Member Reviews

There is a secret government agency called The Institute. The techs can project their spirits into Crossfade - a nightmare conceived by the souls of the dead that are unable to pass on. The souls want to be back in the physical world. Chuck is a tech that can go to the Crossfade and his handler’s name is Control. Chuck can help souls move on in a technical sort of way. Then the souls seem to be getting out of the Crossfade into the physical world and a ghost kills a sleeper then it is time to get things together to fight what is coming. Markie who is ten is brought in to assist Chuck. Chuck is finding the ghost Chuck is targeted by an evil vengeful ghost.
I could not get into this book. I even went back and tried it a second time just couldn’t keep my interest. I am sure there are others who will love it just wasn’t for me.

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Bleedovers by William Todd Rose is a strong second novella in a series, and readers will want more of this strange world. There is so much more to be explored. Is the last battle the end, or are there more to come? Will Grainger be able to fully free himself from the past and his notoriety? Rose has a gift for creating believable science fiction worlds that are wrought with real, and even imagined, dangers around every corner.

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