Grey struggles with the new part of him. His wolf regularly fights Grey for dominance and has an insatiable need to hunt and fight and kill.
Grey learns much more about shifting and learns to come to some sort of a compromise with his wolf when the Dallas Pack reach out to him. Though Grey cannot join this pack as his wolf is clearly an alpha and will take rules and orders from no one, male nor shifter. The Alpha of the pack Dean and his mate Rachel do make Grey welcome and offer him a safe place to change and run as well as being there to talk about any problems he has. The Dalla Pack is unusual in that it has 3 females. One if Rachel who is Dean's mate, then there is their adopted daughter Marissa who is very timid and scared, and there Alexis who we learn Dean turned to save her life. Alexis takes an immediate liking to the new alpha male Grey, but as much as she likes Grey, Grey's wolf hates her. It is Rachel and then Dean that advise Grey how to cope with his wolf finding and being fixated on his mate. They explain to Grey how he will have an overwhelming desire to protect his mate and will worry every moment that they are apart. After introducing Morgan and her niece Lana to the Dallas pack things get out of hand when overwhelmed with jealousy Alexis attacks Morgan. Only Morgan has a surprise of her own concerning the once thought extinct Silver Wolf Clan.

As I said already within my review this book is certainly action packed. Once you are thrown straight into a mad rogue wolf vs human fight. Though Grey doesn't know the young woman and toddler he fights with all he has to prevent the mad wolf getting to them. It turns out to be a fight that cost him is own life as he knew it. Instead he has to get used to attempting to keep this new unruly part of him under some form of control. It seems just as he is learning some control his wolf charges to the forefront again, demanding he take a mate and not just any mate, a very specific woman whom he would give his life for. Though unusual is wolf also is determined to accept and protect his mates niece, who she has adopted after the death of the toddlers mother. Though a wolf would normally have problems caring for another offspring he surprises himself and everyone when he is at his very gentlest with the child and would not hesitate to lay his life down for he either.

Favourite characters in this book are Grey, Morgan and Lana as they are the main characters. I love how Morgan takes everything in her stride and accepts Grey for what he has become. I also love the hints at the possibility of there being something "other" about Morgan and because of their heritage/bloodline Lana too. Maybe this ancient heritage is why Morgan takes everything so well with Grey and when "it" is revealed to her about herself too. The other character I loved was Marissa, who initially petrified of Grey and his wolf turns out to be the one person to calm him and offer him first aid when no one else can get anywhere near him and his alpha wolf. I also enjoyed the way Marissa immediately took little Lana under her wing too.

My immediate thoughts upon finishing the book were that the very beginning of the book felt a little slow to start with but by 35% I was hooked and seriously could not put this book down. Looking forward to reading much more of this series as well as reading other titles by Tera Shanley. So I am definitely going to be reading much more of this series, there's so much I want to know. Such as who was the rogue wolf that bit Grey? I also look forward to learning more about the Dallas pack and how Grey and his pack may increase. Also touched on in this book is how unusual it is for two alpha's to exist amicably in the same area so theres so much to play out too. And I don't think for a minute that Alexis will disappear quietly, she seems the type that would hold a grudge! I'm also eager to check out other titles by Tera Shanley.

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