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The Bones Will Speak

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Member Reviews

What a great read!
This story starts off good and never stops.
Great for people who love suspense.

Makes you think to try and put the end together.

Will definitely read more by this author.

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Once again Carrie Stuart Parks has written a top notch forensic thriller. Gwen Marcey is a loveable character, and though sometimes readers are shaking their head at her decisions to chase down serial killers, her motives are understandable and relatable. The details are rich but not overpowering and Parks writes with a excellent balance of science, forensics, action, and comfort. This second Gwen Marcey novel has created a following for Parks with readers anxiously awaiting the next installment.

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The Bones Will Speak is the second book in the Gwen Marcey series, but it is the first of Carrie Stuart Parks' books I've read. I didn't have any issue following along with the story and found the suspense to be gripping. The story was written very well and I liked how the villain wasn't obvious (at least to me).

The book didn't really have any romance, it was more about the characters and the killer. I enjoyed that. I also really liked Gwen's daughter and thought she was definitely brave in the story.

All in all, The Bones Will Speak was a great suspense novel. I recommend it to fans of the genre.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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"The addictive and not boring Christian thriller" - does it sound like an oxymoron? Well, but it is true in this case (as it is in several other cases, too).

But I give it to you, my doubting Thomas - to write a good thriller is a tough job. You need some believable tension, a hero you feel some emotions for (and I am not speaking about attraction/love, but even the more difficult stuff - in thriller you must fear for your hero, his/her safety and wellbeing!), a fearful villain/a couple of them and finally - a plot/conflict/cause you are emotionally invested to.
Here you go!
Gwen Marcey is tough as nails and fierce - while not being rude or imposing. She is believable both as a capable professional (being forensic artist, which has also been the real job of the authoress) and as a real woman (and under "a real woman" label I don´t mean anything sensual, just that I can relate to her in her voice, her feelings and even in her realistic struggles with her body (she is a cancer survivor)). She is smart, resourceful, courageous - and hot-headed, hard-headed and a force to be reckoned with. Add a rebellious teen and egoistical ex-husband - and here you are, wishing for a friend like her in your life (as I do) and a heroine like her in a substantial part of your bookshelf.
And she needs to be like that - when dealing with a ruthless serial killer.

Her gentler side is her girlfriday Beth, the researcher extraordinaire and a friend true enough to point on a character flaw or two in her (while being as sweet as honey (even a bit too much from time to time)).

The mystery is believable and in the last few pages I was not able to turn the pages fast enough for me, so immersed I was with the...situation :) I will not spoil your thrill. And what thrill it is!

I also like that this series is not afraid to confront some darker shades of "Christianity" (as I don´t think this is the real Christianity) - the neo-nazi "churches" and white supremacists. The authoress is brave enough to present a clear stance - that any hate is never good.
But on the other had (and this is a personal preference, not criticism) - while praising the naming of dark "religious" issues, I would love just pure-blood villain a bit better.

Anyway, give me the next one! I feel excited to read - and this is a sign of some good storytelling for me!

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