Cover Image: Calmly, Carefully, Completely

Calmly, Carefully, Completely

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This story is very emotionally raw. What the character Raegan goes through at the beginning of the story. Just hurts so much. Be warned while reading this book if you do not like stories about Rape do not read this book. But I have felt so bad about that for her. Just how it started all the way through til it was over. It was just an emotional journey that she went through.
This is the 3rd book in the series. Also I have been going in order even reading the novellas before this story. So technically this would be the 4th. But you really do not need to read the novella before this one. The Reed Brothers have a special place in my heart now. Each one is different, I love reading about each one. This one had a completely different place in my heart as he started off a "criminal." Which I use that word loosely. But him and Raegan were just so wonderful together. These stories are just so easy to read and easy to fall in love with. I just love each one of them so much. I cannot wait to read more by this author. She is just an amazing writer.

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Pete one of five brothers and he has a twin and they are all big. Pete is the youngest and he screwed up and went to prison for two years. Pete’s lawyer Mr. Caster showed up and tells Pete he has an opportunity for him. Five days in the summer at a camp for special needs kids - Cast-A- Way camp.Pete works at his brother’s tattoo shop when he isn’t behind bars. But pete could use sign language and there was a boy who had a trach tube and couldn’t talk so her signed. Also there would be some kids from the juvenile detention center helping with daily things some interaction with the campers but not much. But Mr. Caster needed another guy and Pete was big enough and scary looking enough. Two years ago Pete had found Reagan in a bathroom at the Frat house She had been raped and she had been a virgin and physically abused and Pete helped her all he could. He called her friend Rachel and told her Reagan was in trouble and needed her and helped get Reagan out of the house without drawing attention to her. Pete had wanted to go to the hospital with her but Reagan had said no.
But a couple weeks later Reagan looked around campus for Pete and found someone that knew one of Pete’s brothers and found out Pete had been arrested. Reagan’s father was an attorney and assisted Pete’s attorney and had got Pete a lighter sentence. Now Reagan would have a chance to thank Pete at the farm. Reagan’s dad started the camp as her brother Lincoln had autism and had no safe place to go to camp. So his dad started one and it grew from there for special needs kids. Reagan trips and starts to fall but Pete catches her but quickly gets up. Reagan thinks Pete doesn’t remember her but he does. But Pete doesn’t know how to bring it up without Reagan getting hurt again. Pete had never forgotten Reagan. Reagan thinks Pete doesn’t remember. Pete thinks how he would ask Reagan out if he could. But he does want to work with these kids. Then Pete meets Karl with the trach and his mom and his attention is on Karl. What Reagan doesn’t know is Pete or one of his brother kept tabs on Reagan to make sure she was safe. Reagan still feels safe around Pete like she did that horrible night they had met. Reagan starts to believe maybe she can trust a man again and get through her issues. Pete has never felt like he does for Reagan.
I adored this story I thought it was great. Then to have Pete so thoughtful,sweet and tender with Reagan. MMMM I want a Pete , tattoos included. I also loved how big Pete’s heart is and the work he does with the boys . Pete has a twin Sam who still doesn’t want anything to do with him but Pete isn’t mad about it I thought that was pretty nice considering why he went to prison and he did his time Pete made a stupid decision- to get money for his brother’s cancer treatment- for the right reason. I also think the boys at the camp are a beautiful addition. To this story and I absolutely loved every time Lincoln was in the story. I loved the characters and I loved the plot of this story. I also loved the ins and outs of this story and I highly recommend.

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