Member Reviews

This book grabs you in the first chapter and is a very quick read!! Enjoyed it very much and I would recommend it.

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Felt this book was along the same lines as the other book I read by this author. To much activist preaching and not enough thriller action.

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While transporting weapons they weren't supposed to know about, our hero's suddenly they are the targets. They split up planning to meet up after they get through this .
One meets a girl who is with him as they get kidnapped,, escape and do it all again,.
The pace is relentless and exhausting, its almost a car chase.

Intense detail and descriptions of that part of the world really paint a picture of the surroundings; and as pretty as it can violent. That is hard to take.
Mike Bond is generally a fun read, not sure this is one of the best.

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Didn't finish this book which hardly ever happens

I usually have a pretty good idea on whether I'm going to like a book but I gave this a huge try (made it to 52%) and it feels like I've been trying to read it for weeks.

The book takes place in the 1970s after the Vietnam War. Sam Cohen is a draft dodger leaving Montana and headed to Canada. Sam and two of his friends have been traveling the world over the last few years. They take a job to help guide some CIA operatives from Nepal to Tibet. And at the beginning of the trek find a backpack bomb with a nuclear warhead.

Sounds good, doesn't it? But it is dry and monotonous with barely any character development. Also there's a lot of philosophical discussions which don't belong in a thriller, at least at such length and at every opportunity.

I received this book from Mandevilla Press through Net Galley in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review.

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This is labeled as an international thriller, but I found the plot to be thin, and honestly had a hard time finishing the book. It apparently just wasn't my kind of book, but I know others really liked it.

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Fast paced book with a lot mystery. I enjoyed the characters.

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This one just wasn't for me. One bad situation after another, and very little in way of an actual story.

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I have had mixed luck with Mike Bond’s novels. Some I really enjoy, but others not so much. Tibetan Cross unfortunately falls into the latter category. Especially early in the book, the main character, Cohen, spends a lot of time under the influence of Tibetan ganja. He is often paranoid (sometimes for good reason) and there is a lot of stream of consciousness thoughts that the reader has to wade through. At times it is hard not to wonder if the author was under the influence when writing parts of the book.

If I had not received a copy of the book in exchange for posting a review on NetGalley, I probably would not have finished the book. However, I am glad I did, because it is the last third of the book where the plot really comes together and it becomes an enjoyable read.

If you are new to Mike Bond’s work, this is not the book to start with. However, if you generally like his work, give this one a try — you may be one of the many readers who was more impressed than I was.

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Story concept was intriguing but the writing was difficult to follow. Seemed to jump from one bad situation to another with very little transition in the story line.

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Meet Sam, an American Vietnam war veteran living in Thailand with some of his friends, acting as guides to the Himalaya's. Hired to take a photographer up to the mountains, he and his friends are stuck deep into a major cluster of deception and murder. Forced into hiding, he tries to reach the specified meeting place that him and his friend Paul setup before they split-up in the jungle. Is Paul still alive? Will anyone believe what they witnessed on the trail? Can he stay alive and how many more innocent people will die while helping Sam? I got lost a few times in the beginning when Sam was running 30 miles a day through the jungle with no sleep and very little food, but once we got past those parts, it was a thrilling ride across different countries where Sam fought against all the odds to remain alive.

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This was a first read by Mike Bond for me and I have to say I am shocked and surprised that I have not read anything by him before. I am definitely a fan now because of the action packed, suspense that he delivers.

We start out with a Himalayan climber in earlier years that happens upon a backpack with nuclear weapons in it. It is on its way to Tibet and the weapons are going to be used against China. Now there are secret spies on his case and are determined to capture him so that they can make sure he doesn't ruin their plan.

The climber gets captured, but meets a lady that ends up rescuing him. The book takes us across Asia, North Africa, Europe and the United States. I loved that it spanned several countries and kept you on the edge of your seat. I couldn't read fast enough to find out what was going to happen. I could not put this book down once I started it. I am going to have to go back and read more of Mike Bond's books now.

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I enjoyed the book. Likable characters that are troubled.

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Cohen, the protagonist, and his cohorts are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They discover the men they are guiding are not what they seem and are smuggling arms (including a nuclear bomb) into Tibet to be used against China. As a result men are killed and he goes on the run. During his flight, he is brutalized many times and survives simply by closing into himself. The trek takes the reader through back alleys and other parts of Asia, Africa, Spain, France and America. He is chased the entire time, occasionally caught and tortured and manages to escape. Once again the plot is convoluted, violent, Cohen, the protagonist, and his cohorts are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They discover the men they are guiding are not what they seem and are smuggling arms (including a nuclear bomb) into Tibet to be used against China. As a result men are killed and he goes on the run. During his flight, he is brutalized many times and survives simply by closing into himself. The trek takes the reader through back alleys and other parts of Asia, Africa, Spain, France and America. He is chased the entire time, occasionally caught and tortured and manages to escape. Once again the plot is convoluted, violent, frightening and mostly believable. Thanks to Net Galley and Mandevilla Press for an ARC honest review.frightening and mostly believable.


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Great and exciting book. Would definitely recommend this to everyone. It's unputdownable. Happy reading!

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I have a large following so I do not post reviews that are only one star. It doesn't seem fair to the author.

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There's a chance you take when you pick up two books by the same author. You will love them, hate them, or something in-between. So far, I'm not doing well with this author. The blood and guts is over the top. I don't need to read graphic torture. (Ewwwww!) That turned me off so badly, that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't finish the book. That was really uncalled for. I have lots of friends and family that has served in the military. There's not call for this. We "get" it without being graphic chainsaw massacre junk. This is a can't finish and wish I hadn't started.

My copy came from Net Galley. My thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is left of my own free will.

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I received a free copy of this book from the author. I had the opportunity to review or not.

Another intense, action- packed book by Mike Bond. When three friends are hired by two men and offered $12,000 to guide a caravan of Sherpas and horses to Nepal they think it is their ticket to an easy life. But when Sam Cohen and his friends accidently sees what is loaded on the horses, they are threatened, shot at, and one is killed, their race to survive begins. Sam and his friend Paul, decide to separate, meet in Paris on an arranged date, and try to survive. Sam’s journey takes him through adventures he never dreamed of while being pursued by men intent on killing him.

Sam’s vision of revenge carries him through many countries as he heads for Paris, where he hopes to find Paul alive. The characters are well developed and real. The scenery is vivid and alive with people, buildings and country side views. Mr. Bond brings you right into the story as an observer immediately and doesn’t let go until the end.

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I received this book courtesy of NetGalley and its publisher, Mandevilla Press.

The book grabs your attention right from the start. The protagonist, Alex, witnesses an explosive device which launches a journey. At every turn, the reader is rooting for Alex. This book is his journey. It is an action packed book with numerous twists and turns. If you like suspense, pick this one up.

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A very different writing style. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to get into.

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Wow! I couldn't put it down. I have never read a book by Mike Bond before, and this one sounded interesting. Wow! I thought it was an adventure tale about a pursuit. Well, it was...but it was also a stream of consciousness word fest. If a third of what Bond puts this protagonist through ever actually happened, it would be a feat of survival. He survives shootings, cold, knife wounds; wanders around followed by a black cloud of epic proportions. Everywhere he turns, he is hunted. Everyone he meets ends up...well, no spoilers.

If you like a stream of consciousness, action packed ramble, then this is the book for you. Wow, again..

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