Member Reviews

Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The story of Hester Prynne is one which should be accessible. This Manga classic does just that as it reaches an audience who may have found themselves at sea in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s prose. The art by SunNeko Lee is outstanding and combines perfectly with the story adaptation by Crystal S. Chan. The lesson plan is an added bonus (although it refers to Pride and Prejudice under Objectives). This manga adaptation has sparked my interest in reading the other titles in this series as well as rereading The Scarlet Letter.

Thank you to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for sending this book for review consideration.

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A wonderful rendition of a tale as old as time. I really enjoyed this retelling of The Scarlet Letter!

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I loved the manga adaptation of The Scarlet Letter. It made the story more interesting to engage with. I also loved that they made the document itself possible to read backwards, just like a lot of physical manga books. The images of each of the characters were super reflective of their individual personalities.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the publishers for gifting me a copy of Manga Classics Scarlet Letter in return for my honest opinion.

4.5/5 stars

This was my first time reading Scarlet Letter and it did not disappoint. I had heard about it but had never gotten the chance to read it before today. This is a beautiful manga with lots of lessons and hard truths. The drawings and illustrations were done wonderfully and you can tell how much thought was put into each drawing. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a wonderful writer, you could feel the pain that Hester went through and how strong she was throughout the book. If you haven't yet gotten a chance to read Scarlet Letter yet I would recommend reading it in this format!

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I first read The Scarlet Letter in my sophomore year at high school, and it was probably one of the lowest points of a year of depressing literature. Although I did enjoy the Manga Classics adaptation of it, I feel that this one is one of MC's weaker adaptations. While, as always, the art is really good and there's superb attention to detail, I do feel that this adaptation simplified things a lot more than other MC adaptations that I've read. The primary example of this is how early this adaptation makes abundantly clear who committed adultery with Hester Prynne, something that was kept mysterious far longer in the original text. This adaptation also removes certain possible interpretations that Hawthorne likely intentionally left vague in the original text, however this is less MC's fault since it's not really possible to graphically convey the vague points that Hawthorne did with text.

Overall, although not one of MC's bests, certainly still a good work.

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I have enjoyed other Manga Classics adaptations that I have read so I was expecting good things from The Scarlet Letter. I was not disappointed! This has become my favorite of the manga adaptations. The drawing was excellent and the use of limited color coincided with the story beautifully.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

The Scarlet Letter tells the tale of Hester Prynne. Her husband was away when she bore an illegitimate child. She was forced to wear a letter A on her chest for her adultery. She chooses to take the punishment and protect the father of her baby. It takes place in a Puritan community in the Americas before the United States became a country. It’s a powerful tale of forbidden love, shame, and revenge.

I’ve read Scarlet Letter and loved it, so I was interested in reading the manga version. I love manga because of the artwork and fast paced dialogue. I think this one followed the book pretty closely. I loved the storyline. I love the character of Hester Prynne. I think it took a lot of courage for her to be on display like that in front of her community.

I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys classic books and manga!

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I thought the art style for this manga was beautiful. This was my first time reading this classic and felt that this was the perfect way to go. I love the characters and story. It is hard reading this book sometimes because of the time period and how women were treated back in the Puritan and Colonial times. I thought the art brought the story to life and can not wait to read the classic again, but in the traditional book form.

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Another excellent adaptation in the Manga Classics series! It’s an easy-to-read adaptation that is true enough to the original work to make this a great substitution for those who don’t want to tackle the original. I really enjoyed that the work was in black and white, but that the letter “A” was depicted in a bright red.

For anyone who has felt intimidated or uninterested in trying to read this work, I highly recommend this manga version. The manga style itself was cute and easy to read, making this a wonderful interpretation. My thanks to NetGalley and Manga Classics for allowing me to read and review this work.

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I really enjoyed getting to read the Scarlett letter this way! It made a lot more sense to me. It’s a 5 out of 5 starts for me!

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Again, Manga Classics made me fall in love with another story of classic literature. I happen to love these mangas because they are so easy to read and lovable to look at. I enjoy every second every time I read one of these.
The Scarlett Letter was on my tbr for so long now and maybe it will stay there for now but I loved this version of it! The art style was so pretty and enjoyable, i loved it!

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I loved this manga so much! The character designs are spot on and the drawings add so much to the story. This is one book that I will buy a physical copy to add to my library. I didn't even notice the time because I was so invested in this story and the art.

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A wonderful adaptation of The Scarlet Letter with wonderful illustrations by Manga Classics. They adapted the story plot in such a way that it is very easy to follow and understand.

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The art was fantastic, and the take on the genre was unique. Furthermore, the art style drew me deeper into the story. I liked the art style, but I didn't think Hester's expression changed all that much. I really liked the story, and it made me want to read the rest of it because some arcs were apparently cut for this adaptation. The story made perfect sense on its own, and I felt connected to it. I appreciated how true to the original this book was.

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I just reviewed Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. #NetGalley

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This book was very faithful to the original, which I appreciated. It lacked something, though, but I couldn't say what. I liked it fine, but I wasn't as awestruck by it as I might have hoped. However, there wasn't really much to dislike, so this will be a solid three stars from me.

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4.5 rounded up

This is a manga adaptation of the classic 'The Scarlet Letter' - Hester is a woman caught committing adultery with an unknown man, producing her young daughter, Pearl. In punishment for this offence in a puritan society, she is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her chest, embroidered into her clothing.

I had never read the Scarlet letter before, though I had a decent idea of the plot through popular culture. I loved the art style though I have to say I didn't really think Hester's facial expression changed often. I really enjoyed the story, and it has made me want to read the full story as some arcs were apparently removed for this adaptation. The story made complete sense on its own and I felt connected to the story.

<i>I received a complimentary copy of this book from UDON Entertainment via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, which I leave voluntarily</i>

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As a first introduction to manga, this adaptation did an excellent job. I finished the manga wanting to binge as much manga as I could. As for the story itself, it's been a while since I read the original but I remember being intrigued by it as we studied it in school. This adaptation could be an excellent introduction or enticement for reluctant readers required to read this book for a literature class.

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This was such a great way to read this classic! I read The Scarlet Letter a very long time ago in high school, and I have to say I don't think I retained much of it. But if I had been able to read classics this way, I would have definitely been much more engaged in the class and discussion. It's definitely made me want to read through all of the manga classics and give some of these books another try!

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This is such an impactful and important story. This is especially true in our current political climate where women are being shamed for wanting control of their own bodies. This story is of Hester Prynne who was publicly shamed for having a baby with someone who was not her husband. She was sent to prison for her sin and the letter "A" was pinned to her chest to show everyone that she had committed adultery. While not to these extreme levels, this is still happening in our world today. People are constantly shamed and made out to be promiscuous even though no one truly knows who you have slept with behind closed doors. This story is a great lesson in how not to treat people as well as showing how to respond to people that judge you. Once Hester was out of prison she stayed in the town where everyone treated her so poorly and made a name for herself. Even though people treated her terribly, she still took the high road.

Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this ebook for free in exchange for an honest review.

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Do you remember reading the book “The Scarlet Letter” in high school? I knew of the story in what it was about but was not required reading in my class. I did read it on my own but I found it difficult to read. In this edition, I was delighted to read it as I found it stayed close to the original story. It’s a story about what life was like in mid-17th century in New England. Religion had rules that had to be followed or you were “wicked” as Hester had an affair outside of her marriage and was discovered with her lover. The lover was not recognized. When Hesteris judged, she was to wear a letter “A” in red as everyone would know her sin. Having a child from this affair was not a positive experience for Hester and her child.

One thing, you need to know about reading a Magna comic is read from right to left and from top to bottom — it is done in that order as Japanese writing. I am telling the reader this as I did not originally know how to read it. The art and color done is beautiful. I felt it helped making this story easier to read and enjoy. It is a historical novel. It is a grim novel at times but passionate too. A graphic novel in black and whit with the only color being the red letter “A.”

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