Member Reviews

This manga was enjoyable The drawings were well designed and I could easily picture them along with the words. The idea of turning classics into manga makes it more entertaining to read. The drawings expressed the emotions of each of the characters. I find that the mannerisms are easier to decipher with the pictures and how the characters are feeling.

We all know of the classic novel, but have you ever read Austen's work in the form of a manga?
I won't talk about the plot much - I'm sure you know enough about it already - but I will definitely mention the art and the portrayal of the different characters and their relationships with one another.
So, just in case you don't know the story of Pride and Prejudice - my review of which is here - I will give you a quick summary. Originally published in 1813, the story features common themes from the era such as wealth, social standing, and marriage. A family with five daughters are desperate to get them married into wealth, into comfortable homes with handsome young men. But Elizabeth is not so keen on marrying just anyone, and her eldest sister soon finds herself falling for a particular young man.
The original novel is fantastic, but some people don't particularly enjoy reading classics - which is understandable, as a lot of the language is rather hard for us to understand in the modern day and age. So this adaptation makes the story a whole lot more enjoyable and easy to follow, while still keeping the importance of the plot intact. Not to mention how well the characters are all portrayed - especially Mrs Bennet, the comedic mother in the book. The artwork emphasises how exaggerated she is, as well as showing her husband's reaction to her.
At important times - such as weddings or the introduction of a certain character to another - the illustrations are particularly beautiful and romantic, with lots of floral designs. I thought the illustrations reflected the mood of the plot/characters really well. And the language is a lot easier to understand than Austen's original writing, yet still somewhat classic and formal.
I really did enjoy this, and am definitely going to consider other books from the range. 5 stars for this wonderful retelling of Pride and Prejudice.

This Pride and Prejudice adaptation by UDON Entertainment is perfect for all who love Jane Austen and Manga! The dialogue and illustrations follow the story or Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy pretty closely and is great for any Austen fan, even if you don't normally read manga. If you've never read manga before, this might just get you hooked! I remember seeing this title at a local Barnes and Noble a while back, but I only got to scan through it. I'm so glad I was able to get a copy and finally read it! The illustrations are beautifully done and the manga really captures the main parts of the story.

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Stacy King and Po Tse
Star rating: ★★★★ ☆ 4/5 stars
Format: ebook galley
Summary: A manga adaptation of Pride & Prejudice.
Review: I received a copy for review from NetGalley.
This was a fun adaptation of Pride & Prejudice and a great read. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors so I'm always eager to see different adaptations of my favorite books.
I do like this series of classic literature made into manga. I think I would like to read some more of them, but only if I've read the book before. I think there are some good details in these that you may miss if you haven't read the books.
I didn't really like the design for Mr. Bennet, his hairstyle and facial hair just kept making me think of Wolverine. I just couldn't think of him as Mr. Bennet. I also didn't like how goofy Mr. Collins looked, there was more focus on how dumb he looks rather than how embarrassing and ridiculous he is. All the worst scenes of him showing how ridiculousness, like how he reads dry books for hours, asks which cousin cooked dinner and when he speaks to Darcy without being introduced. He doesn't have any of the good scenes of the book which was pretty disappointing-- he's just a goofy design and that's all.
Overall, I did like it. I love Pride & Prejudice in most adaptations and this was no exception.
Recommendation: This is a good manga if you enjoy Pride & Prejudice. Very fun and I recommend it.

5 helms
Please follow me on my blog :) Review originally posted on Vellum Voyages (www.vellumvoyages.com)
First, a few details:
1) My first manga (Tip: Read your manga back to front, left to right!). Always wanted to read one, but never had the opportunity till now! Thanks Netgalley :)
2) I haven't read Pride & Prejudice since childhood (I was 7? 8?).....I know the gist of P&P- but very sketchily.
So, I requested this mainly to brush up on my P&P knowledge...I mean I'm a romance reader, why the heck haven't I read P&P in my adult years??! I have watched the BBC TV series but I hadn't really picked up P&P to read again.... Seriously shameful!
What great fun this was! I LOLd every few pages or so...loved every minute of it! You can consider this as a sort of "cheat" read! This ain't Spark notes people, but it captures the spirit of P&P well while maintaining the charm of manga. Don't expect the class of Austen but do expect the essence.
The artwork was beautifully done (Really reminded me of my childhood colouring books that I had...so of course I got distracted and googled manga 90s colouring books..sigh..wish my brain wouldn't go on such tangents!). I loved Mrs. Bennett in this! Hahaha her expressions were hilarious and she was the standout character for me. A crazy matchmaking mamma in all her glory! Mr. Collins was also really comically done and very funny but I'm pretty sure his behaviour isn't comical in the book. I didn't mind this spin on his character as I found him hilarious but it may grate on those seeking authenticity to the novel. Loved the depiction of the dark and brooding Mr. Darcy. I really can't comment too much on how accurate the characters are to the book as it really has been ages and I don't want to make too many inaccurate comparisons! I enjoyed the manga depiction of them all :)
I think if you're a die-hard P&P fan, don't judge this too harshly on its lack of Austeness, but take it as a work on its own merit as a tribute or companion to P&P. It can seem childish and too light hearted to some, but I thought it was very well done and a great way to introduce reluctant younger readers to the classics! Also, if you are worried about starting manga, don't worry, as the book has instructions on how to read a manga! So just dive in!
Oh yeah, now I can finally say I understand the title of Pride & Prejudice! My re-read for this year will definitely be P&P and am very happy to have had this inspiration to revisit P&P properly!
*Thank-you Jane Austen, Po Tse & Stacy King, Netgalley & Udon Entertainment for the reading copy.

I love reading manga comics and when I found my favorite classic in manga adaptation, I can't resist reading it. Honestly, I liked this manga but sadly, I didn't enjoyed it as much as I expected to because I really didn't expect this to be a fun retelling of Pride and Prejudice. The characters in this book really surprised me because they aren't the Darcy and Elizabeth I expect them to be. The Darcy character really weirded me out because I can't imagine him to be shy and awkward guy that blushes. He completely lacked the cool persona that original Darcy possessed. I liked Elizabeth at the beginning but as the story progressed she began to seem a bit over dramatic and annoying sometimes which made me cringe a bit. Some characters are full on ridiculous like Mr. Collins and Mrs. Bennet but surprisingly, I found myself enjoying them. I loved the beautiful art of the manga, it was eye catching, captivating and totally gorgeous. Everything from Regency England to Clothes is spot on and It would look even more beautiful if it was in color instead of black and white. The characters are beautifully drawn and their facial expressions perfectly displayed the emotions they are feeling. Mr. Darcy and Wickham definitely looked swoon worthy in this. When it comes to the manga, the art always comes first for me because It's one of the best aspects of manga comics and also the first thing that draws my attention. The Illustrator has really done a great job and I absolutely loved it.
Overall, I liked it! Though there are minor changes in the plot, the story stayed close to the original plot. Despite my issues, I really think this would make a great entertaining read but I must warn you though some parts may look silly and ridiculous.

Great art and great story come together in this manga adaptation of the classic Pride and Prejudice. All of the best elements of the original story are there. I love the way the drawings breathe life into the characters.

All the wit, humour and intelligence of the original with stunning artwork in an accessible format. Clearly a labour of love.

This was my first foray into manga and I'm not sure that it is the right medium for me. That being said, I did enjoy the experience and found the book very easy to follow. I haven't read Pride and Prejudice yet, but I believe this manga book did a very efficient job with hitting all plot points.

This was the first Manga book I read. I requested it because it was the story of Pride and Prejudice and I love all things Austen. This did not disappoint. It has great pictures. It gets the story across clearly. I think adaptations like this will encourage people to seek out the original story. There are other classics in this group for those interested.
Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for this free copy.

I definitely recommend this for any Jane Austen fan. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite so, of course, I jumped all over the chance to read this version. It was neat to see P&P transformed into a manga version. I would have given it five stars but a couple of my favorite lines/parts got snipped, or altered, so it's missing some of the overall P&P feel. Otherwise, I loved it!

I absolutely loved reading this. The original novel is one of my favorite books and to see it retold in manga format was a lot of fun. Keep in mind I never expected it to be a perfect copy or fit my visions perfectly.
The romance was full of exploding sparkles and floating rose petals. The in between sections had cute little comic strips. Even some of the interactions were adapted to a more humorous view.
That was all more than fine with me. I was happy to see a classic title such as this redone for a different audience.

Overall: 4/5
Cover: 3.5/5
Illustrations: 4/5
Appealing: 5/5 (It IS Pride and Prejudice the MASTERPIECE, after all)
As a Pride and Prejudice lover, I didn't want to miss out the chance of reading this book. Illustrated novel? Manga version? Of course yes! How can I miss out the chance of seeing the story again in a format that I like so much myself? (Yes, I am a super manga fan.) This book didn't disappoint me, the edit was cool, and I think the teeny tiny changes (Elizabeth's confession of her love for Darcy while it was raining and they got wet) were cool too (I don't know if any others readers would mind), so overall I liked it pretty much. The only part that didn't make me want to rush to the bookstore and grab a copy was probably only because the illustration style. (Darcy should be way more handsome! Just saying.) Some details too, were fine but simply didn't match my preference. (Such as the blushes on the characters' faces, and several parts that were meant to be cute but I didn't sense the cuteness at all. LOL.) I'm giving it four stars, I think it's a book worth recommending, and I believe some of my friends ---that are fans of P&P as well--- will be interested in purchasing a physical copy for their bookshelves.

Just as wonderful as the other editions in this series, all illustrations are gorgeous and the books are adapted slightly so you still get the full effect of it but in a slightly more streamlined way.

I absolutely adore Pride and Prejudice. It is my favourite book of all time, so much so, that I have 12 copies of it, and actually purchase a copy of the novel in every city I visit.
Experiencing this novel in manga form was an incredible feeling. Seeing Darcy on the page as opposed to reading him resulted in a lot of fangirl screaming on my part. Manga form is very easy to follow, and allowed the story to flow easily. I know that eighteenth century language is what prevents a lot of people from reading the original novel, and if you are worried about the manga being the same, don't be. Also, give the original story a chance - it's a work of genius and you will fall in love with the language as well as the romance.
The art was incredible and perfectly matched the tone of the original novel. Reading my favourite classical novel in art form was amazing; it felt like the artists were putting a modern twist on a classic.
Do I recommend this manga? Certainly! But I hope it encourages you to read Jane Austen's classic, too. After all, it is a truth, universally acknowledged, that you will love this book.

I have Jane Austen's original Pride and Prejudice nearly memorized, so it was easy to slide through this version. I've only recently been closely acquainted with manga through my teen daughter, although I've been aware of the genre for many years, having taught in Tokyo for two years before getting married and having children.
While the author did a semi-decent job keeping the story line intact, I found the illustrations somewhat grating. The illustrator did a passable job on the clothing, however, the hairstyles were really not in keeping with Regency coiffes. Also, the over-the-top emotionalism of the characters was surprising, especially considering how staid and reserved were the characters in the book. Portraying Jane as more dramatic than Lydia is not consistent with the novel. Students hoping to read this graphic novel and understand the characters will be sadly disappointed on test day.
Overall, I was very dissatisfied with this graphic novel, although I started with great hopes. I realize that much can be conveyed through illustration, but this rendering misses the mark on character qualities.
I received this book as a free ebook from the author, publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

An adequate telling of the basic plot, but with nearly all of the delicious irony removed. I think this version would work for younger readers for whom the irony and social commentary would be lost anyway. I would not, however, recommend it to older readers who want to truly understand the original. In terms of artwork, the character design can be a little bland for the more "attractive" characters, but the artist does a nice job of capturing the more ridiculous ones.
Full disclosure: Pride and Prejudice is one of my absolute favorite books, and I have yet to find an adaptation that truly does it justice. This one does a better job than many I've experienced; the bar is simply set impossibly high.

I really enjoyed this! The artwork was great and main plot of the story was portrayed well. This manga classics idea is great for those who just can't stand to read, what can be tedious, classics. If you're a fan of P&P you will either really love this or probably hate it; I loved it. Some of the reactions from the characters were over dramatic but that's manga for you..
I adored the scenes with Darcy and Elizabeth as well as the scenes with Jane and Bingley. The translation of the feel of the book to manga was done well. You still feel the same sentiment about the characters from book/tv/movie to manga. I was impressed that that all of the plot points were kept in here unlike in the 2005 movie version.
I didn't like that Mr. Collins looked cartoon-y compared to the rest of the characters. I didn't really care one way or the other for the dialogue addition. I would have really loved some color in art but it was still great.
Once again this is either a hit for those who are lovers of Pride and Prejudice. But for those who are hesitant to pick up classics it is a great read.

I took my sweet time with this book, I just loved the movie, so I knew I would love this. I really have to read the actual book soon. I also took my time, because this is the last one of the Manga Classics that I had left. It's so sad, I really love them and hope that a few more of them will be released. The artwork is just so gorgeous and the stories are wonderfully done.
I can't recommend these Manga's enough. If you never read a Manga before, it may need some time getting used to how you have to read them, but you will get the hang of it and it will be just lots of fun reading them.