Cover Image: Manga Classics: Les Miserables

Manga Classics: Les Miserables

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Such a sad story that turns into a heartwarming tale. Les Miserables in the form of a manga was very captivating. The way the poor girl and the mother were done in the story was heartbreaking, However, the gentleman in the story was so loyal and a wonderful protector. I really enjoyed the manga and felt that it was a very good read. I loved the artwork as well. The story had a lot of twists and turns and kept me entertained throughout the whole manga.

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Was the original novel a bit much to digest? Were you depressed half-way in? Have you only seen the musical? Well! Manga Classics is your answer! You'll still be depressed, but the illustrations will distract you. Let's face it, Les Miserables is an amazing novel and masterpiece, but the message is sad though important. Manga Classic's version made it easier for me to re-read and enjoy. A+ to you!

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I've always struggled with this story, it's made very sad in the past and the manga has done that as well, but in a less intense way. The expressions and emotions were conveyed well through the drawings.

I think for such an enormous story they writer handled it very well to break it down into comparatively so few pages. I didn't feel like I was missing anything from the novel. But the down side is somethings were very quickly brushed over and it could make it less understandable to someone just coming fresh to the story.

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I was auto-approved by the publisher Udon Entertainment through NetGalley to review this title.
I haven’t had the opportunity to read the original text yet, but I am somewhat familiar with the story as a whole thanks to the numerous film productions that are available. I must say this is a very sad and heart wrenching story.
I appreciated that this adaption was able to tell the story more through the artwork than get tangled up in lengthy dialogue that could have distracted from the narration.
The artwork was beautiful, yet I had some difficulty reading the smaller text in the frames, it appeared slightly blurry, but I’m not sure if that was because of my digital version, my tired eyes, or my computer screen.
Overall, I would recommend this adaption to anyone, who appreciates the classics and manga comics, although I would caution not to read it when already slightly sad.

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I enjoyed this. Very intense. A bit frustrating due to Javert & the Inn couple because they had no issue with being a Lego in the walk way. I've never read the original and haven't watched the films. So, I can't compare this adaptation to the original or the movie other than this condenses the original story.

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I don't feel like rating and commenting on a classic, but I really liked the manga :D The art is on point so if you've wanted to see your favourite classic animated- that's one way to do it!

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I truly enjoyed this manga adaptation. I can see it bridging the gap for young people who are not yet ready for the full version of Hugo's classic and also familiarizing an entirely separate audience with the story. Devoted fans of Les Miserables will want to add this one to their collection alongside other adaptations. Seriously good work.

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I've already purchased this book, and many others, for my classroom and my students love them! They also help me differentiate my lessons because my lower readers are able to still read these classics and gain some of that vocabulary instead of reading the "real" classic. This manga classic is true to the real classic and includes the most important details that would be in an abridged version of the book.

Keep publishing these books PLEASE!!

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I was given this E-book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When I saw this on NetGalley, I was excited to read it because I love this musical and own the classic book by Victor Hugo. Going in knowing the story, it was a wonderful adaptation. Also, knowing that it was an art adaptation, I understood that it would be a bit shortened but that the main plot would be present.

Overall, the book provided the main plot of the story and the drawings were absolutely stunning. It reminded me of all the Naruto books that I had read when I was younger. This was a quick read and a wonderful adaptation.

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Les Misérables is one of my favorite books ever, and I was very excited to read this one. Adapting a book of more than one thousand pages is always a challenge and I think this manga did a pretty good job of it. If someone without any knowledge of Les Misérables would read this manga, it'd give them the most important part of the story and many others. Of course, I found some scenes missing in this that are pretty important in the story and can give us more perception of some characters, but I know not everything can be in an adaptation.

For the art, I found it quite pretty but maybe not the most adapted for this story? The characters were quite round and I expected more personal traits to each of the main characters.

So, if you don't know anything about Les Mis but want to know without reading the gigantic book, this manga is a faithful, nice adaptation. And if you already know (and love) Les Mis, this will be a nice read too!

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The illustration is really pretty. I went into this book with knowing nothing about the book or the plot. But I came out loving this book a lot. I definitely want to see the theater now that I read this book.

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Another manga that depicts one of the best stories ever written, sung, danced and told. I love The Miserables and the manga version does not disappoint. I loved the characters, the drawings, the pace of the story...I would definitely recommend this one, and most probably, not being a fan of manga itself, I will buy this one soon

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I received Les Miserables from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Ever since I had seen the musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, I really wanted to read the novel. The problem is... the novel is over 1000 pages. I felt so lucky to happen upon the manga adaptation of Les Miserables. It was like experiencing the novel as an appetizer. I have renewed my resolve to read Hugo's novel, eventually.
Les Miserables takes place in France during the French revolution. Amid the revolution, a Jean Valjean tries to protect himself and his daughter, Cosette from the relentless inspector Javert who will stop at nothing to put Valjean back in jail. Meanwhile, Cosette has fallen in love with Marius, the mysterious gentleman she often sees while on walks with her father. Marius is equally as enamoured with Cosette, but he has other obligations to the revolution.
As the novel is extremely long, the plotline is very complex with an array of characters. I was surprised how the manga was able to condense the events of the novel seamlessly without quickly speeding through the action of the revolution and the romance between Marius and Cosette.
I would recommend this manga to those, like me, who want to attempt to read Hugo's Les Miserables one day.

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Thanks to NetGalley and UDON Entertainment for the opportunity to read and review Manga Classics! Manga Classics include Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, which is true to the original classic with added cliffhangers to keep manga readers interested and eye-catching illustrations. After the story ends, the details of adaptation from classic literature to manga lets us see into the transformation. Each story in this collection follows these same guidelines! Impressive artwork and transformation!
Manga Classics also include The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (the only color is the scarlet letter A, which makes striking illustrations!), Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, The Stories of Edgar Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart, The Raven. The Cask of Amontillado, The Masque of the Red death and The Fall of the House of Usher; Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and many more!
5 stars for books that make classics accessible and understandable to every reader!

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I have never read the original Les Miserables or watched the movie, so this was the first time I heard the story. I really liked it.

There was lots of tension in the story that I wasn’t expecting. There were also some mature themes, such as child abuse and prostitution. I always thought it was just a sad story, but the tense twists were very good.

I liked the art in this graphic novel too. It follows the same design of the other Manga Classics. Each of the characters were distinctly drawn. I loved the way Cosette looked. She was so adorable!

I really enjoyed this graphic novel. Now I want to read the original book!

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What a phenomenal way to read the classics! Gorgeous illustrations, and I loved practicing reading manga (I am, admittedly out of practice) I adore the story of Les Miserables and this was a triumph of an adaptation.


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I'm a pretty huge fan of Les Miserables, so I was pretty excited when I was approved for this on NetGalley! Now, I don't read manga often, so I don't know the conventions, but on a whole I really enjoyed this and thought it was a decent adaptation. Obviously, there's no way to really put a 500,000 word novel into a 300 page adaptation, even if a picture is worth a thousand words, but the themes and tone were kept well intact.

It did look like that it was guided by the musical movie in a lot of places for the major beats in the story, though it was certainly elaborated on with many moments from the book - such as Chapmanthieu, and Valjean's second stint in prison and his subsequent escape, and other moments which I'd forgotten about: such as being smuggled out of the convent in a coffin. A lot of the Marius plotlines were condensed from the book but much closer than the musical adaptation. I also appreciate the scene where Cosette cries while Marius puts his head against a tree, and Enjolras and Grantaire's death also close to the Brick's (though for those who are not as familiar with the story, this might have been confusing due to Grantaire appearing once before this happens). Another thing I liked is that there were a couple digressions on history, which ... yeah, if you've read Les Mis, you'll know about Victor Hugo and his digressions. So I thought it was apt for retaining the spirit of the original novel as well as giving the readers some really good background information.

I liked the art as well, and I think it generally fit with the book descriptions of the characters. I noticed that Marius actually has dark hair like he does in the original novel, and I loved how Enjolras was drawn. He's described as feminine and angelic-looking in the book, and this manga really hit the mark with Enjolras's depiction. The Thenardiers do not escape caricaturish drawings in this, which is pretty consistent through all animated depictions of them. And this is being nitpicky as a fan of the original novel, but Cosette is drawn as blonde, while in the novel she's a brunette - but honestly, she's portrayed as blonde in a lot of adaptations.

Les Miserables is such a complex book that it's difficult to adapt, but for anyone who's familiar with the musical, this is definitely a nice expansion and introduction to the book.

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This story is beautifully drawn, and tragic in such a wonderful way. The manga format definitely makes Les Miserables more approachable, and I'd definitely recommend it, especially for young adult readers who may be having trouble reading it in novel format.

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This book tells the story of Cosette, the child of a single mother, and her ruin.

The book's art is beautiful, something I've expected, given that it's a part of a series I've come to love.

The story itself is amazing. It's very engaging and as sad as I expected (the name's literally The Miserable Ones...).

The ending caught me off guard, though, I always thought it would be sadder.

The characters are very interesting. We have the usual tropes (loving mother, evil mother substitute, redeemed criminal and angel child who suffers too much and is too good for this world) however, they feel real. They're also quite strong, something I didn't expect, I always thought they'd be passive.

Now, I really want to read the original novel, all thanks to this adaptation.

Rating: 5 stars

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