Member Reviews

Pride and Prejudice has always been my all-time favorite from Jane Austen and this version was just amazing. The graphics were spot on!

One of my favorite novels in manga form? How could I resist? It was interesting seeing the story told this way. The art was pretty, and the chibi forms of the characters were cute. It did a pretty good job of capturing the story. However, since the entire novel had to be distilled down into something that could be told quickly and largely through illustrations, it meant there were some jumps in time that felt overly sudden and that a lot of depth was missing and characters weren't able to be developed properly the way they are in the original novel which felt like a shame. The big themes did come across though and I'd say it was as good an adaptation of a classic as could be hoped for.
Thanks to NetGalley, Manga Classics, Po Tse, and Stacy King for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. :o)

Loved this adaptation of one of my favorite books. Brings a classic to life in a way that is easier for my students (middle school English language learners) to understand with visuals and simplified language. I will recommend books in this manga classics series to my students for sure!

This book is a fantastic introduction to the classic for learners at the K-12 level!
Speaking as both a lover of graphic novels AND a lifetime Jane Austen fanatic, I would adopt this book for my curriculum in a heartbeat. It's such an accessible adaptation of the story--students are still reading it with (much of) the original wording and dialogue, but key words are changed (i.e. Netherfield hall has been rented rather than let) to allow for modern understanding. Students are still reading the original text, but where they might be in the dark about the meaning, they get to see Lizzie's reaction on her face and know that Darcy has insulted her, or that Mrs. Bennett is crazy excited, etc. That added context does wonders for the story's accessibility to a younger audience.
What's more, in a visual arts classroom like my own, this would be the ideal text to adopt for a unit: encouraging literacy and working cross-curricularly are close to my art, and this would allow for so many lessons. Students could read it and redraw panels, or do their own adaptation of a classic work--a fairytale, etc.
This is a fantastic tool for the classroom!

I was surprised by this combination: english classic literature with japanese popular culture in the form of manga comics. It was strange to read backwards (the correct way to read manga is explained in the book) but I got used to it. I read Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The stories are all true to the original, mixed with the expressiveness of the characters drawn with the typical manga big eyes. There's also humor in the illustrations. It's a different reading. It's fun to see the classics you know translated in a different art form.

4 Stars!
This was pretty good as an adaption if you don't take it seriously and think it was going to be very true to the novel like other adaptations. Everything was kind of over the top ( Cough Mrs. Bennet which is a stretch since she was over the top in OG P&P cough) which if this was turned into a Shojo anime,it will be ok. One thing I felt it they went overboard with is Elizabeth's character. It was couple times I really want to say " Get a grip woman!"when she was mopping about if Dracy still love her which is not Lizzie at all. Dracy character was fine cause they straight turn him Tsundere which the author probably had a field day doing. All in All It was a fun read.

This is an excellent rendition of Jane Austen's classic romance that will appeal to children, teenagers and their parents alike. If you are already familiar with Manga comics you will love the graphic style and as a Jane Austen fan you will find most poignant lines from the novel faithfully reported with the rest of the script rendered in good English, a feature that is not to be taken for granted given the appaling grammar errors I stumbled into in works from other authors and publishers.
This Manga rendition of one of Jane Austen's best known and beloved novels has favourably surprised me for both accuracy and spark and I strongly recommend it.

3.5 stars
I'm a Jane Austen fan. I like the original stories, I like the retellings, so I couldn't miss with the manga.
The art is beautiful, as with most manga, but Elizabeth's hair was a bit too puffy. I'm biased because of all the Pride & Prejudice movie adaptations I've seen so far.
So, do you like Jane Austen and manga? If the answer is yes, you should give this one a try.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and loved how it was written and portrayed in manga form.

My library has purchased this book and it's under TEEN GN. I'd recommend for a Readers Advisory.

I'm a sucker for any and every Jane Austen adaptation. I've watched Pride & Prejudice & Zombies four times (though, to be fair, it's actually a very entertaining movie and well done for what it is.) And I'll read or watch anything attached to "regency." A manga Austen adaptation is directly up my alley.
Manga Classics from Udon Entertainment released six classic novel adaptations a few years ago in the attempt to reach younger audiences. The adaptations are mostly faithful to the source material and have prepared lesson plans available online for educators. It's one of the most earnest attempts at reaching younger, modern audiences and it seems they've been successful with this.
That said, I'm an adult and far out of high school English class. I have no idea what Common Core is or what "the kids" are reading these days. But I love Jane Austen and I love manga/anime, so why not? I received Pride and Prejudice from NetGalley, but had previously picked up the Emma adaptation from the library and enjoyed that so was eager to read this one.
The art is very adorable and typical for shoujo manga (manga that is aimed at a young, female audience and typically has a lot of romance and ~swooning~.) At times, it's maybe too dramatic - there's a moment when Elizabeth is pining after Mr. Darcy and wraps herself in window curtains while crying. That may be "out there" for Austen, but it's a very manga moment. With this book and Emma, I really enjoy the artist's detail for the hair, fashions, and flowers. Every page has something to hold your attention.
As expected, some characters are exaggerated for comical effect, Mr. Collins maybe too much so. It's funny and I love it - but doesn't fit with a faithful representation of his character.
One character that just screamed for the manga treatment is Mrs. Bennet. Her portrayal is hilarious and I can't imagine her any other way.
This was a fun, quick read. I would recommend it to fans of Austen, or anyone who hasn't read her work and just wants the quick and dirty version.

I love the traditional storyline and I absolutely love that it was made into a manga. It keeps with the traditional story while adding illustrations to keep even the most fearful reader engaged. It reads like the traditional manga style while keeping with the storyline of the book. It is absolutely amazing and the illustrations are perfect. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone that loves the classic but wants to read them with a twist.

Who knows me well, knows I don't read Manga... I don't really read anything comics alike. Manga in particular because I am not a fan of classic manga, super heroes vs. evil kind of plots. But here I am wanted to share with you how much I loved this book.
It's such a great idea to put such a famous classic in this easy readable form.
It might help me and many other people to start reading classics and go to their original forms.. I have not on,y refreshed my memory of Jane Austen's book but I really enjoyed this new to me experience of reading manga.
The art by PoTse is so beautiful. I have it on my iPad so I bet its physical copy is even better.
My thoughts:
I don't have to tell you how much I enjoyed the plot. Obviously is Jane Austen so I loved the book. Darcy and Elisabeth were so adorable. Time changes fashion, culture but the relations between men and women are still the same.
The artwork is wonderful. It is so well done. The time flew by I didn't realise the hours that passed. Highly enjoyable experience. I definitely recommend to try this out. Even though I don't read manga this classic in this form was pleasant exception.
My rating:
Now I am off to look up the rest of the classic manga series.

MANGA CLASSICS: Pride and Prejudice / B01LW0JIK6
I love a lot of Jane Austen, but I've always been the odd one out in English major circles for not caring much for Pride and Prejudice. I liked the plot just fine, but I never could get around not liking Darcy. At all. Even a little bit.
No, no, come back! The thing is, despite the fact that he's very proud and reserved and shy and such, it did feel like he spent so much of the novel being rude to Elizabeth that it was hard for me to stomach the turnaround later. This manga adaptation of P&P does an excellent job of overcoming that barrier for me by adding that most powerful tool in the actor's toolbox: facial expressions. We're able to see Darcy's embarrassment, chagrin, and regret as actions unfold and I find I like him so much better when his cutting remarks are accompanied by a wincing expression as he reflects on what he's just said.
Overall, I feel this is an excellent adaption of the source material and I stayed up late reading until the end, which is quite a feat given that I already knew the ending! The art is gorgeous, especially for Elizabeth and Jane, and I feel that the supporting characters and side panels are well-depicted in ways that better foreshadow Darcy's concerns (which make his actions easier to stomach, understand, and forgive). I will add that there are some cutesy "chibi-style" panels where Mrs Bennet is a little tiny doll waving her arms around; nothing manga fans won't be used to.
The only thing I did not like is that Mr Collins is drawn in a very strange style and he stands out against the more realistic characters; I realize we aren't supposed to like him but his cartoonish appearance in contrast to the others made his arc difficult to enjoy. It was just very jarring. I considered taking a star off for that, but the rest of the book is so good that I think it overcomes that fault. I'll say 4.5 stars, rounded up.
NOTE: This review is based on a free electronic Advance Review Copy of this book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.
~ Ana Mardoll

It is often fun to pick up a classic that has been reimagined either with the original characters or with a new interpretation. A manga version of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen takes this to a whole new level. While reading the original book, several times over, I have created my own mental images to go along with the story but seeing the book play out in these intricate and carefully crafted illustrations, by Po Tse, is amazing! Summarising Austen is VERY difficult and leeway has to be given to condense it into a format like manga. For the most part, I think the author, Stacy King, has done a phenomenal job of capturing the essence and energy. As an enthusiast, I want every line but I can appreciate how this platform will encourage a new generation of readers to pick up and experience Austen and that can never be a bad thing.

Jane Austen meets Manga! What could be better? These are so fantastically done that they are a joy to read from start to finish. Love!

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite books. I love the adaptations of her classic story, especially ones in different formats.
If you aren’t familiar with the story, it follows Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters on their way to finding love. Their mother, Mrs. Bennet, believes if her daughters have a fortune, they will be happy. Unfortunately, their father’s estate is entailed so it will be inherited by a distant cousin instead of the Bennet sisters. When Mr. Bingley moves into the large estate down the road, Mrs. Bennet is certain that one of her daughters will marry him, since he is wealthy. They meet Bingley and his friend Darcy at a ball they host at Bingley’s estate, Netherfield. Immediately, Elizabeth decides that Darcy is too proud to have anything to do with her or her family. Jane, Elizabeth’s older sister, falls in love with Bingley, and their mother begins to plan the wedding, though they aren’t engaged. Soon after that, Bingley, Darcy, and Bingley’s sisters move back to London. Jane is crushed when she realizes her relationship with Bingley is now over. Elizabeth and Jane then go on alternating holidays with their aunt and uncle, eventually leading them both back to Darcy and Bingley. Elizabeth will have to learn not to be so quick to judge people, and Darcy must put his pride aside to find love.
This manga version from UDON Entertainment follows the plot, but it fills in some gaps that were in the narrative too. For example, we get to see Darcy’s reaction to Elizabeth at the Lucas’s ball, when he first falls in love with her. This graphic novel gives an objective perspective, by showing Darcy’s reaction, whereas Austen’s novel follows Elizabeth’s perspective.
The language was more straightforward and simple in this graphic novel. It lost some of Jane Austen’s beautiful prose. However, this would make the book more accessible to readers of all levels.
There were two different manga art styles in this book. Most of the time, the pictures were realistic, a more traditional manga style. But sometimes the smaller frames had small cartoon drawings, that were less detailed. This change in style happened when Lydia, Kitty, or Mrs. Bennet we’re excited, talking about boys and/or money. The less detailed drawings demonstrate how childish and superficial those women were acting.
I’m excited to read more manga classics in the coming weeks. Look for more reviews coming soon!

★★★★ 4 Stars for this beautifully drawn retelling of the classic
I received a free copy of this manga via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Okay, I've never managed to finish reading Jane Austen's novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. For the most part it was because the language was difficult for me since I'm not a native speaker. I wanted to know the story but at the same time I didn't want to read a translated version, neather did I particularly want to watch the movie. So when I saw this little gem on Netgalley, after years of not having finished the book I thought 'why not?'.
The drawings are pretty and the artist uses a classic older shoujo style that was maily used some decades ago which fits the story pretty well considering it's also an older classic.
It's really nice if you want to get to know the story but the classic writing is too much for you or you just don't want to spend so much time on the book or you simply enjoy classic tales and Mangas.
There were small changes in the story as far as I know but that's fine by me, movies don't follow the original plot that accurately either. And of course the language isn't quite like in the book either.
Some characters were depicted kind of weird, or the art was way different than the others, like Mr. Collins, he looked more like a carricature than a character.
Since I got a free electroniy copy I head to read it on my computer and often the images seemed like they were kind of blurred and it was not as nice to read because my eyes felt exhausted.
All in all I enjoyed the read except for some minor details so I'm giving it 4 stars.

*** Disclaimer: This is given to me by the author/publisher via Netgalley for an honest review ***
Rating: 5/5
This was fantastic and I would read it again in a second. I have never read the original work but I have seen many movie adaptations and enjoyed them throughly enough. This gave me all that I didn't get in the Great Expectations adaptation and I am so happy to have read it.
The plot moved fluidly and the dialogue between the characters was exchanged seamlessly. It was never jarring and it made you move from one page to another without realizing that you had nearly completed half the book.
All the characters were distinct and memorable and of course the art was divine. I especially loved all the art work of Mrs. Bennett. Coupled with her outrageous exclamations she was my favourite character in the whole manga followed closely by the Mr. Bennett. He was a riot too.
I also appreciated that all the sisters were easy to identify because sometimes female characters in manga start to look like one another if there are too many on a page. They were all distinct voices as well in the book and I loved that too.
The story was funny and charming and I feel it was only enhanced in the manga format. I would highly recommend this book and will probably re read it again before the end of the year. I was laughing all the time and I had so much fun. If any of you picked it up don't forget to comment below and let me know what you thought about it.
Happy Reading :)

I had never read Pride and Prejudice because I wanted to—I listened to the audiobook about four years ago for school, plus I’ve never seen one of the movie adaptions, so I was quite surprised how much of the story I remembered and how much I enjoyed having my memory refreshed with this much easier to read version of the classic. Apparently I actually listened to the book.
The more cartoon-y panels at the end of the chapters were occasionally confusing or out of place, though after time some of them seemed to be to add well loved quotes to the book without having to have the scenes in the book itself—but again, I haven’t really read the book so I couldn’t say.
A couple of times the expression on a character’s face was absolutely perfect, one of my favorites is a panel toward the beginning displaying how Mrs. Bennet felt about having a new (rich) gentleman neighbor. I must have blocked out the absurdity of Mrs. Bennet’s obsession with rich suitors, because she was utterly ridiculous, but it got to the point that it was funny rather than annoying.
I know the art in the ARC I read isn’t final, and though certain sections of it were fuzzy, the main art was crisp and I can’t imagine how beautiful the finished/printed version is. And I will most definitely be beginning a Manga Classics collection for my physical bookshelf.