Cover Image: Crashed (Entangled Indulgence)

Crashed (Entangled Indulgence)

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What attracted me first to this series was the concept of three women running a business, especially one where it would normally be male run.

The story had spark and there was plenty of sexy-sexy happening between these pages, but I just cannot root for a man such as Deacon. His entire personality was an absolute turn-off for me and his jealous nature went way past the point of alpha and into the territory of borderline abusive holea$$ behavior #yikes! It completely turned me off from the entire story because the choice the author made for his character was just so extreme and I’m not about to romanticize any of that nonsense. LOL

Sooooooooooo, the highest rating I could give this story is 2 stars *shrug*

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Yay! A fantastic read from a new-to-me author! it was so fluffy and romantic. I can't wait to read more books from her!!

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Crashed by Sherilee Gray is a second chance romance with steamy chemistry. Alex Franco has loved Deacon West most of her life, but the one time she gave into him, he broke her heart. She will never do it again. But then her life is turned upside down when the same man wants to sell the building where she runs her business with her best friends and his sisters.

Deacon knows letting Alex go was mistake, but how does he show her what she truly means to him? Will she ever trust him again? He has a plan to show her how good they could be. But will this plan work or blow up in his face? Crashed by Sherilee Gray was a second chance romance with angst and tons of chemistry.

Happy reading.

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Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish this book. The dynamic between the characters was just too harsh, and their attitudes towards each other by 50% was not something that I enjoyed.

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She swore never to trust him again...

Fiery mechanic Alexandra Franco should have known better. Years ago, her best friends' older brother took her virginity and broke her heart-or rather, doused it with gasoline, lit a match, and then walked away. And Alex definitely should not have indulged in another hot night with him after the fact. He's not the same boy she fell for, and she sure as hell doesn't want anything to do with the wealthy, ruthless man he's become.

Walking away from Alex was the biggest mistake of Deacon West's life. She belongs with him, and if getting her back means playing dirty, so be it. If she'll grant him a three-month, no-strings affair, he won't sell the building Alex and his sisters use for their auto repair business. Hell, he'll even sign it over to them. But will Alex ever entrust her heart to him again, or are they destined to crash and burn?

I love the books where there's this big miscommunication and somewhere down the line it has to do with high school sweethearts. Maybe it's because my high school sweetheart was such a and a half. I mean, seriously he wouldn't know good taste if you sat a twelve-course dinner in front of him made by a French chef!!! That is no freaking lie. Don't like him now and didn't like him when I saw him a couple of years ago, but that's another story for a book. Anywhoo, this book is about Deacon and his issues and how he handled them when he took Alexandra's special "gift" lol and left her high and dry...literally. I mean, I would be a little miffed too because you just don't do that. What follows is all the stuff that you do to make up for it and what really happened to make Deacon walk away...or run. This was surprisingly good and I don't say that lightly because of most books like this, I'm all "Okay, we get it...he did you badly - get over it!" But, I didn't in this one. I kind of sympathized with her. So, if you're reading this - take a chance on it because you won't be sorry!

I was given an ARC copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect anyone else's.

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Crashed is book one in the Axle Alley Vipers series by Sherilee Gray. This is a second chance romance about a female mechanic (woo, girl power) and the guy who broke her heart. But Deacon is back and he's willing to risk it all to fight for the woman that he's been in love with for years and regain her trust and love.

Sexy alpha, crazy ex, drama, and heart break, the story kept my interest and I can't to check out the rest of the series.

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I know this is yet another story about love/hate but for a first time to me author, I think she has potential.

I was hooked from the first page and couldn't wait to see how it ended

I received an advanced copy and I voluntarily leave my own opinion

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This was hot, this was sexy and totally unexpected. Deke is an intense professional alpha angry, possessive, smart, loyal, domineering, dirty and nasty in all the right ways. He is focused on one thing and that is his need for Alex. Alex, of course, was strong but broken and wounded. She couldn't get out of her own way to allow herself to be loved. I don't usually enjoy contemporary because it's usually too sweet, and the only way to get it dirty enough is if it's dark. But this was a good amount of dirty and the fluff was limited to a few pages. I will be continuing with the series and be reading more from this author.

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Please note: I received a copy of CRASHED from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

Five stars and here’s why:

CRASHED is a page-turning, sexy story with two of my favorite tropes: second chance romance and best friends’ older brother. Need I say more?! LOVED IT!

This is the first book in the AXLE ALLEY VIPERS series. It is also the first of Sherilee Gray’s books I have read and I will definitely read more of her work. I’m so excited for the next two books in the series and here’s why: Ms. Gray wrote kick-a$$ female heroines that are sassy but sweet, but are also smart and funny. Her hella-hot hero is thoughtful but playful, and despite his playing dirty to win her back, he’s a keeper. **sigh** Her secondary characters are well developed and the pacing is fantastic.

Alex Franco fell in love with her best friends’ brother Deacon West years ago, but the sexy-as-sin player broke her heart due to a valid reason (or so he was tricked into thinking). Fast forward several years later, and they have a hookup that crashes and burns. Deacon realizes that Alex can’t trust him and devises a way to win her back by playing dirty: a three-month, no strings affair in exchange for not selling the building that his sisters and Alex use for their auto repair business. He hopes that by getting to know the real him, Alex will let her guard down and he can win her back for good.

If you like sassy and sexy romances, CRASHED is for you. Highly recommend.

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