Member Reviews

Gorgeous illustration! Can't wait to see what other novels will be converted!

5 out of 5 stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I loved this book! Manga Classics: Pride and Prejudice is exactly what it sounds like, a Manga adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. As a fan of Pride and Prejudice, and its many adaptations, I knew I had to read this book.
I’m always hesitant about reading Manga or Graphic Novels digitally, because it can make it harder to appreciate the art of the book. However, I was not disappointed. Manga Classics: Pride and Prejudice combines beautiful art with the classic Pride and Prejudice storyline.
One thing I really appreciated was the way that the comical parts of the story were brought out (especially when it came to Mr. Collins). It had me smiling whenever I read it. If you like Pride and Prejudice or Manga, I would definitely recommend picking this book up.
*I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I really like Manga Classics, don't get me wrong. but I STILL do not like Jane Austen. I'm probably biased when it comes to this, but I couldn't finish this. I did get a lot further into the story than I did with the original book, though, so there are good points.

I really liked this manga. Elizabeth and Jane were drawn really nicely, although I wasn't such a fan of how Darcy was drawn in the end. I think the manga did well in adapting Austen's original writing into manga format, though I wish it hadn't missed out on Georgiana and Elizabeth meeting, and some of the characters being adapted to manga style made me laugh, like Mr Collins.
However, I think the scenes with Elizabeth and Wickham weren't terribly necessary, though I did like how married Lydia was drawn and how the confrontation scene with Lady Catherine went.
This was an enjoyable adaptation of P&P nonetheless.

I absolutely LOVE this! I've enjoyed all the Manga Classics I've read so far, but I think this one is my favorite! Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books, and this manga is just DELIGHTFUL. I've laughed so many times and I'm not even finished with it yet. Definitely going to buy this one for myself.

First of all this is my first time to read Pride and Prejudice. I only ever saw the adaptation film of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies which had the major events covered and it helped a bit as I was reading this manga. Beyond that film I have no other idea about this popular novel by Jane Austen.
I find that this manga was very helpful. Whenever I want to read a classic I would turn to graphic novels now to spare myself the time of reading the full length novel. Not a lot of people read the classics anymore and I'd be fine by knowing enough rather than nothing at all.
The drawings on this manga were very wonderful, aristic, the women are beautiful, the men are handsome! I wish men were often drawn with Mr. Darcy's hair in this manga. His hair is fabulous!
For students who are tasked to write an essay on classics (who aren't really fond of reading lots of words) I suggest you pick up Mangas or Graphic Novels because they are quite helpful and easier to read. It takes a lot less time too!

If you have read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin then you know what this book is about. And if you haven't read it, then you still probably know what this is about. I enjoyed reading this and it was an interesting format to give me a good change of pace. If you haven't read this well loved classic because you either tried and couldn't get into it or this doesn't seem like your type of read, then I recommend giving the Manga version a try. The pictures give it a whole other level to the story.

I love the classic of Pride and Prejudice so much. So when I stumble across this Manga version of Pride and Prejudice, I knew I had to read it. I will be buying this book as soon as I can to have an actual copy.
I love how Animation was used to tell the beautiful love story of Darcy and Lizzy. It has the same heart felt feeling of the classic from Jane Austen. This just made me love the original story even more. Darcy and Lizzy are one of my favorite classic couples. I love how easy this manga makes it, to reread the story of Pride and Prejudice. I will suggest this copy to anyone and everyone.

This is a fantastic, engaging, modern way to bring a classic to the next generation. It was a wonderful adaptation come with Little changes, and a quick easy read. I will be sending copies of this to my nieces, and highly recommending it to bring Jane Austen to a whole new generation. Please keep up the good work turn classics into Manga.

The combination of two things that I love - Austen and manga - should have resulted in perfection. Sadly that was not the case here. Frankly even finishing it was a chore.
This work was disappointing on many levels. First and foremost the story! This adaptation was almost painful to read at times with newly invented scenes and the changing of characterizations. Example: Elizabeth Bennet cries over Wickham after accidentally coming across him and Miss King walking together only to go running off into a storm where she looses her bonnet, becomes soaked, and needs Wickham to find her and save her bonnet. Ug…excuse me while I go vomit.
Also these additional scenes with terrible dialogue made for very choppy reading as the text went back and forth from new created text and Austen’s original text. One minute Elizabeth is very articulately turning down Darcy’s proposal using Austen’s original text, but then when Mrs. Gardiner tells her they will be visiting Pemberly during their tour she replies:
Lizzy: “Oh no, I can’t go there! I mean we can’t! We! All of us! We shouldn’t go!
Mrs. G: “But why not? They are often open for visitors.”
Mr. G: “And they have the finest woods in the country!”
Lizzy: “Bears!The woods are full of bears! And boars! And…bees!”
Mrs G: “You have such a sense of humor.”
Bears. BEARS! REALLY?! And so many exclamation points!!!
Second, the rules of society that are absolutely integral to Austen’s works are completely flaunted here with men entering the heroines bedrooms, calling them by their first name, and always running around with their hair down. Yes, I get these things won’t mean much to the casual manga reader, but they are necessary to the story and the characters for anyone who reads Austen’s works.
Finally, the artwork was lacking in many areas. Some comics and manga strive for the unfinished look with characters/scenes purposely distressed/unfinished, but that was not the case here. Mostly the mistakes could be seen in characters hands. Many times the characters had hastily added fingers because they were originally only drawn with 4, or their fingers looked painfully broken, or the details were completely lacking and they all looked like they had webbed fingers a la Mr. Penguin in Batman.
All in all just so disappointing as I had been looking forward to reading this. I also have Emma and Sense and Sensibility from this same series, but I don’t think I will read them as I expect them to be just as frustrating as this was.

This was a very enjoyable way of consuming this book I loved the art style and really enjoyed rereading it in this manner. If your a fan of pride and prejudice I highly recommend!!

I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
When I received the opportunity to read and review Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice, I was absolutely ecstatic. You see, I absolutely love Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen because of Darcy the time period, the wit, the relationship development between Elizabeth and Darcy and Jane and Bingley , and because of many many more things… Anywho, here are my likes of Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice.
Lovely graphics. Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice was my first manga. Did I love it? Why yes, I did! I loved how the graphics complemented the dialogue so well. Even in the areas where there wasn't a great deal of dialogue, the graphics definitely told the story.
There were times that the graphics totally made me laugh. These parts were super cute! I wish there was an anime version of Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice.
An essence of the original Pride & Prejudice. This manga does not tell an exact account of everything that occurs in the Pride & Prejudice we know and love. Although this was the case, the author did a spectacular job picking important parts and quotes from the Pride & Prejudice story and making it fit into the manga style. I was an awe with how well the manga version brought forth all the feels and all the awesomeness from the original story.
The story kept me engaged. I’m not going to lie. I’ve read Pride & Prejudice once (it’s definitely time for a reread), but I’ve watched the BBC mini-series and movie version too many times. I mean there was a month and a half where I watched the Pride & Prejudice movie every single day. I think that’s why Netflix removed it. But anyway, having said that, reading Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice made me feel like I was experiencing the story through a different lens. Reading it was a very enjoyable experience. I was attached to the story, the characters, absolutely everything!
I hope you enjoyed my review. Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice was just so awesome. Please go and check it out, especially if you love Pride & Prejudice.

I rarely read manga, though I have great love for the genre due to low money to be able to buy what always turns out to be an expensive venture. This one certainly falls into the more -flowery- drawings, but I feel that it falls perfectly into the story since this is an age where women were willowy and tall, with flowing dresses. All characters are well drawn, and are distinctive so that it isn't possible for the reader to be confused over who is speaking. I would say that it's not a good idea to read this as an ebook, as I learned to my slight aggravation. I would highly recommend for this to be bought as an actual book, since scrolling up and down, with it being difficult to get the page to be all on screen made my reading slightly less enjoyable.
'Pride and Prejudice' is one of the few books that I enjoy from this genre, with the other being 'Emma'. I enjoy the wit that is hidden in there, though the main characters, the girls, tend to be very... weepy and self-indulgent even though they are strong minded and do not act like the other surrounding characters. I feel that seeing it in manga, along with much of the long, wistful sentences of Jane Austin cut out so it gets straight to the point make this book even more tolerable as I have to take the book when I normally read it in chunks. This is not a book that I would speed read through in one sitting.
The various characters that matter the most are given enough screen time for their personalities to shine through, though I did wish more had been shown with Wickham. I understand that much had to be cut out in order to make this manga work, but it did seem a bit too much sudden information of him coming through. My favourite character as always, is the father, with Elizabeth being a close second. The mother is tolerable in small bits, but I am quite sure that she's been written like that on purpose. I do wish that Lydia had played more of a part, since she was a major plot point near the end and I just wanted a bit more insight into her flighty behaviour. While I did understand why she fell into love like she did, I was more uncertain on why her love fell in love with her. Maybe it was because their personalities were so similiar, but at the same time I didn't understand why one of the main character points of her husband would suddenly be ignored.
I could probably continue going on about the story, but I believe the different style in the way it is being portrayed is slightly more important to state my opinion on. I will be buying this book once I find a way to get my hands on it, as I think there's an American Publisher I can try. I may breach out and try and see if I can find the 'Emma' one as well.
On this note, if you are a fan of Jane Austen, I would definitely recommend that this is bought. If you are not such a lover of this genre, but have a great appreciation for manga, or wish to have it done in a much easier way, then I would still advise for the story to be bought in this form.

I didn't feel like this manga stayed true to the spirit of Pride and Prejudice. It could be a good introduction for someone who has never read it. I did think the characters and how they were drawn were well done, but it just lacked some of the fire and wit of Austen's original book.

First of all I thank Udon and NetGalley for this book.
Pride and prejudice is my favorite book. I read it I don’t know how many times and I do not even talk about the TV movie that is just awesome. So I want read this manga. The story is perfectly respected with the original text of Jane Austen. Mr Darcy is at best in his form. We find the character with great pleasure. In the same way Elizabeth is in the grip of doubt. I really enjoyed her moments of reflection. After all, Elizabeth is a woman who is stuffed with prejudice but who comes to think enough to realize that she is wrong. The problem is, in the meantime, she has told them ours four truths to the people involved. Only one thing bothered me without really doing it. We must not forget that we read a manga and that the codes are respected. We therefore have the surprises (see plan below), asides chibi way, the little bonus boards that separate the chapters and take the book against the current. This sometimes hinders the narrative, but afterwards we are in a manga and not in the book. A good book for all fans or less-fans who want to (re) discover this masterpiece.

Another true-to-the original retelling using manga artwork. While I find them an interesting take on the stories and bringing new life...I'm beginning to get a "Been there, done that" feel for all of these.

This is cute. I had a really Fun time reading this and seeing the characters in manga.

Pride & Prejudice is probably Jane Austen's most well-known book and as I like both that story and the art form of manga, I thought the opportunity to read a manga adaptation of such a classic story would be a good time.
Stacy King did a very good job in adapting the novel into a manga. Since there is limited space in which to describe things, her working with the artist Po Tse needed to be flawless so that action, dialogue, and environment could come together in picture form rather than words. For the most part I think that they succeeded. There were moments when I think that characters were plumped up a bit in the adaptation, though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Lydia, for example, the errant younger sister of Elizabeth Bennett, has many annoying and selfish qualities which were intensified in certain scenes, particularly after the militia men removed themselves from Meryton.
Po Tse, the manga-ka that tackled the project of bringing Jane Austen's classic to life, did a fabulous job in many ways. The details, such as hairstyles and clothing, were very well done and intricate. Buildings were streamlined in the correct places and in others had the angles that gave them the grandeur that one envisions when picturing Netherfield or Pemberley. Breaking this up were some panels where characters like Mrs. Bennett became chibis (smaller caricatures of themselves) that added some levity that was funny.
What I did not like after a bit, because it became a tiresome wear on the eyes, was the overuse of a glamour style on the primary female characters Elizabeth and Jane. I know we're meant to understand that they're beautiful enough to outshine the others in their towns and attract the attention of Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley, but the style of their eyes in particular felt overly heavy handed after a few pages.
This adaptation had all of the classic scenes that one might expect to see: the proposals, the scene between Darcy and Elizabeth in the rain, the balls, and more. It was easy to see that the people working on this book, from script adapter King to artist Po Tse, were dedicated to making sure that Austen's work made the transition to this art form successfully.

'Pride and Prejudice' ist nicht nur mein absolutes Lieblingsbuch, es ist auch in meinen Augen der Klassiker schlechthin, den man, sei es im englischen Original oder in der deutschen Übersetzung unbedingt gelesen haben sollte.
Nun kann heute nicht mehr jeder mit Austens altmodischer Sprache etwas anfangen und auch der viele Text hat den einen oder anderen interessierten Leser sicher schon verschreckt.
Hier nun die Lösung: 'Stolz und Vorurteil' als Manga!
Tolle Zeichnungen mit Originaltextauszügen.
Hier werden meines Erachtens junge Leser und Mangafreunde angesprochen, doch mal einen Klassiker der englischen Literatur zu lesen. Vielleicht bekommt der einen oder andere so ja doch Lust auf mehr und nimmt sich den Originaltext vor. Wer weiß?
Ich habe dieses Buch von vorne bis hinten genossen und freue mich, dass es noch zwei weitere Austenbücher geschafft haben von den beiden Machern: Stacy King als Herausgeberin zusammen mit dem Künstler Po Tse, auf diese Art umgesetzt zu werden.

These illustrations are absolutely lovely. I love how they manage to convey at the same time both an idea of refinement and a delicious, smart humour. If Austen's chiselled, brisk, lively writing style could be turned into drawings, it would be impossible to do a better job than Po Tse's. And Mr Collins is simply priceless, his looks made me laugh so much my eyes watered.
Super recommended (from a huge fan of the novel).