Member Reviews

I'm really sorely lacking in my Shakespeare knowledge, but I was still drawn to read this because the premise sounded really good. My expectations tend to work against me, because I just thought this was okay.

The writing is definitely Hetherington's biggest strength. The prose was very lyrical and flowed like the sea whenever the plot called for somber moments or the most tumultuous ones. It almost felt lifted straight from Shakespeare's pen himself.

Sycorax is a pretty strong character, too. In the face of sexism and fear of her knowledge and powers, she takes it all in stride, all while battling an auto-immune disease. The author spoke of the personal stake she had in writing this, as she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and had to deal with a lot of misogyny while she was seeking treatment. That experience definitely reflects much of Sycorax's struggle through a lot of the book, but it doesn't define her, whatsoever. The parts I enjoyed most with her are those she shared with her old widow friend Yemma, who is delightfully chaotic and an amazing friend to the main character.

The reason why I didn't rate this higher was because I found the story to be too long. Despite the pretty writing, it got repetitive and lengthy a lot of the time, especially whenever Sycorax was alone and was having internal reflections. Those bits bored me and took my enjoyment away from the story.

All in all, for someone who hasn't read The Tempest yet, I still think this is a good reimagining of an unseen, but vital, character. People who love the play may get a lot more joy from this novel than me, but all for the best, really.

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Good historical fiction about the origins of Sycorax and how she came to be banished to the uninhabited island. I did find it a bit disjointed but that could have just been the way the e book was.

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I was so hyped for this book because I love The Tempest, and the premise felt like a breath of fresh air from mythology retellings, which I'm a little tired of. I found the prose beautiful: the descriptions of the natural world are like a fairytale, which I think is stunning. Unfortunately I can't rate this higher because I found it quite small in its scope. Sycorax knows so few people, who are all quite flat characters, and her life is so limited, that it wasn't expansive and powerful like I'd hoped. Her magic is natural and drawn from organic systems, which is a nice feature, but I'd hoped for globe trotting and real, dangerous power, which I felt was missing here. That's probably the fault of my expectations! But I don't think this will stay with me.

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“They’ll call us witches, accuse us of bad things, for they’ll not abide a woman with knowledge and ability” - ‘Sycorax’, Nydia Hetherington


I cannot recommend this book highly enough - it is a truly beautiful & heartbreaking story, full of pain, love, loneliness and feminine rage. Particularly if you are a fan of magical realism & feminist retellings of mythological figures, this is absolutely the book for you! This is also a very character-driven & prose-heavy tale, and I fell in love with it very quickly. I am so grateful to NetGalley, Quercus Books and Nydia Hetherington for letting me read this ARC, I feel very privileged to have gotten to experience this story.

Nydia Hetherington writes in such an enchanting yet grounded way. Her choice to centre this latest book on Sycorax - a witch who is briefly mentioned in a few lines of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ - was inspired, and the seeds she grew from those brief Shakespearean mentions, creating such an awe-inspiring & sympathetic main character, is wonderful to experience. Sycorax is flawed but extremely relatable & endearing, and I felt for her throughout the story (some joy, some full-blown rage); she’s a very well-written character.

This story gives an incredibly insightful look at the realities of living with a chronic pain condition, and living as a woman in a misogynist world, and the strength it takes to bear those burdens. I particularly loved getting to hear about the lives of Atlas, Sycorax and Yemma - showing us many different facets of the experiences of women and anyone perceived as an ‘outsider’ - throughout the narrative. A lot of the physical pain that Sycorax experiences was described so vividly & effectively; I would go so far as to say this book is an important read for anyone who has no experience of chronic pain themselves but wants to better understand it.

As there are some heavy themes touched on in this story, I will list Content Warnings for those who find them helpful. So please look away now to avoid MINOR SPOILERS BELOW:


Content Warnings:

- angry/judgmental parent, potentially triggering for child emotional abuse
- animal cruelty & death
- bereavement & death, including death of a parent
- chronic pain condition (throughout, described in detail) and ableism
- depression
- misogyny (throughout), including rape culture & predatory behaviour by a man in a position of power against teenage girls
- pregnancy & childbirth (mentioned multiple times throughout, one instance of childbirth described in detail)
- sexual content (not described in detail)
- sexual harassment & assault/rape (some described in detail)
- slavery, including brief description of slave ships
- violence - including mob violence, war/invasion, and semi-graphic injury (description of burning flesh)
- xenophobia

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Sycroax is engaging and eloquently written. A beautiful and harrowing tale of a gifted woman and her unique journey. So unique! For fans of mythological retellings.

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Sycorax by Nydia Hetherington is masterpiece in book form. This is one of my favorite reads so far. So so good. I rated it 5 stars because it's amazing and the characters are fantastic.

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Beautifully written! That's what stuck with me right away, it's like you are riding through the sky in a cloud as you watch everything happen. Being 100% honest I believe this is a great book but could have been way better if it was a little shorter, closer to 300 pages would have been perfect. It was beautifull but the narration sometimes felt like it dragged for way too long. Either way, thank you so much netgalley for letting me read this book!

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Sycorax by Nydia Hetherington 🌊🐦‍⬛🐚


Seer. Sage. Sorceress.

“I know the power of stories and of voices. Even silenced ones. So let me end mine with what I have seen of Sycorax, and assure you again that once, she had a voice, and it was loud and melodious and filled with magic”.

A tale based on Shakespeare’s vicious and foreboding witch from The Tempest. This literary fictional novel delves into the character of Sycorax and discusses womanhood, interconnectedness to nature, and the fear of femininity. This is a story of defiance. Defiance against the structural norms of a patriarchal society. And defiantly living with a chronic illness. In spite of all the isolation, hatred and misogyny Sycorax faced, she remained vigilant and fortuitous. Much of Sycorax’s strength is attributed to her upbringing with her tenacious and otherworldly mother. But Sycorax’s faith in her inner strength and finding her identity in a world that shuns it, is something to truly admire. Because of this, she is vehemently hated among her townsfolk as she won’t disappear to much of their displeasure. There’s nothing like a woman with great knowledge to make men fearful. My heart for Sycorax was continuously shattered and my rage simmered for the injustices she faced.

I think Hetherington’s writing style is beautiful and filled with descriptions that makes you feel as though you are the character. I was never bored with the story and was constantly wondering what was going to happen next. This novel is definitely for readers who love a retelling of a misunderstood woman. And I think those who loved Circe by Madeline Miller will definitely enjoy this.

Thank you to @netgalley and @quercusbooks for sending me this eARC in exchange for an honest review ✨

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As an easily pleased reader (you're going to have to work hard to convince me not to give a book 4 stars min) I was still blown away by this book. I don't often read books I would describe as poetic and lyrically written, but I loved the lush writing style and descriptiveness of this story.
I haven’t read Shakespeare for YEARS, so I feel like I went into this with little background, and I don’t think that matters. It is a little heavy, Sycorax goes through a lot of pain and hard experiences, so I know this won’t be for everyone. But I loved the interwovenness of nature and pain and balance in this story. I didn't find it particularly fast paced (even though it covers the years of her life) but I felt swept along by the lyrical storytelling.
There is also a strong thread of feminism and criticism of hoard mentality, so many lines had my heart swelling, think there is so many subtle (and not so subtle) criticisms of society (current and past) woven into this story.
I will think of Sycorax every time I see a lonesome crow. 5 stars, I wouldn’t be able to be convinced otherwise.
Thankyou @Netgalley and @quercusbooks for the opportunity to read this book before it is released later this month!

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This was such a unique perspective and a beautiful telling of Sycorax. I remember studying The Tempest in school and never gave much thought to Sycorax and this really opened my eyes to mourning for her. I loved the lyrical prose.

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Really enjoyed the premise of this. The first half of the book was brilliant, entertaining and well written but I thought the second half became really repetitive and quite young adult? Which is not necessarily a bad thing but just not to my particular taste. I do think a lot of people will enjoy this when it is published and it is a very special story!!

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As someone who reads prolifically but loves a good retelling of a classic, this was right down my alley.

I found the writing style really interesting and it pulled me in the way my English teacher did when teaching The Tempest back when I studied A-Levels. From the get-go, I was invested and I loved the use of language throughout the book. The characters were mostly well-rounded, and I enjoyed the way the novel developed.

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Such an amazing book. A unique perspective. It was gripping, I wanted to know what happened. Well written and paced!

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🌊 Sycorax 🌊

“Women are used as instruments of war. Our bodies are another land to be invaded, destroyed and conquered. And when all's done, we're easily killed. There'll not be many left alive.”

“I know the power of stories and of voices.
Even silenced ones. So let me end mine with what I have seen of Sycorax, and assure you again that once, she had a voice, and it was loud and melodious and filled with magic.”

This feminist reimagining of The Tempest follows sorceress Sycorax. Born of the sun and moon, and shaped by fire and malady, Sycorax is a powerful sorceress who struggles with her identity and consistent societal rejection. As her powers grow, so do the suspicions of the local townspeople, leading to increasing dangers and isolation for her.

This is an incredibly moving and gorgeously written reimagining of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, more specifically exploring the backstory of the notorious sorceress Sycorax who we only learn about from the biased views of others, like a prequel to the play. The way I sobbed at this book and felt joy at such a misunderstood woman in literature getting a voice and a story was something else. This is without a doubt one of the most beautifully written books I’ve read in a long while, it’s poetic and flows wonderfully and I had goosebumps 90% of the novel, yet also it explores deep themes of misogyny, colonialism, motherhood, xenophobia and witchcraft, holding a mirror up to society. Just a complete gem and I feel honestly privileged to have had the opportunity to ARC read this and will recommend to everyone. Easily will be a top book of 2025 for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This book has a really interesting premise. I was definitely intrigued by the idea of Sycorax, the witch from 'The Tempest' getting her own time in the spotlight, and this book had a fantastic premise. First off, the descriptions in this book are beautiful. They follow a glorious, lilting sort of pattern, and manage to shine throughout. There is definitely a heavy Shakespearean influence in this novel, and that makes for an excellent narrative. There is a whole and comprehensive view of the titular character, which gives us a description and a life far beyond anything that Shakespeare wrote for her. I found the whole premise to be marvelous, and the way that this was written was wonderful.

I do think, however, that the book could have gone further from where it ended up. The story of Sycorax ends up being an almost-familiar story of a 'witch' in a small town, discriminated against to the extent that she is cast out of society and is left isolated. I thought that there would be a bit more of a focus on the abilities and isolation of Sycorax, but the focus on the interpersonal relationships and why she ended up in exile consumes the entirety of the book to a point that it became a little tired. I wanted to see something a bit different from this book, particularly given we have no frame of reference for the character, but this aspect of the book fell a little flat.

With that said, this book is absolutely worth the read, and the time and care that has been put into the characters was wonderful. While it has some minor flaws, it is well worth the time, and proves to be as good as the cover suggests.

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4.5 stars

This has been on my wishlist ever since I first read about it and I am thrilled to have been given an early digital copy.

I loved the cover of this book. I know we don't judge books by their covers (we totally do) but this one stood out.

I also loved the dedication to those who suffer from chronic illness. I knew there was this chronic illness representation from a tweed I'd seen, so when it came, it was really touching. It's very hard for someone who is in pain to explain in words what that pain is like, and it was really refreshing to see it written down so clearly.

It has been a very long time since I last read The Tempest, and so I admit the name Sycorax didn't mean much to me.

It wasn't a genre I was particularly interested in before, but in the last few years I have read some epic adaptations - from Greek and Roman myths to Shakespeare - and it's a genre I am here for, every day of the week.

It is very prose heavy, very narrative heavy, which I like. I tend to write in more narrative than dialogue. It helps set up the environment, and we get to know our characters. It's narrated by Sycorax herself which was an immediate plus for me. Nydia has given this invisible character her voice back. There is some dialogue in it but it's worked within the prose itself which I quite liked.

I loved Nydia's use of the natural world - the ocean, fire, animals. It helps us chart Sycorax's journey, but reminds us of the importance of the balance between human and nature.

I did enjoy it, it has a lot going for it, great narration and scene building and interesting characters. But I must admit, I felt it was a little slow to get going. It's a very well written character exploration, which I loved. It was written well, interesting, entertaining, and I'd highly recommend it. But yeah, I was waiting for the BIG things to happen just a smidgen earlier, but that's my one criticism because what IS there is fabulous.

I don't think it's a spoiler to say that at times in this, Sycorax has her eyes covered. I don't know how much of that is true to the original play, but I liked it in this. It's like Nydia appreciates and acknowledges that Sycorax is not visible in the play, and though she has made her very visible in this, the covering of the eyes is almost a subtle nod to this invisibility.

I thought it was an interesting idea to adapt the story of an 'unknown' woman. I've read a lot of retellings recently and they're usually about the big names - Persephone, Medusa, Lady Macbeth etc. and so to pick someone who 1) doesn't even appear in her own play, and 2) who I imagine is unknown to those who don't study Shakespeare, is a brave but interesting choice.

I'm not sure if we're meant to be feel empathy towards Sycorax or not. At times I didn't, but overall I really did feel for her. She didn't start life in the most 'normal' or easiest of ways, and it only got worse and more complicated as it went on. And I really did feel she deserved so much better than her lot.

It is a heavy story. Whether you know about Sycorax going into it or not, it's not always an easy thing to read. There is death and illness, injuries, deformities, rumours, hatred, anger, loneliness, witchcraft, and lots of other things I think you need to read for yourself. So yes, whilst I think you will enjoy it very much, just be aware it is not a light read. It really gets your mind and your emotions running.

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Sycorax, the witch known only by her evil reputation, unseen and unheard yet a menacing presence in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, is tantalisingly brought to life in Nadya Hetherington’s novel by the same title.

She comes from a long line of powerful desert wisewomen. Her mother is of the Moon, her father of the Sun – Sycorax’s birth is something bordering on a cosmic event and yet, paradoxically, her origins are humble. She is born into poverty and isolation from the wider community of a wonderfully imagined island governed by a pirate known as Barbarossa!

Hetherington fleshes out her heroine with sensitivity and imagination. She charters her growth (and the growth of her powers) from her happy childhood, through her tentative introduction to the wary and superstitious townsfolk, and into her coming of age and into her magic. Tragic events sculpt her character and chronic pain, described with a visceral insight, realises her as a vulnerable and fragile human being. Peripheral characters beautifully complement Sycorax as either her (few) allies or nemeses.

I was particularly taken with the evocation of the natural world: the mountain lion, the faithful crow, the violent ocean and, especially, the rock of the island which literally comes to life through Sycorax’s magic.

A highly original tale of prejudice and resilience.

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As an English teacher by trade, I was so engrossed by this captivating re-imagining of one of Shakespeare's most famous witches. An enchanting read from start to finish.

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This was such a beautiful read with lush prose, gorgeous descriptions and a story that flowed so well
The author took this character and made her interesting and bold with an engrossing backstory and a vividly imagined life
I loved reading this and enjoyed every minute

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc

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A prequel to Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’? One that brings every sense to life with the spirit, beauty, and sadness of Sycorax, mother to Caliban, who gets only the briefest of mentions in the stage show?

Yes please.

@nydiamadeofwords beautiful novel (coming in Feb 2025), imagines the life of this most fascinating of offstage witches as an outsider in a town governed by a former private, and administered by the beautiful councillor, Afalkay. The natural world plays as great a role in Sycorax’s life as the human, and the two are woven together in lush prose that brilliantly evokes bird song, salt sea air, sandy toes, market scents, sweat, sweet happiness, plus a spectrum of sympathy and pain.

Sycorax endures a lot for being Other and often has little or no opportunity to escape, but I never felt she was defined or defeated by the chronic pain and persecution she faces. There’s a glorious resilience about her and the way she draws strength from the natural world and the glimmers of human goodness. I loved her. And her mother.

It might not be your cup of tea if you’re in a plot-driven phase, but if you like the idea of a beautifully written novel that explores what makes a ‘witch’ in a refreshing, thought provoking way, with a fabulous little epilogue, look no further.

‘The Tempest’ was the first (and for a long time the only) Shakespeare play that really caught my imagination, but I always felt it was a shame we weren’t told more about Caliban and Sycorax. I was delighted when I saw this was due to be published. Heartfelt thanks to @quercusbooks and @netgalley for the review copy.

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